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本文(高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识考点 Unit 4 Body langUage考点突破练 新人教版必修4.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识考点 Unit 4 Body langUage考点突破练 新人教版必修4.docx

1、高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识考点 Unit 4 Body langUage考点突破练 新人教版必修42019年高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 基础知识考点 Unit 4 Body langUage考点突破练 新人教版必修4.单句语法填空1Well,Im really sorry,Ive got some bad news for youthere are no _(flight) from Washington.(xx全国,阅读C)2When the inspector extended his hand _ (greet) Glenns mother,he slipped on th

2、e freshly oiled surface.3A few months later,while eating,she would turn _ back to me.4Riding a horse through the flooded waters must rank _ one of the worlds most exciting wildlife journeys.5_ most cases,he would be on time for everything.6A sign _ (put) up to remind the drivers of the danger.7My wi

3、fe is used to _ (keep) a record of our daily expenses.8_(approach) the city centre,we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.9Were having a meeting in half an hour.The decision _ (make) at the meeting will influence the future of our pany.10_ (misunderstand) by others when you do nothing wr

4、ong at all is quite a bad experience.答案 greet3.her4.as5.In 6was be made10.Being misunderstood.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1They were hidden in the forest to avoid found by the enemies.2He got a high mark,rank first in his class.3Speak clearly,or youll make yourself misund

5、erstand.4I majored English when studying in university.5He didnt participate in the oral petition,because he didnt want to lose a face.6People gathered round,curiously to know what was happening.7Were trying to raise awareness about the environment in generally and air pollution in particular.8He is

6、 probable to get hurt because he always trusts people easily.9At the meeting they discussed three different approaches of the study of mathematics.10The new cellphones have lots of functions,but as for me,they are not of great useful.答案1.avoid后加being2.rankranking3.misunderstandmisunderstood4.majored

7、后加in5.去掉a 6curiouslycurious7.generallygeneral8.probablelikely9.approaches后的ofto10.usefuluse.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1肢体语言是人们交流的一种重要方式。(approach)_2不同国家、文化下的肢体语言不同。(gesture)_3我们点头表示同意,而有的民族点头却表示反对。(agree with,while)_4即使在同一个国家,不同地区也会有不同的肢体语言。(even if)_5只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only状语从句)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇

8、答案(一)1.Body language is an important approach to munication.2People from different countries and cultures have different body languages and gestures.3When we nod at somebody we mean we agree with him,while in some countries it means disagreement.4Even if in the same country,different areas have diff

9、erent body languages and gestures.5Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we municate well with them.(二)【参考范文】Body language is an important approach to munication.However,people from different countries and cultures have different body languages and gestures.For example,when we

10、nod at somebody we mean we agree with him,while in some countries it means disagreement.Even if in the same country,different areas have different body languages and gestures.Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we municate well with them.阅读理解Heres a good deed you can do witho

11、ut parting with a single thing.Synthetic (合成的) voices for people who have lost the ability to speak only e in generic (一般的) typesthink of Stephen Hawkings voicebut one amazing project wants to build custom voices for each person.To do that they need your help: specifically,a recording of your voice.

12、VocalID is the brainchild of two speech scientists,who are turning their research into a much larger project.Voice is very personal and,like a prosthetic (假体的) leg or arm,it makes sense it should be customized to each person.Heres how it worksand dont worry,this does not mean someone will be walking

13、 around with the same voice as you out there:After recording a couple of hours of audio in,say,a quiet room with an iPhone,you send it to VocalID,where a program called ModelTalker cuts it up into the basic units of speech that can be rebined as new words and sentences.In that same step,characterist

14、ics of the patients voicebased on what limited sounds they can makeare mixed with the donors to create a whole new one.VocalID is still in its beginning stages,and theyre looking for help from everyone including voice donors,financial support,and programmers.A priority (优先的事物) is making voice donati

15、on even easier,cutting down recording time,especially for kids.But as it stands already,your voice is just about the easiest thing to donate.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了如何给不会说话的人捐献声音。1Stephen Hawkings voice_Ahas no personal characteristicsBwas donated by a volunteerCwas created by VocalIDDsounded amazing答案A推理

16、判断题。由第一段中的Synthetic voices for people.custom voices for each person可知,史蒂芬霍金那样的合成语音是一般的类型,而一个新的项目想要为不能讲话的人制作个性化的声音。据此可推断,史蒂芬霍金的合成语音没有个性特征。2We can infer that VocalID aims to_Ado research on voicesBteach some people to speakCproduce prosthetic legs or armsDhelp some people have their “own” voice答案D细节理解

17、题。由第一段中的one amazing project wants to build custom voices for each person及第二段中的Voice is very personal makes sense it should be customized to each person可知,VocalID旨在帮助人们拥有有个性特征的声音。3To create a new voice,which of the following is/are needed?ASounds made by the patient.BA few days of audio record

18、ing.CThe voice of at least two donors.DModelTalker that can bine words.答案A细节理解题。由第四段中的characteristics of the patients voicebased on what limited sounds they can makeare mixed可知,要在捐献的声音的基础上制作一个新的声音,需要患者自己发出的声音。4What is the main purpose of the text?ATo introduce some jobs in VocalID.BTo encourage read

19、ers to donate their voice.CTo advertise a program called ModelTalker.DTo collect money for people who cannot speak.答案B写作目的题。由文章开头的Heres a good deed you can do及文章末的your voice is just about the easiest thing to donate可推断,文章主要是鼓励读者为不能讲话的人捐献自己的声音。.完形填空My wife and I were on our way home and decided to st

20、op at a local store to get coffee and something to eat.When we were done,we got back into our car and before I _1_ it,we noticed a man standing outside in front of the building.You could tell that he was a _2_man.His clothes were very dirty and worn and it looked like he had gone into the store and

21、gotten him some coffee or something _3_ to drink since it was cold this time of the year.He must have not had enough _4_ to get something to eat.That is not something I _5_ too well,because that is not what _6_ me.The next thing I remember is a _7_ that walked up to the front of the building.Being a

22、 dog lover,I noticed that she was part wolf and probably part German shepherd (牧羊犬)I could _8_ she was a she,because you could see that she had been _9_ puppies (小狗)She was _10_ in need of something to eat and I felt so _11_ for her.I knew _12_ she didnt eat soon,she and her puppies would not make i

23、t.My wife and I sat there and _13_ her.We noticed that people walked by and didnt even pet her.She might not have been as pretty and clean as most,but she _14_ deserved better.But we still did not do anything.But_15_did.The homeless man,who did not buy himself anything to eat,went back into the _16_

24、And what he did brought _17_to me and my wife.He_18_a can of dog food and fed that dog.I know that this story isnt as inspirational as some stories,_19_it plays a great part in our lives.You see,that was Mothers Day weekend.And a lot of people _20_that some animals are parents too.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了

25、一个无家可归的人给狗买食物的故事。1A.repaired Bstarted Ccleaned Dparked答案B作者和妻子在回家途中停下车去吃了点东西。吃完回到车里后,在“发动(started)”车之前,他们注意到一名男子。2A.homeless Brich Cgentle Dhopeless答案A由下文的His clothes were very dirty and worn可推断,该男子是一个“无家可归的(homeless)”人。第四段中的The homeless man也是提示。3A.warm BniceCexpensive Dspecial答案A由下文的since it was co

26、ld this time of the year可推断,男子到店里买了些“热(warm)”饮。4A.courage Benergy Ctime Dmoney答案D作者推测这个无家可归的男子一定是没有足够的“钱(money)”给自己买吃的。5A.receive BunderstandCremember Dconclude答案C由下文的The next thing I remember可推断,关于该男子当时的情况作者“记得(remember)”不是很深刻。6A.annoyed BinterestedCmoved Dprevented答案C由下文可知,真正让作者“感动(moved)”的,不是男子当时

27、的情况,而是男子给一只狗买吃的。7A.boy Bcat Cman Ddog答案D由下文的Being a dog lover,I noticed that she was part wolf and probably part German shepherd可推断,此处是说一只“狗(dog)”。8A.realize Bdecide Cimagine Dtell答案D作者从狗的样子可以“辨别出(tell)”它是一只母狗。9A.feeding Bhelping Cbiting Dsaving答案A人们可以看出这只狗还在“喂养(feeding)”小狗。10A.equally BterriblyCsud

28、denly Dnaturally答案B由下文的she and her puppies would not make it可推断,这只狗“极度地(terribly)”需要吃东西。 BbadCstrange Dawkward答案B看到狗在挨饿,作者感到很“糟糕(bad)”。 Bunless Cif Dthough答案C作者知道“如果(if)”这只狗不尽快吃点东西,它和它的小狗就活不下去了。13A.waved at Blaughed atClooked at Dpointed at答案C由下文的We noticed that people walked by and di

29、dnt even pet her可知,作者和妻子坐在车上“看着(looked at)”狗,观察着来来往往的人对这只狗的反应。14A.only Bstill Ceven Dnever答案B作者认为虽然这只狗不像绝大多数狗那样漂亮和干净,但它“仍然(still)”应该受到更好的待遇。15A.everybody BsomeoneCnobody Danyone答案B看到过往的人都没有帮助这只狗,作者和妻子尽管很同情它,但是也没有为狗做任何事。但是,“有人(someone)”做了。 Bhospital Czoo Dkitchen答案A由第二段中的he had gone into the store可推断,男子返回了“商店(store)”。17A.power Bluck Cgifts Dtears答案D无家可归的男子没舍得给自己买吃的,却给狗买吃的,这种行为使作者和妻子热泪盈眶。故选tears。18A.made BboughtCborrowed Dprepared答案

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