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1、专业八级766专业八级-766(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、PART LISTENING COMPREHENSION(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Cosmetics are now more popular than ever before.(总题数:1,分数:10.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:safety of cosmetics)解析:听力原文1-10Never before have so many cosmetics been available to make men and women more attrac

2、tive, more desirable, and more socially acceptable. Never before have Americans used such a wide variety and large volume of cosmetic products.Most of these products are safe for use, but it is very important that you observe some common-sense safety roles. The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA,

3、is the federal agency which has been assigned by the Congress to assure the safety of the American cosmetics supply. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Art defines a cosmetic as an article which is to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed onto the body to cleanse, beautify, promote attractivene

4、ss, or change appearance.The law gives the FDA authority to take legal action against a cosmetic only after its dangers can be proved in a court of law. The FDA does not have authority to review the safety of cosmetics or their ingredients before they are sold to the public.To fulfill its duty under

5、 the law, the FDA constantly tests cosmetic products for unsafe substances or harmful bacteria. The priority for this testing is based on consumer complaints about specific cosmetic products. Whenever a trend seems to be developing in consumer complaints, the FDA gives its attention to the group of

6、cosmetics causing these complaints.Among the types of products which cause most complaints are deodorants and antiperspirants, hair preparations, and make up for the eyes. Often the adverse effect, reported by the consumer, is not serious and disappears when use of the particular product is disconti

7、nued. But improper use of some cosmetics can cause serious and permanent injury.In the past few years, the cosmetics industry has come a long way in providing further guarantees that cosmetics are safe and properly labeled. Cosmetics companies test their products, either in their own laboratories or

8、 through other laboratories.Recently, the cosmetics industry trade association, the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA), developed with the FDA a voluntary program which should assist the FDAs efforts in assuring that cosmetics are harmless. The first step of the program is the volun

9、tary listing of cosmetic firms with the FDA. The second step calls for the manufacturers to list with the FDA the ingredients in their products, except for flavors and fragrances. The third step requires companies to provide the FDA with information on all consumer complaints they receive.These prog

10、rams should contribute toward even greater assurances that cosmetics will be safe.填空项1:_(正确答案:appearance)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:harmful)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:authority)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:bacteria)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:preparations)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:laboratories)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:voluntary listing)解析:填空项1:_(正确答案:products)解析:填空项1:_(

11、正确答案:programs)解析:四、SECTION B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、 Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)A.Only the diseased part of the body is treated.B.The

12、doctor treats the whole person.C.The whole person and the diseased part are both treated.D.Patients are treated in a conventional way.解析:听力原文1-5Interviewer: I understand youre interested in holistic medicine. Can you explain what holistic medicine is?Vivienne: OK. Holistic medicine . nm . takes into

13、 consideration the whole of the person. Now what this means in. sin most holistic systems is regarding the person as a physical entity, a mental or emotional person, and also even their spiritual side of them. Urn. it also includes looking at the body as a whole rather than looking at individual par

14、ts of the body, and as a way of explaining this, we could look at conventional medicine as producing people who are like a cardiologist, who looks at a heart., um . a brain specialist, a person who deals with bones., er. etc. So what weve tended to do in conventional medicine is to break things down

15、 to a point where were actually only looking at one part of the person and were not actually relating terribly well that part to the rest of the body, whereas holistic medicine insists that if there is a problem., er. with your right foot, that is going to somehow., um. affect your entire body.Inter

16、viewer: Um . your speciality is acupuncture. Er. is that a part of holistic medicine?Vivienne: Acupuncture is very much a holistic system. Urn. traditionally the Chinese regarded the person very much as a whole entity and acupuncture itself works on an energy system basically, and in a very simplifi

17、ed way, its saying that., er. you have an energy system within your body and when that energy becomes blocked or tainted in some way, then you will manifest certain symptoms and the things that we look at in conventional medicine as things like arthritis or rheumatism are, to the Chinese, merely an

18、imbalance of the energy. So in this way, they may say to you, well, yes, you have rheumatoid arthritis but were going to actually look at your energy balance and rebalance you, and as a result, your symptoms should disappear.Interviewer: Urn. is acupuncture essentially a form of preventative medicin

19、e?Vivienne: Traditionally, it was, very much. Um. in fact, traditionally., in China, people only used to pay the doctor while they were well and they used to go to their doctor fairly regularly on, you know, maybe four or five times a year, and they would only pay the doctor when they were kept well

20、. And if they got sick, they didnt pay the doctor. And the doctor had various methods of which acupuncture was one, diet was another, exercise was another., er. of ensuring that the person lived a right life style and their emphasis was on if youre living a right life style, if youre living in tune

21、with the laws of the universe, going to sleep when its dark, waking up when its light, working, resting, doing all these things properly, then you wont get sick. Unfortunately, our way of looking at life in the West is very different in that we tend to struggle on in spite of our headache and not ta

22、ke terriily much notice of our body when things are not quite fight and we tend to struggle on until we fall over and we get carted off to hospital in an ambulance. And so, acupuncture in the West, unfortunately in a way has come to be not the preventative medicine that it could be because were not

23、taking responsibility enough for ourselves in going along and making sure that we stay well.A.It works on rheumatism.B.It works on blood.C.It works on arms and legs.D.It works on energy balance.解析:A.Doctors treated the patients.B.Doctors were paid to keep people well.C.People were frightened of doct

24、ors.D.They treated each other as friends.解析:A.People prefer a doctor of holistic medicine.B.People dont consult a doctor even if they are ill.C.people dont go to see a doctor until they are iii.D.People often visit a doctor whether they are iii or not.解析:A.Westerners are crazy about work.B.Westerner

25、s emphasize prevention.C.The Chinese prefer conventional medicine.D.The Chinese emphasize treatment.解析:六、SECTION C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)七、 Questions 6 to 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.Now listen to the news.(总题数:1,分数:3.0

26、0)(分数:3.00)A.the executive branch, president, and legislative branch.B.the president, congress, and the legislative branch.C.the executive, legislative and judicial department.D.the supreme court, judicial and executive branch.解析:听力原文6-8The Constitution of the United States, the highest law of the l

27、and, divides governmental power among three separate and co-equal branches: the executive or president, the legislative which includes both Houses of Congress and the Judicial with the Supreme Court as its head.Although Alexander Hamilton, one of the country s founders described the Federal Judiciar

28、y as beyond comparison, the weakest of the three departments, US courts do have a variety of judicial powers vested in them by the Constitution. Rex Lee, a lawyer and former Solicitor General of the United States, says that beyond those accepted judicial powers the courts .also exercise a far more i

29、mportant one.In exercising its power of judicial review, the Supreme Court has voided or declared unconstitutional over 1,000 state laws and more than 100 federal laws. In the last 50 years, the Court has used its authority most often in defence of civil liberties. Prior to that, judicial review was

30、 used mainly to protect property rights. Understandably the power of judicial review has been controversial. While most people defend the judiciarys role as interpreter of constitutional law, critics charge that the Supreme Court has exceeded its intended authority and .also has played too big a rol

31、e in shaping American public the strongest among the the weakest among the three.C.makes public policies.D.makes Federal Laws.解析:A.declared 100 federal laws unconstitutionalB.declared over 1,000 state laws and 100 federal laws unconstitutionalC.defended civil liberties more often than property rightsD.defended property rights more often than civil rights解析:八、 Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each qu

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