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新视野快速阅读B3 Unit1.docx

1、新视野快速阅读B3 Unit1Unit 1Passage 1I. Directions: Read the following passages, and then mark Y (YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage, mark N(NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage, mark NG(NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the p

2、assage.快速阅读自查表阅读和练习应完成的时间:10分51秒实际用时:正确答题记录: Going Home to Work Today fewer people in the United States drive to work,. They have stopped commuting to work. They stay home. They have not lost their jobs or started their own companies-they are a new type of employees:the telecommuter (通过与办公室连接的电脑终端在家

3、工作的人). Over five million working people in the US divide their work between home and the office. Some work mostly at home, some work mostly in the office, and some work at home half the time and in the office half the time. Today with a modern system of communications, many people can work anywhere,

4、 An individual only needs a supportive boss and an office with a telephone and an answering machine, a computer and a printer, a copier, a fax machine, and a modem. Researchers predict that, in just a few years, 41 percent of workers in the United States will telecommute. Driving to work may soon be

5、come something of the past. For employeesEmployees like telecommuting because they can have a free working schedule. They can start to work whenever they want to. They can work in the evening and go out in the morning or in the afternoon. They dont have to spend as much time sitting in highway traff

6、ic. They can take advantage of the fresh air. Moreover, telecommuting gives working mothers and fathers more time with their families.But telecommuting is not the cure for all working people who feel stressed in their jobs. People who work at home alone often feel isolated. They seldom see people fa

7、ce-to face. With less time in the office, they may spend most of their working hours alone. They usually spend more time in contact with machines rather than with human beings, so they sometimes feel lonely. In fact, not everyone makes a good telecommuter. People who telecommute need to make their o

8、wn work schedule. Some telecommuters report that they work more hours when they are in the comfort of their own homes. In fact, they sometimes think their home is their workplace, and this makes them feel confused. When home and workplace get confused, people feel as if they never leave work. Some f

9、amilies have problems coping with work at home. For example, the children may not understand why they cannot talk to mom (or dad) when she (or he) is working. In addition, not all jobs allow telecomuting. A magazine editor may be able to spend most of his time working at home, while a hospital nurse

10、 or a school teacher, however, may not. For Employers Employers may not accept the idea of telecommuting, either. They may feel a loss of control over employees who work at home. Also employers often believe that the best work gets done when people work with their associates. Face-to face meetings a

11、re not possible with telecommuters. Meetings on the phone are not the same. The subtle messages of body language get lost in phone discussions. In addition, when employees work at home it is not possible to solve problems that require immediate attention. The biggest problem, in fact, may be trust.

12、Can an employer trust his employee to do his work without a manager watching around? The employer must choose the right person to telecommute. Yet if employers can manage feeling a loss of control over employees, they may find many advantages. Telecommuting can save money for a business. Running an

13、office will be less expensive if people work at home. Employees will be happier and, as a result, more productive. A California study showed that telecommuters were 20 percent more productive than office workers. Actually, many telecommuters report working ten hours each day, rether than eight hours

14、, when they work at home. Another advantage for employers is that they can hire more employees who cannot relocate their homes. If an employee cannot move to where the company is, he then can telecommute. They can also keep employees who might want to leave the company because of the great distance

15、from home. When a company succeeds in keeping its employees, it saves the money that would be needed to train new employees. For SocietyThe benefits of telecommuting may be even greater for society. If more people work at home, there will be fewer cars on the highways. If there are fewer cars on the

16、 highways, there will be less gasoline used and less pollution produced. In addition, if people are able to work at home, more women and disabled workers can be hired. As families balance the demands of work and family life, they will be happier and more productive.But again, is telecommuting the pe

17、rfect solution? As people have more opportunities to work at home, many may move to the suburbs or to rural areas. As they move out of the cities, the cities will be left without a heavily employed population. Since the unemployed who stay in the cities will not pay taxes to the cities, there will b

18、e less money to support the cities roads, water supply, electric supply, and so on. There is one more serious problem than lacking in money for cities. As people become more comfortable working alone, they may become less social. Its easier to stay home in comfortable exercise clothes than to get dr

19、essed for yet another business meeting! Both the breaking-down of our cities and the worsening social habits of people are not small problems as we consider the possibility of telecommuting. (901 words)1. Generally speaking, the author holds an objective view on telecommuting.2. Nowadays 41 percent

20、workers in the US are telecommuters.3. Children are free to talk with their parents while they are working at home.4. For employers, the biggest problem with telecommuting may be trust.5. Compared with office workers, people who work at home will become happier and more productive.6. The greatest be

21、nefit from telecommuting for employers is that telecommuters work more hours.7. Telecommuting is helpful to environmental protection.8. A more serious problem caused for society by telecommuting is that people may become less social.Passage 2I. Directions: Read the following passage, and then comple

22、te the sentencs with the information given in the passage.快速阅读自查表阅读和练习应完成的时间:11分30秒实际用时:正确答题数记录:Animal Education Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind, protecting property, finding the missing, and searching for criminals. Horses are u

23、sed in guarding other animals, carrying men where there are no roads, and helping farmers work on their farms. Pigeons have long been used to carry messages. Wild animals from the forests and seas are very popular performers in various shows and movies. People realize that, although animals may not

24、be as smart as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things. The first thing a dog is taught is to obey. It will not take too long for him to learn commands. Simple orders, such as “sit”, “lie down”, “stay there”, and “come here”, can even be taught by a child. Training a dog to be a

25、watchdog often produces surprising results. Some dogs quickly learn the difference between unwanted people and friends. This is because their masters welcome friends and invite them into their houses. However, some dogs will always attack the postman who comes to deliver letters. One explanation for

26、 this behavior is that, although the postman comes to the house often, he never enters the house,. Therefore, the dog thinks he is someone who is not wanted, but keeps coming back anyway.Masters of the dogs that attack postman can easily show the dog that he is a friend and that the dog does not nee

27、d to treat him as an unwanted person. A dog is quite ready to do what his master wishes. And a dog is always happy when he is praised for understanding it correctly.Dogs can be taught to obey commands when the sound of a word is connected with a certain act. Two important factors in teaching a dog t

28、o obey commands are: using the same word each time for the same act, and teaching only one act at a time. Dogs can learn not only to sit, lie down, come, and stay in the place when their masters go away, but also to jump, carry, and fetch things. After a dog learns to carry an object, he can learn t

29、o bring it back from a distance. A stick can be thrown far away, and the dog enjoys running after it, and searching for it until he finds it. After a lot of practice, the dog can return with a stick (or other objects) even when he has not seen it thrown. To teach a dog this skill, the master makes a

30、 simple trail by walking some distance in a straight line. Then he leaves the stick at the end of the trail. The dog learns to follow the straight line at first. Then he leaves the stick at the end of the trail. The dog learns to follow the straight line at first. Then, later, he learns to follow mo

31、re irregular lines. Eventually, he can learn to follow a smell. With this skill he can be very useful in tracking down lost people or criminals.Dogs are very helpful as companions for blind people. When a dog has been properly trained he will always lead his blind master in the right direction and k

32、eep him out of danger. For example, seeing-eye dogs (导盲犬) learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming, even if their masters command them to do so.Horses are also able to learn many things. Horses that are used for guard or police duty must learn never to be frightened of noises, traffic, and other hins. Race horses are able to run much faster than other horses, but they are also quite high-strung (易激动的), Therefore, it is necessary for those people who train them to be very patient and understanding.Pigeons have a natural instinct to return home, even if they are very far

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