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1、商务职场英语听力原文商务职场英语听力原文Unit1 P2:Martha: I think its time we started thinking about our future and making decisions about what we want to do when we finish this course. John: Oh, Martha, youre always so serious! We still have two months before we take our final exams. Martha: I know, but you cant just s

2、uddenly wake up the day you finish college and find a job. You need to plan. John: Youre right, of course. But where do we start? The course were taking is General Business and there are so many choices like Human Resources, Sales, Marketing, Finance, and so on. And Im not even sure what Im interest

3、ed in. Martha: Yes, I know. Theres a lot to think about, but maybe we can start by thinking about our specific interests in Business. For example, I think that you should go into Marketing. John: Ive thought about that too, but Im not sure. I suppose we should think about our different strengths and

4、 weaknesses in each area. A job in Human Resources or Management would probably suit you. You are bossyyou just love telling people what to do! Martha: Hey, thats not true. Its just that I like organizing people and I think Im pretty good at it. John: Well, build on your strengths. I think we should

5、 also have a look at some ads and find out what kinds of jobs are out there in the real world. Martha: Okay. Lets buy the newspaper every day this week and look at job ads in Business. We could also go to some companies and find out what skills and qualifications are needed for each department. John

6、: Good plan. I think maybe we should go see our college counselor too. She may have some useful advice for us. Martha: Lets do that. Ill call her office tomorrow and see when we can get an appointment. Ill arrange for both of us to see her. John: Great! Ive got to hurry. I have a class in ten minute

7、s. Bye. Martha: Okay. See you later. P5: Mrs. Mills: Good afternoon, Martha and John. Its good to find students who are thinking about how to get a job. Basically, its a process and certain steps need to be followed. Let me take you through the most important ones. But before we even begin we need t

8、o focus your search by matching your interests with your skills, abilities, personality, training, and qualifications. Now, I see from your files here that you are both taking General Business courses and will graduate in June. The field of Business is very broad, so we need to think of your particu

9、lar strengths and what you do and do not enjoy doing. For example, if either of you likes working with and helping other people you would probably enjoy a career in Human Resources. The responsibility of the Human Resources employee is to match the person with the position. Recruitment can be done e

10、xternally when a new employee is brought into the company or internally from within the company, which might involve promotion. The HR department also looks after staff development, welfare, and motivation. In other words, here you try to keep everyone happy. Now if thats not you and you think you w

11、ould enjoy the more aggressive side of the business world, there is sales and marketing. There your focus is the customer and convincing him to buy and for this kind of job you need to be tough. And, of course, if you like precision and attention to detail, there is the world of finance. This kind o

12、f job includes the many aspects of calculating expenses, profits, revenue, and of course, investment. You are going to have to give this some thought and not only about the jobs themselves, but the kinds of companies where you can work, which will make these jobs vary. In the meantime, I can get you

13、 started on the form-filling, CV writing, and tips for interviewing. So shall we begin? P7: Martha: John, remember Mrs. Mills talked about strengths and weaknesses? Ive seen those on the applications and find it really hard to look at myself and decide what my strengths and weaknesses are. John: I k

14、now, my brother said its a matter of finding the balance between selling yourself and what you are good at, but not making yourself sound perfect. In other words, you need to be a bit critical of yourself without overdoing it. OK, so lets think and help each other out. Martha: Well, John, I think yo

15、u are really good at networking.You have a way with people and making contacts that I think would be very good in sales and marketing. John: Wow, thanks, Martha. Youre normally not so nice to me. As for you, I think your skills are organizational. You are very good at planning and seeing things thro

16、ugh. This is definitely one of my weak areas. I think Im just a bit lazy about getting myself moving. Martha: Well, John, I dont think its a good idea to tell a prospective employer that youre lazy. You cant completely hide the negative, but you need to put it in a more positive way. How about sayin

17、g that you might be considered a bit disorganized, but thats because you focus on the communication side of the task and youre working on your organizational skills. As for myself, I could say that some people might say that Im impatient, but this may be because I have a lot of drive and enthusiasm

18、to get the job done. I still organize myself and check everything as I go along. P8: HR Manager: Your resume is a very important document and with your application and cover letter its the employers first introduction to you, and the measure of your suitability for the job. Remember that employers r

19、eceive a lot of applications, so you have to make all your documents as readable and as user-friendly as possible. The layout of your resume should be in a simple font, 11 or 12 point in Times New Roman or Arial script. Your contact details should be up-to-date and the e-mail address serious and not

20、 too much of an attention-grabber. We generally advise people not to include age and marital status because some people object to being asked these questions.Likewise, you dont have to include information about your religion though sometimes this question may appear on the application form. Its advi

21、sable to include all information about your work experience, including temporary and part-time jobs since this will give the employer some insight into your background in dealing with customers and working as part of a team. Of course, give all relevant information about your education and include d

22、etails on your involvement in sports and volunteer work, too, because this shows your personality. Of course, you should read the job ad carefully and follow the instructions given there. Make sure that you get approval from your references before including their names on your resume.Any questions?

23、P9: Manager: Jane, what was your overall impression of the applicants? Jane: I was impressed with both, but for very different reasons. Manager: Yes, I agree. Applicant 1 has quite a lot of experienceoverall 20 years, but is a little short in academic qualifications. Jane: Yes, thats true whereas Ap

24、plicant 2 has an M.A. in HR, and a very recent one, as well as a General Business degree. Its very important to have up-to-date theoretical knowledge. Manager: Youre right about that, but on the experience side dont you think shes a little weak? Jane: Of course, but shes worked at that mortgage comp

25、any, which has given her some experience on the financial side of things whereas Applicant 1 has had more experience, but in more general situations. Manager: True, but look at the wide range of responsibilities hes had in very important HR areas at management levels. Jane: But were looking for some

26、one whos a team player and thats probably easier for a person whos new in the workplace. I wonder about the flexibility of a person whos been in management for so long. Manager: Lets invite them both for an interview and keep these questions in mind as were interviewing. Jane: Good plan. Ill call th

27、em and make arrangements. P11: John: Can I send an e-mail instead of a cover letter with my application? Teacher: Yes, of course, if an e-mail address is included in the ad. Martha: I know we use e-mail all the time and chat to each other, but can I use it in the same way for business communication?

28、 Teacher: No, definitely not. There are certain rules you have to followwe call it e-mail etiquette and its important that you follow all these conventions. Martha: Sometimes we dont use an opening greeting in our e-mails. Is that OK for business e-mail? Teacher: You should always open with a greeti

29、ng and end with a final salutation. When you dont know the person, use the same opening as you would for a letter, that is. Dear so and so . . . Make sure you add your signature at the end. If youre sending an e-mail to a colleague or friend you can just use the persons name. John: What about length

30、? I dont like reading from the computer screen and I hate it when I get a long e-mail. Teacher: I think most of us feel like you, John. Its good to stick to one pageno more than a letter-sized page if printed out. You should use paragraphs as well. When you look at the cover letter you see its divid

31、ed into paragraphsyou should do the same on the e-mail. John: Can I depend on the computer to do the spell-check and grammar-check? Teacher: No, not really because, as you know, that feature is not always available on the e-mail program so make sure you check and edit it yourself. Remember also that

32、 its OK to add gimmicky things like smiley faces when e-mailing friends and family, but never in a business e-mail. P12: Speaker: Knowing how to prepare and behave is one of the keys to a successful interview. First impressions are based on appearance, so it is very important to pay attention to how you dress. Wear clothes that are fashionable, but appropriate and never show up for an interview in flashy loud clothing. This gives a very poor impression and possibly causes int

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