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高二英语译林版选修6教学案Unit 3 Section 1 Word版含答案.docx

1、高二英语译林版选修6教学案Unit 3 Section 1 Word版含答案Please match the words with their proper meanings.1greetAtell sb.that you are pleased about their success or achievements2ensure Ba formal social occasion to welcome sb.or celebrate sth.3congratulate Cstop sth.from being done or used especially by law4reception

2、Dsay hello to sb.or to welcome sb.5prohibit Emake sure that sth.happens or is definite6adjust Fwell known to you or easily recognized by you7familiar Gchange sth.slightly in order to make it better or more accurate8permit Hallow do sth.or happen答案:1.D2.E3.A4.B5.C6.G7.F8.HMatch the follo

3、wing countries with the proper ceremony.Athe NetherlandsBSouth AmericaCJapanDThailandEFranceFthe Middle EastPutting their hands togetherand bowing slightlyBowing to each other1_ 2._Hug each otherKissing a ladys hand3_4._Touching nosesKissing each others cheeks5_6._答案:1.D2.C3.B4.E5.F6.A.Fastreading1A

4、ccording to the title we can learn the conversation is about cultural_differences.2The purpose of the conversation is that we_should_learn_about_the_cultural_differences_and_understand_more_about_each_other.Carefulreading()Choose the best answers according to the conversation.1_, it is rude not to o

5、pen a present when someone gives you one.AIn the WestBIn the Middle EastCIn ChinaDIn Japan2How does Waled feel about Koreas wedding ceremony where live chickens are used?ASurprised.BInterested.CPuzzled. DBored.3In Brunei, a large number of foreigners find it hard to get used to _.Apointing to someth

6、ing with their thumbBnot sleeping at the wedding receptionCremoving their shoes before stepping into someoneshouseDnot being allowed to drink alcohol at the wedding reception答案:1.A2.B3.C()Read the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)1In the Middle East,

7、it is rude not to open a present when someone gives you one.( F )2If a man joins in a wedding reception in Brunei, he has to sit with the bridegroom and the other men.( T )3They had a live hen and a rooster as a part of the wedding ceremony in Korea.( T )4If you attend a wedding ceremony in Brunei,

8、chances are that you cant drink coffee.( F )()Fill in each blank with no more than three words according to the conversation.StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the conversation.1Waled, why dont you tell her about the British teacher who opened the present as soon as he received

9、 it at the endofterm ceremony?句式分析 尝试翻译瓦利德,为什么不给她讲一讲那位英国老师在期末典礼上一收到礼物就打开看的事呢?2During the ceremony, the hen laid an egg, and everyone congratulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky.句式分析尝试翻译在婚礼期间,那只母鸡下了一个蛋,这被看作是件非常幸运的事,所以大家都祝贺这一对新人。3I think now I understand a lot more about differen

10、t cultures and what is appropriate behaviour.句式分析尝试翻译我想现在我对不同的文化以及得体的行为举止有了更多的了解。.PostreadingFill in the blanks according to the conversation.Ma Li has to do her homework on cultural differences,_so she has gone to the student centre to find information for her homework.There are different reactions

11、 in the West and the East when they get presents. Westerners like to open them as soon as they get them. When it comes to wedding traditions, there are also differences. In Korea, it is believed that roosters can drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony,_and hens can ensure good luck for the

12、 marriage. In Brunei, at wedding receptions men and women have to sit in separate areas the men with the bridegroom, and the women with the bride. Whats more, if you go to Brunei, you would have to take off your shoes _before going into someones house.There are sometimes great cultural differences e

13、ven between native English speakers. The British B10celebrate Bonfire Night every year, while many Americans are not familiar with the festival.课 文 对 译Cultural differencesMa Li:Hi, everyone.My names Ma Li.I need some help with my homework its about cultural differences.Can I sit down and talk to you

14、?Waled:Hi, Ma Li, Im Waled from Brunei.Peter:And Im Peter, from the UK.Nice to meet you.Ma Li:Nice to meet you, too.Can you tell me about some cultural differences you have found?Peter:Waled, why dont you tell her about the British teacher who opened the present as soon as he received it at the endo

15、fterm ceremony?Ma Li:Oh, I already know about that one.My American friend Jack did the same thing.Peter:Well, its what we do in the West.Its rude not to open a present when someone gives you one.We like to see how the person reacts.We think its strange not to open it!What would be another cultural d

16、ifference .let me think.Well, I once went to an acquaintances wedding in Korea and I was very surprised.Ma Li:Why was that?Peter:Well, they had a live hen and a rooster as a part of the wedding ceremony.Ma Li:Live chickens?Peter:Yes.Roosters are supposed to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ce

17、remony, and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage.During the ceremony, the hen laid an egg, and everyone congratulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky.Waled:Thats interesting!In Brunei,at wedding receptions men and women have to sit in separate areas the men with

18、the bridegroom, and the women with the bride.Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks, tea and coffee, alcohol is not permitted at the wedding reception in fact, alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei.And you probably wouldnt get much sleep if you lived near where a wedding re

19、ception was being held.Thats because we play loud drums to celebrate the wedding for hours afterwards, and sometimes even throughout the night!Peter:Throughout the night?Waled:Yeah, people get used to it.Ma Li:So what other things do you do in your country that are different from other countries, Wa

20、led?Waled:Well,you know in many countries people point with their first finger.However, in Brunei that can cause offence,so we use our thumb to point.Its quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.Another thing is,if you came to Brunei,you would have to take off you

21、r shoes before going into someones house.Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it.Peter:But what is really interesting is that there are sometimes great cultural differences even between native English speakers.I am always amazed at how Americans are so different from us Brits.Even thou

22、gh we share the same language with different accents, of course our customs are not always alike.Ma Li:Really?Peter:Yes.For example, I have fond childhood memories of Bonfire Night, but my American friends are not familiar with that particular festival.Ma Li:Well, Im not familiar with it either.Pete

23、r:Oh, its a celebration that takes place on November 5th every year.People light large fires outside, and everyone gathers around and has a party.There are plenty of fireworks,and everyone eats hot dogs and other food that can be cooked over the fire.Its great fun.Ma Li:Well, its time for me to go.T

24、his has been a really interesting chat.I think now I understand a lot more about different cultures and what is appropriate behaviour.Its really helped me with my homework!I hope we can talk again soon.After all, learning about cultural differences is a good way to understand more about each other.S

25、ee you later!Waled:See you!Peter:Right, later!,文化差异马莉:嗨,大家好,我叫马莉。我需要一些帮助来完成家庭作业是有关文化差异的。我能坐下来跟你们聊一聊吗?瓦利德:嗨,马莉,我是来自文莱的瓦利德。彼得:我是彼得,来自英国。很高兴见到你。马莉:见到你们我也很高兴。你们能给我讲讲你们已发现的一些文化差异吗?彼得:瓦利德,为什么不给她讲一讲那位英国老师在期末典礼上一收到礼物就打开的事呢?马莉:噢,那个我已经知道了。我的美国朋友杰克也是这样做的。彼得:嗯,我们在西方就是这样做的。别人送礼物给你,不当面打开是不礼貌的。我们喜欢看那个人的反应。不打开礼物,我们


27、少觉,因为婚宴之后我们要连续好几个小时鼓声喧天地庆祝婚礼有时候甚至要击鼓一个通宵!彼得:通宵? 瓦利德:是的,人们对它习惯了。马莉:那么,你们国家还有哪些事情的做法与别的国家不一样呢,瓦利德?瓦利德:嗯,你知道,在很多国家人们用食指来指东西。但在文莱这样做却会冒犯别人,所以我们用大拇指来指东西。看新来的外教努力学这个动作的样子很是滑稽。还有,如果你来到文莱,你进别人家门之前得脱鞋!许多外国人很难适应这种做法。彼得:但真正有趣的是,即使都以英语为母语的人,他们之间的文化差异还是很大的。我总是惊诧于美国人和我们英国人如何不一样。尽管我们的语言是相同的当然口音不同然而我们的风俗并不总是相似。马莉:真

28、的吗?彼得:是的。例如,我有童年时篝火节的温馨回忆,但我的美国朋友对那个特别的节日竟然不太了解!马莉:哦,我也不了解那个节日。彼得:噢,这是发生在每年十一月五日的庆祝活动。人们在户外点燃大堆的篝火,大家围着篝火举行聚会。有大量的烟花,大家吃热狗和其他的能够在篝火上烘烤的食物。太好玩了。马莉:好了,我该离开了。今天的聊天真有趣。我想现在我对不同的文化以及得体的行为举止有了非常多的了解。这确实对我的作业有帮助!我希望我们不久后能够再次聊天。毕竟,了解文化差异是互相增进理解的一个好办法。再见!瓦利德:再见!彼得:的确如此,再见!.单词拼写1When you hug someone, you put

29、your arms around them and hold them tightly, for example, because you like them or are pleased to see them.2Mrs.Wang was unhappy because her husband forgot their wedding anniversary.3Pollution is a serious problem in major cities throughout the world.4I get up at the cry of the roosters early in the

30、 morning every day.5A bridegroom is a man who is getting married, or who has recently gotten married.6Mustard is yellow or brown, and is usually eaten with meat.It tastes hot and spicy.7A barbecue is a social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open fire.8These cats loo

31、k exactly alike (十分相似的), so how can you tell which is which?9My mom is busy preparing rooms for the reception(接待) of guests.10Mr.Green got a present from his students at the endofterm (学期末) ceremony.11The bride (新娘) looked beautiful and the whole ceremony went very well.12Jeff and David were in the back yard setting off fireworks(烟花)13He looks so familiar (熟悉的), but I cant r

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