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1、精品英语考研四六级考试写作替换词throughin term of/viaoperatemanipulateoffspringdescendantinevitabledispensabledetailspecificexplaininterpretobviousconspicuoushurtvulnerableuseemploy/utilizevaluemeritprovidelendoffertrueaccurateleading tocontribute to/ conduce to/result inmore and moreincreasing/growinghardlymerelyb

2、arelywell-knownoutstandinglargemiraculous/marvelousalthoughalbeit/notwithstandingin factactually/virtuallywantintend to/tend to/be inclined tobecausein thatmay beprobablyto sumto summarize/in conclusionexplaininterpret/illustratechangealertchancealternativecustomconvention/traditionthinkcontemplate/

3、muse/meditate/retrospectarouseignite/stimulate/spur/motivatelimitstress/hinder/hamperkeycrucial/vital/consequentialoldancientemphasisaccentuatedevote todedicate tocharactertrait/individuality/idiosyncrasy/personalityexpectanticipatejoinparticipatedelegaterepresentativebiasprejudice/discriminate/tend

4、encythrivepalmy/floushing/prosperityclashconflict/collision/reencounterpublicizepropagandizeagree partlyagree with reserveproperappositewant todesirebig citymetropolislawmakinglegislationfirstprimarilybutnonetheless/neverthelesschildjuvenileabsorbassimilatehand inrenderunderminesap/enervate/debilita

5、teget into chaoswith chaos ensuingkeypivot/cruxswayvacillatefanatic patriotismjingoism/chauvinismpersuasivethorough/sound/specific/convincingconsidertake into accountvaguegratuitous/unwarranted/oversimplified普通词汇高分词汇According to me / I thinkI believeIn my personal sense, for my part /to my mind/ to

6、the best knowledge of meAffect / stopHinderfromageeraAimobjectiveAndCoupled with/ as well asand so onand the likeAppearmushroom / spring up /ariseApplyto.put into practiceAskConsult / enquireAspectSphere/respectAttachencloseAttractTempt/appeal toAudienceviewersBasisfoundationbe able tobe capable of/

7、 be in a position tobe good atbe expert at /be skillful at/ excel inbe helpfulbe of helpbe importantbe of importance/significancecome nearbe around the cornerbe obviousit goes without saying thatbe risingbe on the risebe sure tobe bound tobe surprised atbe shocked /amazed atbe uselessbe of no use/ b

8、e in vainbear/shoulder/ be loaded withbecause ofthanks to / as a result of/ on the grounds ofbecome fashionablecome into a fashionbecome happycheer up/ be in high spiritsbeforeoriginallybuyaffordby oneselfall alone/ on ones owncarefulattentive / cautiouscause v.contribute to / render/ promptchangesh

9、ift / fluctuate / swingchange withvary fromtocheatingdeceptionchoosefrommake an alternative toclearevident / self-evident/apparentcome fromStem / derive from/ arise from / originate fromcome outcome forthcomplainplace a complaint against sthconsiderTakeinto account /figure out / give thought toconsi

10、der importantattach significance tocontinuego aheadcontrolbring under controlcooperatejoin hands indecide ondeterminedeepprofounddepend onrest upondepend on oneselflive on ones owndevelopcultivate / build updifficultyhardship /barrier/obstaclediligentindustriousdogo in for / carry outdo good tobe be

11、neficial to/ in favor ofdropdeclineeat lessgo on a dietemphasizeattach emphasis toenabletofacilitateencouragemotivate / stimulateendangerjeopardizeenforcestrengthenengage inmajor inEnjoybe crazy aboutEnlargebroadenEnoughadequateevaluatespeak highly ofExplainaccount for/ give an account ofFacebe face

12、d with / stand up toFailurefrustrationFamePrestige/reputationFamousProminent /distinguished outstandingFamous peoplePersonalities/ celebritiesFeelingpassion /Findlocatefind outsort outFinishaccomplishFirelay offfocus oncenter onFor this purpose/ for the purpose ofTo this end/ to the end of /with the

13、 intention offor examplea good case in point / Take sth for instanceForeverpermanentlyFutureprospectiveGetacquire / regainget rid ofeliminateGivegrant / issuegive / supplyprovide withgive attention togive priority toGlobaluniversalgo onbring forwardgoalidealGoodbeneficialgood studentstop studentsGoo

14、dsnecessitiesGreatenormous/ dramatic/prime/utmostGreatlyoverwhelmingly/ predominantly/substantially greetingsregardsGrowflourishhappinesswell-being /welfareHavePossess/harborHave a relationship withbe on good terms withHope tolook forward tohope to do eager to do sth./ long to do sth.hopefulp

15、romisingIgnoreNeglect/pay no attention toIllnessdiseaseimportantessential / vital/ significantimproveenhance / boost / upgradeimprovementadvancesin groupsin twos and threesincludemake up/ involveincreaseSoarinfluencemoldIntend totarget to do sth.Interested inCrazy aboutinterestinglywith great intere

16、stintroductionprospectusinvestigationSurvey/pollJoboccupation / employmentJoin inconnect / participate in / take part inKeepmaintain / hold ontokill oneselfcommit suicideKnowRecognize / be aware of /knowledgeCommandLeave fordepart fromLikeBe fond of /be keen on / be attached toLimitBe confined toLoa

17、dburdenlook aroundexaminelook forrun into / hunt forlook up inrefer toLowerBe inferior tomake nervousplace strain onmake progressmake leaps in / press forwardmake sureguaranteemake sure thatSee to it thatManybe abundant in / countlessMeetrun into / come across/encounterMesschaosnecessaryindispensabl

18、eNeedbe in need ofnot hesitatefeel free to do sth.not knowbe ignorant ofnumberdata / statisticsobviousstrikingoccupationCareer/professionOfferpresent sth to sb.Onlyno more than / soleoutcomeconsequenceovercomeConquerPassgo bypay attention tobe concerned about / give weight topeopleIndividualsperform

19、carry out / enforcePeriodera / phaseperiodstimesPlacesitePoorneedyPressclickproduceGenerate/createprogressbreakthroughpronounceClaimPublicpublicitypunishmentPenaltypurposemotiverapidlyat a rapid pace/speedilyReduceminimizerememberRecall/remind sb. of sth. 一名言名句原则 经典句型:As a proverb says, It is love t

20、hat makes the world go around.(适用于已记住的名言)There is no denying the fact thatwe cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:如2003年考题:Shakespeare has ever stated that I came, I suffered and I survived, which gives us much for thought about our life and development.二数字统计原则 经典句型:According to a recent survey,

21、 about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.更多句型:Recent statistics show that . A recent opinion poll indicates that三主题句原则 主题句应具有如下特征:1. 应是个判断性的句子,如:It is safe to draw the conclusion that ourlife is a course that requires constant pursuit of greater goals

22、.(2004)2. 应具有概括性,如:For my part, love is best understood when given to people who need it most.3. 应包含自己明确态度。不能用模棱两可的句型来做主题句。4. 应简洁、吸引人。主题句是全文的精华,是阅卷老师所关注的,所以应努力把它 写成全文的经典句。5. 应统领全文,但不能超出全文内容。不必写得惊天动地,忘掉了全文的一致性。 特别提示:隐藏主体句可是要冒险的!四顺序原则1)first, second, third, last(不推荐,原因:俗)2)firstly, secondly, thirdly,

23、finally(不推荐,原因:俗)3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推荐,原因:俗)4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推荐)5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐)6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐)7)first and foremost, besides, last but not the least(强烈推

24、荐)8)most important of all, moreover, finally9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况)10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况)五多实少虚原则 写文章还是应该写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。这就要求一定要多用实词,少用虚词。我这里所说的虚词就是指那些比较大的词。比如我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted,

25、 hospitable 之类的形容词。六附加句式原则 就是在主谓中间插入一个名词短语,起到一个同位语之类的补充成分。 In my memory, Mr. Jiang, my Chemistry teacher in the high school, impressed me most in my past school years.Mr. Jiang, a considerate and patient teacher, did not have any bias against me who lagged far behind the others.七排比句式原则 The fact that

26、 people from different countries are attracted to the mysterious Chinese culture, indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated, and shared internationally.Only in this manner can we promote cultural development positively, and make our world dimensional, colorful a

27、nd vigorous.八挑战极限原则 What seems to be a strong life is actually weak, all due to overprotection and care. (2003) China first launching its rockets into the sky, the scientists have been working on the project to send human beings to the outer space, which resulted in the accomplished flight of Shenzh

28、ou VI spaceship. (2004)九实例原则 The truth applies to our life: nearly every success is a result of unremitting endeavor. The necessity of heading for the next step is well illustrated in the space flight projects of our country. For instance, since we first launched our rockets into the sky, our scient

29、ists have been working on the project to send human beings to the outer space. (2004) 更多句型:To take as an example, One example is, Another example is, for example. A good case in point(一个好的恰当的例子)。十比较原则 经典套话:相似的比较:in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner。相反的比较:on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, ne

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