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1、新编实用英语综合教程第二册第三单元 7 2010 3 30 1、2课 题 Unit 3 Purchase and payment 教学目的与教学要求 目的:Master the Words, phrases and difficult sentences in the passage.要求:Command the skill of making reservations, and the usage of grammar教学重点与教学难点 重点:How to make reservations and write registration form难点:The understanding an

2、d usage of Subjunctive Mood 教学主要内容 I. Check the exercises. II. Applied WritingIII. Sentence writing.(the Subjunctive Mood)IV. Finish exercise课后作业与思考题 1. Review all the language points in unit four.2. Prepare unit five总结分析 教学过程 教学环节与时间分配1. My name is Vanessa Saunders.我名叫雯妮莎 桑德斯。2. I have visited Chin

3、a sixteen times since 1978.1978年以来,我已来过中国16次。3. I have been conducting tradeshows and setting up tradeshow exhibitions for a variety of international clientsa. conduct: vt.引导,经营。Eg. The headmaster conducted us round the school.校长带引我们在学校里参观了一圈。我为各国众多客户承办贸易展览会。4. Still today, I remember my first trade

4、show in China many years ago, a show that was a total shock for me.a.shock : vt 震惊 eg. That shock almost finished him. 那一惊几乎把他吓死。迄今,我依然记得多年前我第一次参加中国贸易展销会的情景,它让我惊异不已。The first paragraph tell us that the author cant forget her first tradeshow.5. At that time, I was surprised to find the exhibition hal

5、l being packed with both products and visitors.a. be surprised to:对感到惊奇。b. the exhibition hall being packed with both products and visitors. 复合宾语结构。宾语exhibition hall. being packed with是宾语补语。补充修饰宾语。Eg. Lily was shocked to find her grandfather lying on the floor, dead. a+b: Eg.老师们惊奇地发现办公室里面挤满了学生。 The

6、teachers was surprised to find her office being packed with students. 我惊奇地发现展览会的大厅里挤满了各种各样的产品和参观者。6. It was February then, and there were no heating facilities in the building. a. facility (pl) 设施,设备 记得当时是二月份,展厅里没有暖气设备。7.Show management was extremely difficult to deal with and the equipment in the t

7、radeshow was very simple.展览会管理很差,展览会的设施非常简单。8.There were many differences between Western and Chinese customs, especially in ways of exhibiting products.a. exhibit vt. 展出, 陈列中西方习俗有许多差异,陈列展品的方式尤其如此。9.For example, the Chinese filled every inch of space with products and sales people, leaving little or

8、 no room for potential customers.a. fillwith:用塞满。b. potential:a.潜在的。c. leaving little or no room for potential customers.现在分词短语做状语。表伴随。Eg. The speaker spoke rapidly, leaving little no time for his listeners.例如,中国参展者将每一寸空间都塞满了各种产品和销售人员,而留给潜在顾客的只有及少的空间或者说根本就没有空间。10. Some companies put on live demonstr

9、ations at tradeshows.a. live: 活的,现场的,直播的。Eg.对大多数中国家庭而言,在年三十晚上电视直播节目是一种传统。 It is a custom for most Chinese families to watch a live television program on the Eve of the Spring Festival.一些公司在展览会上搞现场展示活动。11. The sound was very loud, and then lights were either too bring or too dim.喇叭声音很大,其灯光不是太亮就是太暗。12

10、. Often there were too many lights and flashing colors around, which might bring most shows to standstill.a. bring to standstill使停业, 使停顿 be at a standstill: 处于停顿状态通常周围的照明灯光太多,五彩缤纷,闪烁不停,简直可以使大多数展销活动停顿下来。13. If a foreign trade exhibitor didnt have any “inside” experience, he would find it an expensive

11、, frustrating and ultimately(最后地)fruitless(不结果实的,没有用的) venture(冒险) to exhibit at a Chinese tradeshow.a. frustrate : 使失望;使沮丧eg After three hours frustrating delay, the train at last arrived.经过三个小时令人厌烦的耽搁后,火车终于到达了目的地。 b. 这是一个If引导的非真实条件句。使用了虚拟语态。从句用地过去式(didnt),主句用地would+ 动词原形,表示了对现在的虚拟。Eg. If he were h

12、ere, everything would be all right.要是他在这儿,一切都没问题。 要是有时间我一定去。If I had the time, I would certainly go.c. it在句子当中充当形式宾语。真正的宾语是to exhibit at a Chinese tradeshowd. frustrating and ultimately fruitless venture是宾语补语,补充说明“在中国贸易展销会上展览”的结果。复合宾语。(Complex Object)英语中有些及物动词带了宾语后意义仍不够完整,还需加上宾语补足语来补充说明宾语的行为、状态、身份或特

13、征等,句子的意思才算完整。常见的接复合宾语的及物动词有find, ask, have等等。Eg. We found the story quite interesting.(形容词做补语) We have always found him a true friend.(名词做补语)I found everything in good order. (介词短语做宾补)We asked the teacher to explain the meaning of the word again. (不定式做补语)My tape-recorder is out of order. Ill have it

14、 repaired tomorrow.(分词做补语) I saw a child playing on the grass.(分词做补语)由此总结出复合宾语的类型。如果一个外国展览者没有“身临其境”的经历,他会认为在中国贸易展销会上参展是一次既费钱、又令人沮丧、而且最终毫无收获的冒险。14. Whats worse, these differences could destroy tradeshow exhibitors plan for doing business in the worlds largest market.更糟糕的是,这些差异可能会毁掉参展商在世界最大的市场做生意的计划。A

15、t the second paragraph the author remembered the poor management and equipment of the Chinas tradeshows. 8 2010 4 1 5、6课 题 Unit 3 Being all ears and trying your hands教学目的与教学要求 1. To master the important words and expressions used at a restaurant.2. To understand the passages.3. Try to master the str

16、ucture of attributive clause.教学重点与教学难点 1 .Make conversations related to restaurant.2. Useful expressions and patterns used at a restaurant.3. Learn about some customs in western restaurant.教学主要内容 1.Leading in2. Talking face to face.3.Listening.课后作业与思考题 1. Finish “put in use ” on P78-79.2. Recite the

17、 sentences and expressions in data bank in the workbook.3. Read the news words in the vocabulary.总结分析 教学过程 教学环节与时间分配I. leading in 1. Free-talk: Do you like western food , such as KFC, Macdonald, and pizza, and how often do you eat such kind of food?Can you express in English when you eat at those re

18、staurants?Students try : T says the Chinese sentences, and asks some students to translate them into English. And pay attention to the words in red.请给我菜单。May I have a menu, please?是否有中文菜单 Do you have a menu in Chinese? 是否可建议一些不错的酒?Could you recommend some good wine?我可以点杯酒吗? May I order a glass of wi

19、ne?餐厅是否有供应素食餐? Do you have vegetarian dishes?餐厅最特别的菜式是什么?What is the specialty of the house?餐厅有今日特餐吗?Do you have todays special?我正在节食中。Im on a diet.你的牛排要如何烹调?How do you like your steak?全熟(五分熟/全生)。Well done (medium/rare), please.Some more expressions:在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗? Would you like something to drink bef

20、ore dinner?餐厅有那几类酒? What kind of wine do you have?我想点当地出产的酒。Id like to have some local wine.我想要喝法国红酒。 Id like to have French red wine.我可以点餐了吗? May I order, please?我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。Id like appetizers and meat (fish) dish.II. Talking Face to Face 1. Look at the menu, and try to translate the dishes int

21、o Chinese. 2. Read the sample dialoguesSs practice dialogues freely with partners, then T ask two groups to read out them loudly. T makes a brief explanation. 3. Act outSs choose one situation to make a short dialogue on P77 in pairs. Then act out the short dialogues.(Refer to the Data Bank in the W

22、orkbook for more relevant expressions.)III. ListeningDialogue 11. Listen and Decode. 1.1 Listen to the Dialogue once and try to get the main idea of the passage, take down some notes when necessary.1.2 Listen again and decode the message by finding the correct choices in the blanks according to what

23、 you have heard. 1.3 Check the answers.2. Listen and Respond.2.1 Listen to the dialogue for the third time and answer the following questions orally. 2.2 Check (ask 5 Ss to answer 5 questions)2.3 According to the students response give some brief explanation, and if necessary listen to the dialogue

24、for the fourth time, while listening give some pause to let the Ss repeat some difficult sentences.Dialogue 21. Listen and Complete. Listen to Dialogue 2 and complete the following statements, then check answers.2. Listen and Judge.Listen to the dialogue again and do the multiple choice exercise bel

25、ow.Listen for the third time to get further understanding and T gives some explanation.Dialogue 31. Listen and Read. 1.1 Read and remember the new words, then glance at the whole passage.1.2 Now listen to something more challenging-passage with some blanks for you to fill in. Listen to the passages

26、two times and fill in the blanks.1.3 Check answers. 2. Listen and Match.2.1 Listen to the passage for the third time and match the information in Column A with the choices in Column B.2.2 Try to write out the general idea of the passage with your own words, the question on P8 P82 will give you some

27、help.IV. Homework1. Finish “put in use ” on P78-79.2. Recite the sentences and expressions in data bank in the workbook.3. Read the news words in the vocabulary. 9 2010 4 6 1、2课 题 Unit 3 Maintaining a sharp eye教学目的与教学要求 1.Grasp the main idea of the passage2. Appreciate the major skills demonstrated

28、in the text.3. Master the key language points and grammatical structure in the text. 教学重点与教学难点 1 .words and phrases and difficult sentences2. some knowledge and information on Western restaurant教学主要内容 1. Check exercises and a brief review2. Background information3. Words and phrases4. Explanation of

29、 the passage课后作业与思考题 1. Read the passage.2. Finish Exercise4,5,6 (P 85-86).3. Read passage A in workbook.总结分析 教学过程 教学环节与时间分配Passage One Who is Using My Credit Card Today?1. Like many Americans, after September 11 I felt a bit safer buying Christmas presents over the Internet rather than(胜于) making a

30、 long journey to crowded shops.和许多美国人一样,9.11以后我觉得在网上购买圣诞礼物比走很长的路程到拥挤的商店去安全一些。2. As it turned out, I was only partly right.a. partly: 部分地: partly finished 部分地完成。结果表明,我只对了一半。3. I might have been physically(身体上地) safer staying home, but I certainly risked my financial well-being(a.安宁,福利)buying online.a

31、. risk: vt. 冒险。 Eg. He risked his life when he saved the child from the fire.他冒着生命危险把孩子从火中救出。b. might+have been:表明过去可能发生的事情。我呆在家里身体上可能更安全,但网上购物在经济上肯定要冒风险。4. After buying several things at e-commerce sites(电子商务网站)and registering at the auction(拍卖)site eBuy, I picked up the local paper and saw a page one headline that read: “Identity thefts(偷窃)hit residents(居民)in region.”a. register: v.登记,注册。Eg.registered mail 挂号信邮件b.a page one headline: means a headline appearing on page one.c. Identity thefts hit residents in region由于是新闻标题,所以在residents和region前面都省略了定冠词the. “本地居民身份证屡遭盗窃”在电子商务

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