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1、商务中级英语沙龙话题与准备清单Business Intermediate Salon Preparation SheetSalon List:1. Complaints.2. A Dying Company.3. Key Introductions.4. Telephone Tactics5. Logos, Slogans, Brands and Mission Statements.6. Value and Worth.7. The World of Work.8. Business Design.9. Interviews and Resumes.10. Traveling for Bus

2、iness. 11. Describing Trends12. Preparing for Meetings.13. Business Ethics14. Business Idioms.15. The Horrible Truth about Business.16. The Business Meal.17. Writing English 18. Asking the Right Questions.19. Leadership.20. Business Phrasal Verbs.21. Describing Work.22. Managing a Project.23. Descri

3、bing Systems.24. Intentions25. Customer Service.26. Work-Life Balance27. Business Meeting Activity: The Training Budget.28. Business Meeting Activity: The Head Office.29. Business Meeting Activity: The Chocolate Factory.30. A Place of Work31. Business Meeting Activity: Quality and Personnel.32. A Ne

4、w Idea33. Achievements34. Business Meeting Activity: Changing Names.35. Projects.Salon1:Review this vocabulary:Assurance, Insurance, Reassurance, Sympathy, Empathy, Insistent, Persistent, Aggressive, ProcedureWhat is reassurance?When is it necessary to reassure people?Think about complaints.When did

5、 you last time you have to complain about something?What are common complaints that people make?Should I be persistent when I complain?Should you use threatening language when you complain?Should companies have a complaints procedure?What action do people usually take when people complain against th

6、em?How do you organize a complaint? What do I need to have if I want to make a complaint?Salon 2:A Dying companyThis lesson is about the problems that can affect a manufacturing company.Please read the following passage before the class.Hi! My name is Zhu Cun. Seven years ago I inherited a small sho

7、e company from my father, its based in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.Unfortunately I know nothing about business at all so Ive contacted you to help me with my current problems. I was given your name by a friend who said you had a great deal of experience in this field.The problem is this:The company is lo

8、sing money! Everything was great under my father. We had markets in both Japan and the US as well as a strong Eastern Chinese market.We made low price sports shoes for big supermarket chains and some higher quality sports shoes for some major retailers.But now were in the red! Weve been losing money

9、 for the last three years as orders have decreased. We owe money to all our suppliers and to the bank as we took out a large loan four years ago to pay for new equipment. Every month our outgoings are larger than our incoming revenue.Im not sure about the reasons for our loss of orders. I know about

10、 the changes in Japans economy since the early 1990s and I know that America has changed a lot in the last few years.Our suppliers have increased the cost of materials and this has caused problems.We released a new kind of retro design shoe last year. Im not sure about this product but the research

11、and design department seem happy enough with it, we were unsure about how to price this shoe and I must confess we guessed a little!Check the vocabularyretailers / retro / loan / outgoings / inherit / in the red / recession / retroThin about these questions?What form might the sales chain between th

12、e company and the customer have?In what do companys lose money?What could cause a really dramatic loss of sales in a company?What products suffer during a recession?What products dont usually suffer during a recession?What are Idioms?Salon 3:This lesson will help you prepare an English Personality t

13、hat you can use to introduce yourself.Please think of seven words or phrases that describe you before you come to the lesson.Salon 4:Summary: The class is designed to expand on Business Intermediate Private Class 10 and allow students to exercise their skills in telephone English. The steps involved

14、 and extensive role-playing are the focal points of the lesson.Review this vocabulary:Do you use the phone in English?What kind of problems do you/have you encountered when using the phone?What are the steps involved in making a phone call?What is an answering machine?How do you leave a message?How

15、does appropriate vocabulary change between a formal and an informal phone call?Salon 5:Think about logos for companies that you see everyday. Think about how companies create a brand image. Does your company have a mission statement?Find the mission statement of a famous company on the Internet.What

16、 is a slogan?Salon 6:This lesson considers the questions of Value and Worth in business and the vocabulary needed to express these ideas.What is a guarantee?What is advice?What is the best advice you were ever given?What is the worst advice you were ever given?What is the value of having the followi

17、ng? An MBA. Having Relatives in the same kind of business as you. A steady job. A supportive wife or husband. A welcoming smile. Twenty years of experience in the same industry.Salon 7:Think about the following questions before the class: Describe your job (or the kind of job you would like to have)

18、 Where can you find job advertisements? How do people in China go about applying for a job? Can you remember the job interviews youve had and the questions you were asked? (or what sort of questions you think you will be asked)Salon 8:Summary: This lesson allows the students to design and present th

19、eir ideas for a new business. In small groups, the students select a line of business and prepare a model for their company.Review this vocabulary: theme, funds, gimmick, decorHave you ever thought about opening your own business? What kind?What steps are required in drawing up a plan for a new busi

20、ness?Salon 9:Summary: This lesson is designed to introduce students to the format and importance of resumes/CVs. The second half of the lesson works on specific responses to common questions at a job interview.Review this vocabulary:resume, CV, dilemma, ethicalDo you have a resume in English?Do you

21、know how to go about writing a resume?Have you ever had a job interview in English?What aspects of the interview were the most difficult?What kind of questions did you find the most difficult?Salon 10:Summary: This class is designed for students to examine both Asian and western cultural concepts, p

22、articularly in regards to business.Review this vocabulary:ritual, intermediary, etiquette, perceptionWhat things should you think about before traveling for business?What differences can you think of between the way foreigners and Chinese do business? What does “in context” mean?Salon 11:Practise sa

23、ying the following numbers:14 40 17 70 2,500 2,560 2,516 25,600 25,660 200,000 225,800 340,000 3,400,000 3.8 3.88When describing trends, the following verbs can be used: go up; stay the same; fall.Can you think of 2 different ways to say each of these verbs?Go up Stay the same Fall Salon 12:Answer t

24、he following questions before class: What are the main reasons for holding a meeting? What is the role of the chairperson? Why are so many meetings unsuccessful? What sort of meetings do you have in your job? Describe a meeting that you have attended recently. How effective was it and why?Salon 13:S

25、ummary: This lesson allows students to analyze ethical problems which could arise in the workplace and in the marketplace. Students are asked to explore the situation and make ethical considerations based on their own perspective of right and wrong.Review this vocabulary:ethical, moral, dilemma, cop

26、y write, intellectual property right, invoiceHow important are ethics to you when making decisions?Do you buy fake/copied products? Do you feel guilty?What is more important to you, success or happiness in your career?Which is more important to you, your career or your sense of right and wrong?Salon

27、 14:Summary: This lesson introduces students to the extensive amount of idioms used in business situations.Review this vocabulary: idiomWhat is an idiom? What is its purpose?How many idioms do you know in English?Salon 15:Summary: This lesson introduces the student to the basics of marketing. Consum

28、er manipulation through advertising is covered as well as basic market research and presentation skills.Review this vocabulary:marketing, briefcase, connotations, image, intermediaryThink about the goals/techniques of advertising?What is the purpose of market research? How is it done?What kinds of i

29、nformation would you need to know from potential consumers before finalizing the design for a new product?What is an intermediary in Chinese business and what is their function?Salon 16:Summary: This lesson is a comprehensive study of the Chinese business meal as introduced to a foreigner on their f

30、irst trip to China. The students are responsible for introducing their culture to the teacher in regards to etiquette at the restaurant dinner table.Review this Vocabulary:garments, textileThink about every aspect of Chinas food culture.Think about all aspects of a restaurant meal in China.Think abo

31、ut cultural differences between East and West in regards to food/dining.Salon 17:Whats the difference between the first and second words in each pair below?get/obtain; job/occupation; I want/ Id like; ask/enquire; thanks/thank you.Try making a sentence using each word.Salon 18:Summary: The class covers a wide variety of topics all related to a students ability to ask questions in English.Review this vocabulary:public listing, copyright protection, vending machine, resumeHow well do you ask questions in English?If you are given an answer, can you make up the question?C

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