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E Apr23.docx

1、E Apr23生活中让人感觉美好的49件小事Top 49 Things That Make Brits Feel Great:生活中让人感觉美好的49件小事:1.Sleeping in a freshly made bed睡在新铺好的床上2.Feeling the sun on your face阳光洒在脸上3.People saying thank you or a random act of kindness from a stranger人们说“谢谢”时或陌生人的一个善意举动4.Finding money in unexpected places在意想不到的地方找到钱5.Having t

2、ime to myself有属于自己的时间6.Laughing so hard it hurts大声笑,笑得肚子疼7.Snuggling on the sofa with a loved one和爱人依偎在沙发上8.Freshly made bread吃新鲜的面包9.Doing something for others为别人做些什么10.The clean feeling after a shower沐浴后清爽的感觉11.When your favourite song comes on the radio广播中播放你最喜欢的歌曲12.Finding a bargain in the sale

3、s买到便宜货13.Listening to the rainfall/thunderstorms when youre inside室内聆听下雨声或雷雨声14.Freshly brewed tea / coffee来杯新沏的茶或咖啡15.The thrill of personal achievement取得成就时的兴奋感16.Having a long hot bath泡一个长长的热水澡17.Seeing a fresh coating of snow看到新结的雪层18.Freshly cut grass新割的草坪19.Chocolate melting in your mouth巧克力在口

4、中融化20.Doing something active outdoors (e.g. bike ride, run, country walk)户外运动(骑自行车、跑步、乡村漫步)21.Bacon cooking in the morning早上烤培根22.Talking to or playing with your pet和宠物说话、玩耍23.A soothing massage舒缓按摩24.That Friday feeling那种“周五的感觉”25.A perfectly cooked steak一份生熟恰到好处的牛排26.Waking up before the alarm and

5、 realising theres more time to sleep在闹铃响前醒来,发现还可以多睡一会儿27.Doing exercise做运动28.Rainbows看到彩虹29.Remembering the name of something/someone you thought youd forgotten突然记起本以为忘记的人或事30.Making a perfectly baked cake/pie烤一个完美的蛋糕或馅饼31.Stepping on crunchy autumn leaves秋天走在落叶上听到嘎吱嘎吱的响声32.Popping bubble wrap挤包装袋上的

6、泡泡33.Swimming in the sea / lake在大海或湖里游泳34.New car smell闻新车的味道35.Dancing like no one is watching旁若无人地跳舞36.The smell of new books/magazines闻新书或杂志的味道37.Smell of a fine wine闻好酒的香味38.Putting your Out of Office on before going on holiday在度假前开启“不在办公室”模式39.Putting on a brand new pair of socks穿一双新袜子40.Watchi

7、ng your breath float away in cold air冷天看自己哈出的气变成了烟雾飘散41.Getting new stationary拿到新文具42.Singing in the shower冲澡时唱歌43.Getting a seat on the bus / train / tube乘公交车、火车、地铁时有座位44.Picking an easy peel orange from the fruit bowl从果盘中拿一个好剥皮的桔子45.Loosening your jeans after youve eaten吃完饭,松松裤腰46.The pop when you

8、 open a new jar of jam打开新的果酱罐时“嘭”的一声47.Squeezing a spot挤痘痘48.Cleaning the wax from your ears掏耳朵49.Cleaning the bathroom清洁浴室最后,再补充一件令你感受到美好的小事,凑够50个吧因自己的发明而后悔的天才们“Woe is me,” said Albert Einstein on learning of the bombing of Hiroshima.“我有罪,”听闻广岛遭原子弹袭击,爱因斯坦喃喃说道。Its not unusual for inventors, research

9、ers, and developers to rue their creations. Although Einstein didnt work directly on the atomic bomb, he regretted his role in encouraging its development.发明家和科研工作者对他们的发明感到后悔的情形,其实并不罕见。虽然爱因斯坦并未直接参与原子弹的研制,但他认为自己是始作俑者,并对此深感后悔。He said in 2003, “You know, nothing that you do in science is guaranteed to

10、result in benefits for mankind. Any discovery, I believe, is morally neutral and it can be turned either to constructive ends or destructive ends. Thats not the fault of science.”高仕登在2003年说:“你知道吗,没有哪一件你为科学所做的事,能够保证为人类带来福祉。我相信,任何科学发现都是道德中立的,既可以用于建设性目的,也可以被用于破坏性目的。那并不是科学的错。”Still come apologies from t

11、hose who feel theyve created a monster. Here are 10 recent or less known examples of such regrets.不过,依然有一些科学家向公众致歉,他们也觉得自己发明了难以控制的“怪物”,以下是10个近期或者不太为人所知的例子。1.K Cups1咖啡胶囊(K Cup)In 1992, John Sylvain developed the now ubiquitous single-serve, instant brew plastic pods for use with Keurig coffee makers

12、that generated enough non-biodegradable waste last year to encircle the globe 10.5 times. He recently told the Atlantic, “I feel bad sometimes that I ever did it.”1992年,约翰沙利文与Keurig咖啡公司一道发明了这种一次性的速融咖啡胶囊。它造成的不可降解垃圾每年可环绕地球10.5圈。最近他对大西洋杂志表示:“有时我为发明这个东西感到后悔。”With his current company Zonbak, hes in the s

13、olar panel business, in hopes of at least partially offsetting his creations environmental damage. Meanwhile, Keurig Green Mountain has pledged to create a recyclable K-Cup by 2020.后来,沙利文创办了一家名叫Zonbak的光伏企业,期望部分抵销他的发明对环境带来的损害。同时,Keurig绿山咖啡公司宣称将于2020年之前生产一款可以回收的K-Cup胶囊。2.Mothers Day2母亲节Anna Jarvis ini

14、tially came up with Mothers Day after she was devastated by the 1905 death of her mother, with the first commemorative event held at her church and a store auditorium in 1908, using her mothers favorite flower, white carnations.1905年,母亲的不幸去世让安娜查维斯悲痛万分,也让她产生了创建母亲节的想法。1908年,在她做礼拜的教堂和一个商店小礼堂,查维斯为母亲举办了第

15、一场悼念活动,并献上了母亲生前最爱的花朵白色康乃馨。But soon her full-time promotional efforts for the holiday became too successful for her tastes.但是很快,她对母亲节的不懈倡导获得了她意料之外的成功。The floral industry cashed in on the white carnation, with accounts being reported of hoarding and profiteering, and expanded holiday offerings to incl

16、ude red carnations for living mothers, reserving white for deceased moms. By 1920 Jarvis grew disgusted with the commercial bent taken on by her day of sentiment.花卉行业靠着白色康乃馨狠狠赚了一笔,不时出现一些商人囤积居奇的报道。后来有人开始向在世的母亲送红色康乃馨,而把白色康乃馨送给已故的母亲。到了1920年,由于母亲节已经变得太过商业化,连查维斯自己都开始感到厌烦。According to Mental Floss, she ca

17、lled those selling mothers day cards, gifts, and flowers “charlatans, bandits, pirates, racketeers, kidnappers and termites that would undermine with their greed one of the finest, noblest and truest movements and celebrations.” She tried to fight the profit-driven promotions by attempting to tradem

18、ark her creation, but failed, and by the end of her life she was petitioning to rescind Mothers Day altogether.据心理牙线杂志报道,查维斯将那些兜售母亲节卡片、礼物和鲜花的人称作“骗子、土匪、海盗、敲诈犯、绑架犯、白蚁,他们用贪婪玷污了本应是最美好、圣洁、真诚的时刻和典礼。”为了对抗利益驱使下的母亲节促销活动,她甚至试过给母亲节注册商标,但最终以失败而告终。到了人生暮年,她还四处请愿,希望彻底取消母亲节。3.Pop-Up Ads3、弹出式广告Last year, Ethan Zucke

19、rman wrote an essay discussing advertising as the default business model of the Internet, in which he also apologized for the pesky creation he helped unleash on the world: the pop-up ad. “I wrote the code to launch the window and run an ad in it. Im sorry. Our intentions were good.”去年,伊森扎克曼写了一篇讨论广告

20、作为互联网默认业务模式的文章。在文章中,他也为当年发明弹窗式广告这样一个奇葩产品表示抱歉:“我写了一行能弹出窗口的代码,然后在里面插了一个广告。我很抱歉,我们的本意是好的。”4.Flappy Bird4疯狂的小鸟Developer Dong Nguyen launched a simple side-scrolling mobile game in May of 2013, which exploded in popularity in early 2014, when it became the most downloaded free game in the iOS App Store.

21、After more than 50 million downloads, Nguyen pulled the game down in February 2014, expressing concerns that it was too addictive and overused. He announced the removal on Twitter, adding “I cannot take this anymore.”2013年5月,越南裔开发者阮阿东推出了一款非常简单的横版闯关手游,2014年初登陆iOS应用商店后,瞬间引爆互联网,一跃成为下载量最大的游戏。在下载量超过5000万

22、次后,阮阿东担心这款游戏太令人上瘾,容易被过度使用。2014年2月,他将该游戏下架,并在Twitter上发布了一则声明,表示“我再也受不了了。”后来,尽管疯狂的小鸟又重新出现在亚马逊Fire平台,但再也没有在其它平台发布了。5.Cubicles5办公隔间In 1968, a year in which Mad Men characters are regularly depicted taking luxurious naps on their private office couches, Robert Propst proposed a futuristic office style wi

23、th no real walls or doors.1968年,也就是美剧广告狂人的主角们经常能在私人办公室的沙发上睡一个奢侈午觉的年代,罗伯特普洛斯特提出了一个颇具未来主义的办公室装修格调,这种办公室没有真正意义上的墙和门。His creation, the Action Office, seemed like a good idea at the time: instead of an open air layout, the walls would provide places to pin up work and there would be more surfaces for the

24、 cube-dwellers. It was also cheaper.他发明的“动感办公室”在当时看来是个很好的主意:有别于以外的开放式格局,这些壁板既是一个能够让人专心工作的空间,也给窝在小格子里的小白领们提供了更多的台面,价格也更便宜。But as Propst recalled to Fortune at age 80, They kept shrinking the Action Office until it became a cubicle,” and later he regretted his role in creating this “monolithic insanit

25、y.”不过在80岁那年,普洛斯特对财富杂志回忆道:“他们一再压缩动感办公室的空间,使它最终成了一个小格子。”后来他非常后悔自己参与创造了这种“千篇一律的疯狂”。6.Comic Sans6Comic Sans字体Comic Sans is the whimsical typeface everybody loves to hate, which has inspired the online Ban Comic Sans campaign.Vincent Connare, the man responsible for its existence, created it for a comput

26、er education program for children in 1994. But once it was included as a standard typeface in the Microsoft Windows operating system, it took on life of its own, mostly going places a more dignified choice should go.Comic Sans字体似乎成了人见人恨的过街老鼠,网上甚至还发起过“抵制Comic Sans字体”活动。它的发明人文森特康奈尔为了促进儿童学习电脑的积极性,于1994

27、年发明了这种字体。但后来该字体被微软的Windows操作系统吸纳为标准字体之一,似乎有了自己的生命,不过它出现的地方往往都应该由一种更庄重的字体替代。Its become the legacy of Connare, who works at a typography studio and says he cringes whenever he see Comic Sans. If you love it, you dont know much about typography,” he told the Wall Street Journal, adding, if you hate it,

28、 you really dont know much about typography, either, and you should get another hobby.Comic Sans字体已经成了康奈尔的负担。康奈尔目前供职于一家排版工作室。他表示,每次看见它都觉得糟心。他对华尔街日报表示:“如果你喜欢它,那么你基本上不懂排版。如果你讨厌它,你还是不懂排版,而且你应该找一个其它爱好。”7.Labradoodle7拉布拉多贵宾犬Wally Conron, the breeder who created the labradoodle (a mix of labrador and pood

29、le) in the late 1980s, regrets having created a designer dog craze. Last year he told the Associated Press, “Ive done a lot of damage.Ive created a lot of problems.There are a lot of unhealthy and abandoned dogs out there.”20世纪80年代末期,沃利康伦在拉布拉多犬和贵宾犬的基础上培育出了拉布拉多贵宾犬。但他却为自己引发的育犬热感到后悔。去年他对美联社表示:“我搞了许多破坏我

30、带来了很多问题有很多不健康和被遗弃的狗无家可归。”Conron stopped breeding them 20 years ago, but their popularity has boomed. Conron criticized puppy mills with unscrupulous that breeding practices. “Instead of breeding out the problems, theyre breeding them in. For every perfect one, youre going to find a lot of crazy ones

31、.”康伦早在20年前就停止繁育拉布拉多贵宾犬,但这并未阻碍它非常火爆地流行开来。康伦批评很多犬舍肆无忌惮地培育犬种的做法:“他们不是通过培育解决问题,而是通过培育造成问题。每完成一个完美的育种,背后都有很多疯狂的育种。”8.Pepper Spray8胡椒喷雾剂Kamran Loghman was a developer for weapons-grade pepper spray for the FBI in the 1980s. In 2011, speaking with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now!, Loghman expressed his shock at law enforcements use of pepper spray on peaceful protesters. He cited the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations at UC Davis, in New York City, and Seattle. “I saw it, and the first thing that came to my mind wasnt p

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