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1、初中英语说课稿英文版小学 英语说课稿 (全英版 )Good morning/evening, everyone. It is my great honor and pleasure to be heresharing my lesson with you.My number is _, the content of this lesson is _. I have been ready to finish this lesson in 7parts. ( 我准备从以下 7 个方面来完成这次说课内容 )Part 1 analysis of the teaching material (第 1 部

2、分 分析教材)The content of this lesson is part A of unit 3 in PEP primary English book 5. This unit is talkabout birthday. It includes several parts. They mainly deal with some key words, phrases and patterns, such as .This lesson is in the important position of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, i

3、t will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.Part 2 analysis of the Ss (第 2 部分 分析学情)Our Ss are in grade 5.They are active,curious and interested in new things. After learning English morn than 2 years, they have some basic English background knowledge, so I should attach the inportance

4、to thecommunication with Ss, and providing them the chances of using language.Part 3 teaching aims (第 3 部分 教学目标 )( 分为知识目标,能力目标,情感目标)1 Aims on the knowledgeBy the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to read, recoginze and use these words and phrases, such as and Ss will also be able to read, recog

5、nize and use these patterns, such as - 1 -2 Aims on the abilitiesBy the end of the lesson. The Ss can understand the dialogue/passage , and get useful information from the listening and reading.Ss will be able to talk about their daily routines. So the Ss listening and speaking abilities will be dev

6、eloped. 3 Aims on the emotionIn this lesson, the emotional aims is to arouse Ss interest of english learning, to foster Ss consciousness of good-cooperation and proper competition.To help Ss to recognize and identify the differences between Chinese and English cultures on.Part 4 the important and di

7、fficult points (第 4 部分 重点和难点)The important points is how to help Ss ask and answer the following questions: when do you do morning exercise. And how to help Ss be able to listen,speak read and write the new words: usually, evening,get up.Difficult poins are how to help Ss use the important words and

8、 patterns correctly and skillfully.and to help Ss master the pronunciation of some hard words: exercise.Part 5 teaching methods (第 5 部分 教学方法)As we all know, the main teaching aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivatepupil s basic abilities of listening, speaking and their good sense

9、 of their english language.So in this lesson, I will mainly use “ Task -based teaching method, communicative language teaching method, and TPR teaching method ”Besides, I will also arrange 4 kinds of activites: they are singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.- 2 -Part 6

10、the teaching procedure (第 6 部分 教学过程 )我会从以下 5 个步骤来完成教学过程。 第 1 步热身和复习, 第 2 步新课呈现,行练习,第 4 步巩固提高,第 5 步复习和作业)Now , I will mainly talk about my teaching procedures. I will follow five steps.Step 1 waring up and revisionIt is important to set up a better english learing situation for the pupils. So I will

11、design twoacitvities.Activity 1 sing a song with Ss.Activity 2 TPR (total physical response) to ask pupils to follow my instructions: get up, havebreakfast, watch TVThen ask and answer: what do you do on the weekend?Purpose: the purpose of this step is to form a better english learning surrounding f

12、or the Ss, and the same time, it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2 presentationFirst of all, with the help of PPT, I set a situation of our daily life to simulate theof the lesson. By playing the PPT, I will present the phrases: do morning exercise, eat breakfa

13、st. And then present the pattern: when do you do?Purpose :the purpose of this is to present the new words and setences in the situation, which relates to the Ss real life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easily and naturally.Secondly, play a guessing game. Divide the whole class i

14、nto four groups to have a competition.Let them guess: what I am doing?Purpose; the purose of this is to review the key words and phrases one by one. And proper cometiton can arouse the Ss interest in english learning.第3 步进Ss interest- 3 -Thirdly , with the help of the CAI to set a situation to prese

15、nt the dialogue, let Ss understandit easily. Then play the cassette, let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.At last: mention that we should form a healthy living habits.Purpose : CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the di

16、alogue better. And tell the Ss toStep 3 practiceThis step includes mechanical activity and activities in the meaningful situation. Mechanical activity is to help Ss to recognize and read the new words and sentences.activities in the meaningful situation to make Ss use the new words and sentence stru

17、cture ina real situation.Purpose : the purpose of this is to draw the whole Ss attention to the spelling of the words. Itis to help Ssto consolidate the words and structures through a true situation.Step 4 developmentIn this step , I will give Ss a free space to show their abilities.First I will hel

18、p the Ss finish a survey, and then let them make a new dialogue and act it out.Task-based teaching method and communicative language teaching method are used here.Purpose : the purpose of this step is to develop Ss ability of communication and cooperation.Making a new dialogue is to check if Ss can

19、use the key words, patterns and structures correctly and skillfully.Step 5 conclusion and homeworkAfter step 4, some pupils can grasp the knowledge well, but some pupils can t. so revision isimportant, pupils should speak english after class as much as they do in class. It is necessary for the pupil

20、s to do some exercise after class. So I design the following homework.1 listen and read the content of this unit- 4 -2 talk about their daily routines with the classmates. ( 以上就是我教学过程的所有内容 )Part 7 blackboard design (第 7 部分 板书设计)A good Bb design can make Ss get key information in limited time. I will

21、 make a design likethis:The title of this lesson is on the top of the blackboard. Divide the rest of Bb into three parts. The left is for the key words and phrases, the middle is for the main patterns and structures, while the right is for the other unimportant things.结束语:That s all for my teaching

22、design. Thanks a lot for your attention- 5 -初中英语说课稿(英文版)一、 说教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material1. 说课型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision)2. 本课在教材中的地位 status and functionLesson XX saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the

23、 functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is adialogue / reading. It s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability.3. 说教学指导思想 teaching guideline(Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on rea

24、ding;Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; 2.get them to understand the western culture better;3. improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; 4.Reading is for information, for fun; 5.Use Top- down model or Bottom- up

25、model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model)4.说教学目标和要求 Teaching aims and demands( be intended for Ss in key schools)1)认知目标 knowledge objectsa. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into

26、b. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.c. Activate Ss schemata regarding the topicf o and help Ss to know more about theproblem of .

27、2)智能目标 ability objectsa. Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue.b. Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.c. Develop their ability of thinking independently.d. Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.e. Train them to collect information from

28、 the Internet.f. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ss learning results.- 6 -3)德育目标 moral objectsa. Arouse their interest in learning English;b. Help them to understand the background of c. Enable the students to d. Be aware of the importance of & e. Encourage the Ss to do s

29、omething to 5. 说教学重点 teaching important points 生(词、句型;培养阅读技能 )a. New words and phrasesb. Sentence pattern: c. improve their reading skills.d. Talking about problems of 6. 说教学难点 teaching difficult points 语(法;发展交际能力 )a. functional item: Supposition.b. Develop their communicative ability. Act out their

30、 own dialogue.7. 说教具 teaching aids (multi-media computer, software, OHP)The teaching syllabus says that it s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities.It s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. It can alsomake the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively andinteresting. At the same time, it arouses the Ss interest in learning. English二、 说教法 Teaching methodsFive step method; audio-video; communicative approach; Task-based learning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this t

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