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1、translation+exs+of+unit+11英语习题翻译1. 他努力使自己适应新的环境。(adapt)He is trying to adapt himself to the new environment.2. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。(adaptfor)The author/writer will adapt his play for television.3. 后墙上挂着一幅巨型油画。 (On)On the back wall hangs a huge oil painting.4. 上周玛丽生了一个健康的宝宝。(birth)Last week Mary gave birt

2、h to a healthy baby.5. 我们经常被迫去做我们不愿做的事情。(force)We are often forced to do what we dont like to do.6. 有时在课堂上我不得不以足够大的声音讲话。(voice)At class sometimes I have to speak in a loud enough voice.7. 我虽然害怕夜晚一个人出去,但今晚我不怕一个人上街。(afraid)Although I am afraid of going out alone at night, I am not afraid to go to stre

3、et alone tonight.8. 电脑在日常生活中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。(role)Computers are playing a more and more important role in daily/everyday life.9. 那个幽灵当着全体观众的面从舞台上绑架了克里斯汀。(kidnap)The phantom kidnapped Christine from the stage in front of the whole audience.10. 你把我的词典藏哪儿了?(hide)Where have you hidden my dictionary?11. 夫妻不

4、应该相互隐瞒任何事情。(hide)Husband and wife shouldnt hide anything from each other.12. 任何人犯罪都会被投入监狱。 (commit a crime; prison)Anyone who/ Whoever commits a crime will be cast into prison.13. 我虽然独居,但并不感到孤独。 (lonely, alone)I live alone, but I dont feel lonely.14. 听到获奖的消息时,她喜极而泣。 (On ; joy)On hearing (the news th

5、at) she had won the prize, she cried with joy. 15. 令我们欣慰的是,孩子被救回来了,安然无恙。(rescue)To our relief, the child was rescued, safe and sound.1. 我们对他长期以来忍受心脏病的折磨深表同情。(be sorry about sbs doing sth; suffer )We are deeply sorry about his suffering from heart-attack for a long time.2. 你能让我搭顺车回家吗?(lift)Can you gi

6、ve me a lift to my home?3. 我原打算在上海再逗留几天。(originally, more)Originally I intended / planned to stay in Shanghai for a few more days.4. 现在我们国家的经济正面临着各种困难。(face, variety)Now the economy of our country is faced with /facing varieties of difficulties.5. 许多中国学生学英语有很多困难。(difficulty)Many Chinese students hav

7、e great difficulty learning English. 6. 你们的学习方法和习惯需要极大改进。(need)Your learning method and habit need improving greatly.7. 大量机械被用来把音乐厅抬到空中。(lift vt.)A lot of machinery is used to lift the concert hall into the air.8. 闻名中外的上海外白渡桥(Garden Bridge of Shanghai )经过整修后已完全恢复了100多年前的原貌。(restore)The Garden Bridge

8、 of Shanghai (which is ) well-known both at home and abroad has been restored to the way they looked over 100 years ago.9. 变大后的上海音乐厅可容纳1200名听众。(seat, audience)The Shanghai Concert Hall (which was) made larger can seat an audience of 1200.10. 随着孩子的康复,这个家庭又恢复了往日的生机。(recover, bring back to life)With th

9、e childs recovering, the family has been brought back to life in the past.Workbook:1. The phantom fell in love with Christine at first sight.2. The teacher was shocked at his behavior/what he had done.3. She felt quite sorry about his terrible experiences.4. The door opened suddenly and a group of c

10、hildren burst in.5. Smoking is harmful to /does harm to / damages health.6. She suggested/advised going to the cinema at the weekend.7. This knife is only used for cutting fruits.8. The hostess words were drowned out by applause.9. He seated himself at the desk and began to do his homework.10. Color

11、ful flowers can bring a dull/boring room back to life.English Coach1. The boss is very cruel to his workers/employees, forcing them to work day and night.2. Mary fell in love with the dress at first sight.3. Hundreds of soldiers and medical workers were sent to the earthquake-stricken/hit areas to r

12、escue those (who were )in trouble. 4.I need sb to help me/help to pull off my boots.5.We were chatting in the room when a strange man with a gun burst in.1. People enjoy her wonderful song very much, but it was drowned out by a huge explosion quickly.2. The local government took all measures to rescue the workers trapped in the mine.3. Hardly had the spring arrived when No sooner had the spring arrived than all living things were brought back to life.4. This kind of plant originally grew in tropical forest, so it doesnt grow well here.5. We feel sorry for/about his missing such a good chance.

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