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1、南京中考英语试题带标准答案与解析018年南京市英语中考试卷选择题(共40分)一、 单项填空(共15小题;每小题分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. Loo atthe tet ithenoie. What does tay?The studentswh dont si p beforFridayluchime_A. illhaveo workt lunchtime nxt Friy .willhv owo i the afenoon x eek C.wntb able too afernoactivities ext Fiday D nb

2、e abeto choose ther afernoo ativiies nxt eek2. Neil Arsrong wast firsman o wlko th moon_20 July 199.A. in B.n C. at D. for3 _ is i rm he Childrn PlcetoNanjng South Railway tation, To?Abou minutes idb bu.A. soon . Howong .H far D. Howmu4.Theschols i QinhaiDstct willdevelop he usum core sutabl rchilde

3、n durng_ scool time.they Btheir . th Dtheirs5. “Readig Pavilion”, which erd LuheLibathi sring,has mad _ for czenso epeienc the lauro rading tnefore.Aas . easer C. asily D. moe easily6. Some people enjoy_ out ther mesagein olewhen they trvel o he sea.A. to sen B. snd C sendi D. n. on, doyu know ho in

4、ented te it? Sue! _by ooer 2,000years aA. s ivented .nvent C. wsivented D. wl nne8.Mexicnand Tx-Me fds wer popuarinthe SA, _ no Chnesefood has morefans.A. bcause B. t D. ess9. We _ to u Bocade Mueuithhe excage suden tis coming smer holida.Thats amaing!A. went o C. hav gne . wlgo10 efore ustart reain

5、,sk yorsel _ u r rng this bok Ms pepl red fortwomain esos, leasre or nldg wh B what . wee when1. yo hav ts -shitin a sal _? mafrai n. It only comes edium.A. ze B. coor C maeri D. tate12. ille _mse he tranhis fternon.Ittarted o leve rgh feshe gt on it.A. lmos B area . really D. elom13. mazinl,ve mana

6、ed to finsh he pojc y myself. _ I told you itwa eas.A With pasue B. Guess hat? C. hr yae! D. It doesnt matr. Whc fthe follown seeeas anoctclse?A. Hisothe clle himbbewhen he was a ab. B. O Mar youmit seepeole whwer peal bts. C.Mr.Gree tel s hat ettr se te Itret properly. D.urife hasimprvedeause the e

7、nvrmentis gettng better.15. Rea the following entences.“Thereare t ofecllent sihtsin Nnng. ve_you_ever_been_o_any_of_hem?” Thenderned parts to _.A. ae stateent . ask questonC.gie an instucton . gie exclamaion二、 完形填空(共0小题;每小题分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、四个选项中,选出最佳选项。He was plase o ear haChibinewll

8、the placeswhe h ild rapes andild otatoes grewH a aazed o _1how uch i knew u allth flower in ourcls gdn. He likedCibi black andwieawngsa ut the up o the ll to be _17_.He liked Cbis own hndrting, hic no one ut Chibi cold ra, ad e put that ponthwall.ut,wen hibiappeaon the stat thetalentshow of ht yar,

9、no ne coul _18_ is eye. “Wo is t?” “Wht cat tupid do thre?”UntilM.Isbe anounedtat Chbiwas gig tomtate(模仿) the vocsof crows “Vics?” “is crows?”_ h mitateth oicso newl hachero nd h made the other crow voce Thene imitated fathercrosvoce. e showed h crows cry rlyn te mornnHe shwe how crws ry hen the ill

10、agepeoplehaesomeunapp accident. He wed hw cros _20_ en tey ar happy and chrful. veryboys mind aske t he _21_ untanse from which Chib prbay cato schoo.Chibi madevery ecial2_ eedown i hi ta(喉咙)t itaecrw in an ldtee te enNow everybdy couldimagine _23_ th frandlylce where Chbi lived wihis family.Te r Is

11、be expland24_ Chbi arnd toscallsleavinghs hom or scoo at unrs, and aringhoe at suset,ery dy orsix ong yearsEvery oe of us cid,hinkng how muchwehad bee _25oChiiall thos logar.Hewas boy beyon ur uual iagato!1A. complai B.cout C.nd D. refu1. A.dmird B. rinteCpunished D voided8A. check B.hutC. penD.bele

12、v19 A.Later .Next C. Lst D. First20. A. j . aC. fly D ance21. . far .crowde C. near D mdrn2. A.scrs B. rpors C.speeh .sunds3. hardly B. hapiy C.eatly . eall24. A.what . how C.whethr D wo5.A.wrong B.kid C. hnst D. generous三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的A、B、四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Ahere ee 2,00 amal

13、 Cheste Zo. ll are flying, jmping dplayin hapili 25 acrs o oderul rens.2. Ifyouwnt o no more aboutimls henyou vsit th zoo, can _.A. haea n time journe B. o a membr of h oo . sta oe of hste an Cheshies tel D. join one ofthedily animal alks i te zo7 Whiccanhelyuif you wnt t spnda night nhtli Cheser?AL

14、aternMaic B. Sa vr. C. Talkn imas. D. Memberhip and Adopins.28. oucan buyou membrsp at _A. B C. DBTere arealmot as many was towr as ther are inds o exts.Some wriesnot proea word ules the a poised bhin aes, wil oths prefr toriteittig outdoosr nosyrstauan.Sme writers cete n etre rk bforeging bak toa a

15、t th ha writte, whersmay rer a sinle argraph mn times ore movig n. Idividual rte tcniqumabedifret,but uccesful iter oaveonehing icommo: the writingpce(步骤).T wiingpocess is meup ur tae, an each seivolvecrin atiiies T chart elow smmarizeswha hpen during eachsage fh wiing rces.Wat YouDoDurng the Wriing

16、ProcessPrewringChooyor toicIdentiyyou purpose and inc, nd sect writing form propriate to t urpose a audince.Generte d aher infaion abou the topic.Begn to organze thnfomatio.ecie themin poi you watt epress.WrigaDaft(草稿)Catch yu ers attentn ithentrodtinrovie backroundinformation.tae yur ain points, yo

17、r support, an yu elaoi of tm.Follow a pln of organizato.rp up with a oncluson.evin(修改)Evalatyourdraft.eie he dafttmprovets cnten, organiion, sty.Publishingoofead, o dit your final drat.Publih, or share your inshed riin h reades.efect on your riting xerience.9. What dosuccessl wrers haeincomon?A. The

18、y hav the wriing prces. B Theyie tread whatthey ave rie .They write oudoor or inoiy resturs. D. Tey rewit a singl pagrph any tims.0. Whe u rt adaft, yoshoud_A. chosyuwritng tpic . ge yur rdes atention theinroduction C.publih or sharour finised witing wth reders D.revse the drft t improe it cnent,ogn

19、zation and tyl31. What isthe bs titlef te passage?A. Wriin Poi B. Wriing W C Writi as a Pocess D. ing MatrialsCBijingOperaisthe mt represtatveo all Chese raditina dmatic ar form ad he aret Chieseoea orm. Havinga ir of abou 00 yes, it is evlpd frmbsoing(吸收)man oher dramaic frs, mslyrom the oca dramaH

20、uiban, hich wasoaiSouth hia during the18thetury. Ii a scnic(戏剧的)art ingrating usic,perfrance, literur, ia,and ace aitn.Theatria rt forms imany oter ountie dt presensinging, ancingand spoknars in onesngle dama.An pera singr, frxapl, eithdances norspeaks on ; te re no siging r ncn pts i moder pla; in

21、adacdrama, the darhas no seakingrole nd does nt singehe. TritioalChnsedram, icldin Beijng Opra,is a kind entrainment whi nludes spken pat, snging, ancing and aoatcs.n additio to ts prene i na,Bijng Opaha read o anothe pls. Mei Lanng, n of themt famous performes(表演者)ofal tim, wa te toitroduce BejiOer

22、 to oreigner anmde higy sucessful tours to fregn ouies.“Yu wll puzled(困惑的) a e way oghd little boedfrom im to time;bu u il be chrme and interete. You will be strongly attated o Beijing pa even i you knw nothing ofhe dramatibackground.”Thi isow one Ameicantraveller escibed hisis eperience inwatching

23、Beijing Opera.Beijig Opea s hinas national pra and it sfl of Chiee culural rdition.Wecome to ha and eno Biji pera!3What aes BeijigOpra diffent o theatrc atforms inmay oher cuni?AIt hs on opra singr on stge. .I o ncer wo asno sakin ole.C.It has aleady spred an otercountre. D It incldes soken rt, siging, ann ad acobti.3.eople thik Me Lnfn paed a iprtnt oleinthe spred of Being Opeabecse_.A hema manytors to a freign cuntr B.hewas famou BjigOper prformr C. eathfrst nodc Biin Oper tfoeigners D he mae BeingOpadiffren rom other thearica at s FroParagrph 4 we kow hat e Americn raeller _

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