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1、威尼斯商人剧本中英结合 The Merchant of Venice剧情介绍:威尼斯富商安东尼奥为了成全好友巴萨尼奥的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借债。由于安东尼奥贷款给人从不要利息,并帮夏洛克的女儿私奔,怀恨在心的夏洛克乘机报复,佯装也不要利息,但假设逾期不还就从安东尼奥身上割下一磅肉。不久以后,传来了安东尼奥的商船失事的消息,他的资金周转不灵,无力归还贷款。夏洛克去法庭控告,根据法律条文要安东尼奥履行诺言。为救安东尼奥的性命,巴萨尼奥的未婚妻鲍西娅假扮律师出庭。她容许了夏洛克的要求,但要求所割的一磅肉必须正好是一磅肉,不能多也不能少,更不能流血。夏洛克因无法执行而败诉,害人不成反而失去了财

2、产。第四幕第一场威尼斯Act IVScene I Venice. A Court of Justice.(Enter the Duke; the Magnificoes; Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano,Salarino, Salanio and Others)法庭公爵、众绅士、安东尼奥、巴萨尼奥、莱诺、萨拉里诺、萨莱尼奥和其他人等同上。Duke: What, is Antonio here?Antonio: Ready, so please Your Grace.公爵:安东尼奥到了没.安东尼奥:到了,殿下。Duke: I feel sorry for you. Bec

3、ause the opponent you will face in court is a stonehearted , inhuman, and unsympathetic wretch who lacks 公爵:我为你感到很遗憾,因为你即将面临的法庭对手有一副铁石心肠,是个毫无人性、不懂得怜悯与同情,一贯缺乏慈祥之心的恶人。Antonio: I have heard Your Grace hath taen great pains to qualify hisrigorous course; but since he stands obdurate and that no lawful m

4、eanscan carry me out of his envys reach, I do oppose my patience to his fury,and am armd to suffer, with a quietness of spirit, the very tyranny andrage of his.安东尼奥:我听说您已经竭尽全力,试图阻止他的任意妄为。但是,既然他固执己见,不肯让步,而且没有任何合法的手段可以救我脱离这个犹太人的毒手,我必定要用忍耐来对抗他的愤怒,我准备好了以平常的心态承受他残暴的处置。Duke: Go one, and call the Jew into

5、the court.公爵:来人,传那犹太人到庭。Salarino: Hes ready at the door: he es, my lord.萨拉里诺:他就在门口等着。他来了,殿下。(Enter Shylock)Duke: Make room, and let him stand before our face. Shylock, theworld thinks, and I think so too, that thou but leadst this fashion of thymalice to the last hour of act; and then tis thought th

6、oult show thy mercyand remorse more strange than is thy strange-apparent cruelty; andwhere thou now e*actst the penalty, which is a pound of this poor mer-chants flesh, thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture, but, touchd with hu-man gentleness and love, forgive a moiety of the principal; glancing a

7、neye of pity on his losses, that have of late so huddled on his back, enowto press a royal merchant down, and pluck miseration of his statefrom brassy bosoms and rough hearts of flint, from stubborn Turks andTartars, never traind to offices of tender courtesy. We all e*pect a gentleanswer,夏洛克上公爵:大家让

8、开点,让他站在我的面前。夏洛克,人家都以为而且我也是这样想的,尽管你到了最后时刻仍然表现得残酷无情,实际上却会大发慈悲,你体恤人的方式一定比你的残酷行为更加出人意料。虽然你现在坚持按约处分,要从这个可怜的商人身上割下一块肉来,但你最终可能不仅会放弃处分,而且会因为心中的友爱之情,免除他的一局部欠款,你看看他最近遭受的巨大损失,即使是像国王那样富有的人也免不了倾家荡产,全国人包括心肠坚硬得像顽石一样的人、从未受过教育的野蛮人、彬彬有礼的宫廷官员,都会同情他的境遇。犹太人,我们都在期待你作出温和的答复。Jew.Shylock: I have possessd Your Grace of what

9、I purpose; and by ourholy Sabbath have I sworn to have the due and forfeit of my bond: if youdeny it, let the danger light upon your charter and your citys freedom.Youll ask me, why I rather choose to have a weight of carrion flesh thanto receive three thousand ducats: Ill not answer that: but, say,

10、 it is my hu-mour: is it answerd? What if my house be troubled with a rat, and I bepleasd to give ten thousand ducats to have it band? What, are you an-swerd yet? Some men there are love not a gaping pig; some, that are madif they behold a cat; and others, when the bagpipe sings i the nose, can-not

11、contain their urine: for affection, mistress of passion, sways it to themood of what it likes, or loathes. Now, for your answer; as there is no firm reason to be renderd, why he cannot abide a gaping pig; why he, a harm-less necessary cat; why he, a woollen bagpipe; but of force must yield tosuch in

12、evitable shame as to offend, himself being offended; so can I giveno reason, nor I will not, more than a lodgd hate and a certain loathing Ibear Antonio, that I follow thus a losing suit against him. Are you an-swerd?夏洛克:我的意思已经向殿下禀告过了;我也曾指着圣安息日起誓,一定要照约处分安东尼奥。如果您不容许我的请求,那就是违反了宪章,威尼斯城邦的特权就有被取消的危险。如果您问

13、我为什么我宁愿选择一块腐肉而不是三千块钱,我无言以对,我只能说我愿意这样您满意我的答复吗.假设我的房间里有老鼠,我快乐出一万块钱把它们斩尽杀绝,那又怎么样.怎么,您明白我的意思了吗.我就这样和您说吧,为什么有人忍受不了一只烤乳猪,或者一只无辜且有益处的猫,为什么有的人听到风笛声就情不自禁地露出丑相,所有这些癖好都没有适宜的理由,所以我也给不出理由,也不愿意寻找任何借口,我仅仅是处于对安东尼奥的宿怨和反感,才提出对他的诉讼,这样答复可以吗.Bassanio: This is no answer, thou unfeeling man, to e*cuse the cur-rent of thy

14、cruelty.巴萨尼奥:这个答复不行。你这个冷酷无情的人,这也不能让人谅解你的残忍作为!Shylock: I am not bound to please thee with my answer.夏洛克:我的答复本来也不是为了讨好你。Bassanio: Do all men kill the things they do not love?巴萨尼奥:难道人们对于他们所不喜欢的东西,都一定要置之死地吗.Shylock: Hates any man the thing he would not kill?夏洛克:恨一个人难道就不能灭掉他吗.Bassanio: Every offence is n

15、ot a hate at first.巴萨尼奥:初次的冒犯,不应该就引为仇恨吧。Shylock: What! wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice?夏洛克:什么!你愿意让毒蛇咬两次吗.Antonio: I pray you, think you question with the Jew: you may aswell go stand upon the beach, and bid the main flood bate his usualheight; you may as well use question with the wolf

16、why he hath made theewe bleat for the lamb; you may as well forbid the mountain pines to wagtheir high tops and to make no noise when they are fretten with the gustsof heaven; you may as well do anything most hard, as seek to soften that-than which whats harder? his Jewish heart: therefore, I do beseechyou, make no more offers, use no farther means, but with all brief andplain conveniency, le

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