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寒假作业高一年级Week Three附答案.docx

1、寒假作业高一年级Week Three附答案【寒假作业】 高一年级 Week Three本系列寒假作业共由5个模块组成,每周以天为单位分为【基础夯实】、【阅读基础】、【阅读提升】、【写作训练】及【美文赏析】。Day 1 【基础夯实 一、单词拼写1. Carefully she_(滑行) along the ice.2. He _(营救) three children from the burning building.3. As is known to us, smoking had a bad_ (影响) on our lungs.4. The south of the country was

2、 worst_ (影响) by the drought.5. He congratulated himself on having _ (幸存) the air crash.6. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was_ (袭击) by floods.7. During the eight-day march across the desert our _(供应) of water decreased rapidly.8. Your_(态度) tosomething is the way that you think and feel about it.9

3、. In his speech, he_(提到)to a recent trip toCanada.10. Television is an effective _(方式)of communication.11. The money was collected for a _(特定的) purpose.12. The product was developed in response to customer _(需求).13. ThatstonestructuredatesbacktotheMing_(朝代).14. I_(恳求)him to come back to England with

4、me.15. There are bound to be changes when the _(系统) is introduced.二、用方框内短语的适当形式填空other than; take control of; be made up of; look forward to;; apply for; look through; focus on; even if; stay away from1I want you to _ my daughter.2He likes to help others _ he is very busy.3She is writing

5、 to _ a position as an accountant in a company.4As she is _ hearing from me, please remember to post this letter on your way to school.5Please _ the wire _ the television.6She _ her notes before the exam.7Our company _ six factories throughout China.8I know she has brown hair, but _ that I dont reme

6、mber much about her.9Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, Ill _ the new day and all the happy memories Ive stored away.10Each group shall _ not less than ten.三、词形转换1.dead adj无生命的_ n死;死亡_vi.死,死亡2.shock n震惊vt(使)震惊_ adj令人震惊的_ adj感到震惊的3.breathe vi& vt呼吸_ n呼吸4.erupt vi& vt爆发;喷出_ n火山爆发;(战争等)爆发

7、5.power n电力供应;能量;_ adj强大的;有力的6.effect n影响;结果;效果_ adj有效果的7.long adj长的_ n长;长度8.refer v. 提到;查阅;参考 _ n. 参考;指称关系9.base vt. 以.为据点;n.底部 _ adj. 以.为基础的_adj.基本的10.vary v.变化,改变;_ n. 变化;多样化_adj.多种多样的11.mean v. 意味着 _n. 方式,手段_ adj.有意义的12.globe n. 球体 _ adj. 全球的13.appreciate v. 感激 _ n. 感激,欣赏14.describe v. 描述_n. 描写,

8、形容15.relate vt.联系,讲述_adj.相关的_n.关系四、单句语法填空1. They reached an island _ is famous for a variety of plants. 2. She didnt like horseback riding because she was _ (scare) of being thrown off the horse. 3. This is the scientist _ achievements are well known. 4. _ is difficult if you put your heart into it.

9、 5. The experts are trying their best to find out ways _ (solve) the problem.6. My friend _ has made fantastic progress in English will give us some tips on English learning. 7. _ (protect) the endangered animals, the government has set up some nature reserves.8. In the last few years, many high-spe

10、ed rail systems _ (build) in China. 9. Dr. Smith said he _ (give) a speech on how to reduce stress the next week. 10. The Dragon Boat Festival _ (celebrate) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.Day 2 【阅读基础】 一、A篇Big Problems, Simple SolutionsInventions are improving health and well-being in comm

11、unities around the world. Speakers at recent TED events have shared simple and inexpensive solutions that can solve everyday problems.FUEL BRIQUETTES (燃料砖)In the developing world, smoke from indoor cooking kills more than 2 million children each year. In fact, its the number one cause of death of ch

12、ildren under five. Amy Smith, founder of D-Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), discovered a way to make a safe cooking fuel. The material she uses is also free and plentiful: farm waste.Smith invented a low-cost device that turns farm waste into fuel briquettes. These briquettes

13、produce smoke that is less dangerous than the smoke from other fuel. They also burn hotter and last longer. Farmers can make these briquettes from readily available waste. This invention has an economic benefit, too. Farmers can buy the device for $2 and sell briquettes they dont use. Smith estimate

14、s (估算) that this can increase a farmers income by $500 a month. DISASTER SHELTERS Over 31 million people worldwide lose their homes every year due to natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. After these disasters, many people live in terrible conditionsin tents or in large stadiums with

15、 no privacy. Graphic designer Michael McDaniel invented inexpensive and temporary housing for people in these situations.Called the Reaction Ex, these shelters are small, one-room houses that comfortably hold up to four people. Theyre made from a plastic that is strong, recyclable, and super light.

16、In fact, theyre so light that they can be lifted by hand and are very portable as well. McDaniel hopes that his invention will provide an affordable solution to help people rebuild their lives after a natural disaster. 1. The key goal to invent the fuel briquettes is to_. A. increase family income B

17、. make full use of farm waste C. get free and plentiful cooking fuel D. protect kids from dangerous cooking smoke2. What are the features of disaster shelters? A. Light and affordable. B. Heavy and recyclable. C. Big and comfortable. D. Small and breakable.3. What is the main purpose of the passage?

18、A. To explain design methods. B. To introduce new inventions.C. To report research findings. D. To advertise latest products.二、B篇Im a 34-year-old man, married, live in a nice house, and have a successful career as an educational consultant(顾问). But my life was not always so great. My learning disabi

19、lity made my school days very challenging from an early age. I went to a special school where I got plenty of extra help. Still, I suffered the rest of my school days in public schools.My life improved remarkably when I discovered art. The art world gave me a chance to express myself without words.

20、I went to a workshop and gradually got good at making things with clay (黏土). Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay. And my confidence came along.I got my next lesson from rock climbing. It was a fun thing but

21、 I was scared from the start. I soon noticed it wasnt a talent thing; it was practice. So I did it more. After about five years of climbing, I found myself in Yosemite Valley on a big wall. I learned that if you fall in love with something and do it all the time, you will get better at it.Later I de

22、cided to apply my previous experience to learning how to read and write. Every day I practiced reading and writing, which I used to avoid as much as possible. After two hard years, I was literate (有读写能力的).Having gone through the long process with art, rock climbing, and reading and writing, now Ive

23、got to a point in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown, hard, but interesting.4. What did the author think of his school days?A. Great. B. Successful.C. Challenging. D. Frightening.5. What gives the author confidence?A. Rock climbing. B. Reading and wri

24、ting.C. Extra help in a special school. D. The art of making things with clay.6. What did the author learn from rock climbing?A. Live and learn. B. Practice makes perfect.C. Everyone has his own strengths. D. A good beginning makes a good ending.7. What kind of person is the author?A. Determined. B.

25、 Interesting.C. Talented. D. Hard.三、完形填空Tom was a middle-aged businessman whose repeated failure in his work made him an upset man, often complaining(抱怨) that others had been playing tricks on him. One day he told his wife he was so 1 with the city that he had to leave.So his family moved to 2 city.

26、 It was in the evening of a weekend when Tom and his wife were busy 3 up their new home that the 4 suddenly went out. So they had to 5 work. Because Tom had forgotten bringing along candles, he had to wait 6 in a low mood. Just then he heard slight knocks on his door that sounded clear in the 7 nigh

27、t.“Whos it?” he wondered, since Tom had no 8 in the new city. And this was the moment he especially disliked being disturbed or troubled. 9 , he went unwillingly to the door and opened it impatiently. At the door was a little girl, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have 10 ? Im your neighbour.” “No!” answe

28、red Tom in anger and shut the door 11 . He complained about it with his wife, “As soon as we settled down, the neighbour came to 12 things.” After a while, the door was knocked again. He opened it and found the 13 girl outside. But this time she was holding two candles, saying, “My grandma told me t

29、he new neighbour downstairs might need candles. She 14 me here to give you these.” Tom was very 15 by what he saw. When he fully understood, he said, “Thank you and your 16 . God bless you!”At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his 17 in life. It was his 18 and unkindness with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was 19 nobody else but himself, for he had fallen for his heartless 20 .1. A inspiredB satisfiedC disappointedD encouraged2. A anyB otherC everyD another3. A endingB lookingC cleaningD turning4. A lightB fire

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