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高中英语 完形填空练习题4 新人教版.docx

1、高中英语 完形填空练习题4 新人教版2019-2020年高中英语 完形填空练习题4 新人教版1夹叙夹议型完形填空的特点在夹叙夹议形式的完形填空中,作者首先叙述一件事,然后就此事提出自己的见解或由此事引出一个深刻的社会主题。2夹叙夹议型完形填空的备考策略(1)夹叙夹议型文章的思路跳跃性强,按照一般的命题要求,文章的首句或者是一个完整的富有哲理的句子,这个句子不容忽视,往往是全文的关键句,甚至是文章的主题;或者是一小段叙述文,作者下文要对此展开议论。夹叙夹议文的主题明确,那就是告诉读者一个道理。因此,正确理解首句和开头段落以及它们在文章中的作用是非常重要的。(2)夹叙夹议型完形填空是记叙和议论在文

2、中交错运用,这样,不但可以大大充实文章的内容,而且能增强文章的说服力,从而既易于读者理解,又引发读者思考。只要抓住文章的线索,弄明白文章的逻辑关系,就能确定比较明确的、直接的答案。(3)夹叙夹议型文章的基本结构模式是:用一段概括性的话引入要叙述的经历(话题);叙述先前的经历及其感悟或发现;叙述接下来的经历及其感悟或发现;作出总结或结论。文章通常使用对比、附加、强调、让步、举例、结论、顺序和对照等手段。因此考生应注意观察文章的结构特点,根据故事情节的发展模式,确定恰当的衔接词。常见的语篇标志词有:表示逻辑关系的,如thus,therefore,so,though等;表示改变话题的,如by the

3、 way等;表示递进关系的,如besides,further,furthermore,what is more等。(xx陕西) One afternoon,my son Adam asked me,“Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”I thought for a minute,and then I said,“Ill explain, 1 you can just wait until we make a quick 2 at the grocery store.I have something 3 to

4、 show you.”At grocery store,we 4 some applesred,green and yellow ones.Back home,I told Adam,“Its time to 5 your question.”I put one apple of each 6 on the table.Then I looked at Adam,who had a 7 look on his face.“People are like apples.They e in all 8 colors,shapes and sizes.On the 9 ,some of the ap

5、ples may not 10 look as the others.”As I was talking,Adam was 11 each one carefully.Then,I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮) them, 12 them back on the table,but 13 a different place.“Okay,Adam,tell me which is which.”He said,“I 14 tell.They all look the same now.”“Take a bite of 15 .See if that

6、 helps you 16 which one is which.”He took 17 ,and then a huge smile came across his face.“People are 18 like apples!They are all different,but once you 19 the outside,theyre pretty much the same on the inside.”He totally 20 it.I didnt need to say or do anything else.1A.although Bso Cbecause Dif答案D解析

7、此处指“如果你能等的话,我将给你解释”。A项为“尽管”;B项为“因此”;C项为“因为”;D项为“如果”。2A.stop Bstart Cturn Dstay答案A解析make a stop为固定短语,意为“停留”;此处quick意为“短时间的,迅速完成的”,修饰stop。3A.expressive Bencouraging Cinformative Dinteresting答案D解析我有有趣的东西要展示给你,与后文有趣的解释相一致。A项为“富有表情的”;B项为“鼓舞人心的”;C项为“增进知识的,提供资料的”;D项为“有趣的”。4A.bought Bcounted Csaw Dcollected

8、答案A解析在杂货店里我们买了些苹果。5A.check Bmention Canswer Dimprove答案C解析现在是回答你的问题的时间了。6A.size Btype Cshape Dclass答案B解析我把每种苹果当中的一个放到桌子上。此处的种类指颜色的种类。A项为“大小”;B项为“种类”;C项为“形状”;D项为“级别,等级”。7A.worried Bsatisfied Cproud Dcurious答案D解析亚当斯的脸上有种好奇的表情。8A.ordinary Bnormal Cdifferent Dregular答案C解析人与苹果是一样的。它们的颜色、形状、大小各不相同。9A.outsi

9、de Bwhole Ctable Dinside答案A解析从外表来看,有些苹果可能的确看上去不如其他的苹果可口。不要错误理解为“在桌子上”。10A.still Beven Conly Dever答案B解析even此处用来加强语气,意为“的确”;A项为“仍然”;C项为“仅仅”;D项为“曾经”。11A.examining Bmeasuring Cdrawing Dpacking答案A解析在我说话时,亚当斯仔细检查着每一个苹果。12A.keeping Bplacing Cpulling Dgiving答案B解析我拿起苹果,削了皮并把它们放回到桌子上。place与6题所在句子中的put相一致。13A.

10、on Btoward Cfor Din答案D解析“在什么地方”用介词in。14A.mustnt Bcant Cshouldnt Dneednt答案B解析此处指“我不能判断出哪一个是哪一个,它们现在看上去一样”。15A.each one Beach other Cthe other Done another答案A解析把每一个苹果都咬上一口。16A.admit Bconsider Cdecide Dbelieve答案C解析看看是否那将帮助你确定哪一个是哪一个。A项为“承认;容纳”;B项为“考虑;认为”;C项为“决定,确定”;D项为“相信,认为”。17A.big bites Bdeep breath

11、s Ca firm hold Da close look答案A解析他大咬几口,然后脸上浮现出笑容。18A.just Balways Cmerely Dseldom答案A解析人与苹果简直是一样的。此处just用来加强语气,意为“简直,的确”。B项为“总是,一直”;C项为“仅仅”;D项为“几乎不”。19A.put away Bget down Chand out Dtake off答案D解析但是一旦你脱去外层,它们的内在是完全一样的。A项为“放好”;B项为“降下”;C项为“分发”;D项为“脱掉”。20A.made Btook Cgot Ddid答案C解析他完全明白了。get此处意为“理解”。2(x

12、x昆明名校联考(二))I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before the checkin.It had been a very 1 three days for me with lots of meetings.So I was glad to have the 2 time to make my notes on what I 3 to do the following day.But then came the 4 that my flight had to be5 because there was a problem wit

13、h the plane.As I sat waiting for my 6 to be called,I reflected on my last meeting of the day.It was not a business meeting but rather a very enjoyable 7 with an old business friend I had not seen for over 12 years.Our lunch was spent recalling times gone by 8 filling each other in what had happened

14、in our lives over the last 12 years.We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the good times and the great experiences we had 9 together.At the end of our time together,we both said how much we had 10 it and that we must do it again.It was great to have this additional time to replay in my 11 all that we had talked about.I realized just how important it was to have regular 12 of the good times in our life.I was lucky enough to have had the chance to take a short 13 and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over 12 years.It wa

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