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1、四级听力阅读词汇汇总四级听力词汇汇总2013.6 第一套 Part I Skimming and Scanningthe lunch line排队吃午饭cheeseburger ti:zb:g(r) 美 ti:zb:rg(r) n. 夹干酪和碎牛肉的三明治,放有干酪的肉饼奶酪汉堡包 A cheeseburger is a flat round piece of cooked meat called a burger with a slice of cheese on top, served in a bread roll.cheese See also: cottage cheese; cre

2、am cheese; goat cheese; macaroni cheese; 奶酪;干酪 Cheese is a solid food made from milk. It is usually white or yellow. cottage cheese n. (由脱脂凝乳制成的)松软干酪,白软干酪农家干酪(由酸牛奶制成,含块状物的白色软干酪) Cottage cheese is a soft, white, lumpy cheese made from sour milk. cream cheese 奶油干酪 Cream cheese is a very rich, soft whi

3、te cheesegoat cheese n. 山羊乳干酪; 山羊奶制成的)羊奶酪 Goat cheese is cheese made from goats milk.macaroni cheese英 mkrni: ti:z 美 mkroni tiz n. 干酪通心粉;芝士意面美国英语用 macaroni and cheese干酪通心粉;芝士意面 Macaroni cheese is a dish made from macaroni and cheese sauce. .bread and cheese. 涂了奶酪的面包补充:Ive always paid the bills and be

4、en the breadwinner(养家糊口的人).一直由我支付账单,维持家庭生计。 bread and butter n. 涂黄油的面包,生计生计;谋生之道;主要收入来源 Something that is the bread and butter of a person or organization is the activity or work that provides the main part of their income. The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter. 移动电话业务实际上是他的主业。

5、最基本的;影响到大多数人的 Bread and butter issues or matters are ones which are important to most people, because they affect them personally. The opposition gained support by concentrating on bread-and-butter matters. 反对党关注与大多数人切身利益相关的问题,从而赢得了人们的支持。margarine m:dri:n 美 m:rdrn n. 人造奶油;人造黄油;麦淇淋 Margarine is a yel

6、low substance made from vegetable oil and animal fats that is similar to butter. You spread it on bread or use it for cooking. .cheese sauce. 奶酪酱 He cut the mould off a piece of cheese. 他把霉菌从奶酪上切掉。.delicious French cheeses. 美味的法国干酪大人物;要人;大亨 Someone who has a very important job or position can be ref

7、erred to as a big cheese . 非正式He is a big cheese(n. 重要人物,具有影响力的人=VIP/Big Gun) in the Art Fraud Squad. 他是反艺术诈骗专案组的重要人物。.big cheeses from the State Department. 国务院来的大人物Big Gun要人;大人物;大腕儿 If you refer to someone as a big gun, you mean that they have a lot of power or influence. 非正式.the legal big guns wh

8、o will prepare his defence. 将为他辩护的法律界大腕儿 (照相时)说“茄子”;笑一笑 If someone tells you to say cheese when they are taking your photograph, they are indicating that they want you to smile. as different as chalk and cheesesee: chalk; applesauce plss 美 plss n. 苹果酱,胡说 补充:soy sauce 酱油 Soy sauce is a dark brown liq

9、uid made from soya beans and used as a flavouring, especially in Chinese cooking. tray tre n. 盘子;托盘;浅盘;满盘托盘;盘;碟 A tray is a flat piece of wood, plastic, or metal, which usually has raised edges and which is used for carrying things, especially food and drinks. cooler 英 ku:l(r) n. (便携式)冷藏箱;冷却器;冷饮cool

10、; 冷藏箱;(尤指)冰箱;冷却器 A cooler is a container for keeping things cool, especially drinks. 补充:ice-box 冰箱; 美语refrigerator(口语fridge电冰箱;冷冻机)(电)冰箱 A refrigerator is a large container which is kept cool inside, usually by electricity, so that the food and drink in it stays fresh. cafeteria kftri 美 kftri n. 自助餐

11、厅; (医院、高校、商场等的)自助餐厅,食堂 A cafeteria is a restaurant where you choose your food from a counter and take it to your table after paying for it. Cafeterias are usually found in public buildings such as hospitals, colleges, and stores. canteen knti:n 美 kntin n. 小卖部;食堂,小饭馆;水罐;餐具盒,炊具箱(工厂、商店、高校的)食堂,餐厅 A cant

12、een is a place in a factory, shop, or college where meals are served to the people who work or study there. Rennie had eaten his tea in the canteen. 伦尼已经在餐厅吃过茶点了。.a school canteen. 学校食堂 .canteen food. 食堂饭菜 (士兵等用的)水壶 A canteen is a small plastic bottle for carrying water and other drinks. Canteens ar

13、e used by soldiers. .a full canteen of water. 满满一水壶水 (放置刀、叉、勺子的)餐具盒 A canteen of cutlery is a set of knives, forks, and spoons in a specially designed box. cutlery ktlri 美 ktlri n. 刀具,刀叉;刀剑制造业餐具(指刀、叉和匙) Cutlery consists of the knives, forks, and spoons that you eat your food with. 英She arranged plat

14、es and cutlery on a small table. 她在一张小桌上摆好盘子和餐具。in AM, use 美国英语用 silverware, flatware刀具 You can refer to knives and tools used for cutting as cutlery . paper sack 大纸袋 sack sk 美 sk n. 麻袋;洗劫;解雇 vt. 解雇;把装进袋里;掠夺麻布袋;粗布袋;厚纸袋;大口袋 A sack is a large bag made of rough woven material. Sacks are used to carry o

15、r store things such as vegetables or coal. .a sack of potatoes. 一袋土豆解雇;开除;炒鱿鱼 If your employers sack you, they tell you that you can no longer work for them because you have done something that they did not like or because your work was not good enough. 商Earlier today the Prime Minister sacked 18 go

16、vernment officials for corruption. 今天早些时候,首相解除了 18 名涉嫌贪污腐败的政府官员的职务。Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy. slap sb. in the face理科教师詹姆斯伍德因为掌掴一名男生而被开除。 打某人耳光,(喻)侮辱某人Sack is also a noun. People who make mistakes can be given the sack the same day. 一犯错误可能当天就会被开除。抢劫,洗劫,破坏(城镇或城市) W

17、hen an army sacks a town or city, they destroy it, taking away all valuable things. loot ; sack ; plunder ; rifle ; ransackIn 1527 Imperial troops sacked the French ambassadors residence in Rome. 1527年,帝国军队洗劫了位于罗马的法国大使官邸。Sack is also a noun. The Odyssey tells what happened to the Greek heroes after

18、the sack of Troy. 奥德赛讲述的是在特洛伊被洗劫一空之后发生在希腊英雄们身上的故事。床 Some people refer to bed as the sack . 非正式 She sifted the brown sugar on the top of the cake. 她在糕饼上撒上了一点褐色的糖. sift sft vt. 筛分;精选;撒;审查筛(面粉、沙子等) If you sift a powder such as flour or sand, you put it through a sieve in order to remove large pieces or

19、 lumps. Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl. 将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。细查;详审 If you sift through something such as evidence, you examine it thoroughly. Police officers have continued to sift through the wreckage following yesterdays bomb attack. 警察继续仔细检查昨天炸弹袭击后留下的残骸。Brook has s

20、ifted the evidence and summarises it clearly. 布鲁克已经仔细审查过证据并将其总结得一清二楚。Im sorry, brown sugar is out of stock. 对不起, 红糖卖完了.(商店等中)无现货的 The blue skirts are out of stock. 这种蓝衬衫已脱销。cupcake英 kpkek 美 kpkek (撒有糖霜的单人份)纸杯蛋糕 Cupcakes are small iced cakes for one person.(经常用于称呼语中)指有魅力的女人;指软弱和女性化的男人或男孩;can n.(盛放食品、

21、饮料或油漆的)罐子,金属罐,听 A can is a metal container in which something such as food, drink, or paint is put. The container is usually sealed to keep the contents fresh. Several young men were kicking a tin can along the middle of the road. 几个青年人踢着一个锡罐在路中间走着。.empty beer cans. 空啤酒罐.cans of paint and brushes. 数

22、桶油漆和几把刷子v. 将(食物、饮料)装罐保存 When food or drink is canned, it is put into a metal container and sealed so that it will remain fresh. .fruits and vegetables that will be canned, skinned, diced or otherwise processed. 将要装罐、去皮、切块或用其他方法加工的水果和蔬菜It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch. 星期天午餐总

23、是吃烤羔羊肉和豌豆罐头。厕所 The can is the toilet. v. 解雇;开除 If you are canned, you are dismissed from your job. 非正式The extremists prevailed, and the security minister was canned. 极端主义分子猖獗,致使安全部长被解职。When I got canned, I took these keys as souvenirs. 我被开除后,就拿了这些钥匙作为纪念。canned; adj. 罐装的;录音的;一稿数用的;喝醉了的can; (广播、电视节目中的

24、音乐、笑声、掌声)预先录制好的 Canned music, laughter, or applause on a television or radio programme has been recorded beforehand and is added to the programme to make it sound as if there is a live audience.承担所有指责;代人受过 If you have to carry the can, you have to take all the blame for something. 非正式We are a luxury

25、 restaurant and if people have a bad experience, we have to carry the can. 我们这是豪华饭店;如果客人用餐不愉快,背黑锅的就是我们。完成了的;完结的 If you say that something such as a job that you are doing is in the can, you mean that it is completely finished. 非正式With another days work in the can, Philip is happy to leave the open c

26、ountryside and head for his London flat. 又干完了一天的活,菲利普满心愉悦地离开了广袤的乡村,前往自己位于伦敦的公寓。tin 锡 Tin is a soft silvery-white metal. .a factory that turns scrap metal into tin cans. 把废弃金属制成锡罐的工厂.a tin-roofed hut. 锡顶的棚屋罐头 A tin is a metal container which is filled with food and sealed in order to preserve the foo

27、d for long periods of time. 主英She popped out to buy a tin of soup. 她飞快地跑去买了一听罐头汤。A tin of food is the amount of food contained in a tin.一罐(或一听)的量 He had survived by eating a small tin of fruit every day. 他靠每天吃一小罐水果活了下来。in AM, use 美国英语用 can金属罐;马口铁罐 A tin is a metal container with a lid in which thing

28、s such as biscuits, cakes, or tobacco can be kept. Store the cookies in an airtight tin. 把饼干存放在密封的金属罐中。He reached for a tin of tobacco on the shelf behind him. 他伸手去够身后架子上的一罐烟叶。A tin of something is the amount contained in a tin.一罐的量 They emptied out the remains of the tin of paint and smeared it on

29、the inside of the van. 他们倒出油漆罐里剩下的所有油漆,把它涂在货车的内壁。(蛋糕或面包)烤模,烤盘 A baking tin is a metal container used for baking things such as cakes and bread in an oven. 英Pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 45 minutes. 把混合物倒进烤模烤制 45 分钟。a 2 lb loaf tin. 两磅的面包烤模in AM, use 美国英语用 pan, baking pansoda 冰激凌苏打水

30、 A soda is an ice-cream soda . 美.self-service fountain sodas and small bags of potato chips. 自助冷饮和小包薯片See also: bicarbonate of soda; caustic sodabicarbonate of soda baik:bnit v sud小苏打,碳酸氢钠Bicarbonate of soda is a white powder which is used in baking to make cakes rise, and also as a medicine for you

31、r stomach.caustic sodak:stk sud (用来制作强力肥皂的)烧碱,火碱,苛性钠 Caustic soda is a powerful chemical substance used to make strong soaps and clean drains. saturate stret vt. 使充满;使饱和 If people or things saturate a place or object, they fill it completely so that no more can be added. In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves. 选举前最后几天,竞选双方占用了所有的广播电台和电视台。As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced, inflation went down. 随着市场上商品饱和,经济趋于平衡,通货膨胀就减弱了。saturated As the dom

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