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高考英语一轮复习 情景交际教案.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 情景交际教案高三总复习:语法专递 情景交际Teaching aims 教学目标教学重点: 掌握英语中常用的交际用语。教学难点:区分一些易混的交际用语表达。了解中西文化的差异。 Preview before class 预习导学用下列方框中的交际用语填空It depends. Im afraid not. Thats fine with me. Take your time.Do you really think so? So what? Do you have a minute? With pleasure. I hope not. Its up to you.1Do you

2、 think the team will win the gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games? . After all, it is no longer the strongest in the world.2May I say a few words to Mr.Brown? . He is in a meeting right now.3I want to treat you to dinner.Could I make it 6 oclock tonight? .4Lily, whose advice do you think I shoul

3、d take? .5Do you think David will fail in the maths exam again? .6She will get angry if you dont tell her our plan. ? Its none of her business.7I prefer western food.Its healthier. ? But western food is said to be high in sugar 8I really need to talk to you. ?Certainly. Whats the matter with you? 9C

4、ould you be so kind as to close the window? .10I want to get changed.Can you wait a while? . There is enough time for us.III. Inquiry learning and practice 问题探究与练习内化社会交往类(Social Communication)1感谢(Thanks)A:Thank you (very much)/Thanks a lot for .Thank you for ./Its very kind of you./I appreciate your

5、 help.B:Its a pleasure./Thats all right./OK.My pleasure./Youre welcome./Dont mention it.2道歉(Apologies)A:Sorry./Im very/terribly/awfully sorry. Please forgive me./Excuse me, please.I beg your pardon for losing your book.Im sorry to interrupt you/(that) I am late for school.B:Thats OK./It is all right

6、./Never mind. It is nothing./Forget it./It doesnt matter.3劝告(Advice)Youd better go to see the doctor.You should listen to and read English every day.You need to buy a ChineseEnglish dictionary.If I were you, Id phone him now.Dont rush/hurry/push. Please stand in line.4建议(Suggestions)Lets go and have

7、 a look.What/How about a picnic this Sunday?Why not go to a movie?Maybe it would be better to .In my opinion, we should .5祝愿和祝贺(Expressing wishes and congratulations)A:Have a good .(day/time/trip/journey)!Good luck!/Congratulations!/Best wishes(to you)!Wish you all the success!/Well done.B:Thank you

8、./The same to you.态度观点类(Attitudes)1同意和不同意(Agreement and disagreement)Sure./Certainly./Exactly./Absolutely.Thats correct./Of course.All right./I agree./I cant agree more.No problem.Thats a good idea./Yes, I think so./Thats exactly what I was thinking.No way./Of course not.Im afraid I dont agree./I do

9、nt think so./Im afraid not.Well, it depends.Well, Im not so sure about it.2喜欢和不喜欢(Likes and dislikes)I like/love the movie (very much) I like/love to play computer games.I enjoy listening to music. Im interested in science. He is fond of music. I dont like the movie very much/at all.I dont enjoy col

10、lecting stamps. I hate to do homework.3肯定和不肯定(Certainty and uncertainty)Im sure. Im sure of that.Im (quite) sure (that) shell join us.There is no doubt that its made of silk.Its clear that it will rain soon.Im not sure of that.Im not sure whether/if she can come.Maybe youre right.Perhaps she is at h

11、ome now.4表扬和鼓励(Praise and encouragement)A:Very good! Well done! Wonderful! Excellent!Your dress is beautiful! Come on! Keep trying! Cheer up!You can do it! You speak English very well.B:Thank you. OK.Ill try it again.5责备和抱怨(Blame and complaint)Hes to blame.She blamed him for coming home late.What do

12、 you mean by doing so?How could you cheat your teacher?He shouldnt have done it.Why didnt you tell me the truth?No, you are wrong thinking that .Im sorry to have said that, but this room is too dirty.I hate to have to say this, but its too noisy here.Why dont you do something about it?6冷淡(Indifferen

13、ce)It makes no difference. I dont care what you do.It doesnt matter to me. I dont mind if you smoke.Its none of my business. So what?I dont care.情感类与其他1高兴(Happiness)How wonderful/nice! Im pleased to know that.Thats lovely/great/wonderful! Its well done. Im so happy.2惊奇(Surprise)Really?/Oh dear!/Is t

14、hat so?/How come?How nice to see you?Is this what you expected?What a surprise!It surprises me that your English is so good.3忧虑(Worries)Whats wrong?Anything wrong? Whats the matter? What should we do? Is something worrying you?Are you worried about your health?4安慰(Reassurance)Dont be afraid. Dont wo

15、rry.Its (quite) all right.Itll be OK/all right. Take your time.5满意(Satisfaction)Good!/Well done!/Perfect! Thats fine./Thats better. Thats good enough. Im pleased with your spoken English. Wonderful, indeed.6遗憾(Regret)Im so sorry! What a shame! Its a great pity! Thats too bad!I wish I had never given

16、 it up.If I had been there, he would not have made such a serious mistake.四 目标检测:.高考单选对接1(2012陕西高考)Im sorry for being late. I should have phoned you earlier._. Ive just arrived.AThats no trouble BYou are welcomeCThats all right DYou can never tell2(2012安徽高考)I love the Internet.Ive come to know many

17、friends on the Net._.Few of them would become your real friends.AThats for sure BIts not the caseCI couldnt agree more DIm pleased to know that3(2012天津高考)Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Johnson?_. I can manage without you.AForget it BIm afraid notCIt depends DOf course4(2012天津高考)You have to belie

18、ve in yourself. No one else will, if you dont._. Confidence is really important.AIts not my cup of tea BThats not the pointCI dont think so DI couldnt agree more5(2012辽宁高考)Im terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? Its rather urgent. Yes,_.Awith pleasure Bno hurryCit doesnt matter Dof

19、 course6(2012浙江高考)Is there anything else to discuss?_, I guess.ANot at all BNo, thats allCYes, Im sure DYes, of course7(2012重庆高考)Look, here comes your dream girl.Invite her to dance._ What if she refuses me?AI dont know. BWhy me?CWith pleasure. DSo what?8(2012江苏高考)Honey, the cats stuck in the tree.C

20、an you turn off the TV and get a ladder .?Oh, it jumped off._.ANever mind BAll rightCNo problem DTake care9(2012江西高考)Have you paid? Whats my share of the bill?_. It wasnt very much.ADont worry about it BIts my shareCNone of your business DIts up to you10(2012重庆高考)The Modern Art Exhibition in the Cit

21、y Museum has been cancelled.Oh, no! _.AIts a pity BIt doesnt matterCI knew it already DIts not interesting at all课后配餐:A单选填空1(2012山东高考)Sorry Im late. I got stuck in traffic. _. Youre here now. Come in and sit down. AYou are welcome BThats rightCI have no idea DNever mind2(2011四川高考)How could you be so

22、 rude as to walk in here in the middle of my class? _ANothing much. BNothing serious.CNever again. DNever mind.3(2012三明联考) Shall we hang out tomorrow morning? _.Ill save the morning for my essay.AYes, its a good idea BSorry, I cant make itCWell, it all depends DNo, thats impossible4(2011全国卷)Did you

23、forget about my birthday? _Ive booked a table at Michels restaurant for this evening. AWhat then? BIm afraid so. CHow could I? DFor sure. 5If you keep on breaking the rules, you will be fired. ? I dont care.AHow come BWhy notCWhat if DSo what(B)单选填空6(2012福建漳浦长泰三校联考) Do you think our basketball team

24、played very well yesterday? .AYou were not nervous at all BYou couldnt have done betterCYou played naturally DYou were still young7Tom, can you match the pictures of flowers with the correct name? _ AWith pleasure. BThats right.CCome on! DLet me have a try.8(2012龙岩质检) Thank you for picking me up in

25、this remote area! _ . Im just going in the same direction.AWith pleasure BNone of your businessCThink nothing of it DTheres nothing in it9Shall we go to the lecture about the risk of brain cancer from mobile phone use? _? It is closely related to our health.AWhat if BWhy notCWhat for DHow come10(201

26、2泉州质检) I need to advertise for a secondhand mountain bike. _ ? David just plans to sell his present one.AWhy bother BWhy notCSo what DWhat forC. 高考情景对话()(2012陕西高考)Repairman: Good afternoon._1_Customer: Hello. My mobile phone isnt working. Could you repair it, please?Repairman:_2_Customer:It worked w

27、ell yesterday, but I simply couldnt turn it on this morning.Repairman: _3_Customer: Here you are.Repairman: Well,I think well be able to fix it. You can pick it up this Friday.Customer: Oh, no. Thats too long._4_I need it as soon as possible.Repairman:Let me see.How about Wednesday afternoon?Custome

28、r: _5_ What time?Repairman: After five oclock.Customer: OK. Thank you.AThats great. BI beg your pardon?CLet me have a look. DWhats the problem?EIm sorry to hear that. FWhat can I do for you?GI wonder if you could fix it earlier.答案:15FDCGA中国书法艺术说课教案 今天我要说课的题目是中国书法艺术,下面我将从教材分析、教学方法、教学过程、课堂评价四个方面对这堂课进行

29、设计。一、教材分析: 本节课讲的是中国书法艺术主要是为了提高学生对书法基础知识的掌握,让学生开始对书法的入门学习有一定了解。 书法作为中国特有的一门线条艺术,在书写中与笔、墨、纸、砚相得益彰,是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,是举世公认的艺术奇葩。早在5000年以前的甲骨文就初露端倪,书法从文字产生到形成文字的书写体系,几经变革创造了多种体式的书写艺术。1、教学目标: 使学生了解书法的发展史概况和特点及书法的总体情况,通过分析代表作品,获得如何欣赏书法作品的知识,并能作简单的书法练习。2、教学重点与难点: (一)教学重点了解中国书法的基础知识,掌握其基本特点,进行大量的书法练习。(二)教学难点: 如何感受、认识书法作品中的线条美、结构美、气韵美。3、教具准备: 粉笔,钢笔,书写纸等。4、课时:一课时二、教学方法: 要让学生在教学过程中有所收获,并达到一定的教学目标,在本节课的教学中,我将采用欣赏法、讲授法、练习法来设计本节课。(1) 欣赏法:通过幻

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