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1、八年级第一到第三单元Unit 1 EncyclopediaPart 1: Vocabulary 中 文 英 文 词形转换 笔 记 百科全书 encyclopedia n. 人的 human adj. 恐龙 dinosaur n. 意大利人 Italian n. 发明家 inventor n 音乐家 musician n. 科学家 scientist n. 出生 born v.乡村 country n. 才智,智慧 intelligence n. 有艺术天赋的 artistic adj. 才能,能力 ability 可能,大概 perhaps adj. 发明 invention n. 笔记本 n

2、otebook n. 包括,包含 include v. 甚至 even adv. 然而 however adv. 突然,忽然 suddenly adv. 没有人 nobody pron. 化石 fossil n. 获胜 win v. 元 dollar n. 在乡村 in the country 人 human being 灭绝 die out 了解(到),弄清 find out 去散步 go for a walk 文章,物品,冠词 article 印象 impression n. 魔法,有魔力的 magic n.adj. 知识 knowledge n. 积极的, 正面的 positive ad

3、j. 消极的,负面的 negative adj. 吸引人的事物 attraction n. 结尾 ending n.羊毛 wool n.Part 2: TextLook it upHere are two articles from an encyclopedia.Da Vinci, LeonardoLeonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.Da Vinci was born in the countryside. From an early a

4、ge, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability. As he grew older, he learnt to do many different things. His paintings are very famous, and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. He also had many inventions. For example, his notebooks include some interesting dr

5、awings of flying machines. (See Art)DinosaurDinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human beings. They lived everywhere on Earth. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as elephants. Some could even fly.Many dinosaurs ate plants. However, some dinosaurs liked

6、 to eat meat.Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years. Then, suddenly, they all died out. Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils.(See Earth history)Part 3: Phrases1. 了解know about / learn about know a lot /a little / little about2. 关于look 的短语look(it/them

7、) up look after look like /look as iflook around look for look overlook into look through look outlook down upon/on sb look forward to doing3.写篇关于。的文章write an article on / about sth4. 画画do some painting5. 从很小的时候from an early age 在某人。岁时at the age of / when / in ones twenties(thirties)6. 显示。天赋show one

8、s intelligence 展示。给某人show sb sth = show sth to sb be on show show off show up show sb around7. 变老grow older感官动词(look, smell, taste, sound , feel)+ 形容词(比较级)2b: be, become 3g: go , get, grow 1t: turn1k: keep 1m: make 2s: seem, stay变得越来越强壮 get stronger and stronger 变得越来越聪明 become more and more intellig

9、ent越多越好 the more the better8.学习做某事learn to do sth 向某人学习learn from sb 9.关于famous的短语be famous (known / well-known) for be famous as / be famous in / be famous to10. inventEdison was an inventor, he invented many inventions.11. includeMy family includes three people, including my father, my mother and

10、me. / my father, my mother and me included.12. interest It interests me a lot, so I show great interest in it.It is very interesting, I am interested in it.13. 和。一样肯否:as+ 形容词/ 副词原级 + as否: not so as* as soon as possible / as quickly as I canas much as / as manyasas far as / as long as / as well astwi

11、ce as big as14. another & otherother + 复数名词 another + 单数名词 (三个或以上任意一个)* another two days / two other days / two more daysone the other & one the other(four)someothers = some + (名复。) other + (名复。)some the others 比较:SZ is bigger than any city in Korea.SZ is bigger than any other city in anot

12、her = each otherfrom one to anotherevery other day / week / yearthe other day = a few days ago15. millionA few million people & millions of peoplethousands of millions of 千千万万dozens of / scores of / hundreds of / thousands of 16. die灭绝 die out 死于( )die of (disease , illness, fever, cancer)死于( )die f

13、rom (accident, earthquake) He is dying. / He died just now, so now he is a dead man.I am happy at his death.17. 不定代词Nobody knows why. (一般情况下,不定代词视为单三)Nobody= notanybody = no onesomething important / nothing interesting 不定代词+ 形容词 both A and B / neither norall of / none ofeither orsome用语肯定句,any 用语否定句,

14、疑问句,但表请求征求意见邀请时,仍用someWould you like some water?* 当表任何时,any 也可以用语肯定句Any color will do.*a little / little & a few / fewsuch a nice girl = so nice a girlso much / many / little / fewso little a girl = such a little girlso little water 拓展:Everyone knows it, doesnt he? / dont they?Everything is ready, i

15、snt it?18. why why = what for19. comecome out of come outcome into being come up with come over /round come to an endcome to nothing20. useused to do be used to doing / get used to doing use sth to do ./ 被动:be used to do be used for make use of It is no use doing sthuse up21. rememberRemember to do

16、sth / remember doing sth反: forget to do / forget doing sth22. 其他what else do you know about it? / who else/ where else* He is taller than anyone else in our class. His spoken English is better than anyone elses in our class.23. 关于找look for & find & find out24. throughThe River Thames flows through L

17、ondon.I learn to speak through speaking.They worked through night.go through / be wet through区分:through & across & over though & by25. 花时间做。(人)spend time/money (in) doing sth(人)spend time/money on sthIt takes sb time to do sth物 cost 某人钱(人) pay for26. 处理What did Tommy do with the monkey?= How did Tom

18、my deal with the monkey?27. 发生。Can you tell what happened to him?Can you tell me what was wrong with him?Can you tell me what was the matter with him?28. 一种 、 很多种a type of / types of 29. 爬上。climb up to30. 包含consist of / be made up of 31. 在。顶部at the top of / 反: at the bottom of 32. orderorder sb to s

19、thput sth in order / put the words in alphabetic orderbe out of order33.我出生在2012年3月24日。I was born on March,24th,2012.34. 倒装句: Here comes the bus. / Here it comes. (代词中间摆,名词后面甩)eg: There goes the bell . / Here you are .Part four: Grammar some (-) & any (-) some, any可用单、复数可数名词和不可数名词连用。some一段用于肯定句中,any

20、一般用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。I have some science books. 我有一些科技书。(some在肯定句中译为一些)I havent any money. Do you have any? 我一分钱都没有。你有(钱吗)?* not any = no (any在否定句、问句中不须译出来) some, any与 thing, -body, -one构成的合成词的用法与some, any一样.注意something, anything, nothing三者跟形容词时,形容词要放在它们的后面。I dont know anything about it. (= I know nothi

21、ng about it.)Anybody can do it.在疑问句中,一般不用some,只有当问句表示一种邀请或请求,或期待一个肯定的回答时,才能用some.Will you have some tea? (表邀请)Did somebody call me this morning?注意:Is there anything to eat? 有什么好吃的吗?(不知有没有,只是问一问)Is there something is eat? 有一些吃的吧?(希望,而且断定会有) 在否定句中,some表示半否定,any表示全否定。I dont know some of you. 我只认识你们中的一些

22、人。I dont know any of you. 你们,我一个也不认识。 some用于单数可数名词前时,表示“某个”,而不是“一些”。There must be some reason for what hes done.知识点补充:方位介词ExercisePart 1 : Vocabulary根据句子意思,用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Tom is an _, that is, he comes from_, he speaks _(Italy).2. Edison was one of the most famous _in the world, he _many great _ yea

23、rs ago(invent).3. A _is a person who plays _instrument as his hobby or job.(music)4. A number of great _(science) won the Nobel prize.5. We Chinese love to make friends with people from different_(country).6. He is such an _ person that he is always ahead of his competitors , he is always thinking_(

24、intelligence).7. Kate , just do it! Because you have so much_, and I believe that you are much _than any other student in your class.(intelligent)8. Vincent Van Gogh is artistic, while Davinci is far _in my mind(artistic).9. I believe that you have the _(able) to pass the examination.10. We should t

25、ry our best to help the _, because they are _to solve some difficult problems.(able)11. The books here _(include) some of my favorite ones.12. Some animals,_ dinosaurs, crocodiles are very fierce. (include)13. Though those topics are very important , they are not _in this unit(include).14. _, it beg

26、an to rain heavily.(sudden)15. All of a _, they began to shout excitedly.(suddenly)16. Is there_special in todays newspaper?(something)17. would you like _coffee? No , thanks, Ive had enough.(some)18. Jim was _in 2000(bear).19. They _the game yesterday, so they were _(win).20. She spends a few_on bo

27、oks every month.(dollar)21. I _Jack walking alone in the street last night, he seemed rather sad.(find)22. My father _his company at the age of 20.(found)23. I like reading encyclopedia, it can give us much _(know)24. There are many famous _in China, they are all very _(attract).25. I hope the boy a

28、nd the girl will have a good _(end)26. Winter is very cold ,we can wear _sweater to keep warm.(wool)27. Do you want to ride the _horse?(wood)28. A plane is just like a _bird(fly).29. Lucy hold the view that reading is _, yet I think it is quite _(use)30. The old woman is very ill, she is _. But a few minutes ago, she _, so now she is a _woman, I am quite sad at her _.(die)Part 2: Text revision Look it upHere are two articles _ an encyclopedia.Da Vinci, LeonardoLeonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) was an _ painter, _, _, engineer and scientist.Da Vinci_ _ in the co

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