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1、朱明zhubob新思维综合英语3Unit4练习 主讲:朱明 高级工程师、高级技师、国家经济师 高级国家职业技能鉴定考评员 高级技能专业教师综合英语3Unit4练习1.Vocabulary: 1The meeting was to discuss the issue of how to protect the natural environment in the area. A. shouted B. called C. cared D. taken to call a meeting, 意思是 to hold a meeting, 召开会议。2. Unfortunately, all the

2、sewage off into the river. A. draws B. drives C. drops D. drains 句子的意思:不幸的是,所有的污水都_到了这条河里。To drain off, 排放,释放。 3. When she stood up to speak, her red straw fighting hat firmly place, the crowd began to boo her. A. at B. with C. in D. on 本题考查介词短语 in place(在对的问题,在适当的位置)的用法。In place 也常常引申为 suitable, ap

3、propriate的含义。 4. She is deaf, but if you speak a little louder, it should be OK for her. A. slightly B. severely C. smartly D. politely 既然说话声音稍微大点,她就能听到,显然她耳背(deaf)并不严重。Slightly, 稍微地,轻轻地;severely, 严重地;smartly, 聪明地;politely, 有礼貌地。 5. She waited until they had finished, and then, she began to speak ca

4、lmly but firmly. A. peculiarly B. pathetically C. perfectly D. patiently Peculiarly, 独特的,特别;pathetically, 悲哀的,可怜的;perfectly, 十分地,美好地,完全地; patiently, 耐心地。6.She developed a for the natural world, for birds, for mountains, for rivers. A. pasture B. passage C. patience D. passion a passion for the natur

5、al world, 对自然世界的激情。Pasture, 牧场,牧草;passage, 通过,通行;(文章等的)段,节;patience, 耐心;passion, 激情,热情。 7 She spoke of how the Everglades were a natural wonder that needed to be . A. programmed B. produced C. preserved D. practiced 句子的意思:她谈到了大沼泽地如何是一处需要_的自然景观。programme, 拟(计划),排(节目),编程序;produce, 生产,制造。preserve, 保留,保

6、存,保护;practice, 锻炼,实践。 8Today, thanks largely Douglas, that part of the Everglades remains unchanged. A. by B. to C. with D. for Thanks to 相当于介词短语 due to, 表示“幸亏,多亏,由于”,说明 to 后的人或事导致或促进了句子中主要事件的发生或发展。 9It had to be done, I wouldnt have done it. A. however B. otherwise C. unless D. or else 句子的意思:这件事情不得

7、不做,_,我也不会去做了。从句子结构来看,下半句用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。可以说前半句是后半句的原因。Otherwise (否则)更符合句意。 10The Everglades National Park. 9,000 square miles. A. takes on B. turn up C. takes up D. turn down 句子是意思:大沼泽地国家公元_9,000平方英里。Take on, 承担,担任;turn up, 突然出现;调(大声);take up, 占大的面积;turn down, 拒绝。 11Born in Minnesota, she was in Ma

8、ssachusetts by her parents. A. praised B. risen C. risen D. raised 这里,动词 raise 和bring up 的意思接近,都有“抚育,抚养,带大(孩子)”的含义。 12Her parents when she was five, and since then, shes been living with her grandparents. A. operated B. separated C. neglected D. celebrated 句子的意思:她五岁时,父母_,从此她就跟祖父母一起生活着。Operate, 操作,工作

9、,运转;separate, 分开,离开, 隔开;neglect, 忽略,忽视;celebrate, 庆祝,祝贺。 13Bad housing and poverty up the breakdown of the family. A. speed B. speak C. break D. wake 句子的意思:破旧的住房与贫穷_ 了这个家庭的破裂。Speed up, 加速;speak up,提高声音说话;break up, 爆发;wake up, 叫醒,弄醒。 14The manager asked her to fill a workmate who was ill on Thursday.

10、 A. out in B. in for C. up with D. in with 动词短语 to fill in for sb 填补某人的空缺,临时替补。 15. At that time, the public was not yet aware the effects that people have on their environment. A. in B. at C. of D. on 句子的意思:那个时候,公众还不了解人们对环境所造成的影响。To be aware of, 了解,知晓,懂得。 16This book made people that the area was n

11、ot a dismal land, but home to many beautiful animals and plants. A. reserve B. convince C. industrialize D. industrialize 句子的意思:这本书让人们_该地区不是一个凄凉的土地,而是很多漂亮动植物的家园。Reserve, 预订,保留;convince, 劝说,说服;industrialize, 使工业化;realize, 实现,意识到。 17It is such a wonderful natural environment to be , not destroyed. A.

12、pretended B. preserved C. produced D. processed 句子的意思:这里是一个绝好的自然环境,应该_,而不是破坏。Pretend, 假装,装作;preserve, 保存,保护,保留;produce, 制造,生产;process, 处理,加工。 18The book also the beginning of Douglass fight to save the Everglades. A. made B. moved C. marked D. minded 句子的意思:这本书_Douglas 为挽救大沼泽地所进行的斗争的开始。marked(记录,标记,标

13、志)符合题意。 19She is building up an international reputation, and many diplomats would like to work with her. A.impressive B.impractical C.inaccurate D.inappropriate 既然很多外交人士都喜欢跟她合作,显然她应该有一定的知名度,这个 international reputation(国际知名度)应该是好的方向的、褒义的。Impressive, 印象深刻的;impractical, 不切实际的;inaccurate, 不准确的;inapprop

14、riate, 不合适的。 20It is better to schoolchildren by feeding them good food. A. notice B. neglect C. witness D. nourish 句子的意思:给学龄儿童提供健康的食物,这样_他们会好一些。Notice, 注意,留意;neglect, 忽略;witness, 亲眼看见,目击,目睹;nourish, 抚养,教养;滋养,提供营养。2.Grammar: 1The meeting to discuss the fate of a part of the Everglades in south Flori

15、da in 1920. A. has called B. called C. was called D. had called 由于句子中有具体的过去时间 in 1920,句子应该是一般过去时。The meeting was called为被动语态形式。 2She for twenty months until they finally to see her. A. patiently waited came B. patiently waited had come C. had patiently waited came D. had patiently waited had come 本题

16、考查一般过去时与过去完成时一起出现时的用法。他们来看她之前她已经耐心地等了20多个月。 3As she so many times before, she spoke calmly of how the mountains needed to be preserved. A. was doing B. does C. have done D. had done 本题考查一般过去时与过去完成时一起出现时的用法。She spoke calmly这件事情发生于过去,而这之前她已经这样镇定自若地谈论过无数次,“过去的过去”用过去完成时。 4Thanks largely to Douglas, that

17、 part of the Everglades remains . A. unchanging B. unchanged C. to be changed D. to change 动词过去分词常常用在(半)系动词后做表语。To remain unchanged, 保持不变。 5It had to be done, otherwise I it. A. would have done B. hadnt done C. wouldnt have done D. had done 句子的意思:这件事必须做,否则我就不会做了。从句子内容来看,显然“我”已经或者正在做着这件事情,是虚拟语气。 6 in

18、 Minnesota, Douglas in Massachusetts by her mother and grandparents. A. To be born was raised B. Born is raised C. Being born have raised D. Born was raised 本题考查动词过去分词和被动语态的用法。过去分词短语 Born in Minnesota 做状语,而Douglas 是在Massachusetts 被抚养大的。 7In 1913, a year after from Wellesley College, she married Kenn

19、eth Douglas. A. graduating B. graduated C. being graduated D. having graduated 本题考查动词 +ing 形式的用法,即动词现在分词的用法。现在分词表主动含义,在句子中做谓语动词的状语。 8When my brother and I were growing up, we summers with my grandparents in Brazil. A. are used to spending B. would use to spend C. used to spend D. got used to spend 表

20、示过去常常做某事,可以用used to do sth, 也可以用would do sth.,指过去的重复性活动。本题主要考查 used to do sth 和 to be ( get) used to doing sth的区别。前者表示“过去常常做某事”,而后者表示“习惯于做某事”。 9On the way back, it was snowing so heavily that I couldnt see anything ahead of me except the footprints I on my way to the river. A. have made B. make C. h

21、ad made D. was making 注意句子中的两个介词短语on the way back 和on my way to the river,由此可以判断句子中提到的脚印是去河边时留下的(即过去的过去),而“除了脚印什么也看不见”描述的是“返回”时的情景。 10a divorce, she moved to Miami, where her father had started the newspaper. A. Having sped B. To speed C. Speeding D. Being sped 分析一下句子结构可以看出,句子的主要部分是 she moved to Mia

22、mi. 前面的部分做主句的目的状语。动词不定式短语往往在句子中用做目的状语。3.Dialogue: 1 Have you ever given any thought to moving south, to one of those retirement communities? . A. These days people tend to stay at home for a lot of their spare time. B. Im not interested in picking up and moving away. C. As long as I live near town,

23、I dont want to trouble anybody. 上句询问“你是否想过搬到南方一个退休人员社区去?”回答时,需要集中在是或否这个核心问题上,当然也可以解释原因。选项B 婉转地说出了不想搬迁的想法,原因是,“不愿意收拾东西搬家”。 2 Congratulations! I just heard you got the highest grade on the English exam. . A. No, no. Thats nothing. B. Yes, everybody did very well in the final exam. C. Thank you very mu

24、ch. Im very glad I did it. 英语中,接受到别人称赞或贺喜的时候,首先应该感谢对方。A 句完全是汉语的习惯,表示谦虚的样子。B句没有对对方的祝贺作反应。 3 We used to sit around the fireplace, the four of us. It was warm and cozy inside. . A. I hate to get out of bed in summer. B. But outside the snow would be falling. C. A few years ago, I went back to Brazil. 从

25、对话头一句的时态来看,显然说话人是在回忆过去。B句意思(“outside, 外面”)紧接着首句的末尾(“inside, 房间里”),符合语境。其他两句不符。 4 Its so quiet around here without the kids. . A. Yeah, indeed. I was just thinking back to when I was a kid and still living at home. B. After dinner, wed play card games, right there at the dining room table. C. Well, I

26、m not saying anything is wrong with playing games with the kids. 对话第一句话说,“孩子们不在,这里好安静。”从三个选项来看,只有A句符合情景。“是的,确实(很安静)。我正在想小时候在家生活的情景呢。” 5 In fact, I cant even remember seeing him smile. . A. Really? You can tell. Its just that Im not comfortable doing it. B. I mean, you are always so good with the kid

27、s, and the grandchildren. C. No, but its true. I dont remember once that he played a game with us. 首句里的remember seeing sb do sth 表示记得看到过某人做某事,整个句子的意思是:“事实上,我不记得看见他笑过。”选项A、B两句都没有提到首句里的“他 him”,只有C句符合情景。 4.Reading:Passage 1 Halloween is a holiday widely celebrated with different names in many countries

28、. Although it originated as a religious holiday, it has lost its religious connections in the United States. It is now celebrated largely as a childrens day, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand. The orange pumpkin is harvested at this time of year and is hollo

29、wed out, a funny face cut into it, and a candle placed inside as a decoration in the window. City folks, nowadays, sometimes use paper pumpkins for decorations. Some years ago, the holiday was celebrated by dressing up in strange and frightening costumes and playing tricks on ones neighbors and friends, such as ringing door bells, throwing bits of corn on the window panes, and in other ways making minor disturbances. More recently, children come to the door to have friends and neighbors admire their costumes and

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