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1、新概念英语青少版第一册第4148课的文本及翻译【新概念英语青少版第一册】第41-48课的文本及翻译第41课:Which season do you like best?你最爱哪个季节?Which season do you like best? 你最爱哪个季节?Miss Williams:Look at the blackboard,children. 威廉姆斯小姐:孩子们,请看看黑板。Miss Williams:Whats the weather like in Spring,Sandy? 威廉姆斯小姐:桑迪,春天气候怎么样?Sandy:Its often warm,Miss William

2、s. 桑迪:经常是暖和的,威廉姆斯小姐。Miss Williams:Whats the weather like in Summer? 威廉姆斯小姐:夏天气候怎么样?Sandy:Its often hot. 桑迪:常常是热的。Miss Williams:Whats it like in Autumn,Tom? 威廉姆斯小姐:汤姆,秋天气候怎么样?Tom:Its often cool. 汤姆:经常是凉快的。Miss Williams:Whats it like in Winter,Billy? 威廉姆斯小姐:比利,冬天气候怎么样?Billy:Its often cold. 比利:常常是寒冷的。M

3、iss Williams:Which season do you like best,Billy? 威廉姆斯小姐:比利,你最喜欢哪个季节?Spring,Summer,Autumn or Winter? 春天,夏天,秋天还是冬天?Billy:I like Winter.Thats the football season! 比利:我喜欢冬天那是踢足球的季节。第42课:Simons never careless but Billy!西蒙从不粗心,但比利.Simons never careless but Billy.! 西蒙从不粗心,但比利.Miss Williams:Heres your exer

4、cise-book,Billy. 威廉姆斯小姐:比利,这是你的练习本。Youre often careless.Look at these mistakes. 你常常很粗心,看看这些错。Dont laugh at Billy,Sandy! 桑迪,别讥笑比利!Miss Williams:Whose is this exercise-book? 威廉姆斯小姐:这本练习本是谁的?Billy:Its Sandys,Miss Williams. 比利:是桑迪的,威廉姆斯小姐。Miss Williams:Sandy,put your name on the cover. 威廉姆斯小姐:桑迪,封面上写上你的

5、名字。You are sometimes careless,too! 你有时也粗心大意!Look at Simons exercise book. 看看西蒙的练习本。Simons never careless. 西蒙从不粗心大意。His work is always neat and tidy. 他的作业一直是很整洁的。Billy!You naughty boy! 比利!你真顽皮!第43课:The school year! 学年!The school year! 学年!There are four terms in the school year: 一学年有四个学期:the Autumn Te

6、rm,the Winter Term, 秋季学期,冬季学期,the Spring Term and the Summer Term. 春季学期和夏季学期。The first term is the Autumn Term. 第一学期是秋季学期。The Autumn Term begins in September and ends in December. 秋季学期始于九月结束于十二月。The second term is the Winter Term. 第二学期是冬季学期。The Winter Term begins in January and ends in April. 冬季学期始于

7、一月结束于四月。The third term is the Spring Term. 第三学期是春季学期。The Spring Term begins in May and ends in July. 春季学期始于五月结束于七月。The fourth term is the Summer Term. 第四学期是夏季学期。The Summer Term begins in July and ends in September. 夏季学期始于七月结束于九月。Sandy and Sue like the Summer Term best. 桑迪和苏喜欢夏季学期。They are always on

8、holiday then. 那时他们总是放假。They always go to the seaside. 他们总是去海滨。 第44课:North,South,East and West 北,南,东和西North,South,East and West 北,南,东和西Miss Williams:Look at this map of Britain. 威廉姆斯小姐:看这幅英国地图。This is the North.It often snows in the North. 这是北部,北部经常下雪。Miss Williams:This is the South. 威廉姆斯小姐:这是南部。The

9、sun often shines in the South. 南部常常阳光普照。Miss Williams:This is the East. 威廉姆斯小姐:这是东部。The wind often blows in the East. 东部常常刮风。Miss Williams:This is the West. 威廉姆斯小姐:这是西部。It often rains in the West. 西部经常下雨。Miss Williams:In winter the sun always rises late and always sets early. 威廉姆斯小姐:冬天太阳很晚升起,很早落山。Th

10、e days are short and the nights are long. 昼短夜长。Miss Williams:In summer the sun always rises early and always sets late. 威廉姆斯小姐:夏天,太阳总是很早升起很晚落山。The days are long and the nights are short. 昼长夜短。第45课:A flat tyre 一只瘪轮胎A flat tyre 一只瘪轮胎Miss Williams is driving her car to school. 威廉姆斯正驾着自己的车去学校。Suddenly,s

11、he stops.Thats funny,she says. 她突然停了下来.这就怪了,她说。She gets out of her car.Oh dear!she says. 她下了车噢,天哪!她说。Its twenty to nine. 现在是八点四十分。I cant get to school on time this morning! 今天上午我不能准时到校了!Then a car stops behind her. 那时,一辆车在她后面停了下来。Its Mr Crisp! 是克里斯普先生!Whats the matter?Mr Crisp asks. 出什么事了?克里斯普先生问。Lo

12、ok!Miss Williams says.A flat tyre. 看,威廉姆斯小姐说一只轮胎瘪了。It doesnt matter.Mr Crisp says.Come in my car. 那没关系克里斯普先生说上我的车吧。第46课:The week 一个星期The week 一个星期Monday mornings are usually terrible. 星期一早晨总是很可怕的。Father always gets up late and hes always in a hurry. 爸爸总是起得晚匆匆忙忙的。On Tuesday mother usually goes to the

13、 shops. 星期二妈妈通常去商店。On Wednesday Sandy and Sue always play games at school. 星期三桑迪和苏总是在学校做游戏。On Thursday Miss Jones always gives Sue her piano lesson. 星期四琼斯小姐总是给苏上钢琴课。Sue likes this lesson very much. 苏很喜欢上这门课。On Friday Miss Jones always gives Sandy his piano lesson. 星期五琼斯小姐总是给桑迪上钢琴课。Sandy doesnt like

14、it at all! 他一点也不喜欢上这门课。Saturday and Sunday are the best days of the week. 星期六和星期天是一星期中最好的日子。The family usually spend a quiet week-end at home! 他们一家总是安静地在家里度周末!第47课:The weather forecast 气象预报The weather forecast 气象预报Sandy:Its Saturday tomorrow.What are we going to do tomorrow? 桑迪:明天是星期六我们明天干什么呢?Sue:Le

15、ts ask mum. 苏:我们去问妈妈。Mother:Were going to spend the day at the seaside. 母亲:我们明天去海滨。Sandy:The seaside! 桑迪:海滨!Sue:Hurry! 苏:好啊!Father:Lets listen to the weather forecast first. 父亲:我们先听听气象预报。Turn the television on,Sue. 苏,请打开电视机。Television:Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. 电视:现在播送明天的天气预报。Televis

16、ion:Its going to snow in the North 电视:北部降雪and its going to rain in the South. 南部有雨。Sandy and Sue:Oh! 桑迪和苏:噢!Mother:Never mind,children. 母亲:没关系,孩子们。Father:We can go to the cinema instead. 父亲:我们可以去电影院。第48课:Fixing the clock 修钟 Fixing the clock 修钟Father:That clock doesnt work. 那只钟不会走了。What are you going

17、 to do with it,Betty? 贝蒂,你打算怎么处置它呢?Mother:Im going to take it to the watchmakers next week. 我打算下星期把它送到钟表店去。Father:Dont take it to the watchmakers. 别把它送钟表店。Give it to me.I can fix it. 给我吧,我会修。Sandy:What are you doing,dad? 爸爸,你在干什么?Father:Im fixing this clock. 我在修这只钟。Mother:Is it nearly ready now,Jim? 杰姆,差不多快修好了吗?Father:No,Betty.I cant put all these pieces together! 不,贝蒂,我无法把这些零件装在一起了!Mother:Oh,Jim!Give me all the pieces. 噢!杰姆,把所有的零件都给我。Im going to take them to the watchmakers at once! 我立即把它们送到钟表店去。

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