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本文(届人教版全国高考英语阅读专项词汇与记忆重点词汇第一轮梳理易混淆动词词组学习与训练3有答案.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届人教版全国高考英语阅读专项词汇与记忆重点词汇第一轮梳理易混淆动词词组学习与训练3有答案易混淆动词词组学习与训练3常用动词与副词介词搭配 about(关于,到处,在身上) agree about关于)意见一致 ask about询问 bring about带来、导致 get about走动;(消息等)传开来 care about关心、重视 come about发生 go about从事、忙于 hear about听到的事 look about环顾 see about留心、查询、负责弄 set about开始、着手 think about 考虑、慎思 concern about关心、挂念 com

2、plain about投诉 worry about担忧 argue about争论辩吵 after(在之后,追赶,(表担心,关心)关于) ask after问候、询问 即after追逐(职位,奖赏等) look after照看 run after追求 take after(面貌,性格)像(自己的父母亲) away(离开,减少,减弱,分开) run away跑开move away移开 take away拿去、移动、使离开、减少 carry away运走、使出神,clear away消除 draw away拉走 get away逃走、离开 put away(用好后)放好、抛弃、积蓄、储存 brea

3、k away迷脱 come away离开,keep away不准接近 smooth away消除 burn away烧尽-die away(声音,光线,风等)逐渐消失,平息 pass away消失、去世 wash away冲走 give away赠送、(低价)出售、颁发(奖章,奖状,证书等)、泄露(秘密等)、出卖(朋友,同志等)、放弃(机会等) pull away(车)111走 turn away背过脸去(表示厌恶,不满等)、离开(正路) back(向后,回原处) bring back带回来 come back回来 fall back后退 fight back还击 back to C时代、年代

4、等)追溯、回溯到!hold back踌躇、克制、退缩、阻止 take back退回(某物)、收回(所说的话)、带回(使回忆起) keep back不向前靠近、隐瞒 talk back回话 set back推迟、阻碍 call back叫回来、再次访问 give back(to)(归)还、(声音等)返回、恢复 keep back (from)留在后面、阻止接近、隐瞒 look back回忆、回顾、回头(一般和on /to连用) pay back偿还、报复 think back to回忆起 turn back返回 down(向下的,减少(强度,量和体积),停止,减弱) hand down传下来 k

5、nock do叩1撞倒 lay down放下、失望 let down放下 pour down倾盆而下 pull down拉下 turn down拆下、拒绝 hang down垂下 kneel down跪下 lie down躺下 die down(火,兴奋,暴风雨,光线等)渐弱,渐息 go down(日,月等)下落沉、(飞机)坠落、(价格)下降、平静下来,hold down压低(物价,开支等)、l抑制、保持向下 burn down(火)减弱,烧坏 slow down慢下来 bring. down降低(温度,预算,费用,开支,价格等)、打倒(行政机构,政府,暴君等) keep down卧下、镇压、

6、控制(愤怒)、压低(声音)、缩减(价格,税收,费用,体重等) run down 用光、衰弱 wear down削减,磨损 come down 降下(从高处到低处,从大地方到小地方,温度,物价等下降)、下(雨,雪,雹等)、(传统,传说,故事等流传下来,世代相传、(患而)病倒(后接with) close down关闭 break down坏了、中止 settle down平静下来 coo1down冷静下来 put down镇压、平定、制止、写下(名字,地址,印象,想法等)、削减(开支,价格) write /note/put 7copy down写抄下 get down(to)开始认真处理、开始认真

7、考虑(工作、事情等) look down on upon向下看、俯视、轻视、看不起 set down使(乘客)下车、记下 take down(从架子,搁板,钩子上)取下、记录下 for(为了,向,以为目的,代表替,赞成) apply for申请 apologize for为而道歉 ask for要求(与某人)见面、要求(某人)接电话 answer for对负责 beg for乞讨 call for要求、规定、去来取接(某人)、为争取而大声叫喊 care for喜欢叶为担心 hope for希望 hunt for搜索long for渴望make for朝走去、导致、pay for为付出代价、偿还

8、 prepare for为准备 reach for竭力想得到 search for寻找 send for派人请 stand for代表、支持 struggle for为斗争 go in for从事某种职业,活动,学科等)、爱好、参加比赛 make up for弥补、补足 pass for被认为、被当作 take for当作、误认为 from(从 ,由于,由看来) borrow from向 借 date from开始于 escape from从逃脱、泄漏 graduate from毕业于 hear from收到来信keep from避开、隐瞒、抑制、忍住(做某事) prevent from阻止妨

9、碍 protect from保护 receive from收到 result from由于 separate from从中隔开 suffer from因受损害 break away from逃走、脱离(党派,教会,组织等) die from由于外伤或不注意的原因而死 in(向里,加入) call in收回(图书,旧车,债款等)、请(医生) draw in收(网)、(火车)进站 drop in顺便走访 give in交上(考卷等)、呈上(文件等)、让步、投降 hand in上交 let in让入内 put in放入 show in把领进来 turn in上缴,交出,break in闯入、插嘴 c

10、ut in插嘴 involve in卷入 check in签到、收(庄稼等)、生产、产出 fill in填入 take in接受、承接(在家里做的活计)、接待、吸收、领会、理解、改小(衣服)、欺骗、 believe in信仰 bring in带进来、引进(风俗,习惯等) engage in忙于 result in造成结果 succeed in做成功get in进入、到达、收集/税、债等、插话 into(往里,变为) break into(非法)进入、突然,;起来 bump into偶遇 burst into突然起来 get into 陷入(某种状态) run into偶遇 turn into使

11、变成 go into进入、详细调查 look into浏览、窥视、调查of( 与有关,的缘故) complain of抱怨 consist of由组成 cure of治愈 demand of向要求 dream of梦见想 hear of听到有关的消息 inform of通知 learn of获悉 remind sb of使想 起、提醒某人 talk“谈论 think of想起到、关心、考虑warn of警告 die of由于疾病,衰老, 饥饿而死 get out of打听出、摆脱、躲开、从出去 make of用(某种材料)做成(从制品中能够看出原材料)、把做成 run out of用完、耗尽

12、off(离开,去掉,断开,完成,停止,着地) cut off切断、隔断 drive off驱赶 give off发出(气味,蒸汽,光等) pay off偿清(债务)、发清工资解雇、得到报偿好处 put off推迟 set off出发、放(炮,烟火等)、使爆发、使开始 show off炫耀 shut off关掉 take off脱掉、起飞、从中去掉减去 wipe off擦掉 keep off勿接近 make off逃亡 see off为送行knock off击倒 break off折断、中断止(谈话,谈判,关系,联系,战争或契約等) call off叫走、使(思想,注意力等)转移开 carry

13、off夺去的生命奖赏 die off相继死去 get off从下来、不要站在上 hold off不接近、保持一定的距离、拖延 turn off(车,人等)拐弯、(路)叉开、关上 work off慢慢除去还债等 on(继续,连上,固定住,向前上) base on基于、以为基础 come on出现,加油 get on上车、相处、取得进展 go on继续 keep on继续move on继续前进 pass on传下去 take on具有(新的面貌,意义;思想等)、承担 开始从事(某项工作) try on试穿用 turn on打开 insist on坚持 act on对起作用 count on依赖 r

14、ely on依靠 depend on依靠 call on访问、号召、邀请、指定派 feed on 以为主食work on继续工作、从事 fall on攻击 bring on引起、导致(疾病,战争等)、鼓励 , (上进)、帮助(提高)、使发展 look on旁观、观看 decide on决定 reflect on思考、反思 remark on评论、议论 settle on决定 urge on督促 agree on对达成协议、对取得一致意见 carry on坚持(工作,活动等)、继续进行下去(特别指中断以后,可接with)、进行(活动,交谈等) put on穿上、把放在 上、假装、增加out(向外

15、,结束,消失,取消,大声,分发,传开,搞清,弄明白) act out用手势及语言表达 break out爆发 bring out拿出来、发表、说出 burst out突然 起来 call out大声叫唤 carry out执行 die out死去、消亡 figure out算出、理解 find out查明 go out熄灭 keep out不让入内 let out放出、泄漏 look out注意 make out认出 pass out昏倒、死去 pick out选出、辨认出 reach out伸出 sell out售完 send out发送、 派遣show out把带出去、start out动

16、身、开始做 tire out十分疲劳 work out算出 come out长出、出版、出现 leak out漏出 clear out清除 fade out消失、put out扑灭 run out用完 use out耗尽 wipe out消灭wear out磨损 give out分发、耗尽 spread out传开 hand out分发over(向下,自始至终,通过,重复,向上外, 翻转, 接手) go over复习、检查 talk over商量 think over仔细考虑 turn over翻转 call over点名ponder over思考 run over溢出 spill over溢

17、出 get over结束、熬过、战胜、克服 hang over延期 hand over移交 take over接管 gain over争取过来 win over争取过来 cry over因哭 laugh over笑 look over调查、过目、大致看一下watch over看守、照管、保护To (向,对)add to增加 admit to允许进入 agree to同意、答应 answer to对负责 apologize to 向道歉 belong to属于 come to苏醒、等于、结果是、涉及 devote to献身于 lead to通向、导致 refer to提到、涉及 reply to

18、回复 see to照顾、保证、负责、检查 stick to坚持、粘住 turn to求助于、查阅up(向上,完成,结束,离开,消灭,增加,变强,变好,改善,关住,锁紧,固定住, 碎) come up上升、出现、走过来 pick up捡起、振作、加快、车中途带人 draw up升起、停止put up举起 send up使上升 rise up升起 look up抬起头 叫e up堆起 take up拿起、占据、从事 build up树立 set up建立 finish up完成 eat up吃光 burn up烧光 wash up洗净 use up用光 fill up装满 pay up付清 set

19、tle up解决 sum up总结 open up透露 end up结束 close up停止,关闭 swallow up吞没 beat up痛打 cover up掩盖 break up结束、分解、拆开、驱散 wind up结束 split up分裂 blow up炸毁 tear up撕碎give up放弃 dry up枯竭、干涸 litter up乱丢杂物 turn up开打、开大、出现 stir up激起,搅起 warm up兴奋 speak up大声说 total up加总 speed up加速 build up增大 show up显现 cheer up振作起来 work up激动,刺激

20、 bring up抚育 check up核对 clear up清理,晴天 do up整理 polish up擦亮,改进 .light up点亮 tune up调整 make up化妆,和解,弥补、编造 fix up修理,整理 shut up关闭 lock up锁住 tie up拴住 bind up装订 save up存起来 store up贮藏 stock up储存 wrap up包住 hold up延误、举起 keep up坚持 call up打电话、征召入伍 hang up(电话)挂断 light up容光焕发 line up排队 stay up不睡觉、熬夜Step4:实战演练基础练习1.

21、 - Its a good idea. But whos going to _the plan?-I think Tom and Greg will.A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through2. Happily for Johns mother, he is working harder to _ his lost time. A. make up for B. keep up with C. catch up with D. make use of3. If you had _ your test paper carefully

22、before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.A. looked up B. thought about C. gone over D. gone round4. Would you slow down a bit, please? I cant _ you.A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up to D. hold on to5. Youd better _ some money for special use.A. pick up B. give away C. put off

23、 D. set aside6. In order to _ with the advanced countries, we must keep learning.A. get along B. put up C. catch up D. go on7. We didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on8. Im planning to hold a party in the open air, but I can ma

24、ke no guarantees because it _ the weather.A. links with B. depends on C. connects to D. decides on9. - Smoking is bad for your health.-Yes, I know. But I simply cant _ .A. give it up B. give it in C. give it out D. give it away10. If you _ any problems when you arrive at the airport, give me a ring.

25、 A. come up with B. set about C. run into D. put aside11. We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _ it. It might be valuable. A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after12. His mother had thought it would be good for his character to _ from home and earn some money o

26、n his own.A. run away B. take away C. keep away D. get away13. Can you make a sentence to _ the meaning of the phrase?A. show off B. turn out C. bring out D. take in14. News reports say peace talks between the two countries_ with no agreement reached.A. have broken down B. have broken outC. have bro

27、ken in D. have broken up15. Dont mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _ the shocking ending.A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off16. The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to_ .A. make it out B. make it off C. make it up D. make it over17. He _

28、 some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in18. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather_ the helplessness of the crew at sea.A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up19. Were going to _ with some friends for

29、 a picnic. Would you like to join us?A. get in B. get over C. get along D. get together20. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the outside world.A. cut out B. cut up C. cut off D. cut through21. It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a resu

30、lt, he got punished. A. stick to B. refer to C. keep to D. point to22. The sports meet will be_ next week because of the bad weather. A. put off B. put away C. put up D. put down23. _this book and tell me what you think of it. A. Look through B. Look on C. Look into D. Look up24. After all the students had taken their seats, the teacher _ the examination paper. A. handed in B. handed on C. handed out D. handed over25. I really dont want to go to the party, but I dont see how I can_ it. A. get back from B. get off C. get away D. get out of26

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