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1、教师用初三英语第一单元教学案九年级英语Unit 1 How can we become good learners?教学设计Period 1 Section A 1a-2d本课时课标要求: 学会如何谈论学习英语这一话题本课时的教材分析:本课时为本单元第一课时,主要是引出话题,并从听说读写等方面列举出了多种学习英语的方法,同时教会学生如何更好地学好英语。教学目标:知识与能力:能熟练掌握并会运用本节课的单词和短语及句型;能用句型How do you study / learn I study / learnby简单地谈论如何学习英语;能就英语学习方法提出一些简单的建议;过程与方法:通过教师引导,充

2、分发挥学生的主体地位,同伴互助,让学生参与并体验到学习英语的快乐。情感态度与价值观:强化学生的合作交流意识以及解决困难的能力。教学设计:一、 自主学习,完成下列任务:Task 1:完成下列单词交谈,对话_ 大声地,出声地_ 教科书_ 发音,读音_ 句子_ 有耐心的;病人_Task 2: 翻译下列短语和朋友一起学习_ 向老师寻求帮助_小组学习_ 大声读以练习发音_有点紧张_ 第一次_Task 3: 句型展示1.你怎样准备考试?How do you _ _ _ _2.我是小组学习。 I study _ _ _.3.它提高了我的口语技能。It improves my _ _.4.太难了,不明白发音。

3、 It is _hard _understand the voices.二、课中实施:Step 1: Free talk. Talk about the summer vacation. (很自然地引出假期是如何学习英语的,遇到困难时如何解决的,从而切入正题) How was your summer vacation? What did you do on vacation ? Step 2:Check the answers of the learning paper. Give help if necessary. (展示预习效果)Step 3: Show the aims. (出示目标,

4、可以领读本节课的单词和相关句型)Step 4: Presentation. Look at the picture. Ask the students, how does she study English? (教师引导,同时也让学生知道了by的用法)Step 5: Brainstorm. What other ways to study English do you have? (头脑风暴,让学生开动大脑思考还有哪些学习英语的方法)Step 6: Pairwok. (学生主体)A: How does he / she study English?B: He / She studies Eng

5、lish by working with a group. Step 7: Act out. Step 8: Listen.(1b,2a-2b) (听力训练)Step 9: Pairwork. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. (学生主体)A: Have you ever studied with a group?B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.Step 10: Role-play the conversation. (1) Listen and answer th

6、e questions: (整体感知)What will Jack do next Monday? Whats Annies advice?(2) Translate the usful expressions: (解决相关知识点)有点紧张_ 第一次_ 完成某事_ 快速阅读以得到主要观点_ 逐词 _你读得越多,速度会越快。(3) Act out. Reapeat the conversation using the key words. (突出口语表达,体现角色扮演这一主题)精讲点拨1. It improves my speaking skills. 它改进了我的口语技能。-ing短语作定语,

7、类似的还有sleeping time 睡眠时间 eating habits 饮食习惯 living habits 生活习惯2. It is too hard to understand the voices. 理解它的发音太难了。tooto 太而不能,与之常见的转换有:The girl is too young to go to school.= The girl is so young that she cant go to school.= The girl isnt old enough to go to school.3. word by word 逐词 step by step一步一

8、步地 one by one一个接一个地拓展延伸1. by的常见用法小结(1)by+地点名词。表方位,意为:“在旁边”。如:by the lake/river/tree/window/door等。(2)by+时间名词。意为:“到时(已发生某事),此时谓语多用完成时;最晚、不迟于,在之前”。如:by now/then/this time/next Friday/the end of/three oclock等。by the end of last year, ( 3)by+交通工具、交通方式名词(名词前不加冠词,不变复数)。意为:“通过,由,乘”。如by train/rail/tube/taxi/

9、bus/truck/bike/boat/plane; by land/road/sea/water/air等。(on foot)It takes a long time to go there by train;(4) by+动词ing.意为:“通过,靠,凭”。如:by waiting /practicing / begging/working等(5) 被,表被动。 The book was written by Lu Xun. 2. 将本节课有关英语学习方法的短语从听说读写四个方面做个归纳,为自己今后学好英语指明方向。_本节课的疑问或困惑_Unit 1 第一课时限时作业一、 翻译下列短语:和

10、朋友一起学习_ 向老师寻求帮助_小组学习_ 有点紧张_ 第一次_ 太.而不能_二、用适当的词填空1. I study English by _(work) with a group.2. What about _(listen) to tapes?3. It improves my _(speak) skills.4. Its too difficult _(understand) the English movies.5. I have to finish _(read) the book this weekend.6. His _(pronounce) has improved.7. H

11、joined a club to practice _(shoot).8. Why not _(go) to school by bike?三、完成下列句型;1. 我读完那本书花了两个小时。 It took me two hours _ finish _ the book.2. 你读得越多,速度就会越快。The _ you read, the _ you will be.3. 去年我第一次去了北京。 I went to Beijing _ the _ _四、选择1.The boy makes money _newspapers.A. sell B. in selling C. by selli

12、ng D. on sell2. _a teacher is my dream.A. Be B. Being C. I am D. To being3. Li Lei, I cant hear you clearly. Please speak _.A. loud B. aloud C. loudly D. louder4. Please read quickly _the main ideas.A. to get B. get C. getting D. gets5. The _ we get together, the _ we will be.A. much; happy B. more;

13、 happierC. many; happier D. many; happy二次备课Unit 1 How can we become good learners ? period 2 Section A (3a-3b)一、 课标关于本节内容的要求: 会谈论如何学好英语二、 本节教材内容分析本节教材是一篇初中生怎样学习英语的短文。通过本节课的学习,学生可以掌握重点字词的用法、了解一些学习英语的方法。对学生的英语学习有一定的帮助。三、 教学目标设计1、掌握一些重点词汇和短语 2、掌握一些学习英语的方法3、增强英语学习的兴趣。四、 教学设计(一)预习活动(1)读P119,翻译下列重点词汇1、 n.

14、 教科书;课本 2、n. 交谈;谈话 3、aloud adv. 4、pronunciation n. 5、 n. 句子 5、 adj. 有耐心的 n. 病人 6、 n. 表达(方式);表示 7、 v. 发现;发觉 8、 n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的 9、fall in love with 10、 语法 (2) 读3a,翻译下列短语1、发现做某事很困难 2、害怕去做某事 3、爱上某人 4、对 感兴趣 5、查字典 6、也、又、和 7、对 有很好的理解 (3)读3a,完成下列问题1. Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English?

15、 2. What did she do in English class? 3. What is the secret to language learning? (二)课中实施(1)听录音,完成下列问题1. Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English? 2. What is the secret to language learning? (2)快速读3a,掌握文章大意(3)仔细读3a,做3b(4)精讲精练1. find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难( ) She found _ hard

16、 to finish the work by herself. A. that B. its C. it D. this2. be afraid to do The girl was afraid to go across the bridge, for she was afraid of falling down from it.( ) Tina is so shy that she is afraid of _ in front of a group. A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. spoke3.Then one day I watched an

17、English movie called Toy Story call v叫做Thats the girl named/called Lily. = Thats the girl _ _ _ Lily.4.fell in love with fall fell fallen v 落下 (1) 不及物v , “落下,跌落 fall into 跌进 (2) 系动词 “变成 fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 生病(3) n, “秋天” = autumn 【短语】:fall into 落入 fall off 跌落 fall down 倒下 fall behind 落后 fall asle

18、ep 入睡 fall in love with 爱上( ) Whats wrong with Tom? Bad luck! Tom _ his bike and hurt his leg.A. fell B. fell off C. dropped D. drop off( ) Mr. Brown _ China last year and _ in love with it. A. flies to ; falls B. flew ; fell C. flew to; felt D. flew to ; fell5.The students are _in these _books.( in

19、terest) They are _at the _news.( surprise) We are _ about the _news .(excite)6. I discovered that _(listen) to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning.listen v 听 listener n 收听者 listen to 听My father is a good _(listen).【拓展】listen to/hear( )He _but could _ nothing. A .heard

20、; listened B. listened; heard C. heard; heard( ) When the little boy _ someone coming upstairs, he stopped _. A. heard; to cry B .listened; crying C. heard; crying D .listened; to cry7. look up 查找(跟代词作宾语,代词放中间) look after 照顾 look like 看起来像 look out 当心,小心( ) Can you _ the time of the next train to Ti

21、anjin? - OK, I _ right now for you.A. look up ; look it up B. look it up; look up C. look up ; look at D. look up ; look up it(5)拓展延伸如何运用所学知识,给你的同学谈一下你的英语学习心得,并给他们一下英语学习的建议。(6)系统总结 第二课时限时作业(三)限时作业(时间:10分钟 分值:100分)一、根据汉语提示或根据首字母提示填入正确的单词(每小题4分,共20分)1.She can become a good learner by _ (make) word car

22、ds.2.Does _ (someone) often arrive late for school?3.They like having_ (conversation) with foreigners.4.What about _ (go) to the movies on Saturday night?5.That_ (real) improves her_(speak) skills.二、 把下列词组翻译成英语(每小题4分,共20分)1、发现做某事很困难 2、害怕去做某事 3、爱上某人 4、对 感兴趣 5、查字典 三、单选题( 请把正确选项的序号填入题前的括号内。每小题6分,共60分)1

23、._do you study for a test? By_to tapes.A. What; listen B. What ; listening C. How;listen D. How;listening2.She studies for an English test by_the textbook.A. looking B. seeing C. reading D. watching3.(2013 邵阳)- What about_a rest? -Lets go for a walk.A. to take B. take C. taking4. (2013 绥化)What do yo

24、u usually do in the morning? I often practice _English.A. speak B. to speak C. speaking5.(2013 黄石)It_me about 10 days_painting the walls.A. took; to finish B.cost; finishing C. took; finishing D.spent; to finish6.(2013 上海)The retired couple enjoy_photos. They always go out with their cameras. A. tak

25、e B. took C. to take D. taking7.(2013 淮安)At times, parents find it difficult _with their teenage children. A. talk B. talked C. talking D. to talk8.(2013 本溪)My Chinese teacher is very knowledgeable _she reads lots of books. A. but B. so C. because D. although9.(2013 包头)One important aim of our schoo

26、l is to prepare us for the future_we can face all the challenges with confidence.A. so far B. so that C. even if D. if only10. (2013 恩施)_our teacher is ill,_he still comes to our class to teach us.A. Though;but B. Though ;/ C. Although; but二次备课九年级英语Unit 1 How can we become good learners?教学设计Period 3

27、 Section A Grammar Focus-4c本课时课标要求: 学会如何谈论学习英语这一话题本课时的教材分析:本课时为本单元第三课时,主要呈现本单元语法并针对性的进行训练。教学目标:(1)掌握新单词 (2)理解重点句子(3)学习英语的方法。 (4)灵活运用学习英语方法的小对话。教学设计: 自主学习,完成下列任务:Task1、朗读记忆下列单词及短语repeat v._ note n._ v. _pal n. _ pattern n. _physics n._ chemistry n._记句式 _ 与同学一起说英语 _ 记笔记 _ Task2、完成并背诵短语大声重复_ read word groups_ make word cards_

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