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1、B4Unit1课题序号1授课班级授课课时2授课形式新授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Could I change My life?Warm-up,Listening and Speaking使用教具Multi-media player, teachers book教学目的1. Master the important words and expressions in the dialogue.2. Enable the students to know how to speak views on their changes in English3. Enable the students to

2、make dialogues by using the useful expressions learned in the dialogue according to the given situation.教学重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns.教学难点1.How to use the useful expressions in the real situations.2.Improve the students Listening and speaking ability更新、补充、删节内容1.A dialogue about ho

3、w to ask for and give advice 2.Write a short passage about how to spend winter vacation.课外作业1. Read the dialogues Task B fluently.2. Preview the passage.教学后记授课主要内容及板书设计 Unit 1 Listening and SpeakingStep 1 Review Words and Expressions Step 2 SpeakingI. Lead-in: Warming upTry to finish the two activit

4、ies on page2.II. Part A I need to change my unhealthy life1.Show some expressions on the blackboard, and then ask students to give the responses with the real situations.(Present the useful patterns and expressions in this way)2.Let the students listen the dialogue carefully and finish the exercises

5、 above the dialogue3.then explain some difficult language points in the dialogues.III. Part B What plan do you suggest?1. Useful expressions.2. Listen to the tape carefully, and pay more attention to the pronunciation. 3. According to the tape, finish the exercises on the book. 4. Ask students to im

6、itate, and then let some groups read the dialogues IV. Practice Pair work.: Let students make a dialogue by using the useful patterns and expressions learned in the model dialogues according to the given situation.Step 3 Assignment1. Read the dialogue fluently 2. Preview the passage.Step 4 Homework教

7、学步骤教学内容教学方法及双边活动Step 1 Step 2 Step 3Step 4 Warm upActivity 1: Finish the questionnaire to test whether you need to make a change. Activity 2: Here are some instructions on how to make a change .put the steps into a proper order.Listening and speakingA I need to change my unhealthy lifeActivity 1: Li

8、sten to the conversation and circle the best answer.Activity 2: Listen again and circle the best answer.B What plan do you suggest?Activity 3: Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer.Activity 4: Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answer. Then

9、practise the conversation with a partner.Language point1 The higher, the more_ 2.get colder and colder_e.g. Our country becomes _ and _ _. 祖国变得越来越美丽了。_ _ _ you make, _ _ you spend.钱你赚得越多,花得越多。_ _,_ _. 越快越好。3. oh, thats gonna be a bunch! be gonna=be going to4. Youve also made eating chocolate after m

10、eals as a habit. eating chocolate after meals 是_make sth. as_5. a little bit earlier修饰形容词、副词比较级的词有_, _, _,_,_,_,_等;注意:不可用_,_,_,_6. and move on to doing something more challenging.move on to _ to 是_ 后接_e.g. lets move on to the terms of payment. What would you say to pay by D/P.7. no more than/not mor

11、e thanShe has no more than 3 hats.She has not more than 3 hats.There are_ _ _ ten tickets left. 剩下不到十张票了。 The experiment was done by _ _ _ 5 persons . 做这个试验的人不到五个。 Homework 课题序号2授课班级 授课课时1授课形式新授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Reading and Writing Passage A 使用教具Multi-media player , teachers book教学目的1. Master the import

12、ant words and expressions in the text.2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage.3. Train the students reading ability.4. Improve students senses about detailed information教学重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns.教学难点1.How to use the useful expression

13、s in the real situations.2.Improve the students reading ability课外作业1. Read the text fluently.2. Preview the passage and retell Passage A教学后记授课主要内容及设计 Unit 1 Reading and WritingPassage A Homeless to HarvardStep 1 Review Words and ExpressionsStep 2 Warm upLead-in: Activity : What do you think of the t

14、opic”Homeless to Harvard”?(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )Step 3 Reading1 Key words and useful expressions( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading)2 Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions3 while reading explain the language points in text

15、sum up the main idea of each paragraph4 post reading write a short composition about Liz Murrays lifeStep 4 Consolidation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions.Step 4 Practice Finish the exercises after the text, and ask ss to show their answers to us S

16、tep 4 Homework Making compositions, retelling and reading.教学步骤教学内容教学方法及双边活动Step 1Step 2 Step 3Step4Step 5Warm up1. Review the knowledge of introducing in last class.Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them Pre-reading tasks The pre-class tasks are as follows: Activity 1: Read the te

17、xt and underline the activities the writer ever experienced and the time . (give 4 mins to discuss and sum up ) Reading the text.Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text. You may use your skills of skimming and scanning and have a discussion with your partner. Lat

18、er I will ask two of you to share your opinions.Activity 3:Read the first paragraph again and tick true or false.Activity 4: After reading ,what moved you most in Lizs story? Find more information about her and share it with the class.Activity 5: Read the text again and find out the grammar and diff

19、icult points.a. Be addicted to sth/ doing sth 对上瘾b. Inspire sb to do 激励某人做什么c. She decided to go to high school, even though she was still homeless. 尽管她无家可归,可是她决定上高中。Even though 是让步状语连词d. At the age of 在 年纪时 e. She promised herself to become a straight A student. 她向自己保证成为优等生。 Promise sb to do 向某人f.

20、While 在文中用作并列连词,意思是“但,却,然而”,表示对比或与前面的情况相反。例如:She drinks black coffee while I prefer it with cream. WritingActivity 6:Read the paragraph below and write a topic sentence for it. Then exchange your topic sentence with others. Homework课题序号3授课班级 授课课时2授课形式新授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Reading and Writing Passage B 使用教

21、具Multi-media player , pictures,computersandsoon教学目的1. Master the important words and expressions in the text.2. Master some useful words, phrases and sentence structures learned in the passage.3. Train the students English speech ability.教学重点 Useful words, phrases and sentence patterns.教学难点1.How to

22、use the useful expressions in the real situations.2. Train the students English speech ability.课外作业1. Read the text fluently.2. Preview the passage and retell Passage B教学后记授课主要内容及设计 Unit 1 Reading and WritingPassage A Homeless to HarvardStep 1 Review Words and ExpressionsStep 2 Warm upLead-in: Activ

23、ity : What do you think of the topic”Homeless to Harvard”?(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )Step 3 Reading5 Key words and useful expressions( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading)6 Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions7 while reading expl

24、ain the language points in text sum up the main idea of each paragraph8 post reading write a short composition about Liz Murrays lifeStep 4 Consolidation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions.Step 4 Practice Finish the exercises after the text, and ask

25、ss to show their answers to us Step 4 Homework Making compositions, retelling and reading.授课主要内容及设计 Unit 1 Reading and WritingPassage B Could I change My life?Step 1 Review Words and ExpressionsStep 2 Warm upLead-in: Activity : Have you ever taken part in English Speech Contest? and do you know abou

26、t English speech?(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up )Step 3 Reading9 Key words and useful expressions( Guess the meaning of the words and learn to prepare for reading)10 Pre reading tasks Ask students to make their own questions Discussions11 while reading explain the language points in text sum up

27、the main idea of each paragraph12 post reading write a short composition about Liz Murrays changeStep 4 Consolidation Explain the grammar of text to ss and ask them to learn the new word and expressions.Step 4 Practice Finish the exercises after the text, and ask ss to show their answers to us Step

28、4 Homework Making compositions, retelling and reading.教学步骤教学内容教学方法及双边活动Step 1Step 2 Step 3Step 4Step 5 Warm up2. Review the knowledge of introducing in last class.Learn new words in the vocabulary and ask Ss to read them Pre-reading tasks The pre-class tasks are as follows: Activity 1: Read Passage

29、B and match the words with their explanations.(give 4 mins to discuss and sum up ) Reading the text.Activity 2: Read the text quickly and try to catch the main idea of the text. You may use your skills of skimming and scanning and have a discussion with your partner. Later I will ask two of you to s

30、hare your opinions.Activity 3:Read the paragraph B again and circle the best answer.Activity 4: After reading , work with a partner .discuss and answer the following questions based on passage B.Activity 5: Writers sometimes use questions to draw audiences attention. Read Lizs speech and find where the strategy is used . Write the questions on the lines below.Activi

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