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1、小学四年级下册英语教案永春县小学英语课时计划 四 年级 班担任教师 二0 年 季Module 1Unit1 Shes a nice teacher.教学目标 1.知识目标:1) 能听、说、认读下列单词: nice、clever、shy、naughty2) 能听懂、会说下列句型:Hes/Shes a bit/ very 3)初步了解转折的表达方式:Shes very nice. But shes a bit shy.2.语言技能目标:1)通过创设情境和游戏竞赛等活动激发学生的参与热情。2)通过采用合作学习的方式,培养学生的合作意识和自主学习的能力。3.情感态度目标:1)培养学生学习英语的兴趣和自

2、信心。2)使学生懂得人应该结交更多的朋友,了解朋友,并善于发现朋友的优点。教学重点1、能正确听,说,认读本课新单词:a bit shy, nice, clever, naughty2、能够运用本课型向他人介绍和描述家人及朋友教学难点运用本课句型灵活进行交流。教学准备课件、单词卡教学日期月 日 午第 节教学过程Step1: Warming up. 1.Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?Im well, thank you.2.Evaluation.T:Boys and girls, look! Today wellhav

3、e four groups, 1, 2, 3, 4.If you behave better, I will give a star for you .Lets compete.Step2:Leading in.1. T: I have a friend, who is he ? Listen and guess,ok? He is tall and thin. He has short hair .his eyes are big , his mouth is small .Step3: Presentation.1.T: (课件呈现课文第一幅图片)Now the first, Lets l

4、ook at Panpans friends.(1)课件出示毛毛的图片,听录音一遍回答问题T:Who is she? (Maomao)T:Whats she like? ( nicea bit shy)T: Yes. And shes nice. But a bit shy(课件出示单词、教读、拼读单词)nice. a bit shy(板贴图片、板书单词)T: Who is nice in our class?(学生通过观察,根据实际情况回答问题,对单词和句子有更深刻的理解)听第二遍录音:(2)教师用同的方法出示小勇的图片新授单词clever(3)教师用同的方法出示鹦鹉的图片新授单词naugh

5、ty2. Practise the words and the sentences in your group.3. Listen and repeat the text.4. Practice the text in groups.5. Show front.Step4: Consolidation.1、Guessing game.A. 教师描述学生猜:教师用课件出示4名同学的照片以及一些他们的介绍。教师对其中的一名同学进行简单的描述,让同学猜猜老师描述的是谁。E g : She is a girl. She has long hair .She is a bit shy. She like

6、sswimming. Who is she?B学生描述学生猜:教师选择几个班里很有特点的同学,请他们站成一排,请班里另一名同学耳语告诉老师,他(她)将要让大家猜站成一排中的某一同学的名字,然后逐一说出该同学的特点,每说一特点,便问一句“Who is this?”看谁先猜对。2、教师用课件出示一些笑星,明星的图片,学生两人一组进行人物描述。找几组到教室前面表演3、学生四人一组,相互介绍自己的好朋友,每组推选一人看谁说得好。展示活动成果。Step5. Summary. 1. Lead students to summarize what they have learned this class.2

7、.T: Lets count stars. Which group is the winner? Congratulations.3.学说一句谚语:A friends in need is a friend indeed.Step6. Homework. 1.用学过的英语向家长介绍你的同桌。Module 1Unit 2 Hes cool.教学目标1、知识目标1)基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:aunt, uncle, big, little, cute. 2) 学会用 “This is my big brother.”以及 “ He is cool.”的语言结构。2、技能目标:学会描述人物的性格

8、特征。2、语言技能目标通过创设情境和游戏等活动激发学生的参与热情;能用所学句型,介绍自己的朋友或家人。3、情感态度目标(1)懂得应该结交更多的朋友,了解朋友,并善于发现朋友的优点。(2)在活动中进一步强化相互了解、相互协作的情感;在师评、自评、互评中,增强自信,提高学生学习英语的积极性。教学重点1)词汇:aunt, uncle, big, little, cute.2)学会用 “This is my big brother.”以及 “ He is cool.”的语言结构。教学难点能听懂,会说本课的交际用语,并能在情景中熟练运用。教学准备课件、单词卡教学日期月 日 午第 节教学过程一、导入课题T

9、oday, we are going to learn Module1Unit2 Hes cool. First, lets look at the learning aims. 二、出示目标Learning aims:1、I can read and understand the text.(我能准确、流利地朗读课文,并理解课文内容。)2、I can recite the key sentences. (我会背重点句子。) 三、出示自学指导 学生自学 教师指导(一)看一看,听一听, 读一读1、Guide1 Listen and say.(看图、听录音,注意语音、语调)2、Guide2 Ple

10、ase read the text by yourself within 3 minutes.大声朗读课文。若有疑难,请问老师或者身边同学。(3分钟后,比谁能准确地朗读课文。)板书生词如:aunt, uncle, big, little, cute 3、Please read after the tape. 跟读课文对话。(要求:坐姿端正,注意语音语调。)4、Please read in roles.同桌分角色互读课文。(3分钟后,比一比谁能准确、流利地朗读课文。)5、Have a match !(学生分角色读,如果有学生读错,叫其他学生更正。)(二)做一做1、Please recite th

11、e phrases by yourself within 3 minutes.大声背短语。3分钟后,比谁能准确地背出短语。my aunt/ uncle 我的阿姨、 叔叔my big brother 我的哥哥my little sister 我的妹妹very nice/ clever 非常好、聪明(学生看着中文提示背短语,如果学生出错,其他学生更正。)2、Read these phrases together two times.3、Guide3 You have 6 minutes to recite the key sentences. 6 minutes later, well have

12、a match!6分钟时间背重点句子。6分钟后,教师抽查。(1) This is my aunt. Shes very nice. 这是我的阿姨。 她非常好。(2) This is my uncle. Hes very clever. 这是我的叔叔。他非常聪明。(3) This is my big brother. Hes cool. 这是我的哥哥。他很酷。(4)This is my little sister. Shes cute. 这是我的妹妹。她很可爱。4、学生(同桌)之间做上述重点句子的练习,教师抽查,学生填空。(1) This is . Shes very . 这是我的阿姨。 她非常

13、好。(2) This is . Hes very . 这是我的叔叔。他非常聪明。(3) This is . Hes . 这是我的哥哥。他很酷。(4)This is . Shes . 这是我的妹妹。她很可爱。(三) 议一议(1) This is . 这是我的阿姨。 她非常好。(2) This is . 这是我的叔叔。他非常聪明。(3) This is . 这是我的哥哥。他很酷。(4)This is . 这是我的妹妹。她很可爱。(先请同学们小组讨论,在小组内商榷答案。然后每个小组派出一个人讲题,讲一讲为什么这样做。若有不同意的,再由其他小组同学讲解,最后得出正确答案。)(四)练一练1、总结重点句型

14、。(1)This is. Shes/ Hes (2)Shes + very + 形容词。2、做练习 达标检测用This is. Shes/ hes 来描述一张自己的照片。四 作业1、复习本节所涉及的内容。2、熟读课文,识记本节所涉单词短语及重点句子。Module 2Unit 1 London is a big city. 教学目标知识目标:能听说读及运用新单词: ship city beautiful whose close queen 能运用This is.Its.简单描述一座城市 能听说及合理应用句型 London is a big city. My house is very small

15、, but its beautiful.能力目标:培养学生认真观察事物及发散思维的能力情感态度目标:乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识教学重点:1、beautiful whose queen close 的发音 2、 London is a big city. My house is very small, but its beautiful.教学难点: 能听懂,会说本课的交际用语,并能在情景中熟练运用。教学准备:音频材料、卡片、图片教学日期:月 日 午第 节教学过程:一、 Warming up(热身)1、Greeting :Hello boys and girls! Are you happy?

16、2、Sing a song 二、Review and lead in (复习导入)T: I am happy .Are you happy? Look, panda is also happy. Is it .?三、Presentation and practice (课堂预习,呈现,练习)1、check(检查预习结果)T: What is this ?Ss: It is a book .T: Yes, it is a book about London. London is a big city. Last class, I asked you to find out sth about L

17、ondon . Now, lets checkShow some pictures about London . eg, Big Ben. London eye, Backingham palace , Queens house. 2、Text (1)课堂预习T: Now,we know London is a big city, I like London, Amy and Lingling also like London, look they are talking about London, Ok now lets have a look, boys and girls please

18、open your book and turn to page8.a. listen, point and find “big beautiful small”b. listen and answer questionsA、 house is it?B、Is Amys house big?C、where is Amys house? It is close to Queens house.(2)小组交流活动小组讨论以上问题答案,并派代表发言。(3)练习 Listen ,point and repeat. (4)游戏巩固 Game 1.听到London, city, house, Bucking

19、ham Palace举左手。 听到small, big, beautiful, nice举右手。2.火眼金睛读单词四、检测Show some pictures about city(Beijing. Shanghai. rizhao )Let students to fill in the blanks.This is _,its _五、Sing a song London bridge is falling down. 六、Homework(作业)1. Read the words and the passage.2. Find more things about London on the

20、 Internet Module 2Unit 2 Its very old.教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)学习并能够识别单词famous、old,并根据提示书写这些单词。(2)学习并能口头运用目标语句This is Big Ben. Its very old. And its very tall.这类语句描述旅游景点。(3)基本会唱歌曲London Bridge is falling down.2、能力目标:(1)能够运用This is +地名,Its + adj.的语言结构来描述自己喜欢的城市。(2)能够运用The + n. +is+ adj.的语言结构来形容某种事物。3、情感目标:通过学习

21、了解英国的标志建筑和著名旅游景点等,开阔学生的文化视野,激发他们对英语的学习热情和兴趣。教学重点:1)、单词发音准确,如Big Ben、Hyde、Tower Bridge等。2)、本课三个景物词组: Big Ben,Hyde Park, Tower Bridge 3)、基本学会歌曲London Bridge is falling down.教学难点:1)使学生能运用所学词组对自己熟悉的景物进行简单、正确的描述。2)激发学生兴趣,使他们敢于用简单的语言准确描述身边景物。教学准备:音频材料、卡片、图片教学日期 月 日 午第 节教学过程:Step1: Warming-up1 .Greeting2.

22、Warm up.Watch a video about London.Step2: Ask & AnswerWhat do you think about London?利用tagul 文本云图让学生复习上节课的句型London is very nice, beautiful等。Step3: Lead inDo you want to know more about London?Today lets go to london again.利用外国小学生Amy当小导游让学生观看视频.并在视频中学习本节课的重点句型 This is .Its very.Step4:new teaching:1.

23、利用图片教学2. 教师和学生领读句型Step5: listen to the tape1. Learn the text.a) Listen to the tape, to know what we will learn today.b) Big BenThis is Big Ben. Its very old. And its very tall.Hyde ParkThis is Hyde park. Its very beautiful.Buckingham palace_ this is Buckingham palace.Its very big and beautiful.Tower

24、 BridgeAnd this is Tower Bridge. Its very famous. And its very beautiful too. (采用领读,学生自读,开火车朗读的方法)2. Role play 利用头饰Amy 和LinglingStep 6: I can do it!1.Look at the pictures and use adjectives to describe them.e.g. schoolThe school is very big.Great wallThe great wall is very long.Flower_ The flower is

25、 beautiful.2. Group work describe the pictures3.Lets sing. Learn a song.London Bridge is falling downStep7、Have a conclusion.Step8、Homework1)Make four sentences with“This isIts”2) Read the text twice.Module 3 Unit1 Robots will do everything.教学目标1.知识目标:1.)基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:robot, one day, everything, ho

26、usework, learn, our.2.) 学会用 “ Robots will do everything.”以及 “ I can walk / talk.” 的语言结构。2. 技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能灵活运用功能句谈论将来的行为,培养学生的想象能力。3.情感目标:了解科技的发展,但不能依赖科技。教学重点:掌握本课词汇,灵活运用所学句子“人+will+动词原形”谈论机器人将来会做什么。教学难点:housework/homework的读音以及区别教学准备:PPT,点读笔,卡片教学日期 月 日 午第 节教学过程:1.Warm-up1.) Greeting:T: How are yo

27、u?I can speak English, what can you do?S: I can sing/run/walk/read.2 Lead-in1. )Watch a video about robot, and teach the new word robot.2.) Teach the plural form of robot. T say 1, Ss say robot, T say 2,3,6,10., Ss say robots.3 Presentation1.) T: What can a robot do? (play the video let the students

28、 anwer )S: It can walk. It can talk.2.) 用数轴形式让学生清晰的了解one day的含义。并教授“will”. One day, what will robots do?3.) Watch the video of the text and learn the new words: housework, homework, learn, our, everything, wont.4. )Listen and repeat.5. )Role play.4DrillPPT出示机器人在做不同的动作 Robots will_.Robots wont _.Prac

29、tice5.Group work小组谈论机器人将会做什么事情S1:What will robots do?S2:They will6 ExtensionFortune Teller:What will he/she/it do?He/She/It will _.7 Exercise单项选择1. They will _ the house work.A. doing B. do C. does2. -What will you do on Sunday?- _ go swimming.A. I will B. I C. My3. She _ play in the park.A. is B. w

30、ill C. are8 Sum up1. will/ wont + 动词原形2. We created robots. It brings many conveniences for us. But we should not depend on them too much.9 Homework1. Recite the text.2. Design your own robotModule 3 Unit 2 On Monday Ill go swimming.教学目标1.知识目标: 1.) 学生能听懂、会说、认读单词 have, next, week, holiday 学生能听懂、会说单词:Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday2.) 学生能听懂、会说句子On Monday Ill go swimming.2.技能

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