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届英语专业论文论文正文参考模板Sample 4231.docx

1、届英语专业论文论文正文参考模板Sample 4231湖南第一师范学院 毕业论文(设计) 题目 (中文)从亚文化角度分析美国俚语特征(英文)The Analysis of Features of American Slang from Sub-Cultural Perspective学生姓名吴雪平学号04b11040826指导教师胡启海系(部)外语系专业班级08级英语10班完成时间2013年5月The Analysis of Features of American Slang from Sub-cultural PerspectiveByWU XuepingA Thesis Submitted

2、 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of BACHELOR OF ARTSDepartment of Foreign Language, HUNAN FIRST NORMAL UNIVERSITYMay, 2013毕业论文(设计)作者声明1本人提交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导教师指导下独立进行研究取得的成果。除文中特别加以标注的地方外,本文不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的成果。对本文研究做出重要贡献的个人与集体均已在文中明确标明。2本人完全了解湖南第一师范学院有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学院保留并向

3、国家有关部门或机构送交本文的复印件和电子版,允许本文被查阅、借阅或编入有关数据库进行检索。同意湖南第一师范学院可以采用影印、打印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本文,可以用不同方式在不同媒体上发表、传播本文的全部或部分内容。3湖南第一师范学院在组织专家对毕业论文(设计)进行复审时,如发现本文抄袭,一切后果均由本人承担,与学院和毕业论文指导教师无关。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日摘 要俚语是一种在非正式场合下使用非常广泛的口语形式。它来源于美国社会的各亚文化群体,包括黑社会、流氓团伙、无业游民、同性恋者、吸毒者、妓女、赌徒囚犯,所以美国俚语都带着亚文化群体的烙印。本文根据美国社会各亚文化群体所使用的语

4、言特征来分析整个美国的俚语特征。美国各亚文化群体丰富了美国俚语词汇,因此美国俚语词汇也保留了各亚文化群体特征。通过比较和分析,美国俚语作为美国英语重要的组成部分,具有立意新奇、幽默生动、富有形象性、易于表达情感、言简意赅等特征。关键词:亚文化;美国俚语;俚语特征IAbstract Slang, as a highly colloquial form, is widely used in informal occasion. American slang originates from the subculture groups, including jobless vagrants, sold

5、iers, sailors, detective, criminals and etc. Therefore, American slang is characterized by subculture groups. This paper tries to analyze the features of American slang from sub-cultural perspective. American sub-cultural groups have developed, enlarged and enriched American slang vocabulary. As a r

6、esult, American slang terms are left with distinct sub-cultural features. By comparing and analyzing, as an important part of American English, slang terms are characterized by its creativeness, humor, irony, expressiveness, liveliness, brevity and obscurity.Key words: subculture groups; American sl

7、ang; featuresIICONTENTS摘要 I Abstract IIChapter 1 Introduction 1Chapter 2 American Slang and American Subculture 42.1 American Slang as an Insight into American Culture 42.2 The Relationship Between English Slang and Standard English 62.3 The Relationship Between Slang and Subculture Groups 8Chapter

8、3 Subculture Groups Slang and Their Features 103.1 College Slang and Its Features 103.2 Criminal Slang and Its Features 133.3 Political Slang and Its Features 153.4 Homosexual Slang and Its Features 17Chapter 4 Features of American Slang 194.1 Brevity and Liveliness 194.2 Novelty and Fashion 194.3 H

9、umor and Irony 20Chapter 5 Conclusion 22Bibliography 24Acknowledgements 25IIIChapter 1 IntroductionIt is estimated that there are at least six hundred thousand English words, fifteen thousand of which are slang. According to Fowler, H.W, “The words known but not frequently used by American and Engli

10、sh people are about ten to twenty thousand. Two thousand of them are slang words accounting for 10%” (Zhang Shishu, 1926). American Slang research is indispensable if we want to know more about American vocabulary and culture.There are more and more linguists and scholars starting to study slang bot

11、h at home and abroad. No matter where we are, we can hear local slang carrying specific culture. American slang is a significant part of English slang, thus scholars and linguists both in the west and in China pay great attention to it. It is known that on formal occasion Standard English is the onl

12、y suitable form. However, when without restriction, people always prefer to use the vivid and expressive slang rather than Standard English. Since slang is so closely related to peoples daily life, many scholars have already studied slang in their research both in American and Britain, such as Patri

13、dge and Brook, they made a further study on the process of socialization and the use of slang. Apart from foreign scholars, many Chinese scholars have also analyzed slang from different angles, such as its features, functions and formations etc. But they seldom study slang from subculture perspectiv

14、e. Actually, slang, especially American slang, has a great deal to do with subculture. Most of American slang comes from American subculture groups, so studying American slang from subculture point of view can help us better understand the glamorous and panorama of American society and its culture.

15、It is admitted that language and culture have close relationship. The study of culture, especially subculture, is of great importance in the studying of slang, which is a language variety. However, the history of studying subculture is short. Around the world, the study of subculture has begun since

16、 the Second World War, up to now, some scholars have made great contribution to subculture.” Lee, Gordon have studied subculture through their studies. CCCS, that is the Birmingham Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies also contributed to the study of subculture. Chris Jenks, in his book Subcultu

17、re, mainly talked about subculture in terms of its definition and origins etc. Ken Gelder and Sarah Thomton also explored the theory of subculture in their collaboration The Subculture Reader in 1997.(Wang Bin, 2008)In addition, many Chinese scholars are also interested in subculture, which is furth

18、er discussed in their dissertation and works, such as Ding Lantian and Mao Donghui. Any society and country has a dominant culture and subculture. In America, American slang is regarded as a special English variety spoken by subculture groups such as criminals, the blacks, drug addicts, gamblers and

19、 etc. In other words, American slang comes from sub-cultural groups. Language is a vehicle for human communication. Slang, as a language variety, is vital if we want to learn a language well. Language reflects culture. Being a part of language, American slang mirrors American culture. American slang

20、, once scorned by people, now has appeared in all the major newspapers, magazines and TV which makes it difficult for non-native speakers to understand if they do not know the real meaning of the slang. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to analyze and study the features of American slang and the

21、 subculture groups which mainly use the American slang to have a better understanding of American slang. This paper intends to analyze features of American slang through studying subculture groups. Each subculture group has its own slang and slang used by different groups has its own characteristics

22、. By analyzing features of slang used by each subculture group, we would find out that they share some common features which help us to learn about features of American slang. The new idea of this paper lies in the combinations of features of American slang and subculture groups. American slang orig

23、inates from subculture groups, so American slang must be characterized by subculture groups. After analyzing features of American slang used by each subculture group, the paper tries to figure out features of American slang. Besides, although many linguists and scholars have made research in the fie

24、ld of American slang and subculture, it is not common for them to study American slang from sub-cultural point of view.Chapter 2 American Slang and American SubcultureLanguage, used as the basic vehicle to transmit beliefs, values and norm, is a significant and special part of culture and affected b

25、y culture. As a variety of English, American slang deeply mirrors American culture. Since American slang originates from subculture groups, it is necessary to take a look at the relationship between American slang and its sub-cultural groups.2.1 American Slang as an Insight into American CultureNo o

26、ne would deny the fact that language and culture have a close relationship. Sapir believes the close relationship between language and culture, maintaining that they are inextricably related so that you could not understand or appreciate the one without the knowledge of the other. Language and cultu

27、re are in a dialectical relationship: language is an integral part of culture and influenced by culture. It is the primary vehicle by which a culture transmits its beliefs, values and norm. Yet, language is not a passive reflector of culture. Even assuming that culture is in many cases the first cau

28、se in the language-culture relationship, language as the effect in the first link of the casual chain will in turn be the cause in the next link, reinforcing and preserving beliefs and customs and conditioning their future course. (Hu Zhuanglin, 1992: 250) As one of the language varieties, slang als

29、o reflects culture. The culture shapes our behavior patterns, and our behavior is mediated through language. Our behavior is greatly influenced by culture, as Stuart Berg Flexner(1987) claimed, “Whether the United States has more slang words than any other country (in proportion to number of people,

30、 area, or the number of words in the standard vocabulary). Americans, however, do use their general slang more than any other people”. Then why do Americans use more slang items than people in other countries? Wilhelm Von Humboldt believes that language is the external exhibit of ones inner world. T

31、heres nothing in the world more similar than language and culture. To some extent, American slang shows cultural characteristics of American society and Americans national character.Americans are optimistic people that we can also find from their language. As the book American Society and American C

32、ulture comments “that no other place has more natural resources than America, and every person here can become rich if he is enterprising and lucky. Their country and experience tell them to keep optimistic, and Americans are extreme optimist (translated by the author) ” (王锦瑭,1996: 3). American slang fully reflects American culture and their national character. It is known that language is a symbol of society, being a part of language varieties,slang mirrors some aspects

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