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1、药理学英文试题含复习资料1山东大学医学院(2005 2006 学年第二学期)2003 级 医学七年制 药理学期末考试试题(A 卷)二、选择题:( A 型每题 0.5 分,X 型每题 1分, 共 50 分)Type A choice questions (only one answer is correct)1. Which of the following is classified as belong to the G proteincoupling receptors?A. GABAA receptorB. badrenergicreceptorC. insulin receptorD.

2、nicotinic II receptorE. hydrocortisone receptor2. Which of the following is unlikely to be associated with oral drug administration of anentericcoateddosage form?A. irritation to the gastric mucosa with nausea and vomitingB. destruction of the drug by gastric acid or digestive enzymesC. unpleasant t

3、aste of the drugD. formation of nonabsorbable drugfoodcomplexesE. variability in absorption caused by fluctuations in gastric emptying time3. Which of the following compounds will be absorbed to the least extent in the stomach?A. ampicillin (pKa=2.5)B. aspirin (pKa=3.0)C. warfarin (pKa=5.0)D. Phenob

4、arbital (pKa=7.4)E. propranolol (pKa=9.4)4. Which of the following terms is most likely to be associated with “a rapid reduction in theeffect of a given dose of a drug after only one or two doses”?A. supersensitivityB. tachyphylaxisC. toleranceD. hyposensitivityE. anaphylaxis5. A weak acidic drug wi

5、th 4.4 of pKa, if the stomach juice pH is 1.4, plasma pH is 7.4, whenthe distribution balance is reached, the drug concentration ratio between plasma and stomachjuice isA. 100B. 0.001C. 1000D. 10000E. 0.016. In this graph,drugs A,B and C are analogs,thenA. A has a greater potency than BB. A has a gr

6、eater efficacy than CC. B has less potency than CD. A has a greater potency than CE. B has a greater efficacy than C7. Aspirin is a weak acid with 3.5 of pKa, what percentage of lipidsolubleform will be in thestomach juice with 2.5 of pH?A. 0.99%B. 9%C. 9.09%D. 90.9%E. 99.9%8. The contractile effect

7、 of various doses of norepinephrine (NE) (X) alone on vascular smoothmuscle is represented in the figure below. When combined with an antagonist (IC or INC), ashift in the doseresponsecurve occurs. The curve labeled X+INC would mostly likely occurwhen vascular smooth muscle is treated with NE in the

8、 presenA. terazosinB. phentolamineC. labetalolD. phenoxybenzamineE. prazosinBAC效 应Log 剂量49. The reversible cholinesterase inhibitor indicated in the treatment of Alzheimers disease isA. tacrineB. edrophoniumC. neostigmineD. pyridostigmineE. ambenonium10. A predictably dangerous side effect of nadolo

9、l that constitutes a contraindication to itsclinical use in susceptible patients is the induction ofA. hypertensionB. cardiac arrhythmiaC. asthmatic attacksD. respiratory depressionE. hypersensitivity11. Epinephrine may be mixed with certain anesthetics, such as procaine, in order toA. stimulate loc

10、al wound repairB. promote hemostasisC. enhance their interaction with neural membranes and their ability to depress nerveconductionD. retard their systemic absorptionE. facilitate their distribution along nerves12. A 58yearoldmale with angina is treated with atenolol. Select the mechanism of action

11、ofatenololA. aadrenergicagonistB. aadrenergicantagonistC. badrenergicagonistD. badrenergicantagonistE. mixed a and b antagonist13. A male patient is brought to the emergency department following ingestion of an unknownsubstance. He is found to have an elevated temperature, hot and flushed skin, dila

12、ted pupils,and tachycardia. Of the following, which would most likely cause these findings?5A. propranololB. tolazolineC. prazosinD. donepezilE. atropine14. A 65yearoldmale has a blood pressure of 170/105mmHg. Which of the following wouldbe effective in lowering this patients blood pressure?A. terbu

13、talineB. dobutamineC. pancuroniumD. prazosinE. scopolamine15. Which of the following can be used in shock for increasing cardiac output and renal bloodflow?A. norepinephrineB. epinephrineC. dopamineD. phenylephrineE. methoxamine16. All of the following statements are related with succinylcholine EXC

14、EPTA. have muscle fasciculation before muscle relaxationB. have no ganglionic blocking actions at therapeutic doseC. can be antagonized by neostigmineD. elevate blood potassium concentrationE. assistant agents of anesthetics17. The agent which is effective for prostatic hyperplasia but has no effect

15、 on blood pressure isA. terazosinB. tamsulosinC. phenoxybenzamineD. regitineE. prazosin18. Which of the following statements is correct?A. Diazepam induce the drug metabolizing enzymes.B. All benzodiazepines show antiepileptic actions.C. All benzodiazepines have sedative effects.D. Benzodiazepines r

16、eadily produce general anesthesia.E. Benzodiazepines directly open chloride channels.19. Which of the following statements is correct?A. Chlorpromazine is indicated in treating the nausea of levodopa treatment.B. Vitamin B6 increases the effectiveness of levodopa.6C. Administration of dopamine is an

17、 effective treatment of Parkinsons disease.D. Levodopainducednausea is reduced by carbidopa.E. Nonspecific MAOinhibitorsare a useful adjunct to levodopa therapy.20. Which of the following is common to the tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors?A. They can produce sedation.B. They produce physi

18、cal dependence.C. They show strong interaction with certain foods.D. They can produce postural hypotension.E. They decrease availability of epinephrine in the synaptic cleft21. The antipsychotic drugs:A. are equally effective against the positive and negative symptoms of schizophreniaB. can cause bl

19、urred vision, urinary retention and other signs of muscarinic blockadeC. bind selectively to D2dopaminergicreceptors.D. have antiparkinsonism effects similar to levodopa.E. have a rapid onset of antipsychotic action.22. All of the following are observed in patients taking neuroleptic agents EXCEPT:A

20、. sexual dysfunction.B. bronchial asthmaC. altered endocrine function.D. constipation.E. orthostatic hypotension23. Which of the following statements about morphine is INCORRECT?A. It is used therapeutically to relieve pain caused by severe head injury.B. Its withdrawal symptoms can be relieved by m

21、ethadone.C. It causes constipation.D. It is most effective by parenteral administration.E. It rapidly enters many body tissues, including the fetus of a pregnant woman.24. Which of the following statements concerning phenytoin is INCORRECT?A. causes less sedation than phenobarbital.B. causes gingiva

22、l hyperplasia.C. may cause megaloblastic anemiaD. is excreted unchanged in the urine.E. The plasma halflifeincreases as the dose is increased.25. Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in the patients with epilepsy?A. PhenobarbitalB. imipramineC. digoxinD. chlorpromazineE. aspirin26. The ag

23、ent which is effective for various epilepsy is7A. diazepamB. sodium phenytoinC. sodium valproateD. PhenobarbitalE. ethosuximide27. All of the following produce a significant decrease in peripheral resistance EXCEPT:A. chronic administration of diureticsB. hydralazineC. ACE inhibitorsD. RblockersE. c

24、alcium channel blockers28. Which of the following hypertensive patients is most suitble for primary therapy withhydrochlorothiazide?A. patients with goutB. patients with hyperlipidemiaC. young hypertensive patients with rapid resting heart rateD. patients with impaired renal functionE. elderly patie

25、nts29. Regarding antihypertensive drugs, which of the following statements is WRONG?A. Hydrochlorothiazide can increase activity of renninB. Propranolol can decrease secretion of renninC. Sodium nitroprusside lowers BP rapidly by releasing NO.D. Clonidine stimulates 2receptorand imidazoline receptor

26、E. Diuretics decreased BP mainly by increasing water and sodium excretion from thekidneys.30. Which of the following drugs occurs orthostatic hypotension most frequently in first use:A. clonidineB. nifedipineC. propranololD. enalaprilE. prazosin31. The reason that digoxin can reduce the ventricular

27、rate of atrial fibrillation patient is:A. decreasing automaticity of ventriclesB. decreasing automaticity of atriaC. reducing the conduction of AVnodeD. improving cardiac ischemiaE. shortening the effective refractory period of atria32. All of the following measures can be used in the treatment of d

28、igoxininducedarrhythmiaEXCEPTA. stopping digoxin administration8B. diuretic agents such as furosemide are used to promote the excretion of digoxinC. phenytoin administrationD. atropine administrationE. lidocaine administration33. Which of the following effects of digoxin can NOT be seen in failure h

29、eart?A. slowing sinus rhythmB. increasing the oxygen consumption of myocardiaC. increasing the cardiac outputD. increasing the cardiac contractilityE. shortening atrial ERP34. A 70 year oldfemale is treated with sublingual nitroglycerin for her occasional bouts ofangina. Which of the following is in

30、volved in the action of nitroglycerin?A. adrenergicactivityB. phosphodiesterase activityC. phosphorylation of light chains of myosinD. norepinephrine releaseE. cGMP increased35. The therapeutic effect of adrenergicreceptor blockers such as propranolol in anginapectoris is believed to be primarily th

31、e result ofA. reduced production of catecholaminesB. dilation of the coronary vasculatureC. decreased requirement for myocardial oxygenD. increased peripheral resistanceE. increased sensitivity to catecholamines36. A 69yearoldmale with angina develops severe constipation following treatment withA. nitroglycerinB. gemfibrozil(吉非贝齐)C. propranololD. captoprilE. verapamil37. Which of the following drugs has relatively few electrophysiologi

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