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1、林书豪林书豪Lin is the first Chinese-American player in the NBA, and spent his first season with the Golden State Warriors, who signed the undrafted Harvard graduate in 2010 to fill out their roster. He saw limited minutes with the Warriors, but was cheered in arenas around the country, particularly in ci

2、ties with large Asian communities, as fans came out in droves to cheer their homegrown star.林书豪是首位进入美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的美籍华人球员。他在NBA的第一个赛季是从金州勇士队(Golden State Warriors)开始的。2010年,勇士队为补充球员签下了这位曾在NBA选秀大会上落选的哈佛毕业生。尽管林书豪在勇士队的上场时间有限,但每次出场总能获得球迷的欢呼。特别是在有着庞大亚洲社区的城市里,球迷们总是成群结队地为这位亚裔球星加油喝彩。To be sure, Lin is a diff

3、erent kind of Asian basketball player from Yao Ming. While Yaos size put him in a somewhat self-selecting group-people north of seven feet tall can certainly do a wide range of things, but theyre frequently drafted into playing basketball-Lin went from Palo Alto High School to an economics degree at

4、 Harvard, but remained committed to making it as a professional basketball player. (Yao recently enrolled at Jiaotong Universitys Antai Economics and Management College as his post-retirement career rolls on.)Associated Press2012年2月4日,周六,纽约尼克斯在主场迎战新泽西篮网。图为比赛进行到第二节,林书豪在一次进攻中躲过对方球员防守,投篮得分。不过,林书豪属于另一种亚

5、洲篮球运动员,与姚明还不太一样。姚明的块头如此之大,似乎就是为打篮球而生的(身高超过2.13米的人当然可以从事很多种职业,不过大多都去打篮球了),而林书豪从美国加州帕洛阿尔托高中(Palo Alto High School)毕业后,进入哈佛大学主修经济并获得学位,在这期间他仍致力于成为一名职员篮球运动员。(退役后的姚明前不久已赴上海交通大学报到,就读该校的安泰经济与管理学院。)It hasnt been an easy road for Lin. He has made several trips to the NBAs Development League, a minor league f

6、or players who show promise but need seasoning before they can compete at the highest level.林书豪的篮球生涯走得颇为辛苦。他曾几次进出NBA发展联盟(Development League)。这是NBA旗下的一个小联盟,专为有潜力但仍需锻炼的球员而设,经过这里的磨练,他们便有能力去打最高水准的比赛。It appears to have paid off. After keying the Knicks victory over New Jersey, Lin was named the starter f

7、or the Utah game, a position he appears to have a hold on in the shot term, as Baron Davis, signed in December to play the position, lingers on the disabled list due to a herniated disk in his back.他的努力似乎已有了回报。林书豪的出色表现帮助纽约尼克斯战胜了篮网队之后,他在对阵犹他爵士队时获得了首发资格。去年12月签约担任控球后卫的拜伦戴维斯(Baron Davis)由于腰椎间盘突出而长期缺阵,短期

8、来看林书豪似乎填补了这个空白。If he can stick with the Knicks, the stars may have aligned for Lin. Knicks coach Mike DAntoni made a name for himself with a frenetic style of play that puts particular focus on the point guard position.如果林书豪能一直效力尼克斯,他可能会成为真正的明星。尼克斯主帅迈克德安东尼(Mike DAntoni)曾以疯狂进攻的打法成名,而他的布阵重点就是控球后卫。Afte

9、r collaborating with guard Steve Nash for five successful seasons with the Phoenix Suns, DAntoni moved to New York, where he hasnt won as much but has coached up previously middling point guards into stronger players. Chris Duhon and Raymond Felton both overcame images as limited talents under DAnto

10、ni, blossoming into playmakers.与后卫史蒂夫纳什(Steve Nash)在菲尼克斯太阳队(Phoenix Suns)成功合作了五个赛季后,德安东尼移师纽约。在那里,他虽然没有打赢如此多的比赛,但却将一批曾经的二流控球后卫培养成了更强大的球员。在德安东尼的调教下,克里斯杜洪(Chris Duhon)和雷蒙德费尔顿(Raymond Felton)均突破了留给外界的才智平平的印象,成长为在场上组织进攻的球员。Lins knack for driving to the basket and finding open teammates makes him a good f

11、it for the DAntoni mold, but he still has a lot of work to do before hes a proven NBA star.林书豪突破上篮的娴熟技术和找到无人盯防的队友的能力让他在德安东尼的战术体系中如鱼得水,但要成为真正的NBA球星,他仍有很多功课要做。The constant running in DAntonis offense, dubbed Seven Seconds or Less for the time expected in which the team should shoot the ball, demands g

12、reat fitness-Lin appeared winded at the end of the Utah game. But hell likely get stronger the more minutes he plays, and even if Davis returns, spelling the older, recovering player could be productive for Lin, a proven good student who can learn a lot from practicing against a veteran.德安东尼有一套被称为“七

13、秒快攻”(Seven Seconds or Less)的进攻战术,要求在七秒钟内完成投篮。为此,球员需要连续奔跑,这就要求他们具备超强的体能。在与犹他爵士队的比赛结束时,林书豪似乎已经累得有点喘不过气来了。不过他上场时间越长,可能就会变得更强,而即使戴维斯回来,对林书豪来说,能与这位年长的还在恢复中的球员交替上场也是个不错的机会。事实已经证明,林书豪是个好学生,他能从与老球员的练习中获益良多。And should things not work out for him in New York, he would almost certainly giver former Knick Steph

14、on Marbury a run for his money as the biggest star in Chinas own basketball league.就算在纽约尼克斯队发展不顺,身为头号亚裔球星的林书豪回到中国打职业联赛,其酬劳也几乎可以和曾效力尼克斯的斯蒂芬马布里(Stephon Marbury)有一拼了。College career 大学期Lin sent his rsum and a DVD of highlights to all the Ivy League schools, Cal, and his dream schools Stanford and UCLA.

15、The Pac-10 schools wanted him to walk-on. Harvard and Brown were the only teams that guaranteed him a spot on their basketball teams, but Ivy League schools do not offer athletic scholarships.高校就读结束后,林书豪曾将自已的比赛画面剪辑成DVD影碟,寄送给所有的常春藤盟校、柏克莱加州大学、斯坦福大学以及UCLA等以争取入学机会。之后哈佛大学及布朗大学出面保证能让林书豪在校队有一席之地,林书豪选择进入哈佛大

16、学。For the season, Harvard set numerous program records including wins (21), non-conference wins (11), home wins (11) and road/neutral wins (10). Lin finished his career as the first player in the history of the Ivy League to record at least 1,450 points (1,483), 450 rebounds (487), 400 assists (406)

17、 and 200 steals (225). He graduated from Harvard in 2010 with a degree in economics and a 3.1 grade-point average.林书豪在哈佛校队的期间;累积了总得分1483分、487篮板、406助攻、225个抢断的成绩。当时的表现也被认为是仅次于约翰沃尔的年度最佳控卫。 而林书豪在哈佛最后则以3.1学级分毕业.1. Believe in yourself when no one else does. Lins only the 4th graduate from Harvard to make

18、it to the NBA. Hes also one of only a handful of Asian-Americans to make it. He was sent by the Knicks to play for their D-League team 3 weeks ago in Erie, PA. Hed already been cut by two other NBA teams before joining the Knicks this year. Youve got to believe in yourself, even when no one else doe

19、s.即使没人相信你也不能绝望。林书豪只是第四位能够进入NBA的哈佛学生。他也只是一小撮能够登陆NBA的亚裔美国人之一。在三个星期前,他还曾被尼克斯队下放到NBDL球队宾州伊利海鹰队。在这个赛季加盟尼克斯队之前,林书豪曾被两支其他的NBA球队裁掉。即使没人相信你了,你也不能对自己绝望。2. Seize the opportunity when it comes up. Lin got to start for the Knicks because they had to start him. They had too many injuries. Baron Davis was gone. Th

20、e other point guards were out. Carmelo Anthony was injured. Amare Stoudemire had to leave the team because of a family death. Lin could have squandered the opportunity and we would have never have noticed. But he made the most of it. You never know when opportunities are going to arise in life. Ofte

21、n, theyre when you least expect them. Make the most of them. Dont fritter them away.当机会来临时要好好把握。尼克斯队之所以让林书豪打上首发,实属无奈之举, 他们的伤病球员太多了。拜伦 戴维斯(Baron Davis)一直无法上场。其他控球后卫也不能出战。卡梅罗安东尼( Carmelo Anthony)受伤了。阿玛雷 斯塔德迈尔(Amare Stoudemire)因为家人去世而离队奔丧。如果林书豪浪费掉这个机会,他将不会得到我们的关注。但是他很好地利用了这个机会。在生活中,你从不知道 机会何时会降临。通常,在你最

22、不期待的时候,机会就会出现。尽最大限度地利用这些机会,不要挥霍掉了。3. Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them. It wasnt until a few days ago that Lin got his contract guaranteed by the Knicks for the rest of the season. Before that, he could have been cut at any time. He had to sleep on his brothers couch on

23、the Lower East Side to get by. His family always believed in him and picked him up when he could have gotten down on himself. That made him continue to believe. If you want your family to believe in you like that, youve got to be there for them too when they need it.3.你的家人将一直支持你,因此你不应让他们失望。直到最近几天,林书

24、豪才获得 尼克斯队的保障性合同,不用为余下来的赛季而担忧。在这之前,他随时都可能被球队裁掉。此前他只能在纽约市下东区的哥哥家睡沙发。他的家人一直都相信他, 在他快要放弃的时候也给予他支持。这使他坚守自己的信念。如果你希望家人像这样支持你,你需要在适当的时候有所表现,不要让他们失望。4. Find the system that works for your style. Lin isnt Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. Hes not a pure scorer. Hes a passer and distributor who can also score ve

25、ry well. It didnt work for him in Golden State or Houston where he was before landing at the Knicks. But Mike DAntonis system at the Knicks has been perfect for him to show off his strengths. Youve got to do your best to understand what your strengths are and then ensure that youre in a system (a jo

26、b or organization or industry) that is a good fit for those strengths. Otherwise, people overlook the talents you bring to the table.寻找适合你风格的体制。林书豪不是迈克尔 乔丹(Michael Jordan)或者科比 布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)。他不是纯正的得分手。他是传球手和球权分配者但也能很好的得分。在加盟尼克斯队之前,他先后为金州勇士队和休斯顿火箭队效力,但是那 里不适合他。麦克 德安东尼(Mike DAntoni)在尼克斯队的体制非常适合他,能让

27、他展现自己的优点。你应该尽最大所能去了解自己的长处,之后确保你所处的体制(职位或者组织或者行 业)非常适合这些长处。否则,你所展现的才华只会被忽略。5. Dont overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team. You probably manage people at your own company today. Are you sure you dont have a Jeremy Lin living among you now? How do you know that “Mike” couldnt do

28、 amazing things if you gave him a new project to run with? How do you know “Sarah” isnt the right person to take the open job in London that youve been talking over with your colleagues? We put people around us in boxes. Hes from Harvard. Hes Asian-American. Not sure he can play. How many assumption

29、s have you made about talent around you? Dont be like the General Managers in Golden State and Houston, and let talent slip through your fingers. With all their money, scouts, and testing, they didnt have a clue what they had in their hands. Do you know what your people (or even yourself) is really

30、capable of? Take off the blinders of assumptions you wear when you look at the world.不要忽视团队里可能存在的人才。你现在可能负责管理企业内部的人员。你确定 自己身边不存在林书豪这样的人才?你怎么知道若让“马某某”负责某个新项目他不会有优异的表现?对于你和同事一直谈论的伦敦的空缺职位,你如何确定“沙某 某”不是任职的合适人选?我们对身边的人有各种成见。林书豪来自哈佛大学。他是美籍华人。他不一定能在NBA玩得转。你对身边的人才有多少各种各样的假 设?不要像金州或者休斯顿的球队经理那样,让人才从手中溜走。尽管他们拥

31、有资金、球探,还进行了试训,但是他们并不清楚自己手上有什么牌。你知道自己的手 下(甚至你自己)真正擅长于什么吗?在观察世界的时候,请摘下你的有色眼镜。6. People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else. Youve got to be you. You cant be some 2nd rate copy of Michael Jordan. There will never be another Michael Jordan. Just be Jeremy Lin yourself. Wha

32、tever that is. That doesnt mean you dont work hard it just means you find what youre good at and do it. Fans will love you for being you, just like they love Jeremy Lin. Judy Garland said it best:Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.人们喜欢你是因为你保持自我,而不是模仿他人。你应该保持自我,而不是做迈 克尔乔丹的二流复制品。世上不可能有另外一个迈克尔乔丹。只需要做林书豪你自己。不管那是什么。这不意味着你不需要努力只是意味着你应该找到 自己擅长的,然后坚持下去。球迷们会因为你保持自我而爱上你,就像他们喜欢林书豪一样。朱迪加兰(Judy Garland)此言妙矣:“永远做一流版本的自己,不做二流版本的别人。”(Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of

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