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Tess 苔丝的英文读书笔记.docx

1、Tess 苔丝的英文读书笔记4.21Chapter 1On an evening in the latter part of MayWalk homewardThe pair of legs that carried him was rickety. rikti 摇晃的;虚弱的;患佝偻病的There was a bias in his gait. gait eit n. 步法,步态Give a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion.A basket was slung upon his arm.Nap 绒毛,打盹,孤注一掷Hum a

2、wandering tuneSmack smk n. 滋味;少量vt. 掴;用掌击Knock about 四处漂泊From pillar to post 四处奔走Die out of knowledgeIn the preceding springVicissitude visisitju:d 盛衰;变化无常However, our impulses are too strong for our judgment sometimes.Graven reivn 雕刻的;不可磨灭的 Make so bold as to do 冒昧地,擅自Mendacious mendeis 说谎的;虚假的Effi

3、gy efidi 雕像,肖像Canopy knpi n. 天篷;苍穹vt. 用天蓬遮盖;遮盖Chasten yourself with the thought of “how are the mighty fallen”On the strength of 凭借,依据In a profound reverieStripling stripli 年轻人,小伙子Blinking 眨眼的,可恶的Noggin nin 小杯;少量饮料Chapter 2It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits.T

4、ract trkt 小册子;大片土地,地带;束Calcareous klkeris 钙质的,石灰质的Paddock pdk 围场;小牧场Partake of 带有某种性质Mantle mntl n. 覆盖物;地地幔;斗篷 vt. 覆盖Topographical ,tprfikl 地志的;地形学的(等于topographic)Votive vutiv 奉献的;诚心祈求的Blanch blnt 漂白;使变白Pallor pl 青白;灰白;苍白(尤指脸色)Cadaverous kdvrs 尸体般的,苍白的Boast of such a pronounced adornmentTurn her hea

5、d at the exclamationBrawny br:ni 强壮的;肌肉结实的Factotum fktutm 家务总管,杂务工Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience.Consecutive knsekjutiv 连续不断的;连贯的Desultory desltri 散漫的;不连贯的Hoyden hidn 顽皮的,淘气的n. 淘气姑娘,顽皮女孩Lucre lju:k 收益;钱财;利润Pedigree, ancestral skeleton

6、s, monumental record, the durberville lineaments, did not help Tess in her lifes battle as yet, even to the extent of attracting to her a dancing-partner over the heads of the commonest peasantry. So much for Norman blood unaided by Victorian lucre.Leaven levn vt. 使发酵;影响 vi. 渐变, 参杂Chapter 3Dislodge

7、the incident from her considerationShake off her temporary sadnessWoo wu: 追求;向求爱; vi. 求爱;恳求Jar d: n. 广口瓶;震动;刺耳声;罐 v 冲突;不一致;震惊;发刺耳声A dreadful sting of remorseSeething si:i adj. 火热的,沸腾的v. 浸透;煮沸;激动(seethe的ing形式)Suds sdz n. 肥皂水;泡沫 vt. 用肥皂水洗The candle-flame stretched itself tall, and began jigging up and

8、 down; Dribble dribl 连击;使滴下;运球;vi. 滴下;流口水;n. n. 点滴;运球Notation nutein 符号;注释;记号法;乐谱Bear sb no ill-will fro doing sthBlithe blai 愉快的;快乐无忧的Sink into the ground with shameConsumption knsmpn 消费;消耗;肺痨Sodden sdnadj. 浸透的;浸过酒的vt. 使浸透;使迷糊The tears welling to her eyesExtant ekstnt, ekstnt 现存的;古显著的Dismiss all th

9、e thoughtPalpability可触知性;明白 ImpalpabilityAppurtenance p:tinns 附加物,从属物Shut her eyes to his defects of characterFolklore fukl: 民间传说;民俗学;民间风俗Juxtapose ,dkstpuz 并置;并列All these young souls were passengers in the Durbeyfield ship-entirely dependent on the judgment of the two Durbeyfield adults for their p

10、leasures, their necessities, their health, even their existence. If the heads of the Durbeyfield household chose to sail into difficulty, disaster, starvation, disease, degradation, death, thither were these half-dozen little captives under hatched compelled to sail with them-six helpless creatures,

11、 who had never been asked if they wished for life on any terms, much less if they wished for it on such hard conditions as were involved in being of the shiftless house of Durbeyfield.Her mothers fetching simply meant one more to fetch.The night swallowed him up.Chapter 4Off-license 外卖执照Overt uv:t,

12、uv:t 明显的;公然的;律蓄意的Glib lib 口齿伶俐的,油嘴滑舌的Conclave knkleiv 秘密会议;红衣主教团;天主教教皇选举会议This is well to be kin to a coach, even if you dont ride in them.Try ones fate in the Fortune-Teller 算命书Tractable trktbl 易于管教的;易驾驭的;易处理的;驯良的Have fine prospects in stone 必将发生的Hitch hit n. 钩;蹒跚;故障 口搭便车;俚使结婚Genuflection denju: fl

13、ekn 屈膝,服从Nocturnal nkt:nl 夜的;音夜曲的;夜间发生的Lost in a vague interspace between a dream and this informationLook unequal to the emergency 不胜任Lair l n. (野兽的)巢穴;躲藏处v 进入兽穴;使陷入泥潭;放于穴中Somnolent smnlnt 瞌睡的,困倦的Lapse into a pondering silenceEver and anon 不时地Prattle prtl vi. 闲聊;胡说;小孩般说话 n. 无聊话;咿咿呀呀声Impregnate impr

14、eneit 使怀孕;灌输;浸透 adj. 充满的;怀孕的Superfluous sjup:flus 多余的;不必要的;废奢侈的Conterminous knt :mins 邻接的,相连的Mesh me n. 网眼;网丝;复杂 vi. 相啮合Consternation ,knstnein 惊愕;惊惶失措;恐怖Shaft :ft, ft 拍杆;轴;箭杆;杆状物;vt. 利用;在上装杆Stark st:k adj. 完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;僵直的;朴实的The driver has been as good as his words.Decrepitude dikrepitju:d 老弱,衰老,破旧

15、Discharge their griefs in loud blares4.22Chapter 5Forthwith f:wi 立刻,立即;不犹豫地Penury penjuri 贫穷;贫困Distress, if not penury, loomed in the distance.Drag her parents into this quagmireBroach brut 提出;钻孔;首次提及;给开口 n. 凿子;钻头;胸针(等于brooch)Take the ups with the downsDeferential ,defrenl 恭敬的;惯于顺从的Beholden bihuldn

16、负有义务的;蒙恩的;受惠的;对表示感谢的Sententious sentens 简洁的,说教的,充满格言警句的Reticulate ritikjult, -leit, ritikjuleit 网状的; 使成网状Every day seemed to throw upon her young shoulders more of the family burdens.By hook and by crook 不择手段地Bailiff beilif 地主管家Trepidation ,trepidein 惊恐;恐惧;忧虑;颤抖Pollard pld 截去树梢的树;角被割下的动物; 将截角;将去梢Sha

17、mble mbl 蹒跚地走;摇晃不稳;摇摇晃晃地走Bald b:ld adj. 秃顶的;单调的;光秃的;无装饰的 vi. 变秃Appertain ,ptein 属于;和有关,有关系Discomfiture disKmfit 尴尬,狼狈,困窘,难堪Swarthy sw: i 黝黑的,黑皮肤的Confound knfaund 挫败;使混淆;讨厌;使不知所措Namesake neimseik 名义;同名物;同名的人Hieroglyphic ,hairulifik 象形文字;象形文字写的文章adj. 象形文字的;难解的Spurious spjuris 假的;伪造的;欺骗的Ludicrous lju:d

18、ikrs 滑稽的;荒唐的Bland blnd 乏味的;冷漠的;温和的使变得淡而无味;除掉的特性Conservatory kns:v,t:ri 温室;音乐学校adj. 有保存力的;保存性的Grub rb vi. 翻掘;搜寻;挖土 n. 蛆,幼虫;俚食物Rivet rivit n. 铆钉 vt. 铆接;固定;(把目光、注意力等)集中于In the ill-judged execution of the well-judged plan of things the call seldom produces the comer, the man to love rarely coincides wit

19、h the hour for loving. Nature does not often say “See!” to her poor creature at a time when seeing can lead to a happy doing; or reply “Here!” to a bodys cry of “Where?” till the hide and seek has become an irksome, outworn game. Acme kmi 顶点,极点;最高点Anachronism nkrnizm 时代错误;不合潮流的人或物Jolt dult 使颠簸;使摇动;使

20、震惊 vi. 颠簸而行;摇晃Crass krs 非常的;愚钝的;粗鲁的Obtuse btju:s 圆头的;不锋利的;迟钝的Chapter 6Pointed pintid adj. 尖的;锐利的;突出的;率直的Prefigurative pri:figjurtiv 预示的,预兆的,Steep sti:p adj. 陡峭的;夸大的;不合理的;急剧升降的 vt. 浸;泡;使充满Banter bnt n. (善意的)戏谑;逗弄 vt. 善意地取笑;逗弄Smiles breaking from every inch of her personNuptial npl 婚礼的,结婚的,动物交配季节的Oner

21、ous nrs, u- 繁重的;麻烦的;负有义务的;负有法律责任的Matrimonial ,mtrimunjl 婚姻的;与婚姻有关的;根据结婚的惯例的Chapter 7Grove ruv 小树林;果园 Easel i:zl 画架;黑板架Wont wunt, wnt, wnt n. 习惯;惯常活动 adj. 习惯于vi. 习惯,惯常Bedeck bidek 装饰;修饰Acclivity klivti 上行坡Declivity diklivti 斜坡,倾斜So the girls and their mother all walked together, a child on each side

22、of Tess, holding her hand, and looking at her meditatively from time to time, as at one who was about to do great things; her mother just behind with the smallest; the group forming a picture of honest beauty flanked by innocence, and backed by simple souled vanity.Varnish v:ni n. 虚饰;光泽面; vt. 装饰,粉饰;

23、在上涂清漆;使有光泽Something seemed to quick her to a determination.Lower the corners of his lipsChapter 8Alec chatted compliments to Tess.Whiff hwif vt. 喷出;吸 n. 一点点;单人小划艇;琴鲆属鱼;吸气或吹气Take my word for it 相信我的话Oblique bli:k, blaik adj. 斜的;不光明正大的n. 倾斜物 vi. 倾斜Raillery reilri 善意的嘲笑,戏弄Go from your word 说话不算数She imp

24、lored, a big tear beginning to roll down her face, and the corners of her mouth trembling in her attempts not to cry.Snub snb vt. 冷落;严厉斥责;掐灭 n. 冷落;斥责;突然的停止Her eyes lit in defiant triumph.Her strategic silence confirmed his suspicion.Forfeit f:fit n. 罚金;没收物adj. 因受罚而丧失的;被没收的vt.丧失Vacillate vsileit 犹豫;踌

25、躇;摇摆 vacillatingDisconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her familyChapter 9Purveyor pvein. 承办商;伙食承办商;供应粮食者;供应货物或提供服务的人或公司Parasite prsait 食客;寄生虫; 攀爬植物Feel it almost as a slight to their family 轻蔑Sedate sideit adj. 安静的;沉着的vt. 给服镇静剂Almost before her misgiving at the news could find time t

26、o shape itself she didOrnate :neit 华丽的;装饰的;(文体)绚丽的Ensconce inskns 安置;安顿下来;使隐藏She had the mobile face frequent in those whose face has decayed by stages, has been laboriously striven after, and reluctantly let go, rather than the stagnant mien apparent in persons long sightless or born blind.Comb kum

27、 n. 鸡冠;梳子;蜂巢 vt. 梳头发;梳毛vi.(浪)涌起Enact inkt 扮演;颁布;制定法律Pantomime pntmaim n. 哑剧;手势;舞剧 vi. 演哑剧;打手势vt. 打手势;演哑剧Wrinkle and twitch her face into undulationsRepugnance ripnns 厌恶;反感;不一致,抵触She gathered that no great affection flowed between the blind woman and her son. But in that, too, she was mistaken. Mrs.

28、dUrberville was not the first mother compelled to love her offspring resentfully, and to be bitterly fond. Suit the action to the word 一边讲,一边示范Her face put on a sculptural severity.Pliable plaibl 柔软的;易曲折的;柔韧的;顺从的Disjoint disdint vt. 解体;使脱臼vi. 脱臼;解体; 脱节Chapter 10Idiosyncrasy ,idisikrsi 气质;风格;特质Staple

29、 steipl n. 订书钉;主要产品;主题 adj. 主要的, vt. 把分级;钉住Dyspeptic dispeptik,-kl adj. 消化不良的;患胃病的;胃弱的 n. 消化不良者Fusty fsti 发霉的;守旧的,老式的Roving n. 粗纱 adj. 徘徊的;流动的Nimbus nimbs n. 气雨云;光轮;(人和物产生的)灵气;光辉灿烂的气氛Adventitious dventis 外来的,附加的Confide her trouble to himStraggle strl vi. 迷路;落伍,掉队;四散,蔓延 n. 散乱Virago vira:gu 悍妇Dub db vt. 电影配音;授予称号;轻点;打击 n. 笨蛋;鼓声Progress in scattered orderAkimbo kimbu 叉着腰的A Chinamans queue 辫子Slimy slaimi 黏滑的;泥泞的;谄媚的,虚伪的Treacle tri:kl 糖浆;糖蜜Convulsion knvln 惊厥;震动;震撼;动乱Smolder smuld vi. 闷烧;郁积 n. 闷烧;阴燃Lusty lsti 精力充沛的;健壮的

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