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2A U1教案6单元.docx

1、2A U1教案6单元昂立英语上海学校教案(共_2_课时)教师姓名教学地点班级编号授课日期单元和课题Module 1-unit 1班级人数男生: 女生:教学时段课 型New lesson学生年龄段:岁 岁教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):交际功能Introduce your family members教学内容教学目标Lets ExploreEpisode新授U1RP2Key points新授This is my _.RS5aunt uncle cousin father grandpaRW5Grammar NotionPhonics(ABC )新授A ax apple arrowR

2、L5Lets conquer themRCT(10) / RCW1 / RCR3教具Teaching realias全家福照片家庭成员单词卡片字母A及apple arrow ax的卡片竞争计分机制(scoring system)A family picture可采用师生竞争,在相框里面加人物,可以把学过的有关家庭成员的图像都加进来,采用画画或者贴图形式都可如,一次比赛后,胜利者是学生,则学生先加上爸爸的图像,同时要求学生说This is my father.对本节课的学习内容进行操练。人物加得多的胜利。板书设计(blackboard display)Unit 1 This is my cous

3、in机动板块教学设计 Teaching proess第一节课(45)First class环节1.Warming up( roll-call):( 5 m)内容 call game过程1.roll-call (T:call names Ss: Here!/ Not here!) call game 环节2.Lead-in&Presentation( 20 m)内容Episode过程Game 1.1Picture talking1. T: show family pictures and introduce the family members2.

4、S: aks some questions about the picture T: answerGame 1.2Magic guesser1S: hold the picture and pointT: This is my _. (guess)Ss: Yes. / No.环节3.Practice( 20 m)内容key points过程Game 2.1Look at my mouth and speakT: 做嘴型,不出声Ss:根据老师嘴型说出句子Game 2.2I do you sayT: hold the card1S: look at the card and actSs: say

5、the sentence according to the guestureChant爸爸,爸爸father妈妈,妈妈mother姐姐妹妹sister哥哥弟弟brother表哥表姐cousin叔叔伯伯uncle阿姨婶婶aunt外公爷爷grandpa外婆奶奶grandmaThis is my family, oh, this is my family.第二节课 (45)the second class环节4.Check( 15 m)内容Episode, key points过程Game3.1:Great speech请学生单个拿着自己的全家福上台做介绍Game 3.2Survey学生间互相做调查

6、,用学过的句子向对方介绍自己家庭成员的情况或者询问对方家庭成员情况老师提问学生相关问题环节5.ABC内容ABC song过程1. Lets read the letter “A “ together2. Ss: look at the cards and read the words3. 请学生自己找字母A在以上单词中的发音4. 请学生回忆所学单词,找具有同样发音规律的含字母A的单词环节6. Lets conquer them内容Fill in the blanks过程1 老师引导学生了解family tree的构造2 学生自行填写环节7.Homework(2)内容1. 完成书上P3 Lets

7、 contact部分2. 完成练习册上相对应习题3. 请学生回家查字典找与家庭成员相关的单词,如nephew, neice等,下节课一起分享昂立英语上海学校教案(共_2_课时)教师姓名教学地点班级编号授课日期单元和课题Module 1-unit 2班级人数男生: 女生:教学时段课 型New lesson学生年龄段:岁 岁教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):交际功能Things around us教学内容教学目标Lets ExploreEpisode复习U1RP3新授U2RP2Key points复习This is my _.RS5新授What do you like?I like _

8、.RS5复习aunt uncle cousin father grandpaRW5新授car robot doll noodleRW4Grammar NotionRG2Lets conquer themRCT(10) / RCW1 / RCR3Lets look backRLB教具Teaching realias磁带,录音机食品,水果或者文具的模型或者实物(game 1.2)单词卡片(game 2.2 / game 3.1)玩具车,机器人,布娃娃(episode)竞争计分机制(scoring system)师生或者左右两组竞争先分别画两颗大的心,中间为空心老师问What do you like

9、? 胜利方派代表说I like _.同时老师将该生说的物品画在心里。画得多的一方胜利。板书设计(blackboard display)Unit 2 I like dolls机动板块教学设计 Teaching proess第一节课(45)First class环节1.Warming up( roll-call):( 5 m)内容1.roll-call (T:call names Ss: Here!/ Not here!)2.chant过程1.roll-call (T:call names Ss: Here!/ Not here!)2.chant (I like coffee, I like te

10、a)环节2.Lead-in&Presentation( 20 m)内容Episode过程Game 1.1I like / I dont like老师在黑板上画两个大大的心,其中一个心上画一把叉,代表不喜欢。然后将事先制作好的小卡片贴在心里,输入I like _.以及I dont like_.Game 1.2Little seller老师准备一些食品,水果或者文具,输入What do you like? 要求学生回答单词即可。老师补充You can say: I like _.环节3.Practice( 20 m)内容key points过程Game 2.1Can you hear me?学生问

11、:What do you like? 老师小声说 I like _.学生若能听到则重复该句子Game 2.2Catch a hen老师将事先准备好的单词卡片发放给学生,学生集体问Miss, Miss, what do you like? 老师回答I like _.被说中拿卡片的学生需要马上站起来。几次之后可让小老师上台来回答I like _.第二节课 (45)the second class环节4.Check( 15 m)内容Episode, key points过程Game 3.1Whats on the card一学生将卡片放在另一学生头顶,其余学生问What do you like? 被

12、放卡片的学生回答I like _.该生有三次猜测的机会Game3.2Survey学生根据调查表的内容和形式互相问答,可以要求学生多调查几个环节5.ABC (H&M)内容ABC song过程1.Lets listen to the tape2.lets sing the song together环节6. Lets conquer them内容Fill in the blanks过程1. ask the student to finish it by themselves2. Lets check the answers together3. 老师讲解不可数名词,同时补充其他常用不可数名词2-3

13、个环节6. Lets look back内容Fill in the blanks过程1. Ss: finish it by themselves2. check the answers内容Yes or no过程1. T: translate2. Ss: finish it by themselves3. check some students环节7.Homework(2)内容4. 完成书上P7 Lets contact部分5. 完成练习册上相对应习题昂立英语上海学校教案(共_2_课时)教师姓名教学地点班级编号授课日期单元和课题Module 2-unit 3班级人数男生: 女生:教学时段课 型N

14、ew lesson学生年龄段:岁 岁教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):交际功能Things around us:about clothes教学内容教学目标Lets ExploreEpisode复习U2RP3新授U3RP2Key points复习What do you like?I like _.RS5新授_ likes _.RS4复习car robot doll noodleRW5新授cap shirt T-shirt jacket sweaterRW4Grammar NotionRG2Phonics(ABC )新授B bird boy bedRL5Lets conquer the

15、mRCT(10) / RCW1 / RCR3教具Teaching realias磁带,录音机衣物的卡片以及实物男女生头像的卡片(game 3.1)剪刀,胶水,白纸(game 3.2示范)字母B及bird boy bed三张卡片竞争计分机制(scoring system)可采用师生或者男女生对抗事先准备好一男一女两个人物全身形象,给他们取好名字,卡片或者画在黑板胜利方可加一样身上的衣物,如帽子,夹克,裙子,鞋子等,同时输入操练_ likes _.加得多的一方胜利。板书设计(blackboard display)Unit 3 Cher likes this T-shirt机动板块教学设计 Teac

16、hing proess第一节课(45)First class环节1.Warming up( roll-call):( 5 m)内容1.roll-call2.songs过程1.roll-call (T:call names Ss: Here!/ Not here!)2.lets listen and sing songs环节2.Lead-in&Presentation( 2 m)内容Episode过程Game 1.1Point to the card1.T: show the cards and input the new words2.Ss: close eyes 老师将卡片张贴在教室各个角落

17、3.T: say the words Ss: point togetherGame 1.2Ask and answer1.T: What do you like? (老师出示实物或者卡片,以上节课学的新单词为主)1S: anwer2. T: 输入He/ She likes _.Ss: guess meanig.环节3.Practice( 20 m)内容key points过程Game 2.1Make upT: She/ He likes _.1S: 将相应物品穿戴到男生或者女生的身上,如果该生行为正确,全班同学重复该句子,如果该生行为不正确,则全班同学说no,并且换人来穿戴Game 2.2I

18、do you say老师事先准备好一些衣物的卡片,如果准备实物则更好请一位同学上来挑选自己喜欢的穿在身上,若是卡片则拿在手上台下同学说She/ He likes _.第二节课 (45)the second class环节4.Check( 15 m)内容Episode, key points过程Game3.1Sentence building老师事先准备两叠卡片,一叠是不同的男孩,女孩,一叠是各类衣物,请一位小朋友上台来分别从两叠卡片中选出一张卡片,拿在手上,并进行造句,He/ She likes _.台下同学根据该生的回答进行判断yes/ noGame 3.2Great speech请学生根据

19、P9该游戏内容,自己为4个小朋友设计衣服,并粘贴老师请小朋友上台来展示,并要求其说出句子He/ She likes _.环节5.ABC内容bird bed boy过程1. 请学生自行读出以上三个单词2. 在老师的提示带领下,请学生总结字母b在这三个单词中的发音3. 请学生自己举例包含字母b且具有同样发音规律的单词环节6. Lets conquer them内容Fill in the blanks过程3 请学生自行完成书上题目4 Check the answers together5 老师对于出错的题目进行讲解6 老师可再另行准备一些其他类似的题目环节7.Homework(2)内容6. 完成书上

20、P10 Lets contact部分7. 完成练习册上相对应习题8. 老师可布置翻译题,中文翻译成英文。(_喜欢_.)昂立英语上海学校教案(共_2_课时)教师姓名教学地点班级编号授课日期单元和课题Module 2-unit 4班级人数男生: 女生:教学时段课 型New lesson学生年龄段:岁 岁教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):交际功能Things around us:about clothes教学内容教学目标Lets ExploreEpisode复习U3RP3新授U4RP2Key points复习_ likes _.RS5新授_ doesnt like _.RS4复习cap

21、shirt T-shirt jacket sweaterRW5新授shoe pant scarfRW4Grammar NotionRG2Lets conquer themRCT(10) / RCW1 / RCR3Lets look backRLB教具Teaching realias磁带,录音机衣物的卡片以及实物水果,食品,文具等各种已经学过的物品单词卡片或者模型(game 1.1/ game 1.2)不同造型的男生,女生卡片(game 3.1)竞争计分机制(scoring system)可采用师生或者男女生对抗事先准备好一男一女两个人物全身形象,要尽可能多穿戴,最好穿戴的东西是活动的,给他们取

22、好名字,卡片或者画在黑板胜利方可去掉一样身上的衣物,如帽子,夹克,裙子,鞋子等,同时输入操练_doesnt like _.去得多的一方胜利板书设计(blackboard display)Unit 4 She doesnt like the shoes机动板块教学设计 Teaching proess第一节课(45)First class环节1.Warming up( roll-call):( 5 m)内容1.roll-call2.happy melody (P13)过程1.roll-call (T:call names Ss: Here!/ Not here!)2.I like coffee I

23、 like tea Lets perform together环节2.Lead-in&Presentation( 2 m)内容Episode过程Game 1.1like or dislikeT: act I like _. I dont like _.请单个学生上台来表演,如学生表演的是喜欢,则可要求全班一起说_ likes _.如学生表演的是不喜欢,则由老师来输入_ doesnt like _.Game 1.2Little performerT: _ likes/ doesnt like _.被点到名字的学生做相应动作环节3.Practice( 20 m)内容key points过程Game

24、 2.1Trick game老师说句子,如果老师说的是正确的,学生重复跟读,如果老师说的是错误的,学生保持安静Game 2.2I do you say1S: act Ss: _ doesnt like the _.第二节课 (45)the second class环节4.Check( 15 m)内容Episode, key points过程Game3.1:Sentence building老师事先准备两叠卡片,一叠是不同的男孩,女孩,一叠是各类衣物,请一位小朋友上台来分别从两叠卡片中选出一张卡片,拿在手上,并进行造句,_ doesnt likes _.台下同学根据该生的回答进行判断yes/ n

25、oGame 3.2Pair work老师按照教材上的形式进行准备,请学生在自己的本子上标注,然后同桌互相交换,并介绍_ likes/ doesnt like _.环节5. Happy melody内容I like coffee, I like tea过程1. lets listen to the tape2. lets read the sentences and translate3. lets sing the song together4. lets sing and act together环节6. Lets conquer them内容Fill in the blanks过程1. f

26、inish the questions by themselves2. Lets check the answers together3. T: explain4. 老师还可以准备一些其他的类似题目,让学生完成环节7.Lets look back内容Fill in the blanks过程1. Ss: finish it by themselves2. check the answers内容Yes or no过程4. T: translate5. Ss: finish it by themselves3. check some students环节8.Homework(2)内容9. 完成书上P

27、14 Lets contact部分10. 完成练习册上相对应习题11. 老师可布置一些中文翻译成英文的题目,3-5题即可昂立英语上海学校教案(共2课时)教师姓名教学地点班级编号授课日期单元和课题Module 3-unit 5班级人数男生: 女生:教学时段课 型New lesson学生年龄段:岁 岁教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):交际功能Things around us: possession教学内容教学目标Lets ExploreEpisode复习U4RP3新授U5RP2Key points复习_ doesnt like _.RS5新授I have a/an _.Do you have a/an _?RS4复习shoe pant scarfRW5新授MP3 computer E-pet pianoRW4Grammar NotionRG2Phonics(ABC )新授C cat cap cakeRL5Lets conquer themRCT(10) / RCW1 / RCR3教具Teaching realias磁带,录音机各类学过的动物,食品,文具等小模型(g

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