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1、英语Unit6Reading课件重庆大学模块3重庆大学版 高-The Road Not TakenRobert FrostFrosts houseFrosts mail boxFrosfs studyHow much do you know aboutRobert Frost?PIK) r(X;KAPUS BY Ek A.Versed in Country ThingsROBERT FROST(18741963)1882: dropped out of school and was educated at home.1897: passed Harvard College entrance e

2、xamination; boiTowed money from Grandfather and entered Harvard as a Freshman.1899: withdrawed from Harvard on March 31.1912: decided to live in England for a few years and devoted himself to writing full time.1913: A Boys will was published on April 1.1923: Select Poems was publishedAwarded Pulitze

3、r Prize in 1924,1931,1937 and 1943.The Features of Robert Frosts Poetry 1)Regional materials convey universal meanings; 伞 A teasing tone instead of beinq didactic:禺 2)Dramatic Elements: monologue, dialogue; Characters and Conflict;*3)Colloquial style:t All poetry is a reproduction of the tones of ac

4、tual speechFast-reading1)Read the poem and find out how manyparts of the poem four partsWords that rhyme with each other have a very similar sound and are often used in poems.2)Read the first part of the poem and find out the rhyme.woodstoodcould dbothundergrowthth3)Try and find more words in this p

5、oem that rhyme with each other.part 2 fairwearthere claimsamepart 3 laydayway blackbackpart 4 sigh I byhencedifferenceThe rhyme scheme of this poem:ABAABScan the text and choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements.1)Robert Frost based his poem on his A.practiceB.walk cC.clos

6、est friend experience2)Edward Thomas was not satisfied because of .A.Frosfs way of taking a walk in the q countryside.B.the unusual plants or special scenery.C.his not having shown his friend something bette匚D.3)Robert Frost first became successful in A.America BB.EnglandC.New England4)Edward Thomas

7、 . gA.liked the poem very muchB.didnt quite understand the joke that Frost wanted to make.C.was disappointed by Robert Frosts irony.5)Robert Frost BA.told his audience directly what the poem was about.B.was disappointed that his audience didnt understand the tme meaning of liis poem.C.liked to play

8、tricks when he was writing a poem| Word learningI 1 rhyme2.grassy3.age4.amusement押韵;押韵词芳草萋萋的很长时间消遣,娱乐5.familiar6.practice7.frequently8.repeated9.enable10.publish熟悉的习惯,惯常做的事情经常反复的使能够 发表The Road Not TakenTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,And soixy I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I s

9、toodAnd look down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;diverge: (of lines, roads, etc.) separate and go in different directions, becoming further apart.矮树丛Cundergrowth:The word bent means A.拐入B.转弯C消失黄色的树林里分出两条路, 可惜我不能同时去涉足, 我在那路口久久伫立, 我向着一条路极冃望去, 直到它消失在丛林深处。Then took the other,

10、as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that passing there Had worn them really about the same.the better claim :A.the better declarationB.something betterC.a larger sum of money但我却选了另外一条路, 它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂, 显得更诱人、更美丽, 虽然在这两条小路上, 都很少留下旅人的足迹,

11、And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.tread: to walk or step; to set ones footdown虽然那天清晨落叶满地, 两条路都未经脚印污染。呵,留下一条路等改日再见! 但我知道路径延绵无尽头,I 恐怕我难以再回返。I shall be tel

12、ling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the differenceThe word hence means A. from hereB for this reasonC. from this timeB我将轻声叹息把往事回顾, 一片树林里分出两条路, 而我选了人迹更少的一条, 从此决定了我一生的道路。Pair work1 What does the

13、speaker do when facing two diverged roads? What9s the speaker initial response?2. Describe the similarities and differences of these two roads Why does he choose the other road?SummaryThe speaker stands in the woods, considering a fork in the road. Both ways are equally worn and equally overlaid wit

14、h un-trodden leaves The speaker chooses one, telling himself that he will take the other another day.Yet he knows it is unlikely that he will have the opportunity to do so. And he admits that someday in the future he will recreate the scene with a slight twist: He will claim that he took the less-tr

15、aveled road全诗共4节,可分两层:13节为第一层,在这 一层中,诗人描述了选择人迹罕至的路并不是 草率决定的,而是经历了复杂的心理历程。描 述了 “我”站在岔路口,为不能同时涉足两条而遗憾。“我在那路口久久伫立”,写出“我 ”的犹豫和久久思索:一条路平坦通畅,极目可望 见它的尽头;而另一条路幽寂荒凉,充满着引 人探索的诱惑,但“无限美景在险峰”,“我”终于屈了那条人迹更少的路,就让另一条路留第4节为第二层,是作者多年以后的感慨: “我选择了人迹更少的一条,/从此决定T我一生的道路”。这告诉我们,人的一生 临着无数的选择,而每一次选择都会对人 生产生重要影响;一个人的一生怎样度 过,就

16、看他在人生的岔路口做出了怎样的 选择,选择不同,命运就会不同。诗歌赏析 Teachers prayerI want to teach my students how to live this life on earth,To face its struggle and its strife and improve their worth.Not just the lesson in a book or how the rivers flow,But how to choose the proper path wherever they may go.To understand eternal

17、truth and know the right from wrong.And gather all the beauty of a flower and a song.For if I help the world to grow in wisdom and in grace, Then, I shall feel that I have won and I have filled my place.And so I ask my guidance, God, that I may do my part, For character and confidence and happiness of heart.DiscussionTalk about your favorite poem with your group members and share the poem that impressed you most.Thank you!

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