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新编实用英语unit 4 教案.docx

1、新编实用英语unit 4 教案广州华夏职业学院教案授课题目Unit 4 Text ANever Too Old to Live Your Dream授课时间第 周 星期 第 节授课班级课 次第 次课教学方法Situational Teaching Method课 时 2 学时授课方式理论课 实验课 讨论课习题课 其 他教 具多媒体教学目的 In this passage, students will learn “It is never too old to realize your dream/make your dream come true.”教学重点New words and phra

2、ses;Text analysis 教学难点New words and phrases;Text analysis 课后作业与思考题Ask students to make a preview for the Text B and catch its main ideas. They may be asked to do a presentation.教学后记广州华夏职业学院教案纸 Never Too Old to Live Your DreamStep 1: lead-in part: One Minute Flywatch a short movie and take notes;disc

3、uss the following questions with your deskmates.1. What does “success” mean for you? Are you eager for success? 2. Do you think “effort” (努力;勤奋)is important? Why? And give your reasons. 3. Does “effort “will certainly lead to “success”? What are the relations(关系) between “effort” and “success”? Step

4、 2: lead-in part : Useful and Expression1.Beautiful/lovely day, isnt it?2.Its a nice/lovely/terrible day, isnt it?3.Wonderful weather, isnt it?4.What fine weather were having today!5.Whats the weather like/ the weather forecast/the temperature today?6.Its sunny/foggy/warm and damp today.7.It looks l

5、ike rain/a storm.8.We had a strong wind last night.9.Its going to clear up.10.I hope itll clear up tomorrow.Step 3: New words and phrases 见PPTAsk students to look these words interpretation up in dictionary and catch their main idea. And then teacher lists their Chinese interpretations to check.Step

6、 4: Text Analysis for Para1- 8Never Too Old to Live Your Dream It is never too old to realize your dream/make your dream come true.追求梦想,永远不会太晚Para 1:The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didnt know. I stood up to look around when a gentl

7、e hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. Professor 教授,专家; introduce oneself 介绍自己; challenge 挑战; get to know了解; look around 环视; gentle温柔的, 绅士的;turn around回过头,转过身; wrinkled有皱纹的;广州华夏职业学院教案纸beam at sb对着某人;

8、 lit up light up点燃;变快活; her entire being她整个人译文:开学的第一天教授做了自我介绍,他还要求我们去结识某位我们还不认识的人。就在我站起来四处张望时,一只手轻轻地搭在了我的肩上。我转过身一看,一位满脸皱纹个子矮小的老太太正冲着我微笑。这微笑使她浑身光彩照人。Para 2-8: handsome 帅气的; give sb a hug拥抱某人; enthusiastic热情的; enthusiastically热情地; respond 反应; gave me a giant squeeze给一个巨大拥抱; innocent age 纯真年纪; reply回答,

9、回复; get married 结婚; retire退休; serious严肃的,认真的; curious好奇的; motivate鼓励,刺激,促进; dream of doing 梦想做某事; have a college education 上大学; the course of 在期间,campus大学校园; icon偶像,肖像; wherever 无论在何地; dress up盛装打扮;revel 沉醉,着迷;live it up尽情享受的乐趣Text Analysis for Para9-13Para 9: As she began to deliver her prepared sp

10、eech, she dropped her three-by-five feet cards on the floor. As we laughed, she cleared her throat and began: as当时候【when/while】; deliver发表,陈述,履行; prepare准备,speech演讲(稿); feet 尺【food】; clear ones throat 清嗓子 译文:就在她要发表早就准备好的演讲时,那些3*15英尺的卡片从她的手上掉到了地上。我们笑起来的时候,她清了清嗓子,开始了她的演讲:Para 10- 131. We do not stop p

11、laying because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success.”stay young保持年轻;achieve 完成,实现,到达;each and every day 每一天;译文:“我们不再玩耍,并不是因为我们老了;而是因为停止运动,我们才会变老。想要拥有年轻,快乐和成功,只有四个秘诀。”Youve got to have a dream. When you lose y

12、our dreams, you die. have got to=have to不得不,必须; have a dream拥有梦想;译文:“每天都要开怀大笑,要保持幽默感。”“心怀梦想。 一旦失去梦想,你就完了。3. There is a giant difference between growing older and growing up. There is difference between A and B AB之间有区别;grow older 变老;grow up长大成人;广州华夏职业学院教案纸译文: “要知道变老和不断成长之间又天壤之别。 4. The idea is to gro

13、w up by always finding the opportunity in change.Have no regrets. The elderly usually dont have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets. regret后悔; have regret for为感到后悔; but rather不是而是;fear 害怕,担心 译文:我想要说的是,要通过寻找变化中的机会来发展自己。不要

14、心怀遗憾。老年人往往会感到遗憾,并非为自己已做的事情,而是为自己尚未做过的事情。害怕死亡的人都是留有遗憾的人。5. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that its never too late to be all you can possibly be. attend参加; funeral葬礼; in tribute to 向致敬;tribute颂词; by example言传身教 译文:有2000多名

15、大学生参加了她的葬礼。他们用这一行动来表示对这一伟大的女士的敬重。她用自身的经历告诉大家:实现梦想,永远都不会太迟。Step 4: ConclusionMake a conclusion for the whole passage and ask students to tell the whole story. Step 5: AssignmentsTo complete the grammar and vocabulary exercises in Page 79- 80.广州华夏职业学院教案授课题目Unit 4 Text B Young Mozart 授课时间第 周 星期 第 节授课班级

16、课 次第 次课教学方法Situational Teaching Method课 时 2 学时授课方式理论课 实验课 讨论课习题课 其 他教 具多媒体教学目的After this class, students would know the story of Young Mozart and may realize the essence of effort & success.教学重点Main idea of this passage;New words and phrases;教学难点New words and phrases;Text analysis 课后作业与思考题To finish

17、the “reading comprehension” in P82-83 and write down the main idea of the passage.教学后记广州华夏职业学院教案纸Text B Young MozartPart 1 Lead-in activity Listen to a famous song performed by Mozart;Introduction of Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 沃尔夫冈阿玛多伊斯莫扎特)【见PPT】Part 2 Words and Expressions of text B:(1) astoni

18、sh (=surprise) vt. 使惊讶; 使大为吃惊She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting. 她以秀丽的书法而使我惊异。My news will astonish you. (2) flatter vt. 1) 谄媚;奉承(+about/on)I guess he was just flattering me. 我猜想他只是在奉承我。Flatterme,andImaynottrustyou.奉承我,我可能不会信任你。2) 使高兴;使感到满意She was greatly flattered by an invitation to

19、visit the White House.她对受到邀请访问白宫感到很荣幸。 (3)overcome vt. 战胜;克服The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome.第二语言学习者有许多障碍要克服。Molly had fought and overcome her fear of flying.莫莉已经努力克服了对飞行的恐惧。(4)negative n. 否定His answer to my request was a negative.我的请求遭到了他的拒绝。adj. 消极的 He has a negative

20、 attitude toward work. 他的工作态度很消极。Part 3 Explanation of difficult sentences:(1) The accounts(记述;描述) of the early proficiency of young Mozart in music are almost incredible. 对莫扎特在年轻时在音乐方面的造诣的描述几乎令人难以置信。proficiency in :在方面熟练,精通Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requiremen

21、t.英语基本熟练是入学条件之一。incredible: 不可思议的This is an incredible discovery.这是一个不可思议的发现。广州华夏职业学院教案纸(2)When hardly able to walk, his first question to the friends who took him on their knee was, whether they loved him, and a negative always made him weep. At six years old this singular child commenced with his

22、father and sister one of those musical tours in Germany 还不会走路时,他向抱他在膝上的人问的第一个问题就是他们是不是喜欢他,如果回答是否定的话他便会哭泣。六岁时,这个非凡的男孩就于他的父亲和姐姐开始了当时在德国很普遍的音乐之旅hardly ad. 几乎不,简直不My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand. 我的腿弱得简直无法站立。注意:与 “hard”意思完全不同. “hard”: 1) adj. 困难的,如:The work is so hard. 2) adv. 努力地 He work

23、s very hard. hardly when: (=as soon as) 一就;刚就,使用这个短语时,一般用于过去完成时. Wehadhardlystartwhenitbegantorain.我们刚一出发,就开始下雨了。Wehadhardlyarrivedwhenitbegantorain.我们刚到就开始下雨了。commence (=start, begin) vt. 开始;着手(+v-ing) (+to-v)He commenced studying law in 1988.他于1988年开始学习法律。The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass

24、 and commenced to skin it.猎人跪在动物尸体旁边,开始剥皮。vi. 开始The academic year commences at the beginning of October.学年于10月初开始。(3)When only even years old he taught himself the violin; and thus, by the united effort of genius(天才;天赋) and industry(勤劳;勤奋), mastered the most difficult of all instruments. 年仅七岁的时候,他就自

25、学小提琴,通过自己的天赋和后天的努力,他掌握了这种最难学的乐器。teach oneself: 自学 teach的用法:(”过去式”:taught)vt. 教,讲授;训练(teach sb to do sth)She taught us to pronounce those difficult words. 她教我们发这些难字的音。vi.教,讲授;当老师 He teaches in Berlin. 广州华夏职业学院教案纸(4)On his departure from England, he gave a farewell concert, of which all the symphonies

26、 were composed by him. 离开伦敦时,他举行了一场告别音乐会,这场音乐会上的所有交响曲都是由他创作的。depart: 1) v. 离开;出发Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns 16 April. 我们这次旅行于 3月 31 号从希思罗机场出发,4 月 16 号返回。In the morning Mr McDonald departed for Sydney. 麦克唐纳先生上午启程前往悉尼。2) v. 违背;背离Why is it in this country that we have

27、 departed from good educational sense? 为什么在这个国家我们背离了教育上明智的选择?departure fromn. 违反,违背,离开Googlespossibledeparturefromthechinesemarketsendsachillingmessagetocompaniesthatremain.酝酿离开的谷歌向留在中国的外企传递了一个令人心寒的讯息。Thatcurriculumrepresentedadramaticdeparturefromearlierapproachestoeducation。那些课程代表了对早期教育方式的巨大背离。com

28、pose vt. 组成;构成 (A is composed of B)Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧构成。The force is composed of troops from NATO countries.这支军队将由来自北约国家的部队组成。vt. 写作,作曲;创作Vivaldi composed a large number of very fine concertos.维瓦尔第创作了很多非常优美的协奏曲广州华夏职业学院教案授课题目Effort and Success (3)授课时间第 周 星期 第 节授课班级课 次第 次课教

29、学方法Situational Teaching Method课 时 2 学时授课方式理论课 实验课 讨论课习题课 其 他教 具多媒体教学目的In this class, students are required to know the classification of Determiners and Articles, and master the usage of Definite Article.教学重点The usage of Definite Article教学难点The usage of Definite Article课后作业与思考题To complete those exer

30、cises in P88-90, and prepare for the discussion in the next class.教学后记广州华夏职业学院教案纸限定词和冠词(Determiners and Articles)限定词的类别冠词the,an和a基数词和序数词one/first,two/second,three/third等等指示限定词this,that,these,those物主限定词my,your,our,his,her,their,its,数量限定词afew,alittle,much,many,alotof,some,any,enough,several,most,all等等个体限定词each,every,either,neither,both等等名词所有格Marys,Jims,Myuncles等等一、冠词Thatsonesmallstepforman,onegiantleapformankind.Thatsonesmallstepforaman,onegiantleapformankind. -NeilAr

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