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1、英语阅读2考试题库及答案Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three. 收藏A. orthodoxB. peculiarC. irregularD. unusual回答错误!正确答案: A For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.She gazed at me with angry when I told her my decision.收藏A. took a close lookB. g

2、lancedC. took a steady look回答错误!正确答案: C For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire.收藏A. thoughtB. strengthenedC. believed回答错误!正确答案: C Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three. 收藏A. e

3、ulogizeB. condemnC. applaudD. admire回答错误!正确答案: B For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.The whole class was assembled in the hall.收藏A. trainedB. crowdedC. gathered回答错误!正确答案: C Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three. 收藏A. inspireB.

4、cheerC. frustrateD. encourage回答错误!正确答案: C For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.Where can I obtain her latest book?收藏A. buyB. borrowC. derive回答错误!正确答案: A For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.It is unlikely that the court will render an opinion before November 5th

5、.收藏A. receiveB. seekC. give回答错误!正确答案: C For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.His uncle stayed in a wooden hut for vacation inSwitzerland.收藏A. lodgeB. villaC. mansion回答错误!正确答案: A For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.He treated my request with indifference.收藏A. in

6、terestB. coldnessC. similarity回答错误!正确答案: BChoose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three.收藏A. depressionB. blissC. miseryD. sorrow回答错误!正确答案: B Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three.收藏A. counterB. disagre

7、eC. opposeD. favor回答错误!正确答案: D Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three.收藏A. purchaserB. clientC. customerD. vendor回答错误!正确答案: D Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three.收藏A. rebelliousB. docileC. diso

8、bedientD. revolting回答错误!正确答案: B For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.Dont take on more than you can cope with.收藏A. bringB. moveC. undertake回答错误!正确答案: C For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.This is not the kind of treatment I am accustomed to.收藏A. fond ofB. expec

9、ted toC. used to回答错误!正确答案: C Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three.收藏A. allocationB. divisionC. combinationD. separation回答错误!正确答案: C Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three. 收藏A. ignoreB. violateC

10、. observeD. break回答错误!正确答案: C Choose the one word in each of the following groups that is the antonym of the other three.收藏A. thirstB. aridityC. drynessD. humidity回答错误!正确答案: D Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors (流星 ) but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atm

11、osphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are sc

12、reened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called “rem”. Scie

13、ntists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem without being damaged; the figure of 60 reins has been agreed on. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex o

14、rgan may be damaged, and this will no be discovered until the birth of deformed children or even grandchildren.Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high amount of rems. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. W

15、e simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.收藏1.The best title for this pa

16、ssage would be _.A. Research on RadiationB. Effects of Space RadiationC. Importance of Protection Against RadiationD. The Atmosphere and Our Environment回答错误!正确答案: C 2.It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. the Apollo mission was very successfulB. astronauts will have deformed children or gran

17、dchildrenC. protection from space radiation is no easy jobD. radiation is not a threat to well-protected space explorers回答错误!正确答案: D 3.The harm radiation has done to the Apollo crew members _A. is significantB. seems overestimatedC. remains unknownD. is enormous回答错误!正确答案: C 4.We know from the passag

18、e that _.A. the effect of exposure to radiation is slow in comingB. radiation is avoidable in space explorationC. astronauts in spacesuits neednt worry about radiation damageD. exposure to even tiny amounts of radiation is fatal回答错误!正确答案: A 5.According to the first paragraph, the atmosphere is essen

19、tial to man in that _.A. it provides sufficient light for plant growthB. it screens off the falling meteorsC. it protects him against the harmful rays from spaceD. it supplies the heat necessary for human survival回答错误!正确答案: C In the early days of the internet, many people worried that as people in t

20、he rich world embraced new computing and communications technologies, people in the poor world would be left stranded on the wrong side of a “digital divide.” Yet the debate over the digital divide is founded on a myth hat plugging poor countries into the internet will help them to become rich rapid

21、ly.This is highly unlikely, because the digital divide is not a problem in itself, but a symptom of deeper, more important divides: of income, development and literacy. Fewer people in poor countries than in rich ones own computers and have access to the internet simply because they are too poor, ar

22、e illiterate, or have other more immediate concerns, such as food, health care and security. So even if it were possible to wave a magic wand and cause a computer to appear in every household on earth, it would not achieve very much: a computer is not useful if you have no food or electricity and ca

23、nnot read. Yet such Wand-waving through the construction of specific local infrastructure projects such as rural telecenters is just the sort of thing for which the UNs new fund is intended.This sort of thing is the wrong way to go about addressing the inequality in access to digital technologies: i

24、t is treating the symptoms, rather than the underlying causes. The benefits of building rural computing centers, for example, are unclear. Rather than trying to close the divide for the sake of it, the more sensible goal is to determine how best to use technology to promote bottom-up development. An

25、d the answer to that question turns out to be remarkably clear: by promoting the spread not of PCs and the Internet, but of mobile phones.收藏1.The following passage will probably be_:A. How to promote using of mobile phones.B. The benefits of building rural computing centers.C. How to use technology

26、to promote bottom-up development.D. How to meet the need of food, health and security in poor countries.回答错误!正确答案: C 2.Considering the following sentences, which one would the author most agree?_A. Mobile phones should be promoted firstly.B. Digital divide will help poor countries becoming rich.C. P

27、oor people need more immediate concerns, such as food, health care and security.D. Digital technology is useless.回答错误!正确答案: C 3.We can infer from the 2nd paragraph that. _A. poor people cannot use computers.B. people in poor countries need more basic living conditions than computers.C. there would b

28、e no magic to cause a computer to appear in every household on earth.D. people in poor countries cannot use computer because of illiteracy.回答错误!正确答案: B 4.What did the author mean by referring digital divide. (Line 3, Para. 1)? _A. Digital technology will make the gap between rich world and poor worl

29、d wider.B. To divide people in digital world is wrong.C. People can be divided digitally.D. Digital technology will divide people into rich and poor world.回答错误!正确答案: A 5.What is the main idea of this passage?_A. Plugging poor countries into the Internet will help them to become rich rapidly.B. People in poor countries cannot afford devices such as computer.C. Rich countries should help poor ones becoming rich.D. Poor countries should be given more basic devices other than advanced ones.回答错误!正确答案: D

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