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1、精读3第12单元重要知识点Unit 12Language Points1. were worn clear through: were completely worn out e.g. The mentally ill man got clear away just as his family was about to take him to hospital. His socks were worn clear through. Par. My coat is completely worn out. His gloves were completely worn out.2. distri

2、bute distribute (vt.)a) give or send out (to, among a number of person or places) 分配 e.g. Parents are careful in ing things among their children. The teacher will the test papers to his students. Products of labour should be fairly d Par. He left some money to be given out among the servants. The ma

3、n had 40 parcels to be sent out to houses of this area. Please give out these apples among the boys.b) spread out(over a large area), divide散布、分布 e.g. The peasants are ing manure over a field. The chairs are d round (about) the room. par. The lessons are divided into 24 chapters. Weather stations ar

4、e spread out all over the country. The new machine spreads out seed evenly and quickly over the whole farm.c) put into groups or classes分类 e.g. He will the seeds and choose the good one. par. The books in the library are put into groups according to subjects. The process is put into three stages. di

5、stribution (n.) a) 分配 e.g. The boys complained that the of prizes was unfair. They could not agree about the of the profits.b) 分布、散布、布局 e.g. The of schools in this city has been criticized. We learn a text about the rainfall . The pine-tree has a very wide . distributive (adj.)a) of distribution分配的、

6、分布的 e.g. trades运销业 He doesnt like his work.b) of each, individual, each member of个别的 e.g. “Each, every, either, and neither” are sometimes called pronouns.3. was to bring money: must bring money were to write = must write par. Our teacher made it clear to us that we must hand in our exercise books n

7、ext week. The manager said they must finish their work before 5pm. The headmaster explained to the young man that he was to teach the three different levels of pupils in turn.4. out of with (a material) /from (a material) e.g. Mary made herself a dress out of the curtain material. The stool was made

8、 out of the bits of wood the furniture factory had disposed of. out of : without e.g. My father is out of work now and we hadnt any money. He was out of breath when he reached the top of the hill. par. Fish cant live without water. We have no food left. (We are/ have run out of food.) out of : becau

9、se of e.g. It was done out of mischief. par. They helped us because of pity. I asked only because of curiosity.5. quite a joker: a very good jokerquite is used just before a singular noun without adjective to show that a person or thing is unusual or more than the average of the type.不寻常的,了不起的e.g. T

10、hat was quote a party. = It was unusually noisy or nice or interesting or long or wild, etc.)Shes quite a girl. Thats quite a story. 6. nourish1 nourish (vt.)a) keep sb. alive and well with food, make well a strong; improve land with manure滋养使健壮;用肥料等改良 e.g. We all need good food to our bodies. She t

11、ries to her baby with good food. We must the soil.b) have or encourage (feelings) 怀有(愿望等) e.g. The young man ed a deep affection for his mother. hope/ love/ hatred/ dislike (for) par. He has hope in his heart. He has feelings of hatred for the old man. She has strong dislike for the boy. She has the

12、 hope of a trip abroad. nourishing (adj.) e.g. Milk, eggs and meat are ing food. It is ing soil. nourished (adj.) e.g. This is a well ed baby. nourishment (n.)u: sth.(food) that is good to peoples bodies营养 take/absorb 吸取营养 e.g. Do you have enough here? She is beginning to recover after taking some .

13、7. seal (v.)a) to stick sth. down封口, 封住 e.g. We the jar of fruit. (make it airtight) Nowadays, people the parcels with sticky tape. (fig.) His lips are ed. (=He doesnt speak.) I must my lips today. His eyes are ed with sleep. in 保持住 e.g. The new jar will in freshness (and out smell.) Cook the meat q

14、uickly to in the juices. Our special canning process s the flavour in. off 封住, 封闭 e.g. He ed off the bottle. The police ed off the area. up封牢, 堵塞住 e.g. Remove some rocks and up the cave. Its so cold, please up the windows.b) put the signature盖章 e.g. You must the document. You must ask the dean to yo

15、ur school report.c) settle, decide解决, 决定 e.g. We ed our argument with a handshake. par. They settled the bargain with concession. The judges words settled the prisoners fate. (n.) a) piece of metal etc. on which a design and which is used to stamp the seal on wax, etc.图章, 印章 e.g. The king put/ appli

16、ed the to the document. The document bore the kings . He pressed his into the hot wax. The Seal of State is attached to important government papers.b) piece of wax, lead, etc. Stamped with a design attached to a document or a letter or a box etc. 封蜡,封条, 封印 e.g. The door is fastened by a . The envelo

17、pes is torn open. break/ take off/ tear open the seal启封, 拆封 of ones approval/ consent正式同意 e.g. He gave the of his approval. put/set ones to 拟准, 同意 e.g. He put his to their proposal/plan.8. feel like feel like sth.: seem like when touched e.g. On Christmas Day my uncle gave me a parcel which containe

18、d something that felt like bars of chocolate. In pitch darkness when the wounded soldier touched the ground, it felt like water everywhere. Early next morning, his comrades-in-arms found him lying in a pool of blood. eel like (doing) sth.-be inclined to do sth. e.g. Peter is down with measles. He do

19、esnt feel like eating anything. Lets have a walk around the campus after supper, if you feel like it. par. I am inclined to see a film. (I feel like seeing a film.) He was inclined to have a cup of tea. (He felt like a cup of tea.)9. distress1 distress (vt): cause great pain, discomfort or sorrow使痛苦

20、, 使伤心 e.g. The boys writing his name on the envelope ed his mother. par. The bad news form home caused great pain to her. The failure in the exam made him upset. Dont make yourself suffer. (n.) a) u great pain, discomfort, sorrow痛苦, 穷困eg: Her husband died and she was in great .She cried out in .His

21、good friends visit caused him more than pleasure.b) c sth. that makes sb. suffer be a great to sb. e.g. His failure in the exam is a great to him. par. He made his mother suffer. (He was a to his mother.)c) serious danger or difficulty or poverty穷困,危难 be in e.g. It was obvious that the poor woman wa

22、s in . par. He was ready to lend his help to anyone in difficulty. The lifeboat went out to a shop in danger. distressing (adj.): causing great pain or discomfort e.g. The writers writing his name was ing. It is a piece of ing news. What he said is ing. distressed (adj.): upset and sad be ed about /

23、at e.g. She was ed about her exam/ her failure. Mr. Smith was ed at the loss of his property. be ed to do sth e.g. We were much /deeply ed to hear the news of his wifes death.10. gutter (n.) channel fixed under the edge of a roof to carry away rain water, channel at the side of a road to carry away

24、rain water路旁的水沟 (fig.) streets, esp. of a poor district the language of the 下流的语言11. as long as/ so long as: if , on condition that e.g. I will help you as /so far as I can. So/ As long as you can come back before dark, you may go on/ for a picnic with your friends. c.f. as/so far as: to the degree

25、or distance that e.g. The hikers walked as far as the Great Wall.12. coop (v.) be/ stay cooped up in: be confined to e.g. How long are we going to stay ed up in here? Lets get out for some fresh air! They were/stayed ed up in the house/ classroom by the rain.13. sb./sth. takes on a look e.g. My vill

26、age has taken on a new look. He has just had a haircut. So he takes o a new look. Professor Li always takes on a joking look.14. dress (v)a) (vi.) put clothes on e.g. Ill be ready in a moment; Im ing. She often ed in black. put on special correct formal clothes for the evening穿正式(晚) 礼服, 盛装 e.g. He s

27、aid he would go to the party if he didnt have to .b) (vt.) oneself/ sb eg: Please the baby, George. be ed: to be wearing e.g. He is not ed in his uniform. (n.)a) clothing, esp. outer clothing服装,衣裳 e.g. In this play, the actors wear the of 100 years ago.b) clothing worn on special occasions or by spe

28、cial types of people e.g. evening 晚礼服 (adj.)a) related to or used for a dress e.g. material衣料b).requiring or permitting formal dress e.g. a affair盛装的活动15. arrogant arrogant (adj.): showing too much pride in oneself e.g. The bosss son is to all the workers. He always speaks in an tone. arrogance (n.)

29、 e.g. His led to his failure.16. bewilder (vt.): puzzle, confuse bewildering, bewildered (adj.) bewilderment (n.) e.g. Some problems in maths bewilder me Big city traffic is bewildering. Im bewildered by the housing problem. He looked at me in open-mouthed bewilderment. par. I waited with a feeling

30、of confusion which was painful/ agonizing. We were puzzled by what he said. His explanation of the matter is confusing.17. numb (adj.): without ability to feel any more, esp. as a result of cold eg: My fingers are with cold. My hands are after an hour outside on such a cold day. Note: (fig.) e.g. The sight of the lion made him with fear. (v.) e.g. The cold ed my hands. Note: (often pass.) to cause to feel nothing or no pain; make numb e.g. Our fingers are e d with cold. They were ed with grief.18. ache ache (vi.)a) have continuous or prolonged pain (持续的)疼痛 e.g. My

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