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1、三年级英语下册第八九单元郭家寨小学教师教学设计教学课题Module 8总课时数34教学内容单词教学 教学目标能正确地听、说、读、写第八模块单词,并做简单运用。2.创设实际情景,让学生在角色扮演中运用语言。3.激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点能让学生快速地认读单词,拼写单词。 教学难点尝试运用这些单词。教学准备录音机、图片、卡片教 学 过 程二次备课一、复习复习第七单元单词,并用这些词练习说话。二、学习单词谈话引入。出示图片,感知图意。出示单词,图词联系。教师领读单词。开展多种游戏,让学生反复去拼读和认读单词。指导学生用新学单词说话。三、学习词组四、巩固练习教师出示图片,学生说出单词,并照样子说

2、、拼、读。五、总结 说一说你还遇到哪些困难?六、作业 抄写记忆单词。用单词写话。 郭家寨小学教师教学设计教学课题Module 8总课时数35教学内容 Unit1 Its on your desk.教学目标1、能正确运用in,on,unde,behind描述物品的位置。2、培养学生大胆说,动手做的能力。教学重点能正确运用in on,unde,behind描述物品的位置。教学难点能正确运用in on,unde,behind描述物品的位置。教学准备录音机、单词卡片、教 学 过 程二次备课Step1:Warm up.1、Hello, boys and girls, Lets sing Happy Bi

3、rthday.2、show some things. Panda pen book monkey hat pencil .出示盒子,Whats this ?自答box,板书box,层次性操练。出示课件图片:apple banana orange bag desk chair.最后示bedroom,板书bedroom,层次性操练。Step 2: Presentation.1、学习in on under把钢笔放在桌子里“Wheres the pen?” its in the desk.板书in.把右手指放在左手里说in。再把钢笔放在盒子里,问Wheres the pen?学生:its in the

4、 box。板书此句,层次性操练。同样学习on under。2、listen and do .T: Hold up your book. Now I say and you put.The book is in your desk. The book is on your desk. The book is under your desk.多做几次练习。每做完一个指令问:Wheres your book?学生回答。3、Practice in Pairs。之后请学生到前面发指令。4、Look and say:看课件,说一句话。5、游戏:传耳语,并要求每组最后一名学生做出来。The pen is i

5、n your bag./The book is under your desk./The pen is on your desk ./The pencil is on your book./The pen is under your chair.6、Guessing game。请一名学生到前面来,面对大家,教师把东西藏好,这名学生猜。7、Find the present.look, whats this? Its a present. I have some presents for you, but you should find the presents by yourselves. Il

6、l give you some cards with sentences. You must read it and find .(1)Its in the box.(2)Its on the desk.(3)Its under the chair.(4)Its in the bag.(5)Its under the book.(6)Its on the hat.(7)Its under the desk.(8)Its in the desk.Step 3:Texting learning:look,today is Damings birthday, What present will he

7、 get? Listen to the tape./listen and repeat./read by yourselves. 郭家寨小学教师教学设计教学课题Module 8总课时数36、37教学内容Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat?教学目标1能听懂、会说本篇对话。2掌握句型:Where does Daming fly kites? He flies kites in the park.在完成语言学习任务的同时,动脑思考,在思维的过程中学习语言。培养学生全面地思考问题的意识,同时培养学生动脑的能力,在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演。3通过同桌互动和小组活动

8、,锻炼学生的团结协作,合作学习的精神。让学生们在说、玩、演中锻炼自己运用语言的能力。教学重点能模仿课文,运用重点句型进行扩展性的情景会话教学难点掌握句型:Where does Daming fly kites? He flies kites in the park.教学准备图片,录音机教 学 过 程二次备课第一课时一、情景导入说唱chant:In 、 on 、 underin 在 ”里”On 在 ”上”Under 在 ”下面”In, in , in the boxOn, on, on the desk二、集中识词1、听录音,出示单词卡,学习单词2、开火车读单词三、新知呈现1.展示多媒体课件图片

9、, 提问“Wheres the?”利用句型。2.说唱chantSeasons复习季节.Seasons春天,春天spring,Spring, spring百花开;夏天,夏天summer,summer,summer好炎热;秋天,秋天autumn,autumn, autumn好凉爽;冬天,冬天winter,3.课件或图片出示课本第一部分.学生熟读,然后动作演示进行巩固复习。(设计意图:小学生好奇心强,形象思维占优势,利用图片和表演进行课文的导入,能牢牢地吸引学生的注意力,可以调动学生的学习积极性,培养学习兴趣。4.课件或图片引出新内容。(最好用组合图形顺次出现,如:出现一个漂亮的湖,跳出单词lake

10、,学生熟读,接着出现一个小孩游泳的画面,引出Daming swims in the lake.(后三幅图类似。第一幅图放在最后,因为 flies较难,学生认识会说即可。)四、模仿操练继续课件或图片,删除或盖住in the lake,教师诧异的问:老师出示动作画面,然后一组问,一组答,全对的画一个笑脸,反之画哭脸。第二课时一、巩固练习在屏幕上打出韵律诗,让学生作此课的巩固练习。打着节奏,边说边加上动作。Summer, summer, Daming swims in the lake.Winter, winter, Daming walks on the snow.Spring, spring,

11、he flies kites in the park.Autumn, autumn, he goes fishing under the tree.二、作业1.听录音,继续学唱歌曲。2.试着写出不同季节可以做的活动,看谁写的多,可以查书、查资料、查字典等,适当运用单数第三人称形式郭家寨小学教师教学设计教学课题Module 9总课时数38教学内容单词教学 教学目标能正确地听、说、读、写第九模块单词,并做简单运用。2.创设实际情景,让学生在角色扮演中运用语言。3.激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点能让学生快速地认读单词,拼写单词。 教学难点尝试运用这些单词。教学准备录音机、图片、卡片教 学 过 程二

12、次备课一、复习复习第八单元单词,并用这些词练习说话。二、学习单词谈话引入。出示图片,感知图意。出示单词,图词联系。教师领读单词。开展多种游戏,让学生反复去拼读和认读单词。指导学生用新学单词说话。三、学习词组四、巩固练习教师出示图片,学生说出单词,并照样子说、拼、读。五、总结 说一说你还遇到哪些困难?六、作业 抄写记忆单词。用单词写话。 郭家寨小学教师教学设计教学课题Module 9总课时数39、40教学内容 Unit1 Unit1 Ive got a new book.教学目标1、会读单词:have got、dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt.2、能口头运用“Have you

13、 got a book?”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“Yes, I have. No, I havent.回答。3、培养学生听、说,并运用英语交际的能力和合作学习的能力。教学重点掌握单词:have got、dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt.能口头运用“Have you got a book?”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“Yes, I have. No, I havent.回答。 教学难点能口头运用“Have you got a book?”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物,能用“Yes, I have. No, I havent.回答。 教学准备卡片,图片 教

14、学 过 程二次备课第一课时Step1: Warm up1、Greeting with the students.Im Miss Liu. Today Ill have a English class for you. Ok? How are you? Do you like fish?Do you like music?2、Listen to the musicGood morning.T: Look, whats this? Ss: Its a pen.T: whats this? Ss: Its a desk. T: Ive got a new book. 并引导学生回答“我有一本新书”。

15、(板书:Ive got a new book.)Step2: Presentation1、Present: dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt、have got.2、Read the words.(1) Look at the pictures and learn the new words.(2) Spell and write the words, then fellow the teacher.(3) Take the preemptive opportunities to read words.(4) The teacher say English ,the stud

16、ents say Chinese.(5) Read loudly and quietly3、Have a chant学生起立,师生齐唱歌谣。dress, dress 连衣裙,连衣裙 dress 真漂亮。coat, coat 是外套,外套 coat 秋天穿。T-shirt,T-shirt 是T恤, T恤T-shirt 夏天穿。sweater, sweater是毛衣,毛衣 sweater真温暖。Step3: Learn the sentencesLearn the sentences” Ive got”1、Tell the students I have got = Ive got.2、Hold

17、up a book and say “Ive got a book.” 3、Practice the sentences “Ive got a ”.Ask the students :“ Have you got a book?” Help the students answer “ Yes, I have./No, I havent.”1、Write the new sentences “Ive got a”“ Have you got a ? Yes, I have. /No, I havent.”2、Practice the sentences “ Have you got a ? Ye

18、s, I have./No, I havent.”Step4: Text learning刚才,同学们对自己拥有的物品进行了谈论,我们的老朋友Lingling,Amy,Daming也对他们拥有的物品展开的谈论。1、Listen and point.Listen the text and point the words “Ive got a”.2、Tell the sentences that the students found.Step5: Summary本节课我们学习了英语单词have got、dress、coat、sweater、T-shirt.并学会了口头运用“Ive got a bo

19、ok.”这类语句描述自己拥有的物品。用“Have you got a book? Yes, I have./No, I havent.”这类语句询问某人是否拥有某物。第二课时1.完成课本练习题,小组对话练习。2. Homework.1、设计自己最喜欢的衣服。 2、读课文,找出Lingling,Amy,Daming拥有的物品。 3、Writing on the blackboard板书设计Module9 Unit1 Ive got a new book.Ive got a new book.Have you got a coat?Yes, I have.No, I havent.郭家寨小学教师教

20、学设计教学课题Module 9总课时数41、42教学内容Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike?教学目标1.识记单词:bike, bus, by, go to work, walk2.掌握句子:Has Amy got a bike?Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.3培养学生的小组合作精神和竞争意识,鼓励学生大胆展示,激发学生学习英语的积极性。教学重点识记单词:bike, bus, by, go to work, walk教学难点Has Amy got a bike?Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.教学准备图片,录音机教 学 过 程二次

21、备课第一课时(一)组织教学,热身复习T: Class begins! Hello boys and girls!S: Hello, Ms Li.T: This class is very important. Are you ready? First, lets sing an “ABC song”, ok ?S: Ok.(欢快的歌曲之后)T: Happy?S: Happy!2. Free talks(1) T: Do you like English? S: Yes, I do. T: Do you like your new English teacher? Do you like me?

22、 S: Yes, I do. T:Im very glad to hear that. I like all of you.(2)T: How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. And how are you? T: Im fine too.(3)T: How old are you? S: Im 10.(4)RevisionT: Ok class, Ive got a book. Its about Maxiaotiao. I like it. Do you like it? Have you got a book, too?S: Yes, I have.T:

23、Whats it about?S: Its about English.T:I like reading. Do you like reading? Because reading is very helpful in all my life. Means :读书益人生。So much for this.In this class well learn- 二、激趣导入Game: Lets have a game “Guessing” game. Lets see who has wise ears. Wise means“敏捷的 ”。Wise ears means “千里耳”。Are you

24、ready?S: Yes.课件先出示交通公具:火车,公共汽车,小汽车,自行车的声音,学生根据声音判断,接着课件出示该单词,train, bus, car, bike,并在此过程中通过回音,传单词卡学习新单词bus, bike。三、学习课文T: Ive got a bike. Have you got a bike?S1: Yes, I have.S2: No, I havent.T: Ive got a bike. I go to school by bike. Lets see how The Smart family goes to school and go to work.课件出示骑自

25、行车的图:T: Its Amy. Whats this?S: Its a bike.T: Has Amy got a bike?S: Yes, she has.T: Wonderful! Amy has got a bike. She goes to school by bike.(课件显示)通过回音,学习短语has got, by bike, 通过慢,快读句子。课件展示:Sam hasnt got a bike. He goes to school by bus.通过传话学习hasnt got, by bus,然后把has got, hasnt got拿在手里,把其中一个藏起来,让学生猜,以

26、次来练习这两个短语。Ms Smart has got a car. He goes to work by car.Ms Smart hasnt got a car .She walks to work.学习单词walk,通过肢体语言练习,边说walk边走到一个同学前,由这个同学说walk在走到另一个同学前,练习walkListen to the recorder, first listen, point and say.Then answer the questions:1. How does Amy go to school?2. How does Sam go to school?3. H

27、ow does Mr Smart go to work?4. How does Ms Smart go to work?Read the text, and act the dialogue.e.g.: Im Ms Smart. I havent got a car. I walk to work. Im Amy. I have got a bike. I go to school by bike. Im Amy. I have got a bike. I go to school by bike. Im Ms Smart. I have got a car. I go to work by

28、car.第二课时四、创设情景, 巩固练习 龟兔赛跑:Class,Do you like game?Yes or no?I like game too. Lets have an interesting game between tortoise and rabbit. Look at the screen, please. Here are the rules.课件显示:RulesHasnt got 后退一格Has got 原地不动By bike 前进一格Walk 停玩一次By car 前进两格By bus 直到终点(老师读英语,学生说汉语)Look at this(股子). There ar

29、e many English sentences on it. You can throw it and say English loudly. e.g.:(示范动作,让学生说汉语,共同当裁判)Are you clear ?Ill divide our class into 2 pairs:the boy team and the girl team. the boy ? Who can ? You act tortoise. the girl ?Who can ?You rabbit. The girl,first,OK?在游戏时学生共同当裁判。拓展延伸I want to introduce

30、 my family to you. Do you want to know?Ive got a bike. I go to school by bike.My husband has got a car. He goes to work by car.Im a reporter from Haiyang TV. Can you introduce your family to me? Who can?S:I walk to school.My mother has got a bike. She goes to work by bike.My father has got a car. He goes to work by car.S: Ive got a bike. I go to school by bike. My father has got a bike, too. He goes to

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