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1、交际职业英语1交际职业英语 Lesson OneHow are you doing?见面打招呼一 上午/下午/晚上到招呼1. A: Good morning / afternoon/evening, sir. Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening, sir.B: Good morning/, sir. Morning / Afternoon / Evening.2. A: Good night! B: Good night! ( 道别时使用)二 熟人见面打招呼1. A: Hi, Mary! B: Hello, Mike.2. A: Hi, Wang! How are you?

2、 Hello, Wang! How are you doing? 近来怎么样? Hello, Wang! Hows it going ? .! 近况如何? Hello, Mr. Wang! Hows business ? 生意怎么样? B:Fine, thanks. And you ? Im fine. Thank you. How are you ? Im doing fine. Thank you. What about you ? Very well / Quite well / Pretty good, thanks. 三 老朋友再次见面打招呼1. How are things goi

3、ng ? How are you doing? 喂!近况如何? A: Hi! How s it going ? How are things ? 喂! 一切都好吗? Hows everything ? 喂! 一切都好吗? B: Oh, same old stuff(原/材料). 喂,老样子。 Ah, the same. 喂,和以前一样。 Oh, pretty good. So-so. 马马虎虎。 Not so bad. Not too good.2. A: Busy ? / Busy, Wang ?B: Yeah, how about you ? Yeah, and you ? / Yeah,

4、 you ? 是啊,你呢?四 正式场合初次见面打招呼1.A:How do you do ? B: How do you do ?2.A: Good morning, Im Wang Ping. B: Good morning, Im Peter Smith.3. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Lesson Two Your name, please? 询问姓名一 核实对方的姓名A: Is your name Peter Grant ? 你是彼得格兰特吗? Are you Peter Grant ? Are you called Peter Grant

5、?B: No, Im sorry. Youre mistaken. 对不起,你认错人了。 Oh, sorry. 噢,对不起。二 一般场合询问姓名1. A: Can you tell me your name, please ?Your name, please ?Whats your name, please ?Whats your full name, please ?B: Sure. My name is John Smith. Whats your name ?2. A: Im Li Ming. Nice / Glad to meet you.B: My name is Tao Yong

6、. Nice / Glad to meet you, too.三 正式场合询问姓名 A: May I know your name ?May I have your name ?Would you give me your name ?Could you tell / give me your name, please ? B: John Black. A: Nice / Glad to meet you, Mr. Black. My name is Li Ming. B: Nice / Glad to meet you,too.四 询问对方的姓名 A: Whats your first na

7、me, please ? Your first name, please ? Your Christian name, please ? 你叫什么名字? (教名,洗礼名) B: Peter. P-E-T-E-R. A: Your family name ? Whats your surname ? Whats your family name ? (family/last name = surname) B: Smith. S-M-I-T-H.Lesson Three Robert meets Tom 见面介绍一 正式场合的自我介绍 My name is Wang Ping.A: How do

8、 you do ? Im Wang Ping.You can call me Wang Ping. B: How do you do ? My name is Mary Smith. Im Mary Smith. A: Happy meeting you. / Nice to meet you. The pleasure is all mine. / Nice to meet you, too.二 介绍他人please let me introduce Wei Hua to you. A: Peter, allow me to introduce Wei Hua. I want you to

9、meet Wei Hua. Id like you to meet Wei Hua. B: Hello, Peter. Ive heard so much about you. .久仰,久仰。 C: How do you do, Wei Hua ? Ive been wanting to see you.我一直盼望见到你。三 忘了对方名字时 A: I believe weve met before. I think weve met somewhere. Dont I know you from somewhere ? B: You may not remember me. My name i

10、s Peter Smith.You probably dont remember me. Im Peter Smith.Im not sure you got my name,Peter Smith. A: Oh, yes. Im Wang Ping.Yes, of course. Im Wang Ping.Oh, I remember now. Wang Ping. B: Its good see you again.Lesson Four Excuse me 开始交谈一 与陌生人搭话闲聊A: Sorry, but can I have a look at the newspaper ?So

11、rry to trouble you, can I have a look at the newspaper ?Sorry to interrupt you, can I have a look at the newspaper ? B: Here you are. A: Thanks. There seems to be more about the tsunami. B: Yes, its really an unimaginable disaster.二 与陌生人搭话了解工作情况A: Excuse me, are you working here ?Excuse my asking, a

12、re you working here ?Do excuse me please, are you working here? B: Yes. A: The company seems to be a famous one. Would you please tell me more about the company ?B: Ill be glad to. Do you want to come here for a job? Do you hope to find a job in this company? You want to find a job, dont you? A. Yes

13、. 三 与面熟的人搭话A: I hope you dont mind my asking, but are you Mr. Frost ? Please pardon me for asking, are you Mr. Frost ? 希望你不要介意,. I beg your pardon, are you Mr. Frost ? B: Yes, I am, but I dont think I know you. A: We once met each other at the international conference in Beijing. Dont you remember ?

14、 B: Oh, I remember. You are Mr. Wang.Lesson Five By the way, can I keep it? 改变话题一 为了提醒对方改变话题A:Hey, I almost forgot. Hunter asked you to give him a call. Oh, its nearly slipped(溜走) my mind!(我差点忘了)Hunter asked you to give him a call. Oh, before I forget, Hunter asked you to give him a call.B: Thanks f

15、or telling me.A: Youre welcome.二 为了征求对方的许可改变话题A: By the way, can I keep the book for another two days? Incidentally(顺便提及), can I keep the book for another two days?B: Sure, as you like.随你的便。A: Thank you.三 突然想起事情而改变话题A:Oh, I know what I meant to ask you. Have you prepared gifts for Marys birthday? Oh

16、, I remember. Have you prepared gifts for Marys birthday?B: It was done two weeks ago. 两周前就准备好了。A: What is it? B: Its a secret. I want to give her a surprise of joy.Lesson Six Attention, please 提醒对方注意一 非正式场合吸引注意A: Listen, everybody! The party is cancelled取消/ postponed / put off. Here, guys. The meet

17、ing will begin at 12:30 instead of 13:30. Attention, please. The meeting will begin at 12:30 instead of 13:30.B: How come? ( =why?, 怎么回事?)(口语表达法) (here用以引起注意或表示安慰,eg. Here, dont cry. 得啦,)二 礼貌地提醒对方注意A: Excuse me, sir. / sorry, sir.B: What can I do for you, Madame?A: You are stepped on my foot. (勿怒,否则

18、显无礼)B: Oh, sorry. / Oh, so sorry. / Oh, Im very / so sorry.三 比较正式场合提醒对方注意A:Attention, please. / Pay attention, please. May I have your attention, please? Let me have your attention, please.B: Whats it ? A: We will put off your sports meeting because of the epidemic.流行病Lesson SevenWhat day is today?了

19、解时间和日期一 问具体时间 Can you give me the time? Could you tell me the time ?A: What time have you got ? What time , please ?What time is it ?Whats the time ?B: Its a little after six.二 问星期几A: What day is today ? What day is it, today ?What day of the week is it ?B: Today is Sunday. Its Sunday today.三 问日期A:

20、Whats today ? Whats the date today ?B : Its February 14th. Today is February 14th.四 关于时间的谚语1. Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。2. Time has wings. 光阴去如飞。3. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。4. The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。5. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不等人Lesson Eight Thats all right. 肯定回答一 和对方想法相同A: How a

21、bout having a trip during the spring break? This is just what I have in mind. 这正是我所想。 Same here. Exactly my thoughts. 我也这么想的。B: That goes for me, too. I couldnt agree more. I quite agree with you.A: What about Guilin ? B: Good idea!二 认为对方有道理A: I wonder if you agree that money is not happiness.B: I d

22、ont entirely agree with you. 我并不完全赞同。A: Then how do you explain so many rich people committing suicide 自杀现象?B: Well, thats a thing.噢,是难理解啊! Yes, youve correct in saying this. It would seem that youre right.看来你是对的。Lesson Nine Im very sorry I cant. 否定回答一 委婉拒绝A: I must be going now.B: Really ? Cant you

23、 stay a little longer ?A: No, I really must go now. My family are expecting me home soon. Sorry, I really must go now. 二 委婉地表达否定A: Hello, Peter. Its good to see you. Have you met Mr. Smith?B: No, I dont believe I have. No, I dont think I have. No, Im afraid I havent.A: Mr. Brown, Id like to introduc

24、e Robert Frost. Mr. Frost is a business associate(合伙人)e of our company.B: Im very glad to meet you, Mr. Frost.三 不同语气的否定A: Write down your name here in ink.B: But I dont have a pen with me. May I use a ballpen ?A: Im afraid a ballpen wont do. Sorry, that wont do. 不行。 I dont think so. Absolutely not.

25、决定不行. / No.Lesson Ten Thanks a lot. 表达感激一 日常表达感激 Thank you.A: Thank you so / very much.Thanks a lot. / a million.I really appreciate it. Youre welcome. / Not at all./ Thats OK.B: (Its my ) my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。 Thank you. 彼此彼此。二 感谢他人的帮助A:Heres a letter, Miss Smith.B: Ive been looking forward to it. I

26、ts here last.(It arrived at last.) Thanks a million.Thanks. / Many thanks. Its so sweet of you./ It was ever so nice of you. 你真好。A: Thats OK / all right. / Dont mention it.三 感谢他人的指导A: Can / Do you understand it now? Thank you for your patience. 你这么有耐心,谢谢了。 I really appreciate your patience. Its so s

27、weet of you to help me.B: Yes, sir. Thank you very much indeed for your help. That was extremely good of you. I do appreciate your timely help.四 再度道谢Thanks for everything yesterday. =A: I appreciate all you did for me yesterday.I really enjoyed the dinner yesterday.Dont mention it. I hope you had a

28、good time.B: Youre quite welcome. I only hope everything was all right.It was my pleasure. Im glad to hear you enjoyed yourself.A: Oh, I did. I really enjoyed myself. Everything was just fine. Look, it was really special. 看,真的很特别。B: Im glad to hear that. Thats all that matters. =What matters is to h

29、ave a good time.五 事先言谢A: Sorry to cause you so much trouble. I hope this isnt putting you out too much. I hate to have to ask you to do this. 实在很不应该麻烦你。B: (Its ) no trouble at all. Im happy to help. Its really nothing. Im glad to be able to help. No problem. Im actually looking forward to it. 不要紧。实际

30、上我一直很想帮点忙。A: Well, I really appreciate it. = Well, Im sure grateful. (Its) nice of you to say that.Lesson Eleven Sorry about that. 表达歉意一 无意中作错事表示歉意A: Sorry to have lost your book. Sorry about that. Sorry for not meeting you. Sorry to have missed your party. Im sorry Ive damaged it.B: Dont worry. I have another one. Never mind.A: Its very kind of you.二 请人重复是表示歉意A: I beg your pardon? I didnt quite catch you. Pardon?B: All right. Ill r

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