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1、Yjldhq新东方新托福高分强化班笔记生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失? Notes of TOEFL CoursePart 1 Speaking复习时间分配比例总共时间(假设)50hQ 130hQ 2Q 315hQ 5Q 45hQ 6 TODTopic Development DDelivery LELanguage Use语速 150 words per min语调 emotional使用headset的技巧:mic置于嘴稍

2、下(避免气流声),用手稍微捂住嘴说话(集中音量)Cracking TASK 1&2 要有topic sentence Keep talking Detailed: place, time, person, number 要用动词的同义词,不要照说原题 少用“我”开头地方题 旅游,衣食住行人物题 正直,有耐心,有爱心Cracking TASK 1 看题取代听题 使用同义词、近义词 可以用排列句 I always like to try their famous cheese, yogurt, and wine.Point 1 reasonbecause, the reason whyPoint

3、2 exampleI remember, for example, the best case to support it isPoint 3 detailname, data( duration, frequency, how old, etc.), itemization动词令听者有画面感Topic: abstract1. major2. interest3. personal lifeMethods of Classificationi. Local vs. International /Foreign ii. Big vs. Smalliii. Lots vs. Fewiv. Avai

4、lable vs. Unavailablev. Internal vs. Externalvi. Male vs. Femalevii. Freedom vs. Limitviii. Focus vs. Distractix. Waste vs. Costx. Active vs. Passivexi. Common vs. Specialxii. Public vs. Privatexiii. Majority vs. Minorityxiv. Safety vs. Dangerxv. Beautiful vs. UglyCut into the same issue with differ

5、ent angles.benefit: wellness/ goodnesskinda like, sorta like =for exampleleftoverset-up: arrangementTA=teaching assistantLibrarianConsulter/adviser辅导员Orientation入学指导Discourse= speechMating/breeding seasonallot分配时间assign分配任务allocate分配资源appoint分配人peek at偷看beforehand=in advanceunparallel不可比拟的costumes装束

6、, 服装prop道具wear it loose披散头发parlor 店铺a beauty parlor, an ice cream parlor, a funeral parlorwhereabouts在附近;下落,去向Cracking TASK 21. which answer2. key same meaning / paraphrase3. adj. & adv. similar (optional)4. v. similar or opposite (optional)5. 题目出现之后把耳机拿开,阅读题目增加准备时间 Cracking TASK 31. Fact + Change +

7、 2 Reasons2. 把细节、过渡词全部忘掉3. 屏幕上文章一出现就开始看,手立即作笔记4. 听力中表达观点的人是主角,配角的话完全不用听,笔记格式如下:C (change)R1 (reason1)R2 (reason2)Male dislikeFemaleR1R2Hidden roles of ETS1. Student-centered2. For the sake of community3. Playing means studying4. Always the authoritys fault5. Competition-driven6. EqualityCracking TAS

8、K 5Step 1 Listening, note-taking1. Classify & Identify The ProblemWhats the problem? Schedule conflicts: busy Unavoidable absence Resources unavailable Student election (涉及选举公平性,或者选举的其他活动,如campaign, debate, speech )2. Solutions & DetailStep 2 Speaking, Retell &ChooseNote-taking in Task 5 The one who

9、 asks question will provide the solution. Ex. Hey, you look so pale, are you ok?MFS1 (Solution 1)S2P: (Problem)xxxxx vs. xxxxxSentence patterns The man/woman in the conversation is facing the problem that The trouble faced by the man/ woman is that From the dialogue, we learned that the man/woman ra

10、n into the problem that So, these are the two solutions available for her. Between doing A and doing B, I would rather pick the first option.Cracking TASK 41. Wherever a different word appears, there is always a simplified replacement.2. Reading: background + theme+ 2 points/theories (if examples ex

11、ist, copy them)3. Listening: lecture + 2 detail examples4. 旁白在4和6题中有主旨,留意最前和最后的旁白Pattern 1 (fix) reading theme titlepoint 1 phrase 时间递进point 2 phrase 时间递进 listening reminderexample 1example 2Pattern 2(mix)Live every day to the ultimate.Dare to dream; dare to live on dream.Part 2 Reading推荐书目或网页: 林语堂吾

12、国与吾民 Merriam Webster Collegiate 11th 韦氏辞典豪华版3.0 旧托词频表 杨鹏17天把阅读文章中不懂的词记成X, 比如 mound(土墩, 护堤, 垛) 就是 小mAnd的含义:1. 并列2. 递进3. 条件4. 因果1.3 Locating Reference指代1. 代词一般指代名词原则非限性定语从句which只指代主句中的名词,不能指代一件事/句子2. 单复数一致原则3. 代词一般指前原则同质同位,主语同指原则:1. 简单句(前句)2. 并列句中两个分句3. 主从句成对关系 oneanother/ oneothers someothers more th

13、an the formerthe latter1.6 Determining Purpose目的1. 例证关系a. 标记词 P113-6b. 对称结构,往前面找答案P110-52. 对比关系compare & contrastsimilaritydifferencea. 比较the same, equal, similar, likeb. 对比 比较级 vs. 否定词3. 其他形容词、比喻、形象化描述1.7 Recognizing Paraphrases释义对于简单句:1. 主干(主谓宾),小心被动语态2. 逻辑关系(连词,比较关系的字眼)3. 注意:a. 被动语态b. 首句是代词要看上句c.

14、 正确的释义可能会用所指代的内容来代替代词d. 不要带着自己的逻辑做题,应该按照选项去推错项的特点: 新概念 白马非马 无中生有 绝对化 only, all(原文中出现这类词除外)1.8 Recognizing Coherence插入1. 存在指代关系a. 代词b. 名词重复(代词+同义替换)2. 代词+名词重复,比如it is a method.3. 总分关系a. 明显标记词 p138、og121-11b. 先抽象,后具体c. A of B,新概念d. 要比较,先介绍4. 因果关系错项的特点: 打乱了相邻句子间的逻辑性 影响了转折语的正常使用 打乱了代词与指代对象之间的逻辑关系1.9 Sum

15、marizing Important Ideas摘要 1.10 Organizing Information结构Main idea首段转折句首段设问句首段末句(结论、科学发现)首段因果句明显分类描述明显数量概述(总分)Sub idea 各段首句选项相加不需要涵盖全文,顺序没关系。错误选项特征:1. 文章没有表述2. 与原文表述不一3. 次要细节(不能直接对main idea其支持作用,即需要逻辑推理才能推出main idea)4. 例子,定义,简单现象陈述,具体人名,具体数字,过细细节compare & contrast文章的结构分析:1. Point by pointABEmotionalP

16、hysicalFinancial2. Block format, 例如:AB对比的两种方式EmotionalPhysicalFinancial AB3. Chronological Order各个时间阶段+对应特征明显标志性Part 3 WritingTruth lies in what is unsaid.Integrated WritingIndependent Writing20 min30 min150225 wordsAround 300 wordsStep 1: ReadingStep 2: ListeningStep 3: Fast ReadingStep 4: WritingP

17、ointEvidencesConflictsOrganizationThe num of paragraphs(4-6)The function of each paraThe connection and transition among para300 words = 15 words per sentence 22 sentencesUpgrading words and phrases: step 1: discover熟悉的陌生人 step 2: compare老熟人联系到熟悉的陌生人 step 3: practice有目的的造句(最好是带有动词的短语,比如sb place much

18、 emphasis on sth)老熟人:good offer several / a large number of / a series of advantages be rewarding a wide range of knowledgeimportant be highly significant be recognized as have great impact on humor亮点 critical thinking 多角度分析复杂性1. analysis2. complexity3. from different angles insight深度Note taking met

19、hodPassage (reading)Lecture (listening)Team: best, advantage1. more knowledge, a wider range of2. more quickly greater resources3. creative solutionmore likely take risks4. feel better/ rewarding, have a voice in decision making5. shine, individual1. not quickly enough, many meetings and agreements2

20、. the group as a whole, no name was namedIndependent Writing:1. Organization outline2. Method of generating evidence topic sentence paragraph3. Language use L2-L3/ L3-L4Independent Writing TOPICS:1. Agree or disagree (yes or no)2. Enumerate (列举why/what/how)3. A or B (二选一)4. Comparison: A or BIndepen

21、dent Writing ORGANIZATION:平行式P1 topic + pointP2P3 reasons & evidences: topic sentence, supporting detailsP4P5 conclusion 重申观点、归纳理由The best thing about the worst situation is that it cannot get even worse.平行式中使用让步WHAT? 指出支持/反对的观点的某些局限性/合理性使用转折词but, yet, however, nevertheless, etc.HOW? 1. 用一段来让步P1 NoP

22、2 AdvantageP3 However, ./ It is true thatbut2. 段落内部让步P1 NoP2 (topic sentence)may lead to childrens repulsion/ revulsion/ dislike. 让步Some may argue/ claim/ state/ mention/ contend/ maintain thatP267-1, Why university?P2 the benefit of doing sth is to do stha) The most practical benefit of attending u

23、niversity is to obtain a diploma.反例 Bill Gatesb) 质疑/挑战 sb. question/ challenge/ cast doubt onc) They use/cite sth. as an example, pointing out (they point out) that in order to achieve/accomplish successd) Bill is an exceptional/rare case. P3 (TS) If the pursuit of diploma is the product of practica

24、l needs, university life provides/offers students with more valuable experience, a chance of enjoying the pleasure of learning,Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind

25、. - Bertrand Russell对照式P1 TopicP2 一方的合理性P3 另一方的合理性P4 自己的观点(A or B)+ reasonsP268-3, Big city or small town?agree or disagreeenumerateA or Bcompare平行式对照式P276-3, Compare different friends and similar friends, which prefer?a) 有共同兴趣 sharein common/ like-minded/ congenialb) 建立关系 establish/ cultivate/ deve

26、lop/ foster/ form+ a harmonious relationshipc) 不同角度 different angles/ perspectives/ aspectsd) 使有趣 add fun/ color/ spice/ excitement to e) 无聊 dull, tedious, monotonous, vapid, lacklusterP281-3, Why movies are so popular?1. 细分关键词2. 因果3. 举例4. 情景假设 scenario suppose/ imagine5. 让步6. 对比The film dawns on hi

27、m thata) Movies enable people to relieve/release (offer an outlet of) pressure, stress, tension, anxietyb) 因果 Poor modern people suffer from(struggle with) tremendous pressure originated(stems) from fierce(intense) competition and complex interpersonal relationship添加形容词和副词修饰句子c) Why movie? be immers

28、ed/absorbed in (concentrate/focus on) movieshift ones attention from (take ones mind off)d) 细分关键词 Comedies generate laughter which cure people from daily pressureIntegrated Writing两者一致1. The passage states (demonstrates, show, indicates, claims, mentions, points out) that2. It is said in the passage

29、3. The writer (speaker, lecturer) presents (proposes, puts forward, support, be in support that, uphold, sustain, voice ones) view (idea, concept, point, notion, opinion) that 两者相反A + question/ challenge + Bcast doubt on weaken call B into question 合并 添加 变形合并:A. Internet offers a large amount of information.B. Internet accelerates the speed of communication. 递进 Not only does Internet offersbut also 因果 result(sentence)+ for/ for the reason that/ in that +cause(sentence) cause+ as

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