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1、北师语言学真题回忆版精编版2009年以前考试04年语言学试卷1.Define the following terms:20 points 1)langue 2)parole 3)allophone 4)semantic field 5)cohesion 2.Try to identify the possible paradigmatic relation between any items in the following poem by Lu Xun 10points 岂有豪情似旧时?花开花落两由之。 何期泪洒江南雨,又为斯民哭健儿! 3.Give some lexical items t

2、o illustrate social dialects. Try to explain their connotations.20 points 4. What can this rule mean in English grammar? 10 points D-id/t- 5. Define the following sounds in terms of articulatory features10 points 6.Try to tell some of the similarities and differences between English and Chinese nomi

3、nal constructions. Supply some examples.10 points 7.We can use the pattern “it is ”to emphasize any part of a sentence except the predicate. What can we do if we must emphasize it ? Please give examples to highlight your emphasis of any part of this sentence :15points I bought a book in the city yes

4、terday.8. Try to discuss as many as possible the design features of human language.15 points 9. Observe the following sentences:老王找到老张,才找到他的儿子。 老王找到老张,才找到他自己的儿子。老王找到老张,才找到自己的儿子。 老王找到老张,才找到儿子。 Which sentence is clear in its meaning? Which one is unclear? Try to explain why. Point out some features of

5、 the Chinese language.10points 10.Discuss the following 2 sentences, and tell why we can assign different values to the year of fifteen:10 points She is already fifteen, and yet she is crying over such a small thing.She has done it very well;She is only fifteen, you know. 11.What can linguistics do

6、for language learning and teaching? (10 points) 12.Determiner Phrase (DP) is the name newly given to the NP in generative grammar. A DP can be a form like 1)a book; 2)the book; 3)books; 4)the book. This name may be better than the old name of NP in that it reminds us of sth when we (Chinese speakers

7、) learn or teach English. Do you agree to this? Try to tell anything significant here. (10 points)09年语言学试题1.define the following phonemes.2.解释下面的概念。共6个,任选4个。sememe;image schema;endocentric construction;cohort model;displacement function of language;foregrounding.3.最简单的一题。题目给出几个关于lexical change 的例子。让

8、你写出在语言学中这叫做什么现象。teleprinter+exchange-WTO World Trade Organization-bird young birdany kind of bird-stumpthe part of a tree trunk left protruding from the groundto challenge-temperature 后面是这个词的音标注释,课本上有就是 loss.phonological change 里面的4.好像是从下面三个题目中选两个来解释一下functions of inflectional morpheme and derivatio

9、nal morpheme.the relevance theory5.和第四题有点混。都是解释给出的题目,从中选择几道。还有一个关于blending theory 的问题,具体是什么不记得了,这部分实在看不懂。the strong version and weak version of sapir-whorf hypothesis.the systemic-functional grammar6.When the English meet, they say its a fine day, while we chinese say have you eaten. distinguish the

10、 difference influenced by sociolinguistic factors. and give some other more examples please. 7.what is language transfer? what are the roles played by language tranfer?8.what are the components of communicative competence.describe three of them.use e.g. if necesary.9.define the following terms.summa

11、ritive assessment and formative assessmentthe bottom-up and top-down models in teaching to develop professional competence of language teaching for teachers.10年语言学试卷1.define the following sound /d/ /j/i/ /shi / 2.define the following itemacronym converse antonym cohesion3.give the stru

12、cture of SYLLABLE4.What is task-based language teaching ?give two examples of tasks5.what is form-focusedinstruction?why is there a renewed calls for it ?pare and make a contrast about the following pairscognitive variables vs affective variablescognitive strategiesvs meta-cognitive strategies7.tell

13、 about the main idea of Chomskystransformational grammar8.analyse the following dialogue and answer the questions where is john?his car is in front of Marys house a.what is the implicature in it ? the features ofcommunication implicature, tell how can we cancell the implicature in the above di

14、alogue9.what is multi-intelligence? tell the implication it gives to the practical second language learning and teaching10.some people think learners competence of native language proficiency detemines or influence his or her second language loearning .do you agree? illustrate your reasons11.tell th

15、e relationship between STEM , AFFIX and ROOTwith examples 12. what are descriptive and prescriptive methodology of linguistics 13. what is grammar awareness? how to improve the ability of it?11年语言学试卷1.define the following terms(5*5=25points) (1)displacement oflanguage (2)Distinctive feature in phono

16、logy(3) cognitive metaphor(4) foreground theory in literature (5) Phrase Structure Grammer in TG2. Compare and contrast the following pairs of terms in the field of language learning and teaching(3*5=15points).(1)top-downprocess and bottom-upprocess;(2)extroversion and introversion;(3)content validi

17、ty and construst validity in testing;3.Answer the following question briefly(2*10=20points)(1)What the main idea of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?Do you agree or not?(2)How do you understand the cohesion and coherence of a text?4.What is Acculturation Theory? What implications does this theory have for the

18、 pratice of language teaching and learning?(10points)5.What are cognitive variables?In what ways do cognitive variables facilitate or constrain language acquistion?(10points)6.State the Cooperative Principle and the four maxims put forward by Grice.what did Sperber and Wilison aim to develop from Gr

19、ice in the Relevance theory(15points)7.Imagine you have just observed an English lesson.what criteria would you like to use to evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson?List at least 5 items and give your reasons(10points)8.Illustrate with examples what Functional Grammar in systemic Functional Lingu

20、istic is.(15points)9.Some people claim that a learners competence of his native language proficiency will determine,or influence,his or her second language learning.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Give your reason for argument.(15points)10.Wanting to learn is more important than having

21、to learn.How do you understand this statement?How do you apply it in the English class?(15points)12年语言学试卷1.What is assimilationvelarization, nasalization,dentalization2.Six types of noun plurality and list them in phonemic description(/z/, /s/, /iz/3.The 6 properties of sentence subject,cite example

22、s4.What is referential theory. Tell about its drawbacks5.List 5 types of image schema, cite examples. Explain why it is important6.Ways of speech and thought representation7.Linguistic corpus, how it applies in (1) Speech research (2) Lexical research (3) semantics research (4) sociological research

23、 (5) psychological research 8.What are the Relational Process of the transitivity of the Systemic-Functional Grammar9.Explain and comment on “when in Rome do as the Romans do, Put yourself in other shoes, One cultures meat is another cultures poison10.conversational implicature on violation of Grice

24、 four maxims and cite examples pare and contrast(1) Extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation(2) Item facility and item discrimination in testing (3)Quantitative research and qualitative research12.What is portfolio assessment, how to do a portfolio assessment and what is its importance 13.Expla

25、in interlanguage theory and what we can learn from it.14.Task-based approach in teaching and explain(1)task design (2) teachers role (3) students role15.about ways for continued investigation by teachers13年语言学试卷1.Definition(4*5=20)Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis,foregrounding,t-unit,curriculum development(or

26、 syllabus design),content validity2.describe phones according to manner of articulation(题目已给出具体分类) and place of articulation(已给出具体分类),voiced/voiceless. 12个音,共5分3.functions of derivational and inflectional morphemes, give examples(10)4.can the objects in the following sentences be called objects in r

27、eal sense?(1)John hunted a tiger(2)John built a house (3) John climbed a mountain(4) John likes Mary (5) John smiled a sad smile (6)John plays tennis.plementary antonyms和converse antonymsAlive:dead husband:wife presenrt: absent belove:aboveBefeore:after empolyer:employee seller:buyer6.what is constr

28、ual in cognitive linguistics? how many types of construal we usually have? explain and give examples.(ATTENTION; JUDEJEMANT; PERSPECTIVE)107.are performative and constative verbs proposed by Austin first finally judged acceptable and unacceptable?why8.similarities and differences between British Fun

29、ctional Anthropology repesented by Malinowski and Amerian Anthropology represented by Boas and Sapir.monalities and differences between interpersonal function, performative function, emotive function and phatic communion10.what is sampling in observational class? give examples to illustrate11.Hallid

30、ays view in the language development is meaning potential(大概是这样)what is your understanding of this view?what is the implications for second language learning and teaching?12.Stephen Krashens Input Hypothesis and implications for learning language13.underlying theories of Communicative Approach to la

31、nguage learning and main dimensions of communicative competence.14年语言学试卷1.Definition(1)descriptive & prescriptive(2)presupposition &entailment(3)metonymy & metaphor(4)discrete-point test & integrative test(5)bilingualism & diglossia(6)teaching method & teaching methodology2. What is arbitrariness? What is iconity? How they are related? What do you think about the arbitrariness and iconity

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