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1、Module2Module2课堂15分钟达标练一In China, teachers are held in high esteem(尊重, 看重). September 10th is the Teachers Day of China. This day is in honour of all those involved in the teaching profession. September 28th is the birthday of the world-famous teacher ConfuciusKongzi. Kongzi is a great philosopher a

2、nd he is also a great teacher. He had thousands of disciples, including Aristotle. In the ancient times, Kongzis birthday was regarded as Teachers Day. Now, September 10th is the Teachers Day of China. In the year of 1984, Wang Zikun, former president of Beijing Normal University, suggested to estab

3、lish a festival day for Chinese teachers. On Jan. 21st, 1985, September 10th was fixed as the Teachers Day of China. 【语篇概述】本文讲述了中国教师节的来历。. Skim the passage quickly and fill in the blank. Think it over and summarize the general idea of the text in about 5 words. The passage mainly tells us. . Read th

4、e passage carefully and answer the following questions. 1. Why do we celebrate this day? 2. When is Confucius birthday? . Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. 1. Whats the date of Teachers Day of China? A. October 1st. B. September 10th. C. Jan. 21st. D. September 28th. 2.

5、Can you guess the meaning of the underlined word “disciples” in Para. 2? A. Friends. B. Relatives. C. Teachers. D. Students. 3. From the passage, we can conclude that. A. Wang Zikun established the Teachers Day of ChinaB. we consider Kongzis birthday as our Teachers Day nowC. Aristotle was one of Co

6、nfucius studentsD. on Jan. 21st, 1995, September 10th was fixed as the Teachers Day of China阅读提升作业(一)Module 2Period 1阅读理解A(2015武汉高一检测)In the mid-1950s, I was a somewhat bored early-adolescent male student who believed that doing any more than necessary was wasted effort. One day, this approach threw

7、 me into embarrassment. In Mrs. Tottens eighth-grade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimals(小数). Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on o

8、ur oral answer to homework questions. Mrs. Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets. She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and walk toward the other end.

9、 Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations. What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw of

10、f my estimate. As Mrs. Totten made her way from the beginning of the class, I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get. I tried to work it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldnt function. When Mrs. Totten reached my desk, she asked what answer Id got for pr

11、oblem No. 14. “I. . . I didnt get anything, ”I answered, and my face felt warm. “Correct, ”she said. It turned out that the correct answer was zero. What did I learn that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isnt always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third,

12、 I would never make it as a mathematician. If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one. 【语篇概述】本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了自己青春期早期, 非常自负。然而, 在一堂数学课上发生的一件尴尬的事情, 给作者有价值的教训, 也让作者明白了许多道理。1. Usually, Mrs. Totten asked her students to. A. recite their homework togetherB. grade their ho

13、mework themselvesC. answer their homework questions orallyD. check the answers to their homework questions answer to homework questions. 可知作者的数学老师要求学生口头回答家庭作业的问题。故C正确。2. The author could work out which question to answer since the teacher always. A. asked questions in a regular wayB. walked up and d

14、own when asking questionsC. chose two or three questions for the studentsD. requested her students to finish their usual questions3. The author failed to get the question he had expected because. A. the class didnt begin as usualB. several students didnt come to schoolC. he didnt try hard to make hi

15、s estimateD. Mrs. Totten didnt start from the back of the class4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. An Unforgettable TeacherB. A Future MathematicianC. An Effective ApproachD. A Valuable LessonBIn China most people these days know what it means to have an “English teac

16、her”, since almost all pupils study English from their third year. In primary school the first English teacher will usually be a young and lovely lady. But my first English teacher is no other than my father. Looking back, I can see that, when I was only a little girl, he created an English environm

17、ent by providing me with flash cards(识字卡), fun English-language toys and even dolls which can sing English songs! My interest in English had certainly been awakened when I began to learn English at school. Just imagine, he went a step further and asked me to learn New Concept English by myself! I wa

18、s confused and even angry. I could not understand why a father could be so strict with his little girl. All the same, he never gave up and he gently insisted that I follow through with his idea. At first, I read stories with tears and I actually hated them because they were too difficult for me. In

19、the end, I came to love the funny stories and, to be honest, my father was always there with a helping hand. I am sure that my English would never have got so far without his support. And thats why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher. He is the one who aroused

20、 my interest, gave me confidence and offered me much needed help. 【语篇概述】本文讲述了作者对英语的热爱归功于自己的启蒙老师父亲。5. Most pupils in China begin to learn English. A. from parents B. in primary schoolC. at home D. at three years old6. The underlined part “no other than my father” in the passage probably means. A. my

21、father himselfB. not my fatherC. like my fatherD. not only my father7. From the whole passage we can see that. A. the girl hates her father because he is strictB. the girl is very thankful to her fatherC. the girl preferred playing to learning EnglishD. the father gave up after knowing his daughter

22、could not understand8. What would be the best title for the passage? A. The relationship between my father and IB. How I learned English at schoolC. My fathermy first and lifelong English teacherD. Ive made progress in English learning拓展训练1. 观察下列句子, 模仿造句。All the same, he never gave up and he gently

23、insisted that I follow through with his idea. 句意: 尽管如此他从来没有放弃, 并且温和地坚持认为我应该按他的想法做。仿写: 他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼。(insist)2. 翻译下面的句子。And thats why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher. He is the one who aroused my interest, gave me confidence and offered me much needed help.

24、 课堂15分钟达标练二. 单词拼写1. Our English teacher is (严格的) with us. 2. At last he (承认) making mistakes. 3. His (有趣的, 好笑的)story made us laugh. 4. Though my grandpa is 83 years old, he is still (精力充沛的). 5. He works very hard and always gets good (成绩). 6. You will have to be (耐心的) and wait for your turn. 7. I wi

25、ll (感激) it if you can give me an answer. 8. He felt very (紧张的)before the exam. 9. What I said is very important. You should take it (认真地). 10. This is a well (组织的) meeting, and everything is in good order. . 完成句子1. The question is difficult (如此以至于) we cant answer it. 2. His sister (被录取到) Shandong Un

26、iversity last year. 3. Id (对此感激) if you opened the window for me. 4. We should (对表示尊敬)our parents. 5. The little girl went to school, (背着书包). 6. The flight was delayed (因为) fog. 阅读提升作业(二)Module 2Period 2. 完形填空The teacher thought hobbies were very important for every child. She1all her pupils to have

27、 one, and sometimes2for their parents to come and see the work they had done as a result. One Friday3the teacher told the class that those who had a hobby could have a4that afternoon to get the things they had made as parts of their hobbies ready for their5to see the following afternoon. So in the a

28、fternoon, while those of the pupils who had nothing to6did their usual lessons, the lucky ones who had made something were7to go home, on condition that they8before five oclock to bring what they were going to show and to arrange it. When the afternoon lesson began, the teacher was9to see Tommy was

29、not there. He was the10boy in the class, and the teacher found it11to believe he had a hobby. However, at 4: 45, Tommy arrived with a(n)12collection of butterflies in glass cases. After his13had admired them and helped him to arrange them on a table in the classroom, she was surprised to see Tommy14

30、them up again and begin to leave. “What are you doing, Tommy? ”she asked. “Those things must15here until tomorrow afternoon. Thats when the parents are coming to see them. ”“I know16, ”answered Tommy, “and I will bring them back tomorrow; but my17doesnt want them to be out of our house at night in c

31、ase they are18. ”“But what has it got to do with your brother? ”asked the teacher, “Arent the butterflies yours? ”“No, ”answered Tommy, “They belong to him. ”“But Tommy, you are19to show your own hobby here, not somebody elses! ”said the teacher. “I know that, ”answered Tommy, “My hobby is20my brother

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