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1、视译练习SightInterpretation视译练习Sight InterpretationParagraph 1:On October 15,2007, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2007 jointly to Leonid Hurwicz (Regents Professor Emeritus of Economics at University of Minnesota), Eric

2、 S. Maskin (Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University) and Roger B. Myerson (Distinguished Service Professor at Professor at University of Chicago) “for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory”.The Prize amount SEK10 million, will be shard equally

3、 among the Laureates.2007年10月15日,瑞典皇家科学院 决定将2007年度诺贝尔经济学奖授予:列奥尼德赫维茨(美国明尼苏达大学 经济系 杰出荣誉教授)、埃里克S马斯金(美国普林斯顿 进修学院 社会科学教授)、罗杰B迈尔森(美国芝加哥大学 杰出贡献教授)“以表彰他们对于建立机制 设计理论 所做的贡献”。奖金总额1,000万瑞典克朗,将由获奖者 平均分享。The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1739, is an independent organization whose overall objective

4、 is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence on society. 瑞典皇家科学院 成立于1739年,是一个旨在推动科学发展 以及 加强科学在社会中影响的 独立组织。Traditionally, the Academy takes special responsibility for the natural scnences and mathematics.按照传统,科学院特别关注 自然科学 和 数学的发展发。Paragraph 2: 中国的市场规模越来越大,而且方兴未艾。 The Chinese market has

5、become larger in scale and shows a continuous, upward trend.没有人怀疑中国正在成为世界上成长最快的巨大市场,而且已经成为世界上最大的电视机、电冰箱和手机消费国。No one doubts the fact that China is becoming the largest market in the world which enjoys the fastest growing, and has become the largest consumer of television, refrigerator, and mobile ph

6、one.住房、私家车和境内外旅游 已经成为新的消费热点。Housing, private car and domestic and outbound tourism have become the new highlights of consumption.去年,中国国内市场消费了2万亿美元以上的生产资料 和 生活资料。Last year, the domestic market consumed production and livelihood materials with a total value of more than $2 trillion.在拥有近5亿人口的中国东部地区,人均G

7、DP已经达到了2,000美元。The per capita GDP of East China where the population is nearly 500 million reached $2,000.笔记练习Paragraph 1: The third challenge is how to build a harmonious society. 第三项挑战,是如何构建和谐社会。Globalization brings new opportunities.People engaged in global, high value-added economic activities,

8、such as financial investment and innovative technology, are able to earn high income.全球化带来了 新的机遇,凡与全球经济高附加值沾边的人士,如从事金融投资、创意科技的,都可以赚取高收入;Yet, low skilled workers are facing increasing economic hardship; they may still fail to make ends meet despite all their hard work.但低技术工人的生活 却越来越困难,辛勤工作 甚至未必可以赚到基本

9、生活开支。In addition, among the baby boomers born in the 1950s with a low to middle education level, a good number of them are faced with the threat of redundancy and pay cuts.上世纪五十年代出生、中低学历的一批人当中 不少也面临就业困难,收入下调的威胁。At a time when the wealth gap in society keeps widening and social mobility begins to sta

10、ll, we need to look for ways to resolve conflicts and promote social harmony.当社会贫富差距日渐扩大,社会流动停滞,矛盾如何解决,和谐社会如何建立呢?These are the thorny issues we need to consider, to tackle, and to solve in the days ahead.这些都是我们今后需要提前思考、处理和解决的难题。An optimist sees every challenge as an opportunity; a pessimist only see

11、s trouble in every opportunity.乐观者从每一个困难中看到机会,而悲观者则在每一个机会中 都只看到困难。I am an optimist, and I believe most of us in Hong Kong are, too.我是个乐观的人,我相信香港多数市民 也一样。Paragraph 2: 研修班期间,各位学员认真参加各项研讨交流活动,客服种种困难,积极配合各方人员 做好各项活动。 During the session, participants have attended in real earnest all the lectures, discus

12、sions and exchanges of views while tackling various difficulties and cooperating actively with the Chinese side.全体教学和接待人员 认真负责、勤恳踏实、周到热情,尽最大的努力 做好每一件工作,保证了研修班的各项活动 按时保质进行,也与学院结下了深厚的友谊。All the staff of this seminar have been not only very responsible and careful in making the arrangements, but also q

13、uite patient and considerate when providing logistics.They have dedicated utmost attention to every single work.It is their work that has guaranteed the smooth procession and high quality of this seminar.同时,研修班的举办,得到了各个非洲国家 和 各位驻华使节的 大力支持。In the meantime, the participants and staff have forged profo

14、und friendship. This seminar has also been actively supported by various African countries and their diplomatic envoys to China.在此,我谨代表外经贸部 向各位驻华使节、各位学员、全体教学和工作人员 表示衷心的感谢!I would like hereby, on behalf of MOFTEC, to express since gratitude to all the respected diplomatic envoys involved, all the dea

15、r participants, all the faculty and working staff.句型精炼英译汉1. I am much obliged to you for your kind presence.非常感谢大家的光临。2. We are proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests coming all the way from Japan to visit our company.给位贵宾 从日本远道而来 访问本公司,我们感到十分骄傲和荣幸。3. On the opening of this c

16、onference, we would like to express our sincere hope that your careful consideration of the issues will lead to an excellent resolution.在本次会议开幕之际,中心希望各位 对各个问题 深思熟虑,从而达成圆满的决议。4. It is an honor for me to attend this commendation ceremony today.今天能出席这个表彰仪式 是我的荣幸。5. We do this session as an opportunity

17、for all of us to share feedback, to brainstorm, to prompt some ideas and hopefully to leave you with some thoughts that are useful.我们把本次会议 当做一次让大家分享反馈信息、集思广益、广开言路的机会,但愿能给你们留下一些 有帮助的见解和想法。6. As the convener of this conference, we would be delighted if all members would listen to the opinions of other

18、s and exchange ideas in order to make worthwhile achievements during this conference.身为本次会议的主办人,我们将会分厂乐意看到大家 在开会期间 彼此倾听意见,互相交流想法,以获得有价值的成果。7. Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to join the 25th anniversary of the founding of our club.谢谢各位 从百忙中抽空来参加我们俱乐部成立25周年纪念活动。8. My goo

19、d friends, let me say congratulations to all of you.亲爱的朋友们,请允许我 向你们所有人道贺。Let me say that if we have achieved anything it is because of the work that you do, and your dedication, and we look forward to may more years of that kind of service.如果说 我们有所成就的话,完全是归功于你们所做的工作 和 你们的贡献,希望你们在今后 继续这样工作。9. Welcome

20、 to TCL. It is very refreshing to see you all able to excellent people with such high hopes and ambitions.欢迎加入TCL。见到各位有能力有抱负的优秀人才,我的心情 为之振奋。汉译英:1. 欢迎大家前来参加第90届中国出口商品交易会。I have the pleasure of welcoming you to the 90th Chinese Export Commodities Fair.2. 现在,我愉快地宣布第22届万国邮政联盟大会开幕。Now, I have the pleasur

21、e to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.3. 我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民 向来自英国的代表团 表示热烈的欢迎。I have the honor to express warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.4. 收到如此的欢迎 我深表谢意。Thank you very much for such applause.我对出席本次会议听我发言的诸位 表示衷心的欢迎 和

22、深切的感谢。I also wish to extend a warm welcome and deep appreciation to all of you who have come here to attend this conference, and to listen to my presentation.我也非常高兴 能有机会谈谈国际贸易事务方面的一些问题。Im very pleased to have the opportunity to speak about the international trade.5. 今天我们非常荣幸地欢迎市长阁下和各位贵宾 莅临我们公司的成立庆典。

23、It is our great pleasure to welcome His Honor the Mayor as well as our many other distinguished guests to celebrate the founding and opening of our company.6. 早上好,我是史密斯,请允许我发表 到任致辞。Good morning. Im Smith. Let me make an inaugural address.7. 我希望它能激励我们向前,鼓励我们所有人 以更大决心 执行我们的任务。I hope it will urge us fo

24、rward and encourage all of us to tackle our tasks with even greater determination.8. 非常感谢你 给我们作了如此有价值的报告。Thank you very much for your valuable presentation.我代表今日到会诸位,感谢你与我们共度这段时光。On behalf of everyone here today, I would like to express our deepest appreciation to your for sharing your time with us.

25、9. 我建议在场诸位 和我一起向史密斯先生 表示祝贺,不仅祝贺他精彩的报告,也祝贺他 倾尽一生 取得的优秀业绩。多谢。 I ask everyone to join me now in congratulation to Mr. Smith not only on his impressive presentation, but also on his lifelong record of excellent achievement. Thanks.篇章口译英译汉Passage 1:Mr. Premier, Members of delegation, 总理先生 及 代表团的各位成员:It i

26、s my honor to welcome you to the White House. 我荣幸地欢迎诸位来到白宫。Your visit reflect the increasing ties of cooperation and commerce between our two nations.你们的来访 反映了我们两国之间的合作关系 和 商业纽带 正在不断加强。America and China share many common interests.美国和中国 有着许多共同的利益。We are working together in the war on terror.我们在反恐战争中

27、 精诚合作,We are fighting to defeat a ruthless enemy of order and civilization.为击败破坏世界秩序 和 人类文明的残忍敌人 而共同战斗。We are partners in diplomacy working to meet the dangers of the 21st century.为了应对21世纪的威胁,我们正合作进行外交努力。We are full members of a world trading system that rewards enterprise and lifts nations.我们都是世界贸易

28、体系的 正式成员,这一体系 旨在鼓励创业,振兴国家。Our two nations seek a Korean Peninsula that is stable and at peace.我们两国 力求实现朝鲜半岛的稳定与和平。The elimination of North Koreas nuclear programs is essential to this outcome.消除北朝鲜的核设施 对于实现这一目标 至关重要。Realizing this vision will require the strong cooperation of all North Koreas neighb

29、ors.实现这一构想 需要北朝鲜的各个邻国 密切加强合作。I am grateful for Chinas leadership in hosting the Six-Party Talks which are brings us closer to a peaceful resolution of this issue.我非常感谢中国领导人 主办六方会谈,会谈增进了我们和平解决这一问题的可能。And my government will continue to work with China as it plays a constructive role in Asia and in the

30、 world.中国在亚洲乃至世界 都发挥着建设性作用。我国政府将继续与中国合作。The rapid rise of Chinas economy is one of the great achievements of our time.中国经济的迅速崛起 是我们这个时代 最显赫的成就之一。Chinas increasing prosperity has brought great benefits to the Chinese people and to Chinas trading partners around the world.中国的日益繁荣 对中国人民和中国在全世界的贸易伙伴 都大有

31、裨益。We recognize that if prosperitys power is to reach in every corner of China, the Chinese government must fully integrate into the rules and norms of the international trading and fianc system.我们认为,为促使繁荣遍及中国的每一个角落,中国政府 必须与国际贸易和金融系统的规章和准则 全面接轨。China has discovered that economic freedom leads to nat

32、ional wealth.中国已经意识到,经济自由 能够促进国家富强。The growth of economic freedom in China provides reason to hope that social, political and religious freedoms will grow there, as well.中国经济自由的发展 使人们有理由期待社会、政治及宗教等自由 在中国将进一步得到发展。In the long run, these freedom are indivisible and essential to national greatness and national dignity.从长远来讲,这些方面的自由 不可分割,对于实现国家强盛 和 维护民族尊严 至关重要。As our two nations work const

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