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1、经贸专业报刊阅读 翻译 UNIT16Unit 11. buildings are rarely designed to save energy,because those who put them up do not usually pay the bills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks , not their energy-efficiency.楼房设计很少考虑能效,因为建造者不用为之买单,而那些楼房的住户们买房时考虑的是景色或楼房的外观,而不是它们的能效。2. that will

2、happen only if governments require them to do so ,or tax dirty products and processes (through a carbon price),or subsidise clean ones .只有政府要求,或是(通过碳定价)对污染产品和工艺征税,或进行清洁生产补贴,公司才会投资清洁技术。3. a $40carbon price now ,doubling by 2050, and combined with non-price policies such as appliance standards and R&D

3、 support ,is needed to hit the 450ppm targets .碳价需要定在40美元,到2050年翻一番,结合电器标准和研发扶持等非价格政策,才能达到450ppm的目标。4. companies can buy and sell allocations amongst themselves ,and can also buy “certified emission reductions “from developing countries to meet their caps through Kyotos “clean development mechanism”

4、.公司间可以买卖分配额,也可以按照京都“清洁发展机制”从发展中国家购买“和政的减排量”,以符合减排限制。5. although it is still young , the ETS has had some impact on emissions .ETS排放交易制度虽然建立不久,但它对(温室气体)排放带来了一定的影响。6. nuclear power does ,however , have the virtue of scale .然而,核能确实有规模优势。7. thanks to stimulus money to combat the recession , subsidies ar

5、e now flooding into the renewable-energy business than ever before .因为应对经济衰退的刺激性投资增加,补贴正在以前所未有的速度涌入可再生能源行业。8. globally ,new energy finance reckons that only $24 billion of green-stimulus money will be disbursed this year .新能源财经有限公司估计全球今年只会支出240亿美元用于鼓励发展绿色能源。unit 2 1. the move highlights the growing

6、economic importance of Asia an some Latin American countries .这一举动彰显了亚洲和一些拉丁美洲国家不断增长的经济重要性。2. but for practical purposes ,the smaller group will become more like a dinner club that defers to the broader group on the economic issues that have dominated summit meetings for nearly three decades .实际上,小集

7、团(八国集团)会更像宴会俱乐部,在占据峰会近30年的一些经济问题上还是要听从大集团的意见。3. proponents of the smaller group say the friendships it fosters are important when friction arises in the group or outside it in one-on-one policy disputes between nations .小集团支持者认为,小集团培养出的友谊在集团内部发生摩擦或集团外国家之间出现政策冲突时显得尤为重要。4. but global leaders , noting

8、that Mr Obamas words are not always in sync with his actions , wonder if the president is a free trader or a protectionist 。但是,各国政要注意到奥巴马有时言行不一,不知道这位总统到底是自由贸易主义者还是贸易保护主义者。5. for years , American officials have complained at international meetings that china was deliberately undervaluing its currency

9、 to give its exports a price advantage .多年来,美国官员在国际会议上多次抱怨说中国为了出口价格优势有意低估币值。6. global trade went through wrenching reductions last fall ,as countries around the world plunged into the deepest recessions that most of them had suffered in decades . 由于各国去年秋天开始陷入几十年来对大多数国家来说最严重的经济衰退,全球贸易经理了痛苦的衰减。7. fina

10、ncial officials have been relieved that the economic crisis has not yet provoked a chain reaction of protectionist restrictions by countries trying preserve their home industries . 各国财政官员欣慰的是这次经济危机还没有因各国保护本国产业引起保护主义限制措施的连锁反应。Unit 3 1. the number of jobs affected is barely a rounding error in measure

11、ments of the mighty American workforce .相对于美国庞大的劳动力群体而言,(向中国轮胎征收高额关税)对就业人数的影响微不足道。2. mr obamas most overtly protectionist decision so far has triggered a predictably angry reaction from china , which threatened to retaliate against American chickens and car parts and to haul America before the world

12、 trade organization.迄今为止,奥巴马不加掩饰的贸易保护主义举措不出所料的激发了中国的愤怒回应,中国威胁将对美国出口到中国的肌肉和汽车配件实施报复性措施并迫使美国接受世贸组织的仲裁。3. smoot-hawley sharply raised tariffs on thousands of products , not just one .then ,there was no regulating framework for global trade ;now both America and china are acting within the wto , which w

13、as created precisely to keep such spats within rules .斯姆特-霍利关税法案提高了上千种产品关税,而不是仅仅一种。更何况那个时候全球贸易协调框架还未形成;现在,中国和美国都得在世贸组织框架内采取行动,而这正是世贸组织建立的初衷。4. last november george bush and in april mr obama , on both occasions joined by other leaders of the G20 ,pledged to “refrain from raising new barriers to inve

14、stment or to trade in goods and services”;yet new barriers have steadily increased .乔治布什和奥巴马分别在去年11月和今年4月于二十国集团的其他领导人一起承诺“尽量避免提高对投资以及商品、服务贸易的壁垒”。但新的壁垒任然在稳步增高。5. until now mr obama has tried to allay fears that he is a bit of a protectionist by abandoning campaign threats to renegotiate the north Ame

15、rican free-trade agreement and to punish china for holding down its currency .一直以来奥巴马都在试图平复外界对他的贸易保护主义倾向的担忧,他放弃了竞选时提出的重新修订北美自由贸易协定以及因人民币贬值而惩罚中国的主张。6.he has surrounded himself with mainstream , pro-free-trade economists ,watered down(though failed to veto)”buy America” provisions in the fiscal stimul

16、us , and opposed carbon tariffs in the cap-and-trade bill now before congress.他身边大都是主流的、支持自由贸易的经济学家。他淡化了(尽管没能否决)经济刺激方案中“购买美国产品”的条款,还反对国会即将通过清洁能源安全法案中征收碳关税的做法。7. even now mr obama insists he is “committed to pursuing expanded trade and new trade agreement”, and this week he defended his action as not

17、hing more than the enforcement of trade laws .即使到如今,奥巴马还坚称自己“拥护扩大贸易和签订新的国际贸易协定”。本周他指出自己的行为只是在执行贸易法中的规定,意在为自己辩护。8. that , however ,is a stretch . mr obama had no obligations to act .其实这些都只是喊喊口号而已,他并没有实施的义务。9. still ,mr obamas imposition of tariffs will tempt more industries and unions to seek similar

18、 relief ,and he will have to decide whether this decision is a template or an exception.但是奥巴马批准实施的高额关税会诱使更多的产业和工会寻求同样的保护,他必须决定这一举措到底是榜样还是例外。Unit4 1.a few tariffs hace been raised this time ,but tighter licensing requirements ,import bans and anti-dumping(imposing extra duties on goods supposedly dum

19、ped at below cost by exporters) have also been used ,这次不仅一些国家提高了关税,提高进口许可证标准、进口禁令和反倾销(对已低于成本价倾销的进口商品额外征收关税)等措施也都有应用。2.the growth of global supply chains ,which have bound national economies tighter tightly , have made it more difficult for governments to increase tariffs without harming producers in

20、 their own countries .全球供应链的扩大将各国经济紧密的连接起来,使得政府难以在不伤及本国厂商的前提下提高关税。3. when david Ricardo argued in the early 19th century that comparative advantage was the basis of trade , he conceived of countries specialising in products , like wine or cloth . but mr yi points out that countries now specialize no

21、t so much in final products as in steps in the process of production .19世纪初,李嘉图提出比较优势是贸易的基础,他所指的是各国进行葡萄酒、布料等不同产品的专业化生产;而基木毅则指出,生产流程的不同环节在各国的专业化生产已经不同于最终产品的专业化生产。4.developing countries have more scope for raising tariffs without breaking wto rules than richer ones do ,because the gap between their ap

22、plied rates and the ceilings they agreed to is greater than for developed countries .由于发展中国家现行关税税率与世贸组织为其规定的税率之差大于发达国家,因此在不违反世贸组织规则的前提下,其增税空间也大于后者。5. because tariffs are typically levied on the gross value crossing the border(with some exceptions ,such as exports from Mexican maquiladoras),trade res

23、ponds more to changes in tariffs-down or up-with global supply chains than without .原因在于,(除了来自诸如墨西哥的马奎拉多拉等少数出口免税区外)关税的课征对象通常是进出口品的总价值而非本国的增加值。因此,由于全球化供应链的存在,非关税壁垒的使用者也以发展中国家为主。6. two-thirds of the trade-restricting measures documented by the world bank are non-tariff barriers of various kinds . as w

24、ith tariffs , developing countries are the principal wielders of these weapons .世界银行记录的贸易限制措施有三分之二属于各类非关税壁垒。正如关税一样,非关税壁垒的使用者也以发展中国家为主。7. The American automotive industry no longer lobbies for direct protection ,as it used to ,because it imports much of its value-added and competes with foreign firms

25、 that assemble their cars in America.美国汽车工业不再像过去那样为了获得直接保护而进行游说了,因为他们的很大一部分增值业务都需要从国外进口,还要与同样在美国进行整车组装的外国企业进行竞争。8. The difficulty lies in devising something comprehensive and detailed enough to address the variety of protectionist measures that are being deployed in the crisis, and doing it quickly

26、enough to maintain open trade.困难在于针对各国在本次危机中运用的各种保护主义措施,制定全面、具体的方案,并尽快将其付诸实施,以维持贸易的开放。9. Most important, completing Doha would be the clearest and most tangible evidence possible of a commitment to consolidating and building on the gains from more open trade secured in successive rounds since the Se

27、cond World War.最重要的是,多哈回合的完成将是各国承诺巩固并加强自二战以来多轮贸易谈判获得的自由贸易成果最清晰、最实实在在的证据。10. Even of the crisis rounds agenda were more realistic than Dohas (which isnt obvious), there would be no guarantee that it would be concluded quickly enough to stop the bleeding in global trade.即使“危机回合”的谈判日程比多哈回合更为现实(这一点并不明显)

28、,也难以保证谈判能够迅速完成,从而制止全球贸易的滑坡。11. A good start would be for governments, beginning with the leaders of the G20, to draw up a comprehensive list of protectionist measures that goes beyond tariffs and export subsidies .对各国政府而言,良好的开端应该是,二十国集团领导人首先拟定包括关税和出口补贴在内的保护主义措施的详细清单。12. During the depression, the vo

29、lume of world trade shrank by a quarter. nothing like that has been seen or forecast so far .yet one lesson from the worldwide economic distress of three-quarters of a century ago is that once trade barriers come up, they take years of negotiation to dismantle.大萧条时期,世界贸易规模下降了四分之一。目前,本次危机还没有显现词类迹象。然而

30、,我们能从这场四分之三个世纪之前的世界经济萧条中获得的教训之一就是,一旦贸易壁垒建立,就需要进行多年的谈判才能将其消除。Unit51. but today the administration is facing questions from weapons experts about whether some equipment-newly authorized for export to Chinese companies deemed trustworthy by Washington-could instead end up helping china modernize its mi

31、litary .但是政府目前面临着武器专家的疑问:最近获准向政府认为信得过的中国公司出口的一些设备到头来会不会帮助中国实现其军事现代化。2. the questions raised about the new policy are in a report to be released this week by the Wisconsin project on nuclear arms control ,an independent research foundation that opposes the spread of arms technologies .有关新政的一些问题将在本周由威

32、斯康星核军备控制研究项目小组的报告中发布,该项目小组是一家反对武器技术扩散的独立研究机构。3. the new system of broadening the list of technologies that require licenses ,but exempting some trustworthy companies from the license requirement ,results in more effective protections .扩大需要许可证的技术项目名单,同时免除一些可靠公司的许可证,这种新制度会更有效地保护技术出口。4.both companies also say that the past failure to get proper licenses has led to tighter controls and ,in any case ,was the result of improper paperwork affecting products that continue to be exported as licensed .两家公司同时还说,以往没有取得正

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