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unit8 导学案.docx

1、unit8 导学案Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks第一课时:Section A 1a1c学习目标1.Knowing:clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer, give out2. Practicing: Id like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks.学习重点Practicing: Id like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks.学习过程导学1. feel

2、like, want, would like的用法_.导学2. sick, ill的区别_.练习拓展:(教师寄语:相信自己,永不放弃)完成句子1. Id like to join_(学校志愿者计划)2. You could volunteer_(在一个课后学习计划里)。3. A group of students are planning a_(城市公园清洁日)4. 我一直在努力地让他振作起来已经20分钟了。Ive been trying to _him _for twenty minutes.5.你可以和他谈谈,帮他走出目前的困境。You can _him _by_ _with him.6.

3、 You could _ _ _(分发食物) at a food bank.7. We need _ _ _(想出)a plan.选择正确答案。( )1. It took me a lot of time _ my homework.A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished( )2 Please _,or Ill be late for work. A. call me upB. call up meC. dont call up me( )3. He also _some signs asking for old bikes.A. put

4、 down B. put upC .put off D. put in( )4 .Sometimes people _angry for years about a small problem.A. say B .stay C.forget D. find( )5.They wont make new problems _you. A. with B. in C. out D. for( )The class room is so dirty, I decided _. clean it up B. to clean it up C. clean up it( ). You should vi

5、sit the sick kids to _.A. cheer up them B. laugh at them C. cheer them up D. take after them( ). We have to _ our sports meeting till next week because of the heavy rain.A. put up B. put off C. put up D. put down( ). We have to put off _ plans for the vacation. A. make B. to make C. making D. made(

6、)10. The teacher is giving _ the new books to the student.A. to B. out C. in D. off( )11.-Would you like to play football with us? -_A. Yes, I m glad. B. Yes, Id love to. C. No, I dont like. D. No, I dont.( )12. We believe scientists will _ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.A. set off B. p

7、ut off C. come up with D. catch up with( )13.-A latest English newspaper, please!-Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir? A. one B. this C. that D. it( )14. He isnt happy today. Lets_.A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. to cheer him up D. cheering up him( )15. I _ like to help kids with th

8、eir schoolwork.A. could B. would C. should D. will( )16. We need to _ up with a plan on Cleanup Day.A. come B. go C. work D. study( )17. I will not buy that car because I have _ money.A. got out of B. taken out of C. looked out of D. ran out of用词的适当形式填空、Will you help _ (clean) up the classroom?、Tom

9、could put off _ (make) that plan.、Clean-up _ (day) is only two weeks from now.、We need _ (come) up with some _ (idea).、They plan _ (buy) a big house._(sing)aloud so that everyone can hear clearly.第二课时: Section A 2a2c学习目标1.Knowing:clean-up,sign,advertisement,put off, set up,establish,think up.2.Under

10、standing:The meaning of the listening contents.3. Practicing: need to ,come up with, write down, put up, hand out, call up.学习重点1.Understanding:The meaning of the listening contents.2. Practicing: need to ,come up with,write down,put up,hand out,call up.学习过程导学1.总结need的用法并举例说明作为实义动词:_举例说明_作为情态动词:_举例说明

11、_导学2.理解由from构成的短语的含义:from now_from now on_ be from_ from then on_ from-to-_be different from_ be far away from_ come from_ hear from_导学e up with(同义短语)_hand out(反义短语)_call up(同义短语)_练习拓展:(教师寄语:相信自己,永不放弃)(一)根据汉语提示完成句子 1. Ill help_(清扫) the city park.2. We cant_(推迟制订计划).3. Id like to_(鼓舞)the sick kids.4.

12、 Were going _(建立) a food bank to help hungry people.5. You could_(分发食物) at a food bank.6. We need_(想出) a plan7. These words are all very important. _(把写下来), please!8. He also_(张贴)some signs asking for old bikes第三课时: Section A 3a4学习目标1. Knowing: major; commitment; elementary; veterinarian; coach2. Un

13、derstanding: The passage of 3a 3. Practicing: volunteer ones time to -; put -to use; plan to -;cheer -up; spend -in (doing); not only-but also -; set up; put off学习重点1. Understanding: The passage of 3a 2. Practicing: volunteer ones time to -; put -to use; plan to -; cheer -up; Spend -in (doing); not

14、only-but also -; set up; put off自主学习导学1、put -to use 把-投入使用我们已经把这种新型机器投入到正常使用中了They have already _ this kind of machine _ _ _导学2、not only -but also -_就近原则, 其他相似结构_不仅我们而且我们的英语老师也喜欢流行歌曲_not only . but also (also可省略)是“不但而且”的意思,当置于句首时,not only后面从句的主谓要倒装,但but (also)后面的主谓不用倒装。Not only has he been to Canada

15、, but (also) he knows some Canadians.他不仅去过加拿大,而且还认识许多加拿大人。导学3、put -off _ 后跟名词/Ving 形式我得把我的行程推迟倒下个月 I have to _ _ going until next month.导学4、cheer up _这个消息使他高兴起来. _.练习拓展:单选( )1. You cant put off _ a plan. A make B to make C making D for making( )2. You could visit the sick kids in the hospital to _A

16、cheer up them B laugh at them C cheer them up D take after them( )3. The work _ me a week. A spends B takes C costs D pays( )4. Mary likes autumn because the weather is _ too hot _ too cold.A not only but also B bothand C neithernor D eitheror补全对话A:I d like _the school volunteer _, but I m not _ wha

17、t I _do.B:What would you like _?A:I love _ football.B: Well, you could help _ a football team _ little kids.C:Id like to read _ Chinese history .What kind of volunteer work do you thinkI could do ?B:You could _ a Chinese History Club.用所给词的适当形式填空、Lets cheer _ (they) up, ok?、Id like _ (visit) my Engli

18、sh teacher tomorrow.、Ill feel good about _ (help) the old people.、He _(spend) every morning _ (do)some sports.第四课时:Section B la4学习目标1.Knowing: Be able to master the words in this unit. take after fix up repair similar to2. Understanding: Be able to understand the phrases3.Habit-forming: Be able to u

19、se the phrases学习重点 take after fix up give away be similar to come up with run out of学习过程自主学习写出下列短语:与相像_ 修理_ 赠送_与相似_用完_导学1 Jimmy修自行车然后把它们赠送出去。Jimmy is the boy who _.导学2 然后,我把自行车修一修,送给那些没有足够的钱给自己买自行车的人。Then I _the bikes and _to kids_.导学3 我猜我像我父亲。I guess _.导学4 但现在我已用完了买自行车的钱。But mow Ive _ to buy old bi

20、kes.导学5 我必须要想某个办法弄到钱,不然的话我就要停止了。I _ some way of getting money or Ill have to stop.导学6 你的父母一定会为你感到自豪。Your parents _you.写出下列短语的含义:run out of take after fix up give away be similar to come up with练习拓展:(一)翻译句子1、我们需要提供一个计划。_2、他赠出很多钱去帮助无家可归的孩子_3、你可以帮我修自行车吗?_4、他已经用完了所有的钱。_5、他不像他的父亲。_选择题( )1 He _ all the mo

21、ney, so he has to go back home.A. run out of B. has run out of C. has run out D. runs out of( )2 He is repairing the TV set. A. mend B. fixed C. fixing up Dmended( )3 She looks like her father very much.A. is take after B. is similar to C. looks the same D. likes( )4 I _(take after/ take care of ) m

22、y sister , so people often make mistake.( )5They finally thought _ a plan and solved the problem. A. up B. over C. away D. off( )6. How dirty your room is ! You must _.A. clean it up B. clean them up C. clean it up D. do some cleanings( )7. When do you plan to set _ an interest group. A. off B. out

23、C. up D. to( )8. I tried my best, but I couldnt _.A. cheer up them B. cheer his up C. cheer he up D. cheer up he( )9. At the beginning of a new term, new test textbooks are _ to students.A. give out B. give off C. given out D. given off( )10. Not only_ polluted but _ crowded.A. was the city, were th

24、e streets B. the city was, were the streetsC. was the city , the streets were D. the city was, the streets were第五课时:Self-check学习目标1. Knowing: Master the words and phrases in this unit.2. Practicing:give away, take after, come up with, give out, hang out3. Communicating: Offer help.学习重点1. Knowing: Ma

25、ster the words and phrases in this unit.2. Practicing:give away, take after, come up with, give out, hang out学习过程.自主学习导学1. Although teawasntbrought to Western worlduntil1610.not .until 含义:_翻译:直到他妈妈回来,他才去睡觉。_导学2. According to an ancient Chinese legend,.according to 意思是:_ ,后面一般接名词。翻译:根据这篇课文(text)回答问题。_导学3. Some leaves from anearbybush fell into the water.He lives in a nearby village. = He lives in a villagenearbynearby 可做形容词或副词。修饰名词时,可放在名词_,也可放在名词_。翻译:我们可以在附近找到水。_导学4. The emperornoticedthat the leaves in the water produced apleasant smell.notice 意为: _是感官动词,列举学过的感官动词:_注意到某人做了某事:_注意到某人在做某事:_

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