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高考英语北师大版选修八Unit23 Conflict.docx

1、高考英语北师大版选修八Unit23 Conflict话题:科普知识话题单词 / ftns/ n健康2.stress /stres/ vt.& n(施加)压力(于)3obesity / bist/ n肥胖 4.adolescent / d lesnt/ adj.& n青少年(的)5ban /bn/ vt.& n禁止 6.tough /tf/ adj.困难的;强硬的7quit /kwt/ vt.停止;离开 8.strong /str/ adj.强壮的;坚强的9strengthen / stren/ vt.& vi.加强 10.relax /r lks/ vt.放松11relaxa

2、tion / rilk sen/ n放松 12.weak /wik/ adj.虚弱的13smoke /smk/ vt.& n吸烟 14.smoker / smk/ n吸烟者15health /hel/ n健康 16.healthy / hel/ adj.健康的话题短语1.earn a living 谋生2.hope to live in peace 希望安静地生活3lead a busy life 过着忙碌的生活 an ideal life 过着理想的生活5get into a bad habit 染上坏习惯 up ones body 增强体质7be benefi

3、cial to 对有益 8.arouse ones awareness 唤醒某人的意识9have an influence/effect on 对有影响 harm to 对有害11aim to do/aim at doing 旨在;目的在于;以为目标 satisfied with my life 对我的生活满意13the peaceful and relaxing life 平静而悠闲的生活 14.choose an active lifestyle 选择一种积极的生活方式话题句型1.There is a disturbingly high number of teen

4、agers who are addicted to cigarettes.青少年染上烟瘾的数量多得令人担忧。2She is accustomed to going to bed and getting up early.她习惯于早睡早起。3Recently we have made a survey on students health.最近我们就学生的健康进行了调查。4Its advisable that we brush our teeth before going to bed.我们睡前刷牙是可取的。5In order to arouse his fathers attention of

5、 health,Li Ming reminded him of the bad effect of smoking.为了唤醒他父亲对健康的意识,李明提醒他吸烟的害处。6This activity aims to promote the understanding between parents and children.这项活动的主要目的是增进父母与孩子间的理解。话题语篇“HEARTTOHEART”专栏的编辑Jamie,收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。该同学诉说了自己的困扰:近日容易发脾气,学习和生活受到了影响。请你给该同学写一封回信。【话题模板】Hi,Worried,Im sorry

6、to know that youre having such a bad time at the moment.The truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong,so you dont have to worry so much.The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything youll regret.Here are three

7、useful tips.First,talk to someone you trust about how you feel.This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself.Second,go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of angerAnd third,remain optimistic about your f

8、uture.Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits.I hope youll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.Yours,Jamie对应学生用书P138.单词过关A拼写单词1 vt. 出卖,背叛2 n. 公正,正义3 n. 妥协,让步4 n. 偏见5 vt. 把分类6 vi. 订阅(杂志或报纸)7 adv. 向西8 adj. 失去知觉的9 vt. 问候,致意10 vt. 说起,谈到11 n. 少数,一些12 vt. 赞助B拓展单词13

9、immigration n移居;移民入境 vi.移入 n移民14expose vt.显露;使置身于危险中 n暴露15appoint vt.任命,委任 n任命,委任;约定16possession n私有物品 vt.拥有;占有17security n安全 adj.可靠的18representative n代表 vt.代表19distribute vt.分发,分配 n分配;配给20intend vt.想要,打算 n意图;意向;目的C识记单词21expense n 22consume vt. 23. import vt. 24strengthen vt. 25socialism n 26frictio

10、n n 27furnished adj. 28union n 29allowance n 30contradict vt. D语境运用31Since he is a of our company, what he says and what he does our company.(representative)32He was as mayor of the city and the caused a lot of opposition. (appoint)33I had to help him but after what he said to me, I had no of doing

11、it. (intend)34He these houses. That is to say, these houses are his personal (possess)35Prolonged (长久的) to harmful radiation will cause great harm to your health, so never yourself to it. (expose)答案:A.1.betray2.justicepromise4.prejudice5.classify6.subscribe7.westwards8.unconscious9.greet10.remark11.


13、ons35exposure;expose.短语排查A短语翻译1 处于可能受伤害的境地2 把交给3 保护,维护;保卫4 提议,提出5 派人去请/叫6 召集,来访7 有的天赋8 (在困境中)坚持9 要求介入;呼吁10 看不起11 遵守诺言12 发生13 和平地14 调查15 解决(问题或困难);分类B选词填空(选用A中短语填空)1The government has set up a working party to the problem of drug abuse.2You need a lawyer to you in court.3The old man made a will to al

14、l his money to the girl.4Plans have been to pull down and rebuild the area.5The enemy will have to give in; they cant for long.6Since she is seriously ill, we have to a doctor at once.7Two policemen have been to help solve the problem.8Could you the toys that can be thrown away?答案 exposed to2

15、.hand over3.stand up for4.put forward5.send in7.have a gift for8.hold on10.look down on11.keep ones worde peace14.look into15sort outB1.look into2.stand up for3.hand over4.put forward5.hold out6.send for7.called in8.sort out.句式仿写1教材原句No sooner had they moved in than th

16、e noise began and rarely did they get a full nights sleep.他们一搬进来,噪音就开始了,他们几乎没有睡过一个囫囵觉。仿写运用他一告诉我那条好消息我就高兴地跳了起来。 the good news I jumped with joy.2教材原句In fact,the more I use the bike,the more weight I seem to put on,despite following the instruction manual carefully.事实上,尽管我按照说明书认真去做,但是我骑车的次数越多,体重似乎增加的就

17、越多。仿写运用你练得越多,你的英语口语就会越好。 you practise, your oral English will be.答案:1.No sooner had he told me;than2.The more;the better.课文回扣语法填空Drummer hits the roadYang Ming, 1. drummer and bachelor,held parties every night, 2. has caused many complaints from his neighbours about loss of sleep. They say they were

18、 being driven mad being exposed to such noise. Since they 3. (move) into the building, they have rarely got a full nights sleep. They even couldnt get relaxed or read without plugging their ears. Moreover,one neighbour thinks Yang is an alcoholic and had a bad influence on his son. Finally, the loca

19、l council took action. Yang Ming had to leave his furnished apartment. His departure has made his neighbours life return 4. normal.Grandpa jailed after one shower too manySmith, a keen gardener and fish collector, lives above the Mckays. 5. (luck), the water he sent over his balcony every day droppe

20、d on the Mckays, or too often,on the Mckays 6. . It was not so much the water falling onto their balcony 7. the way he cleaned his fish tanks 8. bothered them. They were sitting there happily 9. (read) their newspapers when so much water would come from above so that they got wet all over.On Saturda

21、y evening, when it was James eightieth birthday, Smith emptied one larger tank and both the Mckays and the cake were wet through. James, who is usually a peaceful person, couldnt tolerate it any more. He was up there in a flash and hit Smith on the head with his walking stick. As a result,James spen

22、t Saturday night in jail but he said it was definitely 10. (exciting) birthday ever.答案:1.a2.which3.moved4.to5.Unluckily6themselves7.but8.that9.reading10.the most exciting对应学生用书P1391expose v使置身于危险中;暴露;揭露;使曝光expose .to 使显露;暴露be exposed to 暴露于;经受expose sth./sb./oneself to . 使某物/某人/自己暴露于(1)They have not

23、 been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations.城市人口中多数常见的疾病他们都没有接触到。(2)These units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue.这些单元让孩子们接触到有关某一特定问题的多种观点。即学即练单句语法填空(1)Considering their skin,we should not expose babies strong sunlight.(2) (expose)to pulluted air,humans will develop

24、 serious diseases easily.答案:(1)to(2)Exposed2appoint vt.任命,委任(1)appoint sb.(to be/as)sth. 任命某人为appoint do sth. 委派某人做某事(2)appointment n. 任命,委任;约会make/have an appointment with sb. 和某人有约会keep an/ones appointment 守约break an/ones appointment 失约by appointment 按照约定(1)Sam has been appointed manager of

25、the engineering department to take the place of George.Sam代替了George,被任命为工程部经理。(2)Uber Technologies Inc said that it would appoint its first Chinese chief executive to inspect its business.优步科技公司说它将任命它的第一任中国首席行政长官来监督它的业务。注意appoint be/as sth.结构中,to be后为表示独一无二职位的名词时,该名词前不加冠词。即学即练单句语法填空(1)We were

26、surprised that a stranger was appointed (monitor) the election of our company.(2)I made an for my son to meet the new headteacher who was several days ago.(appoint)答案:(1)to monitor(2)appointment;appointed3possession n个人财产,私有物品;拥有,具有(1)be in possession of 拥有(主语为人)be in the possession of (某物)被(某人)所拥有c

27、ome into ones possession 为某人所拥有take/come into possession of 占有;拥有(2)be possessed of(possess oneself of) 具有;拥有(1)When her father died,she came into possession of a large fortune.她父亲去世时,她继承了一大笔财产。(2)We took possession of the enemys stronghold.我们占领了敌人的要塞。(3)His family was possessed of a large fortune.他

28、家拥有大笔财富。即学即练同义句改写He is in possession of the company.(1) (用the company作主语改写)(2) (用possess短语改写)(3) (用possess v改写)答案:(1)The company is in the possession of him.(2)He is possessed of the company.(3)He possesses the company.4remark n谈论;言论;评述;v.评论;谈论;说起,谈到(1)make a remark/remarks on/over/about 就发表意见(2)rem

29、ark on/upon 对进行评论remark that . 说;谈判(3)remarkable adj. 卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的(1)I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon.我说过我那天下午要去购物。(2)She has made outspoken remarks about the legalization of cannabis in Britain.她对英国关于大麻的立法进行了大胆评论。即学即练单句语法填空(1)Its quite (remark)that doctors have been so wrong abou

30、t this.(2)His (remark)inspired many American people.(3)On several occasions she had remarked the boys improvement.答案:(1)remarkable(2)remarks(3)on/upon5distribute vt.分发;分配(1)distribute sb. 把某物分配(发)给某人distribute sth.among sb. 在某人中分配(2)distribution n. 分配;配给;分送;分布(区域)(1)Textbooks are distributed free of charge.教科书是免费发放的。(2)In the move most of the furniture was left to the neighbors or d

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