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人教版八年级下册英语 Unit5 课时训练.docx

1、人教版八年级下册英语 Unit5 课时训练第41 期:第五单元课时练习Section A.根据句意及首字母或括号里的汉语或单词提示,把所缺单词写在横线上,并注意其变换形式。1. I got wet because it rained _(突然) and I didnt take my umbrella.2. Its snowing _(heavy) outside.Lets stay at home and watch a movie.3. Believe in yourself. Nobody can _(打败) you.4. Thats s I remember turning off t

2、he radio but its on now.5. After a storm, there were many _ (fall) buildings and broken windows in this neighborhood.6. Put the piano there, _(倚) the wall.7. People in the poor villages use _(木头) to make fire.8. The l is too dark for me to see anything in the room.9. The news on the radio r there wa

3、s a car accident near the park. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的短语动词填空,有的需要变换形式。go off, make sure, pick up,fall asleep, die down1. The child was so tired that he _ at the table soon.2. Why were you late this morning?Because there was something wrong with my alarm and it didnt _.3. The loud noise ( 吵 闹 声 ) _ when the

4、teacher came into the classroom.4. I called my brother many times last night but he didnt _.5. My grandpa _ he closed all the windows when he left home.Grammar. 根据句意,用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空。1. We _(have) a class meeting when it_(begin) to rain.2. Jim _(read) in the library from 4:00 to 6:00 yesterday aftern

5、oon.3. Sorry, I didnt see you, because I _(draw) a picture.4. He _(help) his father wash the car all the afternoon last Sunday.5. Maggie _(dance) while Harry _ (use) the Internet.6. While we _(watch) a football game, Tina_(come) in the room.7. Mom _(clean) the living room when I_(leave) the house.8.

6、 Lisa _(not exercise) in the sports club at this time last night. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的(短语)动词并用其正确的时态填空,使短文完整、通顺。have, try on, be, read, want, visit, take, swimBecky never forgets the date August 16th, 2018. She (1)_ Aunt Mary at her house at the beach. It was a beautiful summer day. Becky built a sandca

7、stle (沙堡) that morning. It was a great big sandcastle. Aunt Mary (2)_ pictures of it and sent them to Beckys parents. Becky also remembers she and Aunt Mary (3)_ in the sea from nine thirty to ten that morning. It was fun to jump with the waves ( 海 浪). Then, they went into the house and (4)_ sandwic

8、hes and strawberries for lunch.Becky (5)_ to play on the beach that afternoon. But Aunt Mary told her it (6)_ too hot to go outside without a hat on. Becky didnt have a hat. Aunt Mary told her not to worry, because she could wear one of hers. Becky tried on two hats. While she (7)_ the third hat, it

9、 suddenly rained. Then she didnt go to the beach. She stayed in Aunt Marys bedroom and (8)_ an interesting book.Section B.根据句意及首字母或括号里的汉语或单词提示,把所缺单词写在横线上,并注意其变换形式。1. _(最近) they watched lots of comedies.2. The d on the letter was 30th August 1962.3. The roads are i now because of the heavy snow.4. Al

10、l the _(pupil) from this primary school did a good job in the singing competition.5. He didnt tell me the t . He just made up a story.6. To improve her Chinese, she reads quite a few_(passage) every day.7. When you visit London, you can see a lot of old but beautiful _(塔楼).8. Peter _(complete) under

11、stands what his teacher means now. 根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺内容,每空一词。1. Why did they _ _( 拆 除 ) the building?It was too old. They plan to build a new one.2. _ _(起初) I didnt want to go, but I soon changed my idea.3. They said nothing and kept on walking _(沉默).4. The old man was too tired, so he stopped to have

12、 a rest _ _ _ _ _(在路边).5. Linda _ _ _ _(向窗外看) and saw some birds flying in the sky.6. I was _ _ _ _(前往学校) when I met him.7. You should eat up _ _ _(剩余的食物).8. Could you let me _ _ _(看一看) your new computer?Self Check阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词)。One afternoon, Tara was making her way

13、to her friends house when she heard a boy crying (哭). She (1)_ (notice) a boy sitting against a tree and crying.“(2)_ are you crying?”Tara asked. That boy answered,“I lost my new watch. If Dad knows this, hell be angry.” Tara said, “Please tell me something (3)_ your watch and where you live. If I f

14、ind it, I can return it to you.”When Tara reached her friends house, her friend Jimmy (4)_(repair) his alarm. Next to the alarm, there was a new watch. Tara asked him about the watch, and then she (5)_(realize) that it was that boys watch. So she advised Jimmy (6)_(return) it to the boy but Jimmy re

15、fused. Tara felt very sad and left.A month later, Tara saw Jimmy crying in the park. She asked what(7)_(happen) to him. And she knew he lost his new mobile phone (手机). She told him,“Dont worry. If anyone finds it, he will return it.”After (8)_(hear) this, Jimmy began crying again, “ No, he wont retu

16、rn (9)_ I never returned the watch of that boy.”We wont understand problems of others (10)_ we meet the same problem. Its better to help someone when you can. Helping others brings happiness not only to others but also to yourself. 过去进行时【基础训练】. 单项选择1. Were you at home at 9 oclock last night?Yes, I _

17、 a shower at that time.A. took B. was takingC. was taken D. am taking2. Jim, could you please answer the question?Sorry, I _. Could you say it again?A. wasnt listening B. dont listenC. am not listening D. wont listen3. I called you last night, but nobody answered.Where were you then?Oh, I _ my pet d

18、og in my yard.A. walked B. was walkingC. am walking D. will walk4. I went to see you yesterday evening. But you werent in. Where were you then?I _ a walk by the lake with my father.A. was having B. am having C. have had5. My English teacher took a photo of me while I_ at the sports meeting.A. run B.

19、 was running C. ran6. When I arrived at his office, he _ on the phone.A. is talking B. talked C. was talking. 句型转换1. Sally was playing the piano at this time last week.(改为否定句)Sally _ _ _ _ at this time last week.2. His mother was shopping at four yesterday afternoon.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ _ _ _ at fouryes

20、terday afternoon?_, _ _.3. They were having dinner at the time of the rainstorm.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ at the time of the rainstorm?【综合训练】完成句子1. She was studying for an exam when I went to see her yesterday. (用while改为同义句)_2. Mom came home while Alex was playing computer games. (用when改为同义句)_3. 他们离开火车站的时候,正

21、在下雨。It _ when they _.4. 当他醒来的时候,妈妈正在厨房里做早餐。When he _, Mom _in the kitchen.5. Tom在听音乐时睡着了。Tom _ while he _.6. 今天早上Susan在写信的时候,她的朋友们正在外面打篮球。While Susan _ this morning, her friends _ outside.Lexical Chunksgo off (闹钟)发出响声pick up (= pick up the phone) 接电话take down 拆除;往下拽;记录make sure 确保;弄明白fall asleep 进入梦

22、乡;睡着take a hot shower 洗热水澡play a card game 玩纸牌游戏tell the truth 说实话have a look 看一看make ones way 前往;费力地前进have meaning to sb. 对某人有意义beat heavily against the window猛烈地敲打在窗户上at first 起初;起先at the time of the rainstorm在暴风雨来临时be in bad shape 变形by the side of the road 在马路边in silence 沉默;无声in a mess 乱七八糟;一团糟in

23、 times of difficulty 在困难时期right away 立刻;马上remember doing sth. 记得做了某事Youre kidding! 你在开玩笑吧!Language Points1. pick up为“动词+副词”短语,既可作不及物短语动词,也可作及物短语动词,有多种意思,常见的有:接电话,如:pick up (the phone)(开车)接某人,如:pick you up捡起;拾起,如:pick up his hat(偶然)获得;学会,如:pick up skating注意:当宾语为名词时,可放在 pick 与 up 中间或pick up之后,但当宾语为代词时

24、,只能放在pick与up中间。【运用】将划线部分翻译成汉语(1) May picked up French when she was living in Paris. _(2) I have to pick him up at the station this afternoon._(3) The boys picked up their schoolbags from the floor and went home after playing basketball._(4) Someone called him, but he didnt pick up._2. light作名词时,可作不可

25、数名词,意为“光;光线;光亮”;也可作可数名词,意为“电灯”。作形容词时,意为“明亮的;轻的;浅色的”。作动词时,意为“点燃;点火;照亮”,过去式为lit。【运用】用light的适当形式填空(1) He _ a candle and began to read the letter.(2) Remember to turn off all the _ when you go to bed.(3) She could just see his face by the _ of th candle.(4) This bag is much _ than that one, so I can car

26、ry it.3. beat作动词时,过去式为beat,有多种意思,常见的有:意为“敲打”。意为“打败”,宾语通常是比赛、战斗的对手。注意:win与它意思相近,但宾语通常是比赛、比赛的名次或奖品、战斗、战争、金钱等。意为“使(心脏、鼓、翅膀)规律作响;作节奏运动”。【运用】完成句子(1) 我听见有人在敲鼓。I hear someone _ _ _.(2) 在昨天的篮球比赛中我们打败了最强的队。We _ _ _ _ in yesterdays basketball game.(3) Jenny在歌咏比赛中获得了第一。Jenny _ _ _ _ in the singing competition.

27、(4) 昨天下国际象棋我赢了我哥哥。Yesterday I _ _ _ at chess.(5) 她活着 她的心还在跳动。She is alive her heart _ _.4. against作介词,有多种意思,常见的有:意为“倚;碰;撞”。意为“反对;与相反;违反;违背”。注意:当意为“反对”时,与介词for(支持)互为反义词。【运用】将划线部分翻译成汉语(1) He hit his head against the window._(2) We are strongly against his idea._(3) Its against your promise to go on smoking (吸烟). _5. silence作名词时,意为“沉默;缄默;无声”。常用于固定搭配in silence中,表示“沉默;无声”。常用于谚语 Silence is golden 中,表示“沉默是金”。【拓展】silent是它的形容词形式,意为“沉默的;无声的;寂静的”,可作定语或表语,常用于固定搭配 keep / stay silent 中,表示“保持沉默”。【运用】完成句子(1) After a _ _(短暂的沉默), he went on speaking.(2) They finished their meal

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