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NCE3 Lesson4150.docx

1、NCE3 Lesson4150Lesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想Step1: leading-in1. What do you think of the country life?2. Where do you want to live, city or country?Step2: listen to the tape and then answer the question 1. How long did one of the authors city friends live in the country?2. Why does

2、 the author find fault with his friends description of the country?3. Why does the author consider people who have to travel from the country to the city every day unfortune?Step3: New words and expression 生词和短语illusion:n. 幻想,错觉under illusion that/under the impression thateg: I am under the impressi

3、on that you are honest.He still lives under the illusion that country life is superior to town life.He lives under that illusion that country life is superior to town life.under no illusion that: 没有幻想eg: We live under no illusion that country is beautiful.have illusion about/have no illusion about:

4、对不报有幻想delusion: 幻想,幻觉。侧重于强调精神病人无中生有的幻觉eg: He is under the delusion that somebody will kill him tomorrow.He lives under the delusion that he will be killed 对美好未来的想象,憧憬eg: I live under the vision that I have a bright futurepastoral:adj. 田园诗的 eg: pastoral peace:田园般的宁静breed (bred, bred)

5、:vt. 培育breed / raise / bring up / rearbreed: 1.书面用语,表示raise,表示饲养宠物. breed 较raise 更为正式eg: raise / breed pets raise / breed dogs Do you raise dogs?No, I do not think I have enough time to keep an eye on dogs.2. 表示bring up,把sb. 培养成人 educateeg: As mother, you must breed good manners into your child. 作为一

6、个目前,你必须培养孩子良好的举止和习惯。rear: vt. 培养sb. 饲养petseg: I must rear the child because I have the duty. He rears / raise /breeds two dogs.在口语中,推荐使用raise/rear, 在书面语言中,使用breed。3 breed = cause/lead to/result in/give rise toeg: War breeds misery and ruin. Your careless bred the accident.breed in and in / breed out

7、 and out 近亲结婚,同种繁殖/非近亲结婚,异种繁殖rapture:n. 欣喜若狂 / great joy / delightin raptureseg: At the news, they are in raptures. At the news, they are greatly raptures over / about sth. 对欣喜若狂eg: I am in raptures about the new book.go into raptures: feel delighted感到非常高兴eg: He went into raptures when

8、he heard the good news.go into raptures over/about/at sth. 对感到非常高兴joy / happinesseg: We have a good time and we are full of happiness.rapturedelightjoy在口语中,建议使用delightdelight: n. v. 使高兴,使喜悦delighted: adj. eg: I feel delighted./ I am in raptures.ecstasy: 狂喜,出神enchant: v/enchantment: n. 出身,魅力 eg: He w

9、as enchanted in thoughts.elation: 兴高采烈,得意洋洋 eg: He has got the feeling of elation.bliss: 极乐,无上的幸福。eg: Nothing in the world can make you happier than bliss.Recently, a sound sleep is my bliss.glee: 高兴,欢欣,常用于文学,诗歌中extol:vt. 赞美,颂扬,书面= praiseeg: I can not find a good word to praise you/your ability. I w

10、ant to extol(高歌) the virtues pf human beingscompliment: 恭维eg: Do you always compliment your friends?applepolisher: 拍马屁的人exalt: 赞扬,歌颂,吹捧eg: You disgust me. Why do you extol such a stupid person?laud: 赞美,书面语eg: I want to do nothing but laud you. What do you want to laud me?I want to laud you beauty, a

11、bility, and your wealth.extol / praise / compliment / exalt / laudsuperior:adj. 优越的,没有比较级和最高级,只能是原形 = better than the averagebe superior to: 比sb. / sth.更加优越eg: In my opinion, town life is superior to country life.interior: 比低,不如eg: Town life is interior to country life.cockcrow:n. 鸡叫twitter:v. (鸟)吱吱

12、叫,嘁嘁喳喳叫 glint:v. 闪烁flash: 表示忽明忽暗的闪光,如:手电筒的光,镜子的光线eg: Lighthouse is flashing in the distance.glim: 透过某种媒介而闪现的微弱的光线,如,透过大雾eg: Though the fog, we saw a lighthouse glimming.glint: 闪烁,由于迅速闪烁的微弱的光 = shine for a momenteg: The sun glinted through the leaves.阳光透过叶缝闪着微弱的光芒glisten: 潮湿的物体上反射的光泽和光辉eg: The white

13、snow glistened in all the colors of rainbow.flicker: 表示蜡烛。油灯在即将熄灭的时候的摇曳不定的光eg: On the cold night, I sat in front of the only candle which was flickering.pasture:n. 牧场 idyllic:adj. 田园诗的 eg: He is leading an idyllic lifevirtually:adv. 几乎,差不多 Eg: The job wasvirtuallycompleted by the end of the weekdubi

14、ous:adj. 可疑的,怀疑的 = doubtful / uncertain / questionable / suspicious / scepticalbe dubious about / of对不肯定,表示怀疑的doubtful / uncertainsuspect: 表示一种肯定的怀疑,猜疑的eg: I doubt whether he stole the car. Cats are suspicious of human beings.I am doubtful of your ability. I am dubious about your ability.questionabl

15、e: 提出质疑的,不肯定的,值得争议的eg: This is a questionable conclusion / decision.sceptical: 怀疑论的 eg: Your idea is sceptical.privilege:n. 特权 Eg: The queen may haveprivilegebut she has no real political clout.misery:n. 苦难Eg: Tell me the end of the storyput me out of mymisery.acquaintance:n. 熟人 eg: He has someacqua

16、intancewith German, but doesnt speak it fluently.treat:n. 难得的乐事,享受be ones treat: 请客吃饭 eg: Lets go to have dinner. Its my treat.treat sb. to dinner eg: It is pleasure to treat you to dinner.stand treat eg: I stand treat. 做东treat sb. as eg: I treat him as my best friend.treat with sb. = talk with sb.

17、eg: I can not bring it to a conclusion. I want to treat with you.treat of sth. sb. = speak of, talk ofeg: we speak /treat of tramps contemptuously. Having a dinner with you is my treat.dweller:n. 居住者 stagger:v. 摇晃,蹒跚exotic:adj. 导乎寻常的,外来的 glow:n. 白炽光descend:v. 下落,降临(书面用语)eg: Darkness descends very so

18、on because winter is coming.从上传下来descend from eg: The watch descend from his grandfather.突然的到访,突然的袭击descend on/uponeg: He looked me up suddenly. He called on me suddenly.He visited me suddenly. Yesterday, my best friend descended on me.传给谁 descend to descend from sb. to The watch is descend f

19、rom grandfather to grandson.ascend: 上升 eg: The aeroplane is ascending at tremendous speed.tuck: v. 缩进,隐藏obstinately:adv. 固执地,顽固地,不容易被改变obstinate: adj. = stubborn 倔强eg: If you are an obstinate person, nobody can change your mind.He is a stubborn person, he insists on finishing what he wants to do.Don

20、t try to persuade him because he is an obstinate person.persistent: 固执己见eg: If you always follow your friends around, I should say, you are a persistent person.strong-minded: 顽强的,意志力顽强的eg: If you are a strong minded person, you can do everything stubborn as a mule: 倔强如牛step4: Text 课文:Illusio

21、ns of Pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想The quiet life of the country(the quiet country life) has never appealed to me. (背诵)在论述好处坏处的时候,应该在第一句话时救应该表达个人的意见。组织一篇议论文时,主要有三段:开头段、支持段和结尾段。在开头段中的第一句话或是最后一句话讲明观点。 City born and city bred. (独立主格结构,as I was born and bred in a city)I have always regarded the country as (t

22、hink of as / refer to as) something you look at through a train window, or something you occasional visit during the weekend. (扩展句进行说明你的观点)。Most of my friends live in the city, yet (however) they always go into raptures at the mere mention (at the mere mention of / at the sight of/ at the news of /

23、at the touch of / at the mention of ) of the country. (具体的事例进行说明观点,例子在文章中是必不可少的)Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life (从本课开始,注意文章的安排,结构的布局和关键词的重复,引导让步状语从句,应注意其主句), only one of hem has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months. (discussion: why writer tal

24、k about this sentence: hypocritical 虚伪ie: The country life never appeals to me, and never appeals to others. 从反面进行论述) Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life.(背诵,the writer emphasizes that his friend is hypocritical)(the life of country / the country

25、 / country life重复使用关键词能够引导读者跟着你的思路走) He is forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living. (Discussion: why writer talks about the virtue of country life? 作者的意图是讨论城市生活优于乡村生活,为什么要提及乡村生活的美德呢?Every picture has two sides, 应论述其好处,再进行

26、逐一否决)Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. (the writer illustrates the country life advantageous further)This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture.(背诵,从下文开始使用对比法进行

27、论述) My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the TV - virtually the only form of entertainment. He says nothing about the poor selection of goods in the shops, or(表并列)about those unfortunate people who have to travel from the country to the city every day to get

28、 to work. Why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond me.(本文重点句:背诵 why 所引导的从句 1. stand / bear / put up with / endure / tolerate 2. dubious: doubtful / uncertain)They could be saved so much misery and expense if they ch

29、ose to live in the city where they rightly belong. (Conclusion: the writer illustrates the topic: the country life is never appeals to him. The writer talks about both advantages and disadvantages of country life in order to comparison, but he did not draw the conclusion about the comparison.) If yo

30、u can do without (manage/do without没有也能忍受eg: I can do without car. ) the few pastoral pleasures of the country, you will find the city can provide you with the best that life can offer. (背诵)There are advantages of living in the country, but there are few living in the country than living in the big

31、city. You never have to travel miles to see your friends. They invariably(always) live nearby and are always available (able to be used anytime, 主要是用做表语,也可以用于定语,用做定语放在被修饰词的后面eg: I am available to have a chat with you. The books in our classroom are available for you. I have a dictionary available fo

32、r you.) for an informal chat or an evenings entertainment. Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat. For them this is a major (demanding:要求高的,需要时间的) operation which involves considerable planning. As the play draws to its close (near its end), they w

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