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最新牛津深圳版英语七年级下册unit 2《travelling around the world》单元教案doc.docx

1、最新牛津深圳版英语七年级下册unit 2travelling around the world单元教案docUnit 2 Travelling around the world一、 教材分析本单元围绕着“旅游”为话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。通过阅读一份关于法国的旅游介绍,了解法国的城市风貌和著名景点,并初步了解介绍城市的方法。介绍自己所在城市的名胜古迹。为后面的语法学习作铺垫,同时在听说读写中引导学生掌握专有名词以及连词and,but and so的用法。二、 教学对象分析1. 学生对于“旅游”比较熟悉,有利于开展本单元的各项听说读写任务。2. 学生对于专有名词以及连词and,but an

2、d so的用法的用法其实并不陌生,在小学和初一上学期已经接触过,只是没有进行专项的归纳性学习。在本单元,教师可以系统地帮助学生温故而知新,引导学生在一定的语境中熟练运用专有名词以及连词and,but and so的用法三、 单元教学目标1.认知目标学习水平学习内容学习水平的描述语音1. learn to say the t,d ,ts, dz, trand dr.2. 能流利地朗读课文及与课文水平相当的短文, 语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。词汇1. 重点词汇单词:名词:France, flag, wine,store, vineyare,south,coast, tower, lift,

3、 step, stairs, receiver,date, greeting, address, 动词:tick,lie, prefer,ski,finish,形容词:French,possible,excellent, perfect,;词组:be famous for, department store, prefer to, go on holiday, go sightseeing专有名词:Europe, Downing Street, Fifth Avenue, France, Paris, the Champs-Elysees, the Eiffel Tower, the Fren

4、ch Alps, the Louvre Museum, the White House语言技能reading通过阅读一份关于法国的旅游介绍,了解上海的城市风貌和著名景点,并初步了解专有名词以及连词and,but and so的用法,为听力、语法口语和写作作铺垫。listening听一电台节目对埃菲尔铁塔景点的介绍,根据关键词了解专有名词及数字的特征,然后完成“城市名片”,巩固捕捉关键词记笔记及数字的听力技能。speaking通过对子活动,谈论自己的假期计划。writing根据所给提示完成一则有关名信片的格式,然后给朋友撰写一张明信片,同时巩固专有名词以及连词and,but and so的用法。

5、学习策略学会利用网络资源,浏览旅游网站,了解更多的亚洲城市。通过同义词归类来帮助记忆生词。合作完成对自己所在城市名胜古迹的介绍。文化意识了解亚洲大城市的民俗风情、地域文化,以及中国和其他国家的世界文化遗产。情感态度通过对欧洲城市的了解,培养对异国文化、生活习俗、风土人情的兴趣,同时提高对本国文化的认识。 课题1. know about backpacking Useful sentences1. My grandma was a short woman with grey hair.2. Her dishes probably the best in the world.3. I will n

6、ever forget the taste, and the smell as well.4. She often tells me jokes to make me laugh, but she never makes fun of others.5. Mr Li is strict about our studies, but he always encourages ua and give us support.6. He often says, “ Never give up and youll be successful.”7. Sometimes he has to work al

7、l day and all night, but he still finds time to help me with my studies.8. Mothers Day is the time for us to say “Thank you “to our mums.9. If you love your mum, why not plan a special Mothers Day for her?2能力发展目标:1)能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语法。2)在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,在写作中句型使文章更连贯和流畅。3)通过指导学生在模拟交际

8、中运用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。四、单元教学重点1.学生熟练掌握重点词汇24,短语5个 2.指导学生利用所学句型正确表达思想、进行交际活动。 3.指导学生归纳专有名词以及连词and,but and so的用法并在实践中熟练运用它们。五、单元教学重点 1. 通过形式多样的课堂活动与任务,帮助学生完成阅读理解、听力理解等学习任务。 2. 引导学生积极主动地探究学习,从教材以外的渠道去了解与本单元主题相关的文化背景信息、资料等,并且与同学进行相互交流,顺利开展包括口头汇报、写作展示等拓展活动,培养学生探究学习、自主学习、合作学习的能力。六、教学策略 1.在教学中,教师应

9、积极设情景引入,配合媒体、表情、动作、进行视听说演示,激发学生兴趣。 2.教师应采用有利于学生学习的教学方法,善于引用学生通过阅读或观察、比较对比知识进行归纳总结。增加学习内容的复现和巩固练习、及时反馈学习情况。 3.教师应该根据自己学生的具体情况对教材进行整合,精讲精练,调动学生的学习兴趣,使他们积极参加参与课堂各种学习活动。在阅读的过程中,教师指导学生培养阅读策略与技能及写作过程中的写作技巧训练。七、媒体的选择与设计 1. 充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如课本,教师的身体语言、板书的作用。 2. 适时、合理地使用计算机多媒体或电子白板,增大课堂的容量,更好地辅助课堂教学。八、各课时教学内容

10、安排建议课 时教学内容及课型教学目标及简单教学环节设计第1课时Reading AFrance is calling(阅读课)一、 定位:input-based, 阅读理解为主。二、 教学目标:语言知识1、 认识和理解单词Europe, the Champs-Elysees, wine, vineyard, grape, excellent, lie, coast, perfect, prefer, France, ski, 以及短语:be famous for, department store, prefer to,等2、 初步了解专有名词以及连词and,but and so的用法语言技能:

11、1.了解主阅读篇章文本特征和内容2.运用图片的提示,介绍法国的著名景点.情感态度:激发对不同地域文化的兴趣。教学重点:了解主阅读篇章的文本结构和内容。教学难点:根据语境猜测生词代词的意思.教学环节设计:Step1.Leading-in1)Free talk.Get Ss to look at the pictures on page 16, Ask Ss to some questions about France?(Finish exercise A on page 16)Q1Did you have a good time in the summer holiday?Q2Did you g

12、o to any interesting places?Q3Did you visit France before?Q4Did you know the French flag?Which of these is the most famous street in Paris?Q5Which drink is France most famous for?2)Check the answers.Step2.Pre-readinga)Ask Ss to look at the photos ,the title of the article on page 17. Then answer the

13、 questions below. (finish exercise B on page 16.)b)Vocabulary presentation Get Ss to learn some new words by showing some pictures.(Frence, French, flag, wine ,tick, possible, Europe, vineyard, excellent, south, lie, coast, perfect, prefer, fkic)Cocabulary exerciseGet Ss to finish exercise C1and C2

14、on page 18 to consolidate the new words.Step3. While- reading1)First reading Tell Ss to read the text quickly and finish exercise (双语报B1版:走进课文题目).2)Second reading Read the text again and plete exercise D1 and D2 on page 19.3)Chect the answers.Step4.Post-readinga) Discussion explaination(group work)

15、Get Ss to read the article again and anwer questions 1 and 2in plete sentences. Then discuss and answer questions 3and 4 with your partmates. Q1Which place in Paris should a person visit if he or she likes shopping?Q2Where can tourists go in France for a summer holiday? Where for a winter holiday?Q3

16、Why does the author say “France has something for everyone”(line 21)?Q4.Can you think of another title for the article?(finish exercise D3 on page19)Step5.Learning lagnuage pointsa.Deal with some useful phrases and expressions in the passage. Guide the Ss to learn and use them in their own speaking

17、and writing.1)n +with 短语作后置定语(拓展:with +抽象名词(用);with the helpof在.的帮助下; help sb with sth帮助某人做某事)2)such as, 例如,列举;(拓展:for example举例子)3)be famous for; 因而著名, (拓展 be famous as /be known/regarded as)4)lie on (lie-lay); lying;5)prefer to do sth, 更喜欢做某事(拓展:1.prefer A to B (AB皆为名词) e.gI prefer the blue ball t

18、o the black ball.我跟喜欢蓝色球而不喜欢黑色球.2.prefer doing A to doing B=would rather do A than do B =like doing A better than doing B e.gI prefer walking to running我更喜欢走路而不喜欢跑步.3.prefer to do A(没有比较,只做一件事的就用这个)=would rather do A e.gI prefer to sing.我更喜欢唱歌.4.拓展内容 prefer to doing A rather than doing B5.注意事项: pref

19、er 有时态变化,过去式为preferred,三单直接加s. would rather.than.无时态变化Step6.Summary.Get Ss to Summarize what theyve learned.Step7.Homework(1) Finish the exercises in Students Times. (2) Finish the Reading exercises in Book B.第2课时Listening The Eiffel Tower (听力课)一、定位:input-based, 听力理解为主。二、 二、教学目标:三、 语言知识四、 1.认读和理解单词t

20、ower, finish, lift, step 以及短语take the lift, more than;五、 2.巩固专有名词的用法。六、 语言技能学会根据关键词了解菲尔铁塔景点的特征,并完成便条,同时巩固捕捉关键词记笔记的听力技能。情感态度:了解欧洲部分国家的景点和异国文化特征。教学重点:听懂电台节目对菲尔铁塔景点的介绍,培养捕捉关键信息的能力。教学难点:培养捕捉关键信息的能力三、教学环节设计:Step1. RevisionGet a student to say something about France.Step2. Pre-listening1 Vocabulary presen

21、tation Get Ss to learn some new words by showing some pictures.( tower, finish, lift, step)2 listening tips When listening, Wacth the important words, such as names, times and numbers.Step3.While listening 1)Get the Ss to listen to a radio programme about the Eiffel Tower and plete the notes below,

22、Write one word or figure in each blank. (finish Exercise on page 20)2) Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and plete the table (Get students to practice the strategy. Focus on the listening strategy listening of key words)3)Check the answers.Step4.Post- listening Listening Book B1) Get the

23、 Ss to read through the questions in Book B.2) Play the recording for the Ss to listen and finish A 1, A2 in Book B)3) Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and finish related exercises in Book B on their own. (Focus on the listening strategy listening of key words.)4) Play the tape again an

24、d Check the answers to the related listening exercise in class.Step 5Summary Ask the Ss tu summarize what we have learned today.Step6.Homework A Finish related exercises in Students Times.第3课时Language(语法课)一、定位:practice -based,启发学生, 归纳语言知识,开展各层次、强化性和综合性练习,多种技能结合训练, 以练为主。二、教学目标:语言知识1.掌握专有名词以及连词and , b

25、ut and so 的用法。语言技能:1.能用专有名词以及连词and , but and so编写简单的明信片。情感态度:通过编写明信片关注生活中美好的事物。教学重点:掌握专有名词以及连词and , but and so的功能和用法。教学难点:含If 引导的条件句中主从句的构成。学习策略:培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力三、 教学环节设计Step1.Revision(Cross puzzle)a) Get Ss to review the new words we learned in Reading A by filling the Cross Puzzleb) Ask Ss so

26、me questions to go over the main idea of Reading AQ1Which place in Paris should a person visit if he or she likes shopping?Q2Where can tourists go in France for a summer holiday? Where for a winter holiday?Q3Why does the author say “France has something for everyone”(line 21)?Q4.Can you think of ano

27、ther title for the article?(finish exercise D3 on page19)Step2.Presentation of using proper nounsa)Get Ss to write down the proper nouns in Reading A on the blackboard 1)the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Champs-Elysees, Another proper nounsthe Loire Valley;the Arc de Triomphe;EuroDisney;Notre

28、-DamePlace de la Concorde in Paris;Louvre Museum;Place de la BastilleSan Francisco;California;Chinese New Years Dayb)Get Ss to conclude the definition We useproper noun to refer to the name of a particular person, place, organization or time.人名、称呼:Richard Stone, Zhang Minhua, Li Xia,Mum,Dad,Auntie,U

29、ncle Tom地理名称:Hong Kong, the Chang Jiang, the Red Sea, the Tianshan Mountains国家、机构名称:China, the United States, the Ministry of Education, Qinhua University建筑物、街名:the Capital Theatre, the Peace Hotel, Riverside Avenue条约、报纸等:The Daily Mail, the Geneva Agreement节日:National Day, New Years Day月份、星期:Januar

30、y, February, Monday, Tuesday编号: Lesson Two,Class Three, Grade Five,Room 305,Row 4缩略语:ADSL( asymmetrical digital subscriber line 非对称数字用户线路 )c)Get Ss to work out the rule A proper noun starts with a capital letter.d)Get Ss to pay attention to some other aspects注意(1)中文的人名很复杂,有两个字的名字,也有三个字的名字,少数还有四个字的名字

31、。中文名字的写法规则是:不管中文是几个字,英语只分成两部分:一个“姓”,一个“名”,姓和名都要大写。如果“名”是两个字,也合并成一个“名”;同样,如果“姓”是复姓的话,也要连成一个词。例如: 李梅 Li Mei 王海 Wang Hai张思华 Zhang Sihua 刘平江 Liu Pingjiang司马建中 Sima Jianzhong 长孙无忌 Zhangsun Wuji(2) 中文地名。中文地名分两种情况,一种是由几个有意义的词组成的地名,比如“滨江公园”,还有的是没什么意义的词构成的名称,例如:“安徽”。这类情况英译名比较复杂,一般情况下,单纯名称的词是不翻译的,仍然写拼音,而将“公园、路、市”等说明性的词翻译成英语。单纯名称的地名,不管是几个汉字,都拼写成一个拼音,因为地名是不分“姓”和“名”的。例如:大官山(地名,已经没有山了。) Daguanshan;大官山小学:Daguanshan Primary School滨江公园 Binjiang Park 九莲塘小区 Jiuniantang Housing三、

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