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1、英语专业四级写作讲义模板2012 英语专业四级写作讲义(模板)四级考试写作的题型大致分为五类:自由发挥型、问题解决型、立场选择型、给定观点型、比较对比型。各种题型分析如下:年份考题自由发挥型问题解决型立场选择型给定观点型比较对比型2011Should private car owners be taxed for pollution?2010Should College Students Hire Cleaners?2009Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?2008The benefits of Volunteering2007Is it w

2、ise to make friends online?2006Is it Wise to Use Tomorrows Money Today?2005My Idea of a University Art Festival2004Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?2003The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood2002The Best Way to Stay Healthy2001Travel Broadens Mind2000The Importance of Extracurricular Activities1999A Ma

3、jor Advantage / Disadvantage of Advertising on Television1998One Way to Solve the Problem1997More Pressure from Academic Studies Does(or Does no)Good to Us?1996The Main Difference between My College Life and My chool Life1995The Advantages and Disadvantages of Part-time Job 1994TV: a Good Thing or a

4、 Bad Thing1993My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the Future1992My View on Reading Extensively总计题数2032942第二单元 打造自由发挥型模式框架我们知道文章的某篇布局如同房子的结构框架一样重要。条理清楚、结构严谨是专四写作项目考察的重点之一。因此,打造不同命题的框架极为重要。第一类命题为自由发挥性,在这一类题型中,一般出题的规律是:先提出一个话题,然后可能会提供一些流行的观点,要求考生通过给定的材料作出自己的分析,提出自己的论点,然后进行阐述和论证。这种题目对论点不作限制,作者可以自由发挥,只要能证明自

5、己,围绕话题即可。请看历年相关的考题:2005: My Idea of a University Art Festival(针对学生会举办的大学生艺术节的组织活动和内容,贡献你自己的想法和建议)1993 : My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the Future (我对自己将来当一名老师的想法)1992: My View on Reading Extensively(就泛读发表自己的意见)真题(2005TEM-4)The students union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival

6、next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included. Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My Idea of a University Arts Festival You are to write in three part

7、s. In the first part, state specifically what your idea is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appr

8、opriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may resultMy Idea of a University Arts FestivalIm glad to have the opportunity to present my idea of the the university arts festival to be held in the next semester. As an English major, I wish I could have an English song contest during the arts fest

9、ival. The reasons are quite clear. First, there is a strong demand for English-related activities on campus. I have organized several English-related activities, such as English drama performances, English reading contest. All of these activities have been warmly received and produced satisfactory r

10、esults. According to the feedbacks, students of our university are very interested in such activities, and they hope to have more chances to take part in this kind of activities. So I think a n English song contest can serve this purpose. In addition, everybody, besides English majors, can participa

11、te and display his skill in English singing in the contest. A further reason for my suggestion is that such an activity can surely promote the atmosphere of English learning. If CET-4/6 or TEM4/8 is the only driving force for us to study English, our work is dull and boring. An English song contest

12、provides a kind of stimulation. During the course of preparing for the contest, the players will improve their listening and speaking capabilities. Whats more, the audience will also find their passion for English renewed. To sum up, an English song contest offers so many benefits that it is really

13、a sensible decision to include it in the university arts festival. 真题2 1992 TEM-4 Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 150 words on the following topics:My View on Reading ExtensivelyYou are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.In the second par

14、t, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks willawarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.My V

15、iew on Reading ExtensivelyReading is important for us. For English majors, extensive reading is a very important way to improve their English. Actually, we get most of our knowledge from extensive reading.Extensive reading benefits us in many ways. First, by reading extensively, we can get knowledge

16、 about various areas such as culture, education, history, science and literature. For instance, newspapers and magazines can keep us informed of current events. So it is easy for us to know what is going on in the world today. Secondly, extensive reading helps us improve our reading comprehension ef

17、fectively. The more we read, the better we understand, and the faster our reading speed will he. What is more extensive reading is more, extensive reading is the best way to enlarge our vocabulary. Due to frequent contact with unfamiliar words, we find it easy to guess the meaning of them even witho

18、ut reference to dictionary. We can not find contexts clues for new words. By and by, we can learn a lot of useful words. Besides, it will widen our outlook on life.Obviously, we can benefit a lot from learning widely. So, it is advisable to develop a habit of reading extensively.自由发挥型模式框架Introductio

19、n1. (引出话题)is very important to our life. In my opinion, (提出论点).2. These days, we often hear about (话题). Peoples attitudes towards it vary greatly. From my point of view, it is a good way to (作者观点)3. This problem is a much-debated on in that it affects everybody in his or her daily lives. In my opini

20、on, (提出论点).4. In my point of view, (提出论点)5 Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that (介绍话题). As far as *I am concerned, I think that (提出论点).Among countless factors, they are three conspicuous aspects as follows.Body1. For one thing, (支持论点的小分论点1). Besides, (支持论点的小分论点2). For another, (支持论点的小分论点3).2. To

21、 begin with, (支持论点的小分论点1). (理由证明1) (支持论点的小分论点2). Whats more, (理由证明2). Moreover, (支持论点的小分论点3). (理由证明3)3. It is obvious fact that (支持论点的理由1). For example, (举例说明理由1). Perhaps another reason way (论点)lies in the fact that (支持论点的理由2). (举例说明理由2). Lets bring our discussion here to a more present and practic

22、al contest. In todays world, (举一个事例证明论点).4. The reasons are quite clear. First of all, (支持论点的理由1). Perhaps the most important example of (论点)is that (举例说明理由2). There is a good evidence to show that (举例说明理由23). Third and very important reason is that (支持论点的理由1). Finally, (支持论点的理由4). Conclusion1. To s

23、um up, (总结.)2. All in all, (重述观点) has more advantages than disadvantages. We should take into account (需要注意的地方).3. We can conclude from the foregoing reasons and examples that (总结观点)4. Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that (总结观点)5. In short, (总结观点,展望未来).习作健身1.

24、 Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:My Opinion on Two-day Weekend System参考范文My Opinion on Two-day Weekend SystemSince our country adopted the two-day weekend system, there have been many different points of view on it. Some are in favor of it; others think it is a waste of

25、 time. I think it is a good system.I, first, believe that it benefits the workers; with the rapid development our economy, they are always tense from their daily work on weekdays. In addition, the two-day weekend is of great value for students to relax and be refreshed. With the increasing competiti

26、on and pressure of study, students are burdened with heavy schoolwork. Both groups live an excessively nervous and regulated life. They really need time to have a rest. Therefore, they can devote themselves to their work or study more energetically in the following week.Next, the two-day weekend sys

27、tem can provide more time for family members to get together. During the weekend, children can communicate more with their parents; husbands can arrange more leisure time to help their wives; old people can gain more chances to get together with their offspring. And this will undoubtedly help establ

28、ish a closer rapport between family members. Besides, since we have two days, we can prepare our life more properly. For example, we can set aside one day to relax and the other day to learn something we are interested in . This is especially useful to us students since we are mostly absorbed in our

29、 major subjects in weekend. We can take advantage of this leisure time to learn more. It will prepare us to be more versatile and competitive people in the future. For all these reasons, I prefer the two-day weekend system to the old one.2. Some people choose friends who are different from them. Oth

30、ers choose friends who arethem. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantagesfriends who are similar to you. Which kind of friends do you prefer for yourself? Why?Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:MY View on Choosing Friends参考范文My

31、 View on Choosing Friends There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of choosing friends. Some people like to choose those who are different from them while others prefer those who are similar to them. I think either way has its point.Naturally, we can see, similar friends mean having similar characters, sharing more likes and dislikes, thus understanding each other becomes more easily. They chat, play, and do things together naturally an

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