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1、新东方GRE较易混的单词本人在复习过程中记录的较易混的单词下面是本人在复习过程中记录的一些较容易混的单词,前小部分主要是在做题中产生的,后部分是在快速过一遍太傻单词一月版中产生的,因本月底就上战场了,时间紧,有一些重复的而且格式不统一,主要方便自己啦,希望能对大家有点帮助。hypocritical hIpE5krItIk adj. 伪善的hypercritical haIpE5krItIk(E)l a苛求的,吹毛求疵的resin 5rezIn n.树脂,松脂raisin 5reIz(E)n n. 葡萄干fresco 5freskEJ n.壁画fiasco a complete failurea

2、pophasis E5pCfEsIs n. 修故抑其词,以求婉达,表面否认要说或正说的话apothecary E5pBWEkerI n.药剂师,药商,药房preposterous adj.荒谬的apocalypticinconsequential 天启的不重要的apoplecticcalm 易怒的冷静的apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence 表示省略的撇号:词=省略号:句子 (符号及其表示意义)conscientiouscareless 负责的粗心的consciousunwitting 有意识的不知情的veracious vE5reIFEs adj诚实的,说真话的

3、voracious vE5reIFEs adj. 狼吞虎咽的,贪婪的 (把O当嘴,有嘴很贪的哦)vivacious vI5veIFEs adj. 活泼的,快活的vitality vaI5tAlItI n. 活力,生命力slight slaIt adj.细长的;轻微的slight slaIt n.&v. 轻蔑,怠慢congenial性格相似的,适意的congenital 天生的 execrate:denunciate=? 痛骂:指责=?execrablecommendable/laudable 极坏的赞扬的Exorcise vt.驱邪, 除怪Exonerate vt. 证明无罪; 使.免罪; 开

4、释; 昭雪免除(义务等), 解除(责任等)(from)inexorablerelenting 冷酷的怜惜的excorticate vt.剥去的外皮(或硬壳)excruciate Ik5skrU:FIeIt vt.施酷刑,拷问,折磨derivate adj引出的, 系出的deprivation n.剥夺derive 起源 derisive 嘲笑的 deft Quick and skillful; adroit.Daft Mad; crazy;Foolish; stupid.headlongdeliberate 轻率的深思熟虑的hangdogsprightly 沮丧的轻快的emancipate 解

5、放 emaciated adj.瘦弱的, 衰弱的emanative 发散的,发射性的 peripateticsedentary 巡游的不迁徙的peripheralin essence 外围的核心【注:选项有STASIS 不要把提干和 peripatetic搞混】vicariousfirsthand 代理的直接的virtuositymediocrity 大师平庸virulentsalubrious/wholesome 有毒的有益健康的vitriolicsoothing 讽刺的抚慰的jeopardy n.危险, 危险pejorative pi:v adj带有轻蔑意义的,贬低的 conviction

6、 n.深信, 确信;定罪, 宣告有罪convince vt.使确信, 使信服depreciation:value=ossification:flexible 贬值:价值=僵化:灵活 (行为及其作用消除对象)despicable:value=mulish:flexible 卑劣的:价值=顽固的:灵活的 (人物个性及其缺乏对象)volatile 5vRlEtaIl adj. 反复无常的,挥发性的 characterized by or subject to rapid or unexpected changevolition vE5lIF(E)n n. 自决,自主 an act of making

7、 a choice or decision; also :a choice or decision madepersecute:injure=haunt:remember 残害:损伤=萦绕心头:回忆 (动词程度比较)perspicuity 9p:spIkjU:EtI n. 明晰,明了,简明 plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation perspicacious p:spI5keIFEs adj. 独具慧眼的 , 敏锐的of acute mental vision o

8、r discernment:KEEN clot klRt n. 凝块,群 v.(使)凝结a coagulated mass produced by clotting of blood clog klR n. 障碍,重物 v.障碍,阻塞 something that shackles or impedes:ENCUMBRANCE complaisance kEm5pleIzEns n. 彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺 disposition to please or comply:AFFABILITY compliant kEm5plaIEnt adj. 顺从的,适应的 ready or disposed

9、 to comply:SUBMISSIVE compliment 5kRmplIment vt. 称赞,褒扬,恭维 expressing or containing a compliment damperameliorate 抑制因素改进 【注;词性不符】dapperfrowsy 干净的肮脏的deficiency dI5fIFEnsI n. 缺乏,不足 an amount that is lacking or inadequate:SHORTAGE definitive dI5fInItIv adj.最后的, 确定的, 权威性的 serving to provide a final solut

10、ion or to end a situationdire 5daIE(r) adj. 可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 DISMAL, OPPRESSIVE dirge d:dV n. 哀歌、凄凉之曲调 a song or hymn of grief or lamentation; especially :one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites discretion dI5skreF(E)n n. 慎重,辨别力,考虑,处理权 the quality of being discreet:CIRCUMSPECTION; especia

11、lly :cautious reserve in speech frivolousdiscretionary dIskreFEnErI adj.随意的,自由裁量的 left to discretion:exercised at ones own discretioneccentric Ik5sentrIk adj. 古怪的,反常的,不同圆心的 n. 怪人,偏心圆deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways eclectic I5klektIk n. 折衷主

12、义者,折衷派的人 adj. 选择的,折衷的selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles Synonyms: discriminating, select, selective ellipsis I5lIpsIs n 省略 the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete e

13、lliptical I5lIptIk(E)l adj.椭圆的;省略的 , 朦胧的,含糊的 of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style)equable 5ekwEb(E)l adj. 稳定的,(脾气)温和的 marked by lack of noticeable, unpleasant, or extreme variation or inequality equipoise 5ekwIpCIz n. 平衡,均衡 a state of equilibrium equity 5ekw

14、ItI n.公平, 公正, 公平的事物, 资产净值, 律平衡法 justice according to natural law or right; specifically :freedom from bias or favoritism equivocal I5kwIvEk(E)l adj. 意义含糊的,不直率的 subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse expedite 5ekspIdaIt vt. 加快,促进,派出 adj. 畅通的,无阻碍的,迅速的,方便的 to acce

15、lerate the process or progress of:speed up expedition ekspI5dIF(E)n n. 远征,探险队,迅速efficient promptness:SPEEDignominy 5InEmInI n. 羞耻,屈辱deep personal humiliation and disgraceignorant 5InErEnt adj. 无知识的,不知道的,幼稚的destitute of knowledge or education also lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing speci

16、fied ignore I5nC:(r) v.不理睬,忽略 to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungroundedimpeccable Im5pekEb(E)l a无瑕疵的impecunious ImpI5kju:nIEs adj. 不名一文的,贫困的 having very little or no money usually habitually:PENNILESSimprovident Im5prRvIdEnt adj. 无远见的,浪费的 not provident:not foreseeing and providing for the futur

17、e improvised 5ImprEvaIz adj. 即席而作的,即兴的 to compose, recite, play, or sing extemporaneouslyimprudent ImprU:dEnt adj. 轻率的,鲁莽的 not prudent:lacking discretion impudent 5ImpjJdEnt adj. 放肆无礼的,厚颜无耻的 marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others:INSOLENT inculcate 5InkQlkeIt vt. 教授,谆谆教诲,教育t

18、o teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitionsinculpate 5InkQlpeIt vt. 使负罪,控告,使连累 INCRIMINATEingrained In5reInd adj. 根深蒂固的to work indelibly into the natural texture or mental or moral constitutioningratiating InreIFIeItIN adj. 逢迎的,迷人的capable of winning favor:PLEASINGinimical I5nImIk(E)l

19、adj为敌的,不友善的a:having the disposition of an enemy:HOSTILEb:reflecting or indicating hostility:UNFRIENDLYamiable adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的innocent 5InEsEnt n. 天真的人,笨蛋free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil:BLAMELESS innocuous I5nRkjJEs adj(行为,言论等)无害的invective In5vektIv n.痛骂;恶意抨击of, rel

20、ating to, or characterized by insult or abuseinveigh In5veI vi. 痛骂,漫骂,臭骂 to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently:RAILinveigle In5veI(E)l v. 诱骗,诱使to win over by wiles:ENTICEpalpable 5pAlpEb(E)l adj. 明显的,易觉察的 easily perceived by the senses; audible, recognizable, perceptible, noticeable, etc. pa

21、latable 5pAlEtEb(E)l adj美味的,愉快的 agreeable to the palate or taste parable 5pArEb(E)l n. 寓言,比喻 EXAMPLE; specifically:a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principleparadigm 5pArEdaIm n. 典范; 范例; 示例EXAMPLE, PATTERN; especially :an outstandingly clear or typica

22、l example or archetypeparadise 5pArEdaIs n.天堂 , 极乐,致福,一种愉悦的状态 a place or state of bliss, felicity, or delightperipatetic perIpE5tetIk adj. 巡游的, 徒步的,逍遥学派的 moving or traveling from place to place:ITINERANTperipheral pE5rIfEr(E)l adj.边缘的,周边的 of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface

23、 part prophetic prE5fetIk adj. 预言的,先知的,预示的 foretelling events:PREDICTIVE pertinacious p:tI5neIFEs adj. 顽固的 stubbornly unyielding or tenacious pertinent 5p:tInEnt adj. 相关的,中肯的,切题的 having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand precipitateretard/dilatory 使提前发生; 仓促行进的,匆促的减速,阻碍/拖拉的precipitousle

24、vel 陡峭的平坦的prescription prI5skrIpF(E)n n. 处方,命令,指示 a written direction for a therapeutic or corrective agent; specifically:one for the preparation and use of a medicine proscribe prEJ5skraIb v. (当作危险物而) 禁止,排斥 to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful:PROHIBIT prosecution prRsI5kju:F(E)n n. 实行,经营,起诉

25、 the act or process of prosecuting; specifically:the institution and continuance of a criminal suit involving the process of pursuing formal charges against an offender to final judgment presentiment prI5zentImEnt n. 预感,预觉 a feeling that something will or is about to happen:PREMONITION prophetic prE

26、5fetIk adj. 预言的,先知的,预示的 foretelling events:PREDICTIVE propitiate prE5pIFIeIt vt. 慰抚,安抚,和解 to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of:APPEASE, CONCILIATEpropitious prE5pIFEs adj. 顺利的,适合的,吉祥的,慈悲的 favorably disposed:BENEVOLENT protest 5prEtest 反对,抗议,拒付,主张,断言to execute or have executed a formal p

27、rotest against (as a bill or note)protect vt.保护provident 5prRvIdEnt adj. 深谋远虑的,节俭的FRUGAL, SAVING providential prRvI5denF(E)l adj.幸运的 Happening as if through divine intervention; opportuneprovincial prE5vInF(E)l adj. 省的,地方的,偏狭的 limited in outlook:NARROW provisional prE5vIVEn(E)l adj. 暂时的,暂定的,临时的 serv

28、ing for the time being:TEMPORARY provisory prEJvaIzErI adj. 有附文的,有附带条件的,暂时的 containing or subject to a proviso:CONDITIONAL prudent 5pru:dEnt adj. 审慎的,三思而后行的,精明的,节俭的 marked by circumspection:DISCREET prudish prU:dIF adj. 装淑女样子的,装规矩的,过分规矩的 marked by prudery:PRIGGISH pucker 5pQkE(r) v.折叠, 噘嘴 to contrac

29、t into folds or wrinklespuckish 5pQkIF adj. 爱恶作剧的精灵似的; 爱恶作剧的,淘气的,顽皮的 IMPISH, WHIMSICAL quaff kwAf 一口气喝干,大口地喝 to drink (a beverage) deeply quail kweIl vi. 胆怯,畏缩to recoil in dread or terror:COWERquaint kweInt adj. 古雅的,离奇有趣的,奇怪的 unusual or different in character or appearance:ODD quash 5kwC:rI v

30、. 取消,拒绝接受,撤销; 镇定,镇压 to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely quell kwel vt. 压制,平息,减轻 to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity quench kwentF vt. 熄灭,结束,冷浸,淬火 to cool (as heated metal) suddenly by immersion (as in oil or water) regime reI5Vi:m n.政体, 政权, 政权制度 a government in powerregimen reI5Vi:mn. 养生法,生活规则 a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient recessive rI5sesIv adj. 退行的,逆行的,后退的,隐性的 producing little

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