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大学本科专业英语 第七册6.docx

1、大学本科专业英语 第七册6Unit Six Text I How to get things donePre-reading Brainstorming:1) Do you usually make plans for your everyday work? Why or why not?2) Do you think people should be good planners or otherwise? Why?3) Is this article another essay on procrastination? If so, how do you get to this conclus

2、ion?Main Idea: In answering the inquiry about the way he managed to do so much things (“All work and all play”), the author presents a vivid illustration of how he implemented the working principle which he firmly believed in: a narration of his experience on a certain Monday.Or: The author, though

3、always making a good plan for his activities, is always distracted away from his most different tasks by some trivial ones. Purpose of writing and Tone: Purpose: To write mockingly about his own procrastination, revealing at the same time some truth about work efficiency.Tone: humorousOr: To write m

4、ockingly about his own procrastination, revealing at the same time some truth about work efficiency.Organization and Development: Introduction: (P1-4) the secret of the incredible energy and efficiency;Body: (P5-18) a narration of his experience on a certain Monday.Conclusion: (P19-20) summary: I wi

5、ll soon run out of things to do.Or: Part one: (paras. 1- 4) Introduction: The secret of my incredible energy and efficiency in getting work done is that I have based is very deliberately on a well-known psychological principle.Part two: (paras. 5-18) How did I get all my things done.Para 4 the psych

6、ological principle Para 5 five tasks to be done.Para 6 have a sleep to store up health and strength for the prospective hard workPara 7 make a schedule while in bedPara 8 getting up and have a good meal for the heavy task. Para 9 set down to prepare for working at the articlePara 10 distracted by a

7、pile of magazines artfully placed on a nearby table beforehand.Para 11 still remembering the articlePara 12 go back to the article when finishing the clipping Para 13 write the title and misspell one word and is distracted by the lettersPara 14 although I hate to write letters, compared with writing

8、 the article, writing letters is easier to do. Finish letters writing first. Para 15 the next day, continue with the article writing, the title chosen, but no materials Para 16 have to read some books, but book shelf has to put upPara 17 go to buy some nails, a hammer and some sort of brackets for p

9、utting up the book shelf, and have a haircut on the way backPara 18 book shelf has been put up, no books about the topic, leave it tomorrowPart Three: (paras. 18-19) In this way I have finished several tasks ahead of time, anyway I will have to deal with the heaviest task when the other tasks have b

10、een carried out.Comprehension Questions:1) What is the psychological principle the author adheres to?How do your interpret it?(P4) “Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isnt the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment.” This may sound a bit paradoxical. On the one hand, it could serve

11、 as a good excuse for procrastination - I dont have to do what Im scheduled to do; somehow what is supposed to get done will be done; on the other hand, there seems to be some truth in it - just keep on working and do not mind the schedule; sooner or later your will get done what you are supposed to

12、 get done.2) Of the five things the author was supposed do before the end of the week, which do you think is the most important one? How did he list these five tasks?The writing of the newspaper article. It is the most important, but also the most laborious task, and it is placed last on the list. H

13、e knew that even if he had placed this one on top of all others, he would still have got this done last. The other four tasks are either more interesting or less laborious than this one.3) How many times has Benchley made mention of his conscience in the article? And for what purpose? Twice. (P14) “

14、do much to salve my conscience.” (P16) “with a perfectly clear conscience.”. His purpose is to tell his readers that he did know what he should be doing at that moment, and he felt guilty for not doing that, but the sense of guilt was dulled by a seemingly good reason. This is the kind of mentality

15、typical of procrastinators.4) Apart from putting off writing the newspaper article, what other evidence can we find that Benchley is disposed to procrastinate?The article was written in 1930, but some of the unanswered letters dated from 1928.5) How was the writing of the newspaper article procrasti

16、nated again and again on that day?Cf: (para. 6-) two days passed and he had done four of the five things, but not the article.6) How does Benchley mock at himself and other procrastinators?They always have a good reason for not doing what they are supposed to do. Mind they do not stand idle; instead

17、, they always have something to do and always get something done, too.7) What is the authors tone for paragraph 19?Happy, content, triumphant, justified8) How do you understand the concluding paragraph of the article?A very humorous ending. He seems to be worried that he is going at too fast a rate

18、and that he will have no more things to do except the writing of the article.9) Try to find examples of non sequitur (根据前提得出的)推断, 推理, 结论humor in P.1,3,6,&11.-P.1: asked me how I manage to get so much work done and still keep looking so dissipated. P.3: have refined it so that it is now almost too re

19、fined. I shall have to begin coarsening it up again pretty soon. P.6: With these five tasks staring me in the facethat go right back to bed as soon as I have had breakfast P.11: but to learn that it has eyes in them is a discovery so astounding that I am hardly able to cut out the picture.Difficult

20、Sentences for paraphrasing1) “All work and all play,” they say. (L.10)People assume that I am a genius in that I know how to work hard and how to to enjoy myself at the same time.2) The psychological principle is this: anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isnt the work he is supposed to be

21、doing at the moment. (L.15-16)According to a psychological theory, a man who intends to avoid the thing he has to do would be more than willing to engage himself in a thousand other things he does not have to do.3) I feel that the least that I can do is to treat my body right when it has to supply f

22、uel for an insatiable不知足的, 贪求无厌的 mind like mine. (L.27-28)I believe that I should not allow myself to be cruel to my own health, because a physically sound body is vital for an ever-thinking man like me.4) We workers must keep cool and calm, otherwise we would just throw away our time in jumping abo

23、ut and fidgeting. (L43-45)If we are not able to face a problem calmly, we are simply wasting our time, rushing about, and accomplishing nothing.5) Now, if there is one thing that I hate to do (and there is, you may be sure) it is to write letters.If there is anything I dislike doing, and there certa

24、inly is, it is answering correspondence.Difficult Sentences for Translation (E-C):1) It is hard work, though, and many a weaker spirit would give it up half-done, but when there is something else of “more importance” to be finished (you see, I still keep up the deception, letting myself go on thinki

25、ng that the newspaper article is of more importance) no work is too hard or too onerous to keep one busy. (L.62-66)2) Much as it disturbs me to put off the actual start of the article, I felt that I am doing only what is in line of my duty to put on my hat and go out to buy nails and brackets.Or: a)

26、 I have based it very deliberately on a well-known psychological principle and have refined it so that it is now almost too refined.b) I shall have to begin coarsening it up again pretty soon.c) Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isnt the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment.d)

27、I feel that the least that I can do is to treat my body right when it has to supply fuel for an insatiable mind like mine.e) We workers must keep cool and calm, otherwise we would just throw away our time in jumping about and fidgeting.Key Words and Expressions:1) Dissipated l.2 - Intemperate in the

28、 pursuit of pleasure; dissolute.放荡的,浪荡的:无节制地追寻欢乐;浪荡的2) Rotogravure l.7 - 照相凹版, 轮转影印3) Expenditure l.25 - exertion, using up支出, 花费4) Glutinous l.42 - sticky5) Fidget l.45 - move or act restlessly or nervously 坐立不安, 烦躁, 慌张, ( (不安地或心不在焉地)弄, 玩弄 6) Onerous l.66 - difficult, burdensome, troublesome7) Grin

29、d l.69 - dreary monotonous routine8) Epistolary l.87 - relating to letter writing9) get into the swing of l.78-79 - become very involved in something and enjoy doing it10) salve l.87 - soothe, relieve, make less painful11) Dynamo l.91 - 发电机12) Avowed l.97 - self-declared自认的, 公开宣布的13) Bracket l.108 -

30、 墙上凸出的托架, 括弧, 支架 v.括在一起14) to ones chagrin(懊恼, 气愤, 委屈) l.113-114 - to ones annoyance and disappointment, caused by failure or unfulfilled hopes.a) dissipated: spending too much time enjoying physical pleasure such as drinking alcohol in a way that is harmfulb) store up: accumulate c) make believe: p

31、retend or imagine the sth. is true when it is notd) practice a deception on sb.: deceive e) get into the swing of: become very involved in sth. and enjoy doing it; adapt to a routine, etc f) to ones chagrin: to ones annoyance and disappointment, caused by failure or unfulfilled hopesKey language poi

32、ntsa) riding to houndsgoing fox-hunting on horsebackb) with these five tasks staring me in facewith these five tasks to done immediately or urgently. “stare someone in the face” means “be too obvious to miss”.c) I am up with one of the older and more sluggish larksI get up rather late. The phrase “up with the lark” means “to get out of bed very early in the morning”.

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