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unit 3 第2课时.docx

1、unit 3 第2课时 Teaching and Learning Goals:In this lesson, students will be able to master the pronunciation and spelling of the following new words and use them fluently. Such as, walk, bike, take the train, train, take the bus, take the subway, ride a bike. Students will be able to use the structures

2、, such as, “ How do you get to school?” I take the bus to school. I get to school by bus”. Students will be able to improve their listening skills and oral English. The students will be able to talk about how to get to places.【设计意图】目标引领,用一段话表达了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。Teaching and learning steps: Step 1: Prev

3、iew1. First the Ss put the following Chinese into English. Then ask the Ss to translate them into English orally, at last let them write English down without looking at your books.Ask the Ss to translate the following phrases.(1)骑自行车_ (2)乘地铁_(3) 步行_ _ (4)乘公共汽车_(5)一百零五 _ (6) 二百_ _Ask the Ss to transl

4、ate the following sentences.(1)你怎样到学校? (2)从你家到学校有多远? (3)乘公共汽车大约需要20分钟。 (4)从你家到学校花费多长时间? 【设计意图】学生主动站起来抢答,老师对回答好的口头进行表扬。学生通过预习重点单词和短语,能够对本节课的内容有初步了解,为学习新内容扫清障;并能培养学生发现问题的能力。Step2. Warming up and leading in热身导入T: Lets play a game .I show you several pictures, please speak English as quickly as you can.

5、 And give you an example. T: whats this?S: Bike. 【设计意图】在本环节中,师生之间以学生较熟悉的交通工具为话题进行谈论,激发了学生的学习兴趣和学习欲望,从而能很快进入到新课内容。通过展示图片复习单词,也为学习1a 做铺垫。Match the words with the pictures. Finish 1a.1. take the train 2. take the bus _ 3. take the subway _4. ride a bike _5.walk _ The sample dialogue 1.A: How do you get

6、 to school?B: I ride my/ a bike to school. The sample dialogue 2.Step3. Work in pairsMake conversation with your partner using the information with the pictures. AA: How do you get to school?B: I take the train. / I get to school by train. BA: How does he/she get to school? B: He/She takes the train

7、. / He/She gets to school by train. 【设计意图】先根据图片学生进行第一人称练习,然后向第三人称过渡并进行模仿练习,为下面听听力扫除了障碍。Step4. Listening Lets listen to the recording of 1 b. Ill play the recording. 1.Listening for the general idea 听取大意 The main idea of the conversation is to talk about.A. where they live B. how they get to school C

8、. the distance from their homes to school2. Listening for the general idea of 2aThe main idea of the conversation is to talk about.A. where they live B. how they get to school C. the distance from their homes to school3. Listening for the specific ideas of 2b.Listen to the conversation and fill in t

9、he blanks.1. Tom to school. It takes him minutes. Its about Kilometers from his home to school.2. Jane to school. It takes her minutes. Its about Kilometers from her home to school.【设计意图】在本环节中,听力练习主要训练学生准确捕捉关键词句的能力。让学生通过跟读模仿来学习一些发音技巧,提高朗读水平。让学生多开口读,这样听读结合,同时提高听的技能和读的技能。(老师可以根据实际情况再放录音。)Step 5. Post-

10、reading activities听后活动1. Listen and repeat.2. Read aloud by themselves then read the dialogue in pairs.3. Try to make a new conversation, I show you some pictures. walk 25 minutes A: How do you get to school?B: I usually A: How long does it take to get to school?B: It takes aboutminutes.A: How far i

11、s it from your home to school?B: Its only aboutKilometers.I pick up different pairs of students to act out the conversation in the front of the classroom. 【设计意图】培养学生灵活自如的运用所学语言目标。Step 6. Role-play the conversation 2e.Task1 Ask Ss to read after me and then read by themselves.Task2 Ask Ss to read the

12、conversation with the partner.Task3 Ask Ss to role-play the conversation.Task4 Pick up three pairs of students to act out the conversation in the front of the classroom. 【设计意图】在本环节中,学生主要进行口语训练,由读课本对话到口头编造对话,由易到难,逐渐达到能够在设定的情景中较自由熟练地交际的目的。Step 7. Inquiry into knowledge by translation 翻译探究(见助学24页)Ask t

13、he Ss to look at the following sentences and try to summarize the language rules and fill in the blanks. The Ss can help each other and have a discussion after doing the following by themselves. The teacher walks around to see if they have any question.(1) how do you get to school? I ride my bike. 翻

14、译: 1. 询问去某地的交通方式用疑问副词_提问。 2. get表示“_”,是不及物动词,若加宾语,后需加介词_但后跟副词时,则不需加_。 你何时可以到达学校?When can you _ _school? 我通常六点到家。I usually _ _ at six oclock.3、“take/ride the/a+交通工具” = “_+交通工具”,用来表示“乘/骑.”。如:我通常骑自行车上班。 I usually ride a bike to work. =I usually go to work _ _ .【设计意图】先组长引领,学生组间讨论,小组讨论的形式能获得更为准确的答案,老师巡视时

15、,哪组不会的给与点拨。利用“小组合作”的形式进行“翻译探究”,帮助同学们自学、探究、发现和归纳,这样可以更好地锻炼同学们的“自主学习、合作探究”的能力。Step 8. Summary Ask Ss to sum up the main language points. And then ask them to go through grammar focus. How do you get to school?I ride my bike.How does she get to school?She usually takes the bus.How long does it take to

16、get to school?It takes about 15 minutes.How far is it from your home to school?Its only about two kilometers. Does Jane walk to school?No, she doesnt. She goes by bike.【设计意图】课堂小结能让学生总结所学内容继而掌握所学知识。Step 9. The end-of- class test当堂检测一、Use these words to make questions. Then ask and answer them with yo

17、ur partner. ( 课本3b 内容)1. school/ you/ get to/ do/ how 2. to/ school/get to/ does /how long / take / it 3. you/ to / walk/ do/ school 4. ride/ their bikes/ do / school/ your friends/ to 5. school/ your/ from/ it/ is/ how far/ home/ to 二、翻译下列句子。(摘自课本3a 及语法焦点的句子。)1、从你家到学校有多远? ( how far) 2、到家需要花费你多长时间?(

18、How long) 3、你爸爸开车去上班吗?(drive) 4、他怎样到达学校?(get to school) 5、他们骑自行车去上学吗?(ride a bike) 【设计意图】 汉译英出题时紧扣中考题型。本部分主要是训练本课所涉及到的重点内容,通过当堂练习,帮助学生检查学生对本节课的知识掌握的情况,以便于及时的查漏补缺。Step 10. HomeworkWrite the sentences you dont master in grammar focus. 【设计意图】注重学生的笔头练习。本教案答案 : 预习题答案短语:(1) ride a/ the bike (2) take the s

19、ubway (3) walk (4) take the bus (5) one hundred and five (6) two hundred句子1. How do you get to school? 2. How far is it from your home to school?3. The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. 4. How long does it take to get to school?翻译探究 :一、你怎样到学校? 我骑自行车。 1. How;2.到达 ; to ;to get to; get home;3. by; by bi

20、ke当堂检测答案:一1. How do you get to school? 2. How long does it take to get to school?3. Do you walk to school?4. Do your friends ride their bikes to school? (此题错的多,重点强调)5. How far is it from your home to school?二1. How far is it from your home to school? 2. How long does it take to get home?3. Does your

21、 dad drive his car to work? 4. How does he get to school?5. Do they ride their bikes to school?亮点用交通工具图片的图片自然引入,效果较明显。课堂设计上注重了先听后练,听练结合,由简单到复杂,由操练重点句型到学生自己如何去学校,进行有实际意义的对话练习。避免了单纯练习无意义的句型练习而使学生丢失学生学习的兴趣。不足之处 教案设计知识性的设计较多一些,对于方法和教法的设计还应适当加大,注重设计的目的性和预设性,达到的效果等等。使用建议 教案设计体现了以学生为中心的思想,强调学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教,但知识性的东西较多一些,在教案的使用过程中,多注重学生的参与度,让学生积极主动的参与到学习之中,达到生生互动的目的,取得意想不到的效果,让教学遍地生花,学贵有用。

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