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1、科技英语语法第二部分Chapter 2 Word Collocations(词汇搭配)and Sentence Members(句子成分)I. Word Collocations(词汇搭配)1. Set phrases(固定词组)in a word, take place, as usual, as a matter of fact, 2. Habitual collocations(习惯搭配) (1) Some nouns must go with definite verbs. 质量 improve the quality 效率 raise increase the efficiency

2、提高 能力 increase improve the ability 认识 deepen ones understanding 警惕 enhance heighten the vigilance 成就进步 make achievements progress 一致意见 reach complete agreement of views 取得 教训 draw lessons 成功 achieve success 同意 obtain consent 作一分析比较;研究 make an analysis a comparison; a study 作一介绍描述;说明 give an introduc

3、tion a description; an explanation (2)Some verbs, adjectives, and nouns must go with definite prepositions. Laser beams are sent at the moon. send point aim rush 冲向 (vt.) shoot at (vi.) fire at 向开火 emit shout 朝欢呼 throw(be) representative of = represent (be) descriptive of = describe (be) characteris

4、tic of = characterize (be) indicative of = indicate (be) symptomatic of = symptomize symptomatize Emphasis should be laid on the collocation of a noun with a preposition, which may present much difficulty to the Chinese students, especially in writing. A fixed preposition goes before or after a noun

5、. . Before a noun 无线电波向四面八方传播。 Radio waves travel in all directions. 为此目的,大学生必须至少掌握一门外语。 For this purpose To this end, college students must have a good command mastery of at least one foreign language. At this temperature, the metal melts. on a large scale(大规模地) to a great large extent point, degre

6、e(在很大程度上) in (a) great large measure(在很大程度上) at a rate(以某一速率) at a point(在某一点上;在某一时刻) at a conference meeting(在会上) . After a noun 他们在参加移动通讯国际会议。 They are attending an international conference on mobile communications. 王教授是雷达专家。 Professor Wang is an expert in on radar. the answer key to for(a problem

7、) the solution to of, for (a problem) the preface to (a book) an exception to (a rule) the research on into; with; for image processing the current through (a component) the voltage across (a component) a tangent to a correction for to; of increase decrease; rise; fall reduction; variation in of con

8、dition requirement; algorithm, technique, method; language; skill, equation; expression for An important format of word collocation (which has fixed patterns of its translation into Chinese)Format: noun of A preposition B A and B here are also nouns.which can be further classified as the following t

9、hree sub-classes: . The “noun” is an ordinary abstract noun. Translation pattern: “A。B的” “月球离地球中心的距离为二十四万英里。” The distance of the moon from the center of the earth is 240,000 miles. “温度对半导体电阻的影响必须考虑进去。” The effect of temperature on upon the resistance of semiconductors must be taken into account. “本

10、节论述AC与DC相比的一些优点(advantage)。” This section deals with the advantages of AC over DC.“月亮对地球的吸引力(attraction)引起了潮汐(tide)。” The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. the ratio of A to B the effect of A on upon B the superiority of A to B the relationship of A to B the attraction(引力)of A f

11、or B the susceptibility of A to B the sensitivity of A to B the applicability of A to B perpendicularity of A to B the immunity of A to from B familiarity of A with B . The “noun” comes from an intransitive verb, in which case “A” is the logical subject of the logical action expressed by the “noun.”

12、 Translation pattern: “A。B的” This curve shows the dependence of the output on upon the input. The control engineer is usually interested in the response of a control system to unit step(单位阶跃), ramp(斜波), and parabolic(抛物)functions. The interaction of the ball with the ground is called friction. This

13、section deals with the action of an acid(酸)onmetal. Consider first the collision of a single molecule withthe piston(活塞).“图1画出了电流随阻抗的变化情况。”Fig. 1 shows the variation of current with impedance. as a function of impedanceagainst impedance versusvs. impedance. the passage of A through B the motion of A

14、 round around B the departure of A from B the deviation of A from B the reaction of A to B the interaction of A with B* A special case: rise fallthe increase in of A with B“A随B的” decrease reduction A gradual increase in resistance with speed is characteristic of friction between the boats bottom and

15、 the water. . The “noun” comes from a transitive verb, in which case “A” is the logical object of the action expressed by the “noun.”Translation technique: The “noun” is put into a transitive verb so that the “V-O” pattern is used. In solving the problem, the resolution(分解)of this force into x- and

16、y-components(分量)is necessary.The definition(定义)of electric current as a flow of charge is familiar to all of us. The separation(分开)of aluminum(铝)from its ore(矿)was very difficult at that time. In this case, exposure(使暴露)of the body(人体)to sunlight helps to overcome anemia(贫血)and stimulate(刺激)metaboli

17、sm(新陈代谢). The most familiar example is the attraction of iron or steel objects to a permanent magnet.The relation of Eq. (7 - 21) to Eq. (7 - 22) is shown in Fig. 8. a comparison of A with B the transformation of A into to B the use of A as B the exposure of A to B the separation of A from into B th

18、e protection of A from B the isolation of A from B the transfer of A to B the conversion of A to into B One More Pattern: noun (from vt.) of A logical object by B logical subject What is the date of the discovery of America by Columbus? The formulation(确立)of the theory of relativity(相对论)by Einstein

19、was one of the most significant events of the 20th century.Niels Bohr, in 1913, first applied these ideas to the emission of light by atoms.*E/C translation exercise in class: 1. The second and subsequent(随后的)flip-flops(触发器)toggle(翻转)at frequencies one-half or less that of the first. 2. In this case

20、 it is necessary to move the binary point(二进位点)n places to the left. 3. If the basic relation IC = IB were to hold(成立) here, we should have IC = 100 mA, and VCE = 10 100 = 90 V, an impossible situation. 4. It is possible to produce an interference pattern(干涉特性图)by using two identical(相同的)lasers, som

21、ething that cannot be done with ordinary light sources. 5. Faraday(法拉第)was unable to calculate the velocity of propagation(传播)of electromagnetic waves(电磁波), a task which required the mathematical precision(精度)of Maxwell(麦克斯韦), which Faraday entirely lacked(缺乏). 6. This property justifies(使正当)our cho

22、ice of the above constant(常数)as positive. 7. The importance of this device in modern communications systems is largely due to its realization(实现)as an integrated circuit(集成电路). 8. Addressing modes(寻址方式)are sometimes computer specific.II. Sentence MembersThe following points may be important.1. Posit

23、ions of an appositive (Pay attention to its translation into Chinese.) (1) normal positions immediately followed by set off by a comma from noun set off by a colon from appositive set off by a dash fromset off by an introducing word or phrase from (namely, that is, such as, for example, .)The term s

24、ensitivity(灵敏度)is often used in radio engineering. The word “radar” comes from RAdio Detection And Ranging. The rigid body(刚体), a body with a perfectly definite and unchanging shape, is itself an idealized model. Arithmetic(算术), the science of numbers, is the base of mathematics. The decibel is one

25、tenth of a bel, a unit named after Alexander Graham Bell. In the last three examples, the appositive is often translated into a separate sentence. Salt water(盐水), a mixture, is made up of two compounds(化合物), salt and water. (2) special positions (a summary) appositive, subject , appositive (a noun p

26、hrase) The appositive is translated into a separate sentence. 2. Parenthetic clause “插入句”(Parenthesis with an S-V structure)which may appear in the main clause and in sub-clauses (mainly in a relative clause)* A rule for its judgment: Its being crossed out wont affect the meaning and the structure o

27、f the whole sentence.(1) in the main clause Living things too, it now seems certain, obey the lawsof physics and chemistry. It now seems certain that . - 1 - 1, it was agreed, should be replaceable(可替换的)at will(随意地)by 1. It was agreed that . The density(密度)of a substance, we recall, is its mass(质量)p

28、er unit volume(体积). This band(能带), it is important to realize, is half-filled(半满的).(2) in the sub-clause Last year RCA demonstrated a new technique for a wall-hung TV that it was predicted would be on the consumer market “close to 1990.”The machine seems to do many tasks which one would have thought

29、 required intelligence. The following table lists(列出了)some of the ways I feel the book may be used to teach either undergraduates or graduate students(本科生或研究生). One of the major problems which faced me in writing this book was “digesting”(消化)the vast literature(文献)on computer-based library systems a

30、nd presenting it in what I hope is a clear and concise manner. Chaplin(卓别林)was criticized for not being an American citizen and for his political views, which some people thought leaned toward(倾向于)communism(共产主义). You are required to make any simplifying assumptions you think are justified(证明是合理的).

31、内含式定语从句 (3)using “say = let us say” or some type of “what-clause” A resistor of say 100 ohms may be connected across C2. The atomic number is equal to the number of electrons per atom or, what is equivalent, the number of protons per nucleus. Now let the object and the reference axes be rotated 90o clockwise or, which amounts to the same thing, let us consider the gravitatio

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